Chapter four: The Weathered and Fresh

Militias of New Sands

Shots fired.

“I warned you!” I hollered.

”Justin Wang, you’re outnumbered! Just surrender and save us both the trouble, won’t ya?” The man standing in the middle yelled through his megaphone.

I hid behind the cover of the sandbags I piled behind the holey wooden wall. The woman and child who helped me out has ran away, and I have to at least hold them off long enough for them to safely escape.

I then fired another two shots upon the hum-vee on the left. The machinegunner ran behind cover. I then threw a grenade towards the hum-vee. It landed and exploded with the driver and machinegunner running around on fire, screaming in agony.

”Weapons free!” Said the man with the megaphone, as he wore his shades.

A barrage of machinegun fire from the three hum-vees. A squad of four men came towards me with their weapons on high ready position. I fired blindly towards the general direction of the men, with my hand over the window. One stray bullet hit my Glock 18, sending it behind cover.

I took out the Lieutenant’s M1911, an old schooler, he must have been. I aimed at the door, fired at the two men left. They fell.

A single gunshot, it sounded different. It is from a larger caliber rifle.

One of the machine guns fell silent.

Another rifle shot.


I hear the sounds of the engines revving. They sounded farther and farther away.

A sniper? Who was that? Why did he chase them away? Is he their enemy?

I held the Colt close to my chest. If this guy turns out to be another bad guy, then I’m certainly doomed.

About fifteen minutes later, I heard his footsteps in the distance. I yelled, “Whoever you are, thank you for saving my life. But if you turn out to be evil, I will use my last breath to put a hole in your skull.”

”Whoa whoa easy! I don’t really know what was going on but you seemed like you needed some help.” His voice sounded young, and I can sense the carefreeness and excitement in him.

”Who are you aligned with?” I asked, still behind cover, “Are you alone?”

”This is my first day in the game, dude! Chill!” His footsteps came closer. He entered the shack casually, staring at the bodies of the squad.

”These bodies, they sure look real.” He kneeled down, rummaging through their things.

I just watched as he looted then without his mind on me, an armed man. This is one strange guy.

He continued rummaging and stopped when he finally saw me. “Damn, man! You look like hammered !”



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