
Both Worlds (Hiatus)



Sungjong stared at the girl, who was staring straight at him. The girl shook her head and looked down quickly before making eye contact with him again. Sungjong shivered at the girl’s cold, icy look. He cursed inside his mind and finally broke eye contact with the girl and looked away. The girl smirked at his reaction. “Hey, Lee Sungjong. Should we make a deal?”

He quickly whipped his head around and stared at the girl. What was she talking about? What deal? For what? Sungjong was utterly confused. The girl took his silence as an agreement to make a deal. “How about, I’ll keep your little secret, in exchange for… a kiss?” she smirked as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand. She smirked when she saw Sungjong put his hand to his chin as if he was thinking.

Sungjong contemplated whether he should accept the deal or not. Should he accept the deal and risk the chance of getting caught? Or should he not accept the deal and have the girl spill his secret to the world? Either way, it was a win-win situation for the girl, so he had to choose which one would impact him in a bad way the least. Finally, he came to a conclusion. “Deal.”

Her lips formed a smirk and she walked over to Sungjong. “At least someone knows how to handle things.” He heard her mutter before planting her lips on his. The kiss had lasted a good 20 seconds before the girl pulled away. Sungjong quickly wiped his lips with the sleeve of his blazer and glared at the girl. “My name is Kang Jaekyung, remember it, Lee Sungjong... Also, what secret are we talking about here?”

The boy was quick to realize that he had been tricked. “Dammit!” He cursed. Jaekyung smirked at his reaction before throwing him a heart, Woohyun’s signature move. At least, Woohyun’s greasy side’s signature move.

The rest of the day had been a blur for Sungjong and when he finally collected all his thoughts, he was at the door of his dorm. “Oh ! What if someone saw us? I’m such an idiot! How could I believe a girl like her? Ahhh! Sungjong pabo pabo pabo pabo!” He continuously hit his head with his hand.

When he had entered the dorm, he was tackled by Woohyun and Myungsoo. “Sungjong! You’re back! How was the first day? Good? Bad? Tell us! Did you make any new friends? Were the girls hot?” they fired questions at the choking maknae. Sungjong gasped in his hyungs grip, trying to catch his breath since Woohyun’s buff arms were choking him. “Oh, sorry.” They sheepishly grinned and let go of Sungjong.

“It was fine. So-so, yes, I did make some friends.” Sungjong lied. “And no, well, not all of them. The majority wore glasses. It was crazy though, they were screaming at me! I was about to go deaf!” He complained and covered his ears with his hands, pretending that the screaming fangirls were still there. His thoughts finally traveled to what had happened in the empty classroom and he decided to tell his hyungs about it. “Hyungs, there was this girl, and she tr-“

“LEE SUNGJONG! EXPLAIN THIS!” Sungyeol’s voice boomed from their room. Everyone shifted their attention toward the closed room where Sungyeol’s voice had come from. Sungyeol barged through the door with his tablet and practically leaped on Sungjong. “YOU FOOL! HOW COULD YOU? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS, AND THEN BE STUPID ENOUGH TO GET CAUGHT?” Infinite stared at Sungyeol, who had lost his cool for the first time in around 6 months. Sungjong winced as Sungyeol continuously hit him on the head.

“WHAT DID I DO, HYUNG? STOP HITTING ME- OW!” Sungjong screamed. The taller boy held out his tablet in front of Sungjong and everyone crowded around it. L began reading the article in his monotone voice.

“Lee Sungjong caught kissing a girl on the first day of school?” Everyone gasped at the picture that was under the caption. Indeed, there was a picture of Sungjong, kissing Jaekyung in the empty classroom. Sungjong gasped in horror as he continued to read the rest of the article. “Hyungs… I’m dead.”

“You think?” The simultaneously replied sarcastically.

“Oh, I got a text from Hyoan hyung. He said that the article had been spreading around on the web, and he told Sungjong and the rest of us to stay low.  He told us to avoid the public eye, do not exit the dorm, and don’t do anything stupid... Come on hyung, when did we, Infinite, ever do anything stupid?” Sunggyu commented after he read the message that each member of Infinite received.

“Too many times.” Woohyun commented. “Way too many times.” Myungsoo added on. “Way too many times to count.” Sungyeol shook his head. “Infinite times!” Hoya shouted, giggling at his ‘geniusness’.

“Cheesy.” Dongwoo continued to scroll through the message. “So cheesy.” Sunggyu added on. “As cheesy as Macaroni and Cheese.” Myungsoo giggled.


Myungsoo looked around at his band member’s faces, which showed that they were not impressed with his little ‘joke’. “Never mind then.” He sighed in disappointment. “I always knew I was never suited to being a comedian, no need to rub it in.” Infinite looked around the dorm innocently. “Anyways, what are we going to do about Sungjong’s scandal?”

