
Cold Eyes



Sehun is pleased when he sees everyone with their gifts the next day. Yixing in the kitchen with his gloves, Kyungsoo standing outside with his own as he watched Jongin train. The boy glances over when the prince passes by, returning the smile he receives. but when Sehun locks eyes with Jongin, his smile completely disappears and he turns away. He doesn't want to speak to him right now, not after yesterday.  Luhan and Minseok run around like children with their hats, Baekhyun and Junmyeon with their scarves. He rolls his eyes but laughs when Chanyeol and Jongdae pull their boots off to reveal their gifts. He insisted he didn't have to show him and he believed them, but they insisted on it anyways. 


"Thanks for accompanying me to town," Sehun hums as he walks beside Jongdae. "I know I could have brought one of the others but I notice you don't see to get out much."


"I'm usually doing clean up duty," Jongdae admits. "But Luhan and Minseok have so much energy today, they decided to do it themselves."


Sehun laughs and shakes his head. "Those two are very..." he trails off when Jongin steps out in front of them, his arms crossed. "Prince Jongin," He greets dryly. 


"Your highness," Jongdae mutters.


"Are you going to town?" Jongin asks.


"Yes," Sehun replies and motions to Jongdae. "I brought protection so I will not be 'assassinated'," he says with air quotes.


"He is a criminal, I refuse."


"Oh, he is a criminal?" Sehun purses his lips. "Well, more protection then, yes? Excuse us, Prince Jongin." After bowing, he ushers Jongdae to follow him. He notices the criminal give Jongin a bow too, though it looks bitter and forced. He quickly catches up with Sehun, letting out a long breath as if he were holding it.


"Man, you're kinda sassy at him," he comments. "Did something happen?"


"Nothing of consequence," Sehun shrugs. "I suppose I'm a bit tired of how...mean he can be."


"Mean," Jongdae sighs. "Yeah, he is..."


Sehun smiles weakly and looks at him as they walk. "So you were a thief?" When his servant nods, he hums. "And you are...romantic with Yixing?"


"Xing and I?" Jongdae chuckles. "Yeah, we're romantic. He uh...I was pretty quiet when I first got here," he admits. "I was bitter and angry all the time. But Yixing helped me out a lot. One cup of tea a day for two months and I fell for him. Dunno what how he fell for me but uh...I guess he did," He grins as he seems to think about something. "Yeah, I'm really lucky to have Xing."


"That's sweet," Sehun hums as they enter the town. "I'm kind of envious..."


"Yeah, I don't suppose captain cold is all that romantic with you, is he?" Jongdae asks. "Not even privately?"


Sehun takes a deep breath and stops walking. "Can I be honest with you, Jongdae?" When his servant nods, he shakes his head. "No, not at all. We don't even share a room or even a bath."


Jongdae frowns. "Are you kidding?! He..." He groans. "God, I hate that guy!"


The prince is starting to, to be honest. Instead of saying anything, he takes a glance around for Zitao. When not seeing him, he thinks that maybe they'll meet in the book shop like last time. "You don't mind following me around, Jongdae?" He asks as they make their way there.


"Are you kidding? I literally never leave the castle unless we have a festival," He beams. "I'm actually thrilled to be out here!"


"Oh good," Sehun nods a thank you when his servant opens the door, allowing him to go first.


"Oh, Prince Sehun! You've returned!" The shopkeeper gushes. "H-have you returned for more books?"


"I should be meeting someone here," he whispers. "Oh, I suppose it won't hurt to browse!" Curse his love for fine literature. 


"I think I'll look too," Jongdae announces. "I want to find something for Yixing, you know?"


"Oh?" Sehun looks over Jongdae's shoulder, at the recipe books.


"Our 1st anniversary is coming up soon," He admits. "I want it to be special and you know, he always talks about making new dishes to test out..."


Sehun smiles and nods as he goes to his own section of poetry. "I think that's a lovely idea, Jongdae. There's no doubt in my mind that he will love it."


Sehun doesn't have to wait long before there's another jingle at the door. He glances over and his whole face brightens when he sees Zitao. "Ah, you came!"


Zitao looks over with a surprised expression. "So did you, your highness! I didn't think you would come!"

The prince smiles when the painter approaches him, a small leather-bound book in his hand. Jongdae goes to quickly join Sehun's side but stops when Sehun shakes his head. "I told you I would," He looks down at it. "Is this-"


"My small books of poetry," Zitao finishes proudly. "I hope to publish it when I am finished with it." Sehun bites his lip with excitement as it's handed to him. A blush creeps up to his cheeks when he feels the painter's hands gently caress him briefly. He glances over at Jongdae, nodding to tell him it's okay. His servant stares a moment longer before turning back to browse.


"It...it looks lovely," He laughs shyly. "Oh my...did you make this?"


"I did indeed," The painter says sheepishly. "I skinned the cow myself and I also made the paper."


