I won't leave you, I promise

“He hasn’t called me back yet Min. What if he really hates me now?”

“He doesn’t hate you Hyuk. You’re his best friend,” Sungmin reasoned. Pulling Hyukjae into a tight embrace. “You were friends way before you joined SM and I’m sure you’ll stay friends even after all this,” he whispered into the younger boy's ear. Reassuring him that No, Junsu doesn’t hate you, because Sungmin knows that he doesn’t and that Junsu actually loves Hyukjae to bits.

He probably hates me though, Sungmin thought bitterly. Resisting the urge to sigh because he knew that that would cause some sort of reaction from Hyukjae. Something Sungmin did not need at the moment.

“Just wait a while okay Hyuk?” Sungmin said, pulling back from the hug and patting the younger boys hair like he used to when they were still trainees before kissing him on the forehead and getting up to leave.

It was always like this ever since Junsu stopped his daily phone calls back in 2008. Hyukjae worrying about the little things and Sungmin comforting him. But back then it was mostly because of their schedules in Japan that made it hard for them to talk. This time, Sungmin knew why Hyukjae was worried. They hadn’t spoken to each other in months now and Junsu’s post on twitter caused quite a stir between SM artists and JYJ.

“Thanks hyung,” Hyukjae whispered weakly (so weak that it breaks Sungmin’s heart) just before the elder closed the younger’s bedroom door.

“No problem Hyuk. Tell Su I said hi okay?”

“Yes Hyung.”

And with that, Sungmin closed the door.

He walked the small distance from Hyukjae’s bedroom to his own, taking note of Donghae’s small hunched up form on their living room floor. He was talking to someone on the phone and just before Sungmin had closed the door to his own room, he heard Donghae whining (“but Kibummie~!” cue pouting) and Sungmin smiled a little knowing that Donghae wouldn’t be as depressed as before when Kibum also stopped answering his calls.

“You sound a little down and a tad bit tired today,” was Kyuhyun’s greeting to him after he closed the door. The younger boy not once looking away from his computer screen which made Sungmin wonder how on earth Kyuhyun could tell how he was feeling without even looking at him, “Was Donghae-hyung going on again about Kibum-hyung?”

Sungmin smiled to himself, “No, I think they’ve resolved that problem already. I just saw Donghae on the phone with Kibum,” he explained, dropping his exhausted body on the bed and closing his eyes. “It's Hyukjae I'm worried about. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep him from slowly going insane because of Junsu. They should just make-out already and get this over with.”

The sound of a latch closing and not two seconds later, Sungmin felt one side of his bed dip and Kyuhyun’s strong arms wrap around his waist, “Sleep. You look like you need it,” was the maknae’s whispered suggestion.



“You won’t leave me right?”

“Hmm. That’s a pretty hard thing to do you know. It took all of Leeteuk-hyung, Hankyung-hyung and Siwon-hyung’s willpower and Heechul-hyung’s persuasion to actually get me to leave you for more than a day when Super Junior M was still new. And that was before the .”

“Oh shush you,” Sungmin said, playfully hitting the arm wrapped around him.

“Ah but it’s true Minnie. I really do love you that much.”

“Still…” Sungmin trailed off, “Promise me you won’t leave me then. I can be strong for both Donghae and Hyukjae but I don’t think I’ll be strong enough if you left me.”

Kyuhyun chuckled, “Yes Minnie, I promise. Cross my heart. Wanna pinky swear on it too?”

“I would say yes but that would require me to move and I quite like this position thank you very much. It’s cozy.”

“Because you fit perfectly in my arms. All nice and comfortable. I think that’s saying something, don’t you?”

It was Sungmin’s turn to chuckle, “Aren’t you cheesy today. Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Perfectly fine. Now why don’t we turn in for the night. My eyes are all sore from staring at the computer screen all day,” Kyuhyun closed his eyes as if proving his point.

“You, turning down your date with starcraft before midnight,” Sungmin said, astonished, “Now there’s gotta be something going on here.”

Kyuhyun opened his eyes and looked into Sungmin’s before saying in the most tender voice Sungmin’s ever heard, “Hmm, what if I just want to sleep with you. Is that a bad thing?”

Sungmin looked up at the ceiling to avoid the younger’s eyes. He reached out to take Kyuhyun’s hand in his own, intertwining their fingers, his thumb rubbing circles around the back of the maknae’s hand. He felt like crying but he didn’t know why, “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing,” he starts, willing himself not to cry and ruin the moment, “It’s just…weird, that’s all.”

“But weird’s good don’t you think?” Kyuhyun says softly. Sungmin looks up to see that his eyes have closed and the older can’t help but smile at the younger’s optimism. He thinks that that’s probably what makes them a good couple. The maknae’s optimism cancels out his own pessimism, like Yin and Yang.

“Yeah…” he trails off, closing his eyes, “Good night Kyu.”

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Chapter 1: Kyaaaa! This ish awesome. XD
SHINeeLuv1 #2
I think I have a cavity now......this was too damn sweet!!!!