Infinite exchanged glances before looking straight at Sungjong. “This is all because of you!” they blamed the boy who was still staring at the article. “Oh well, we should just let CEO take care of the situation. For now, we should just take Hyoan hyung’s advice and lay low.” Woohyun calmed the boys down.

Thump! A thump was heard and Infinite looked down to find that Myungsoo was lying flat on his stomach. “What? Hyung said to lie low.” Myungsoo looked up at s with his puppy dog eyes. Infinite rolled their eyes and walked away, leaving Myungsoo lying there, looking like a complete idiot.


Hoya cursed and bit his thumb nail while pacing in the kitchen. “Damn that maknae. He’s so irresponsible. Causing a scandal and dragging us into it. On his first day of school as well! He’s an idiot! Now I can’t go and buy that product that I wanted!” the girly diva continued to pace around in the kitchen. He continued muttering profanities, not caring if any of his other band members heard him.

Dongwoo, who had come to simply get some orange juice, heard Hoya’s whole rant about how irresponsible Sungjong was. He glanced at Hoya for a quick second before pouring orange juice in his ceramic mug calmly as if Hoya cursing about not being able to get his skin products was a normal, everyday occurrence. Dongwoo chugged his glass of orange juice and turned to Hoya. “Yah, why don’t you just go out dressed as a girl with your pigtail wig to go buy your skin products?” he suggested.

Hoya his heels to face Dongwoo. He nodded his head in approval. “What a good idea! For once, you said something useful!” Hoya grinned so wide that it seemed that his mouth stretched from ear to ear. Dongwoo rolled his eyes at Hoya’s insult before strutting out of the kitchen to work out again. “And Dongwoo, getting all sweaty isn’t good! You’re going to have to take a shower for the third time today, and if you wash your hair that much, it’s not good for your hair!” Hoya yelled before prancing off to his room to get changed. Dongwoo simply sent Hoya a look and walked away.


Hoya was walking around the streets without a care in the world with his pigtail wig, jean mini-skirt with leggings to cover his leg hair, and baggy shirt to make it seem like he had curves. His getup was so good, that some guys were wolf-whistling when he walked by. He smirked when he thought of what the guy’s reactions might have been if they realized he was actually a man. He walked into the cosmetic store and searched the shelves for the product he had been wanting for around a month.

Once he spotted the product, he practically leaped for it, but when his hand had touched the bottle, so had another woman’s. The two women, or man and woman, stared at each other in surprise. “Rock! Paper! Scissors!” they screamed simultaneously and both put out scissors. “Hey, you think like I do. I like you already, no homo.” The girl smirked. “I’m Kim Minah, you?”

Hoya quickly though up a girl name to use. “I’m Lee Hana. Nice to meet you.” He shook her hand quickly. She observed his facial features before coming to a conclusion. “Say, you remind me of someone, Infinite’s Hoya? Yeah, him!” Hoya grinned when he heard his name. ‘We’re actually popular!’

“So, can I have this product?” Minah pointed to the bottle. "I really want it."

Hoya hastily grabbed it. “No! It’s the last one! I need it!”

Minah frowned and snatched the bottle away from Hoya’s hand. She smirked when she thought up a plan to make sure that the product would be hers. She just had to make sure that the person in front of her was indeed the person she thought. Minah pulled his pigtail downward, causing the wig to fall off and she smirked. “KYAAAA! IT’S INFINITE’S HOYA! OMO!” she squealed and Hoya gasped before sprinting out of the shop.

“Yay, now it’s mine. That’s what you get for messing with me, Lee Howon.” She smirked and went to pay for her product. When she arrived at the cashier, there was no one there. “! Was the cashier an Inspirit? Dammit!”

AHHH! That girl! Kim Minah, I hate her!’ Hoya ran as fast as his legs, and mini-skirt and leggings, could take him. He could hear his fangirl’s screaming behind him and taking pictures of him in his girl getup. ‘, this is not going to go down well.’


Hi-yeom again~

Am I boring you guys with this? O.O Please comment~ Thank you sarangDB5K for commenting on the last chapter! ^^


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luizty #1
Chapter 8: I love kim myung myung agyeo.....
Honeylyn #2
Chapter 8: annyeong haseyo. oppa
Smileonce133 #3
lmfao sungjong XD
NO! Don't delete it. ):

~ FlyingHigh
Poor Sungjong, I'm glad that Jaekhyun is going to save him. But how is she going to save him and all of the other idols? Thanks for the update!

~ FlyingHigh
sarangDB5K #6
hey btw you posted two chapters with the same content