"You did?!" Sehun gasps, turning it over carefully. He pulls the glove off one of his hands to feel the soft leather. "Amazing! You're so talented, Zitao."


"I...thank you, your highness," Zitao smiles now. "Though, it pales in comparison to you."


Sehun clears his throat. "Do you mind if I...read some of them?"


"Oh no, please!" Zitao motions. 


"Do you have any other ones published?"


"Oh, very unpopular ones," He admits. "It wasn't at all successful, and it was years ago; back when I was only fifteen."


"Maybe I've heard of it!"


"I truly doubt it," he chuckles.


"Chinese poetry is my absolute favorite," Sehun hugs the book and gives him a raised brow. "Try me!"


Zitao stares at him for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Very well," He pushes the strands from his face, but they seem to fall back in place perfectly. Sehun tilts his head as he takes the time to admire the man's appearance. "A few of them are titled Gone with the Cold, Farewell Spring," He goes on. "The Painted Angel." Sehun furrows his brows. All of those sound so familiar. "One of my most underrated ones is The Snow-tinted Prince-"


"Are you kidding me?" Sehun gasps, his eyes widening. "Y-you wrote that?!"


Zitao raises his brows. "Pardon?"


Sehun quickly reaches into his coat as he searches for something. He pulls out a small book of poetry and shoes it to him. "This book never had an author s-so I could never find more of their work but The Snow-tinted Prince is...is my favorite poem!"


Zitao opens his mouth to speak but only a small laugh comes out. "I...I can not believe this," He seems to tremble as he carefully takes the small book. "Prince Oh Sehun likes my work."


"Like it? I...I love it, Zitao," he blushes. "I got this book as a gift when I turned fourteen! My mother said she bought it when she went into town and saw some boy selling it."


The painter grins widely and opens the book to the front page. "This was my first and only copy..."


Sehun stares at him, putting a hand over his chest as it beats quickly. He glances at Jongdae before clearing his throat. "Do you want to...take a walk with me, Zitao?"


"I would love to, Prince Sehun."


"You must tell me, Zitao," Sehun begins, had grabbed on when the painter offered his arm. "What gave you the inspiration for The Cold-tinted Prince?"


"Inspiration," He repeats, seeming to think as they walk. Sehun glances behind them, looking at Jongdae as he follows at a close but reasonable distance; giving them privacy but enough room to act if something happens. He holds his gift for Yixing in one hand, keeping his other free and placed on his dagger. "Well, I had a dream," he begins. "I dreamt of a lonely prince, sitting under a cherry tree in the snow. He went there every day to find peace. He was so beautiful and pretty, and yet he was very cold-hearted and cruel," Sehun nods along, listening carefully. "He acted without mercy or regret for his actions, or how he treated people. He would go to this cherry tree every day and pray to the gods to give him something...special."


"Something special?"


"So the gods sent him a love," Zitao continues. "He went on a mission to try and melt the prince's cold heart. He worked very, very hard," He says. "So very hard, where some days he would go without food, water, sleep. He was so very tired but he was determined." Sehun looks forward as he listens, his brows furrowed. "But in the end, the prince did not care for him at all...he was so cold, his cruelty sent the boy running into the cold one night, crying as he disappeared into the night. And the next day, when he was found, he had been frozen...under that very cherry tree," Zitao lets out a sigh. "The prince could not return to that place anymore; the guilt was too much for him to bear...and after days, weeks, even months went by, he had eventually gone back," he pauses. "Somehow, even though it was spring and the cherry tree had blossomed, that boy remained there frozen, perfectly preserved. For the first time in the prince's life, a single tear had shed from his eye. With his new tears clouding his vision, he gently kissed the boy's cold lips before he plunged a knife deep into his heart, ending his life."


Sehun lets out a shaky breath, using his finger to wipe his own tear threatening to fall. He clears his throat and smiles. "That...that's beautiful but so sad, Zitao..."


"But it's not sad," The painter argues. "In the end, the prince's heart had been melted," he explains.


"B-but his love died..."


"Yes but it is supposed to teach a very important lesson," He says. "Be kind and be loving, even in the cold. And...perhaps appreciate what you have, before it is too late."


Sehun lets out a dreamy sigh. Zitao must be absolutely brilliant. "You're so talented..."


Zitao laughs and nods, stopping. He gently leads Sehun to a bench, helping him sit. "You have said that before."


"well, it's true..."


"Prince Sehun-"


"Please, it's only us," He smiles. "Call me Sehun."


"It feels weird but...Sehun. Does Prince Jongin know you are out here?"


Sehun sighs when he's brought up. "Yes, he knows."


"And he does not care?"


The prince shrugs. "You've lived here a while, yes?"




"So you...know what kind of man Jongin is?" Zitao looks away, not seeming to want to say anything. "He's cold," Sehun says for him. "He doesn't....he doesn't care about anyone," He whispers, folding his hands tightly. Zitao stares at him for a moment before slowly resting his own hand on top of the prince's. "Which I do not understand."




