Goodbye is the hardest thing to say

Goodbye, my love



Goodbye is the hardest thing to say

It had been 2 days since the break up and U-Kwon was never the same. The playful person he was before disappeared and the smile that everyone loved was replaced with a permanent frown.

Sumin on the other hand was battling. As she laid there on the hospital bed with her family with her, she knew it wasn't much longer till her death. 

The day went by slowly and Sumin grew weaker. As she wanted to take a nap, that's when it happened.

Sumin's phone rang, her mother answered the call 


"she's not her U-Kwon"

"eomeonim where is she?"

"please come to the hospital and you'll know"

With that he hung up and dashed to the hospital. As he ran through the hallways he finally found her room. He entered and it was a site he never wished to see.

There she was, laying on the hospital bed. Dead.

He sat next to her holding onto her hand while tears fell continuously down his cheeks.

"Minnie, it's me U-Kwon oppa. I never got the chance to ask you to marry me" u-Kwon choked out and slid the ring onto her finger

"it's a perfect fit don't you think? I wish I could've seen you in your wedding dress, and have us have our own family. I love you Sumin so much. Always know that. In time we'll see each other again. I don't want to say goodbye to you cause it's not the end of our love story. I'll just say, see you later baby. I love you" U-Kwon said tearfully and placed a kiss onto Sumin's forehead

*it's a kidney disease 

A/N: this one shot actually hits close to my heart. I actually have renal failure. It's tough, but I manage to pull through

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Loolyicecream #1
I like itttttttt :DD
@b2utyfulbbc: believe it or not this was my first time writing a sad one shot. Yeah I have renal failure, and I don't really talk much about it since I'm usually a depressed person and I end up breaking down and start crying.

Thank you dear :)
that was soo sad.. :(
You have renal failure?! :O
Stay strong!! Dont let anything hold you back.. :) HWAITINGG~
@Mr04loveme: sorry about making it sad, it was running through my mind this plot for a while. Thank you dear :)
So Sad :'((((
You have renal failure. Hope you be strong :))) Hwaiting !!