A Slice of Kyuhyun's Happy Life

I'll Protect You


“So... Kyuhyun… I heard that you turned down the request of your friends to hang out in order to play those games of yours,” Kyuhyun’s mother stated casually, extending her arm out to pick up a piece of meat with her chopsticks.

Kyuhyun nearly choked on his rice and can hear his sister snickering at him. Oh boy, he knew what was going to happen next. The constant nagging from his parents. He sighed at his bowl of rice and looked up at his mother after putting on an innocent facial expression. Clearing his throat he asked, “What are you talking about?”

“Oh please, you don’t have to use that innocent act of yours on me. I talked to Changmin a few minutes ago—”
“That idiot! I should have known,” Kyuhyun quickly lost his cool and slammed his fists on the table, “I’m going to kill that boy tomorrow.” He glared at the platters of food set out in front of him with a determined glint in his eye.
“Kyuhyun, that’s no way to speak of your best friend. He’s trying to help you and your unhealthy obsession with gaming. He’s been telling me-”
“That hypocrite! He’s in to gaming as much as I am! You should see his room! He has three bookshelves filled with games. Three bookshelves. I repeat THREE and I’m not talking about those teeny, tiny bookshelves, I’m talking about the huge, tall ones.”
“Well at least he’s not the one staying at home playing them all day instead of hanging out with friends.”

“Maybe because he doesn’t have any friends,” Kyuhyun’s sister, Ahra, fake coughed.
“Yah! No ones talking to you, you pig-face.”
“Hey! I’m older than you. Use honorifics, you brat!”
“Who talks to pigs using honorifics?”
“Ha! Well-”

“QUIET! How old are you guys now?” their father barked, ending the siblings’ bickering short, “Ahra you’re a working grown woman and Kyuhyun you’re in high school. Yet you both act like you’re 5.”

“Yeah, what kind of grown woman picks a fight with her younger brother who’s in high school? So immature,” Kyuhyun whispered loudly.
“Wipe that smug look off your face Cho Kyuhyun.”

“KIDS! Didn’t your father just tell you guys to SHUT UP?!”

Both Kyuhyun and Ahra stuck their tongues out at each other and picked up their chopsticks and rice bowls before glaring daggers at each other while they ate.

After 5 minutes of silence, their mother breaks it.

“Oh right, Kyuhyun, I forgot to tell you that your sister has this program going on at the hospital she works at. We signed you up and thanks to your sister, one of the best doctors there, you start tomorrow.”

This time Kyuhyun really does choke on his rice.
“Ew!” Ahra points at the chewed food flying out of her brother’s mouth.

“This is a great opportunity. Not only will it get you away from the computer, you will also learn too! We’re going to have both our children in the medical field! How exciting is that?” Their mother beamed, clapping her hands excitedly.

Their father just sighed, shaking his head at the scene in front of him and got up to get his son a glass of water.


Despite his refusals, and protests about having zero interest in the medical field, he reluctantly headed toward the hospital for training.

“Umma,” Kyuhyun whined, “I don’t want to go!”
“If you don’t go, I’m going to throw away all your games, game consoles and computer!”
Kyuhyun gasped. “You wouldn’t!”
“Oh yes I would and I’m going to do so right now.”

She grabbed Kyuhyun’s PSP which was conveniently lying on his bed and headed toward his laptop.

“Nooooo!” Kyuhyun shouted as he dramatically flung himself in front of his mother, in attempt to prevent her from confiscating more of his precious electronics. She, however, easily shoved him aside.

“Fine! Fine! You win! I’ll go! Just leave my poor babies out of this.”

He sighed and could all ready calculate all the hours he could have spent gaming instead of trying to memorize the hundreds of procedures, rules, equipment usages, and so on.


After a couple of months, he was finally out of training and on to the more interesting – at least that was what he assumed – part of his internship.

“Take this to room 154,” a nurse instructed, “The patient’s name is Kim Jongwoon. He should be the only one in that room right now.” Kyuhyun nodded and took the tray of medicine and food in his hands.


a/n: thanks for all the support commenters and subscribers! ♥ i was suppose to write this last week but then i had to study for my mid-term... so heres the chapter now. i'm kinda reluctant to post this right now since i can't seem to re-read it (my head hurts) at least i spell checked it... i think i'm getting sick thanks to all the people constantly coughing around me at school... >___> i don't want to be sick! TT____TT

p.s. i'm not in the medical field, did i ever take classes... or had an internship so all this doctor, hospital and medicine stuff is my own interpretation

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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 2: What a waste not to finish a good story !!!! A very sad Kyusung only shipper here :(
394 streak #2
Chapter 2: I wish there's more T^T author-nim~ please come back~

PS : I don't ship yewook, because I love Yesung to be a bottom LOL
Chapter 2: No chance of this story to be continued? :(
Anyway.. Mine is kyusung > yewon > yewook.. Lol
chokyuholic #4
omg so sweet<3333333
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 2: ahh looks good please I wanna read more :3
Goemas12 #6
Chapter 2: cant wait what happens next update soon
Omg those gifs xDDDDD
midnight #8
This is really interesting. I really want to see where it goes...Wookie is cute but nothing beats Kyusung....lol..Sorry I am a biased shipper..Anyway Good Luck with the Story and Update Soon :)
AHHHHHH!!!!! I love your chapter!! Poor Yesung though...don't worry about it Yesung, Kyuhyun won't hurt you!! *cheeky grin* BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU!!! *squeal* And for the picture of Ryeowook...work it, Wookie!! Show them who can hip swing! ;)
tiramisu_stars #10
haha thanks guys. i actually didn't get sick. my immune system seems to be surprisingly strong for once. i actually didn't update in awhile b/c i'm actually kinda behind in school... and may still be... lol