mutiny via chat names

bigbang is a bigmess
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Daesung asked, [How do you know if you should dip it or not?]

[Wouldn't the waiter tell you?] Seungri asked. 

[But what if they don't?] Seunghyun said challengingly. This is a touchy subject for him.

Youngbae reasoned, [Then you'd just have to take the risk right?]

[What if it's not for that specific food?] Seungri mentioned. [And then you dipped it in the wrong thing?]

[You mean if they just brought the dipping out before the food?] Youngbae frowned. Sounds fake but okay.

[Yah! Hyung it happens!] Seungri argued.

[He's right], Seunghyun confirmed. [Some restaurants are just like that. Tch.] Again. This is a touchy subject for him.

[Guys, we have to be nice to waiters] Daesung shook his head, [Food takes a long time to cook.]

[Dae's right] Youngbae agreed, [You just gotta swallow and smile.]

Seunghyun is typing...

Youngbae quickly added, [The food. Swallow the food.]

Jiyong chimed in, […Can you guys talk about the theme topic?]

Seungri asked, [What theme topic?]

Exasperated, Jiyong replied quickly, [Look at the name of the group! This is an official group for BIGBANG's official discussions!]

The members looked at the group name earnestly: [Is Bean Curd Sweet or Salty?]

Jiyong was speechless. Pu–! Who changed the damn name?!

He immediately changed it back to: [BIGBANG's Group Proposals]

Seunghyun immediately intercepted and changed i

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anarchy!!! lmao poor jiyong, sorry but not sorry,, ahhhhh,, i was fooled today,, afn told me there were 6 new comments,, but there were none,, my heart,, someone,,anyone,, send some love,, votes,, comments,, your soul,,

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Chapter 2: Just wanted to say that I love the story ❤️
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: And here I am, in bed, cracking up at 3am on a working day... Seriously, I feel this is exactly what I need. I missed your stories! Thank you!

(So... that 'frogs with teeth' thingy... I looked it up on Google and actually thought it was cute... uh)
(Also, that subtle nyongtory melts my heart)
soleyjun #3
Chapter 3: thanks for putting humor on my heavy day
Pandafans #4
Chapter 2: Hahahaha.. Thanksss.. U made my day brighter and humourous hihihi.. Soo funnnyy..
soleyjun #5
Chapter 2: Awwww my nyongtory heart
soleyjun #6
Chapter 1: I'm surprised I didn't know that frogs had teeth (yes I look for it, don't tell me not to do something because I'm going to do it, I'm so predictable damn it) but it really wasn't that bad lol
Rokha_anna #7
Love it??