★★ /symbolizing that it's the second chapter. OTL i can't think of an actual title

I'll Protect You



Kyuhyun checked to make sure that the room he was standing in front of was indeed room 154 before twisting the door knob. He entered the room to see a boy around his age, or maybe even younger, occupying the farthest bed from the door; it was by the window and the boy was currently transfixed by whatever was out there. The boy, Jongwoon he assumed, had his left arm in a cast, bandages wrapped around his head, scratches, scabs and bruises (some protected by bandages, some not) covered his face. As Kyuhyun walked even closer to the patient, he could see that the pattern on his hospital gown were not green polka dots like he assumed but were instead, green turtles. The intern clearly knew that patients were given an opportunity to choose any design they wanted. The thought of a boy around his age choosing turtles was adorable. He repressed a chuckle and smiled instead.

While setting the tray on the bed side table, Kyuhyun cleared his throat in attempt to get the injured boy’s attention. Maybe he didn’t hear him come in. But after clearing his throat two more times with no result, he decided to speak instead. “Hello? Kim Jongwoon-shi?” Talking seemed to have worked because Jongwoon finally, but slowly, tore his eyes away from the window and looked toward Kyuhyun’s direction.

The boy looked shocked but quickly recomposed himself before staring blankly at Kyuhyun who responded with a nervous smile.

“You are Kim Jongwoon, right?” Kyuhyun asked because the way the boy was only blinking at Kyuhyun made him doubt if he was even in the right room.

The boy slowly nodded twice.

“Okay, good because I thought that I was in the wrong room by the way that you were looking at me.” Kyuhyun laughed, “Anyway, my name’s Kyuhyun. I’m an intern here. I was instructed to stay here with you until the nurse comes.”

Jongwoon, nodded, blinked a few times, and returned back to staring out the window.

“Okay...,” Kyuhyun awkwardly muttered under his breath.

Not knowing what to do, Kyuhyun just stood there.

After a few minutes of total silence, Kyuhyun couldn’t take the awkwardness anymore and approached Jongwoon.

“Is it okay if I sit next to you?” Kyuhyun asked. Jongwoon nodded.

“Soooo… what are you looking at?” Kyuhyun asked, curiously. All he could see was people walking around, trees, cars, and birds. It was not an interesting sight to see.

“I don’t know.” Jongwoon spoke for the first time Kyuhyun had entered the room. Jongwoon’s voice surprised Kyuhyun. It was soft, low and husky; it was not how he imagined it to be at all but for some reason, it matched him.

“Well, something has to be interesting for you to keep on staring out this window.”

Jongwoon just shrugged and continued to stare out the window. Since there was nothing else to do, Kyuhyun joined him even though he did not find staring at a window amusing at all.

Silence filled the room once more and Jongwoon was beginning to fidget. He turned his head slightly to peek at Kyuhyun to get a better look at the intern. The intern had a pale complexion and brown, loosely curled locks. The intern, Kyuhyun, was needless to say handsome and Jongwoon started to feel intimidated. He abruptly rose up from the bed, causing Kyuhyun to curiously glance at him.

Jongwoon started to awkwardly walk – limping due to his injured foot – away from his bed, window, and Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun quickly stood up to support the patient, not wanting him to fall. He wrapped his arms around the shorter and injured boy and asked. “Where are you going?”

“To… to the bathroom,” Jongwoon answered, softly, with his eyes and face, avoiding the intern.

It only took a couple of steps since there was a bathroom in the room they were currently in. Kyuhyun opened the door for Jongwoon who gave him a quiet “thanks” before entering. Jongwoon shut the door behind him and sighed.




a/n: i actually posted this a couple of hours before the whole aff problem thing and forgot to put it up again. i remembered yesterday but aff wouldn't let me. it's rushed since i haven't updated in so long... guess i didn't have to since it got deleted... too bad it's all ready on lj. it shall get better! btw anyone else amazed by ryeowook? 






gifs not mine. source lol @ jongwoon's face. xD if you don't know, i also ship yewook maybe even more than kyusung. <3 gosh wookie's so dfasfdk. ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 2: What a waste not to finish a good story !!!! A very sad Kyusung only shipper here :(
394 streak #2
Chapter 2: I wish there's more T^T author-nim~ please come back~

PS : I don't ship yewook, because I love Yesung to be a bottom LOL
Chapter 2: No chance of this story to be continued? :(
Anyway.. Mine is kyusung > yewon > yewook.. Lol
chokyuholic #4
omg so sweet<3333333
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 2: ahh looks good please I wanna read more :3
Goemas12 #6
Chapter 2: cant wait what happens next update soon
Omg those gifs xDDDDD
midnight #8
This is really interesting. I really want to see where it goes...Wookie is cute but nothing beats Kyusung....lol..Sorry I am a biased shipper..Anyway Good Luck with the Story and Update Soon :)
AHHHHHH!!!!! I love your chapter!! Poor Yesung though...don't worry about it Yesung, Kyuhyun won't hurt you!! *cheeky grin* BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU!!! *squeal* And for the picture of Ryeowook...work it, Wookie!! Show them who can hip swing! ;)
tiramisu_stars #10
haha thanks guys. i actually didn't get sick. my immune system seems to be surprisingly strong for once. i actually didn't update in awhile b/c i'm actually kinda behind in school... and may still be... lol