"You are such a lovely man," he sighs. "I do not understand why Prince Jongin is so..." He shakes his head. "I saw the wedding and that told me enough."


His cheeks grow warm as he looks at the painter's hand. But he doesn't make him move. The warmth feels refreshing. He glances at his walking partner shyly. "Are you afraid of stepping out of line by saying that?"


Zitao smiles and shrugs. "Perhaps I should be," he chuckles. "But I am out here with you and...you told me not to use any honorifics. And you have not asked me to...move, nor have you done so either," He whispers. "So no, I am not afraid."


Sehun stares into the man's dark eyes. "It's...it's strange. I only met you and yet I feel...I feel so much closer to you than to my own husband. It's very sad, isn't it?"


"It makes my blood boil," Zitao admits. "Here he has a gorgeous husband and yet all night at the party, he never came within even five feet of you, not did he look at you. And yet all night...I found myself looking at you. You looked so lonely, it made my heartache."


"You're very um...honest..."


The painter laughs. "Why should I not be? Life is too short, my prince. It is too, too short. And you are...the type of man that deserves to be loved, you know? People should be painting you, writing poetry for you. And in the small amount of time I have known you, you show kindness I have never seen in someone else," he goes on. "The way you are with your servants," He motions to Jongdae, still keeping a wary stare. "How sweet you are with the people in your kingdom...It is a far cry from Prince Jongin."


"The snow-tinted prince," Sehun jokes.


"Ha!" Zitao beams. "That is perfect."


Sehun bites his lip when he feels Zitao softly take the ungloved hand he forgot to cover and gently bring it to his mouth. He keeps his eyes on Sehun has he places a single kiss on his pale skin. "With things like this, a prince could fall in love," He whispers. "Be careful."


The painter raises a challenging brow. "And why should you not fall in love? We only just met but...you are allowed."


The prince opened his mouth to say something but he closes it when he remembers yesterday. What Baekhyun said and the way Jongin acted. They're right, though. He does deserve to be loved. "Well...does that mean I can see you again?"


Zitao lets out a soft, happy sigh; Sehun shivers when his warm breath warms his cold hand. "Nothing would make me happier, Prince Sehun."


Sehun finds it incredibly hard to take his eyes off Zitao, feeling his heart beat faster and faster. He feels disappointed when the painter sets his hand down and moves away. He stands, finding his knees to be a bit weak. "U-until next time, Zitao. I...I um, I should probably get back before the guards send a  look-out for me." He hands Zitao back his book, butterflies invading his stomach when their hands once-again momentarily touch. 


"Until next time...Sehun," Zitao repeats, switching to Chinese. Sehun giggles softly as he slowly walks back, finally turning when he reaches Jongdae. The servant glances back at Zitao for a moment before quickly following the prince.


"Oh god, Jongdae," he groans. "Jongdae, ugh!"


"Careful there, Prince," Jongdae laughs. "Yixing usually makes those noises when we're alone."


Sehun gives him a small glare but it's a playful one. "I am in SO much trouble, this is not good. Not good at all!"


"Why? Because you're falling in love with a Chinese painter?"


"No!" Jongdae squints and he sighs. "Okay, yes! I-I can't though!"


"Why exactly? Princes do it all the time."




"Okay, look," He says as he cleans off Yixing's new book. "I'm going to talk to you like a friend and not as a servant for a moment."


"But that's how you always speak to me..."


"Jongin is a piece of , alright?" His servant says bluntly, ignoring his comment. "But there is no love anywhere in that man's damn heart. So you know what? him and fall in love. Hell, you can do whatever you want! You fall in love with a  Chinese painter and you fall hard. If you wanna be loved, you go and get it. Prince cold isn't gonna give that to you so just...make yourself happy, alright?"


"Yeah," Sehun sighs. "Alright..."

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Chapter 24: I don't think I will ever get over this masterpiece, I just keep coming back to reread it over and over again
963 streak #2
Chapter 24: Warm hands, warm eyes, warm hearts.
Thank you for the journey. This is a good story.
homotones #3
homotones #4
Chapter 18: i’m sorry I know I shouldn’t be laughing but I can’t stop cracking up at sehun covering his eyes and saying ‘d-did I get him’ after stabbing a man multiple times i’m cryinggg
homotones #5
Chapter 11: okay sekai are so cute :( jongin realising that sehun is going through the same kind of situation and defrosting just a little bit more had me screamingg I love this sm but sehun’s brother… don’t trust the at all
homotones #6
Chapter 7: Oh what a sweetheart :(( all of them are so cute and good lmao jongin deserved that!! Hopefully he loosens up a little
homotones #7
Chapter 5: Delicate hmmmm I love this so far jongin is… a piece of work but he’s melting a little we’ll get there!!
191 streak #8
Chapter 24: nicely done!