

The word abyss means a bottomless pit. The immeasurable depths of earth which some claim is where the devil hides. Speculation becomes reality when 15 year old Eli, was reported to attempt suicide at the Grand Canyon. Fanatics asserted that although the place is not necessarily bottomless, it was a pit that assured death.

Her limbs were aching and her eyes were droopy. Amber blinked multiple times to ease her blurring vision. She took a glance at the white clock on the wall. It was 10:04 pm and she was still at work. “Deadlines need to be met.” She encouraged herself and continued typing the article. Every now and then sipping coffee which already cooled down.

After a few hours, she sent the finished work to her department head. Amber cleaned up and packed her things. Her movements were efficient but her mind was wandering again. The Grand Canyon news was bothering her. She was only assigned to write but the information given made her uneasy. It didn’t add up.

She decided to visit Eli who was in a hospital. A few cuts and abrasions on his arms, legs and face but he can still move despite the bandages. Amber brought a basket of fruits and placed it on his bedside table. “Hi, I’m a reporter from New York times.” She flashed her ID and hid it after the teen made eye contact. The way he stared was chilling. Eli looked at her as if she was going to kill him. Pure fear.

“I just want a few answers. I’m not going to hurt you.” She softly said and was met with no response. Amber sighed and sat down on the chair near the window. Pale blue sky brought the spring breeze; blowing the flimsy white curtains. Outside, trees were rustling and the faint sound of traffic can be heard. It was beautiful. Peaceful. Yet this child couldn’t see the world the same ever again.

“They said it would be over.” Eli said, almost like a whisper, after a while. The reporter directed her attention on the boy who tried not to break. She said nothing and merely listened.

“My parents are dead. They died in a car accident. I cried a lot. I miss them so much. But there were people who helped me so it was okay. I was okay.” He mumbled, then continued on “These people said I could meet them. My parents. They said I’m gonna be okay.” Amber wanted to prod further but decided against it. The kid seems to have already enough trouble explaining. He looked so thin, as the bright rays of the sun accentuated the dullness in his eyes. They were void of mischief, fun or any emotion a child of that age should have. The sunken cheeks and dark circles made him appear older.

Despite his frailty, the 15 year old went on. “They gave me food and a room, a bed. Then they wanted me to take some kind of pill. It was green. Like leaves. They said it would be the key to the other side. To where my parents are. I just needed to go to the door” Eli’s voice becoming a bit louder as he continues explaining. “They said it would be over. It would be done quickly.”  He clutched the pristine white sheets tightly, voice strained “I wouldn’t be lonely. I wouldn’t feel any pain anymore. But how come…” he let go and stared blankly at his hands, blood stained bandages covering the still raw wounds. “How come the door didn’t open? How come I’m still hurt? How come it’s more painful?” the teen sobs.

Amber returns home, confused as ever. The ‘They’ Eli was referring to was a medical organization. He was obviously taken for experimental purposes. For a new drug maybe? She ponders. An orphan disappearing will go unnoticed especially if he was supposedly adopted.

This is an exclusive. If Amber digs information on who is behind this and for what, she’ll finally be doing her job. And maybe give Eli some justice. She chews on the thought. People have died for a cause. It is possible she will be threatened if this will be released to the public, but this is the right thing to do. She was a reporter. Sworn to dig up the truth and uncover the lies.

Experiment gone wrong. Fifteen year old Eli, who is recovering from attempted suicide, is actually a test subject for possibly a new drug to completely eradicate pain from human beings. He mentions a pill given to him claiming to ‘erase all pain’. If this is a break out in medicinal science, a life of a teenager is not worth it.

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