Round 3

Dreamer Graphics | Fanart | Edits

“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.”
Masaru Emoto



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I have decided to CLOSE the availability of doing covers for new stories. If you are an author I have already worked with, please feel free to contact me and for Jetidal Wave Sufers, the doors are always open to you...New or old works :)


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Chapter 68: I am giving away all posters that DO NOT belong to any story. MOST of the ones from 3 turns and up are available.

I have also decided to CLOSE the availability of doing covers for new stories, as some of you lately DEMAND to do covers for ships and groups that I don't feel comfortable working with. If you are an author I have already worked with, please feel free to contact me and for Jetidal Wave Sufers, the doors are always open to you...NEW or OLD works :)

happygirl3434 #2
Chapter 4: Can I request a story poster from you please?
Riscark #3
Nice work
Chapter 66: The recent poster looks gorgeous 💕
Hello, are you still making posters?
Hello, are you still available for posters?
Chapter 65: Roseanne and Jichu ♡ the poster is so pretty and neat!
hello I would like to request for a custom poster?
Chapter 63: These are really beautiful! ♥ You are really talented! :)
Hello! Dropping by your wall to invite you to join this graphic contest, since I've noticed that you are a designer. Please consider joining if you're interested. If not, no worries and keep creating lovely work for our stories. Thank you! :)

hey there, delilah: