Chapter 21

What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Stay There

Hello my little kittens! I really didn't mean to leave this for so long, but it's been a very eventful month, mostly not in a good way. Actually, the only good thing that's happened is my husband finally got a job! However, our water heater exploded, and much more sadly I had to take my Kpop listening partner Molly in to the vet yesterday. She was fourteen, had arthritis that was getting worse and could barely eat or drink anymore. The vet let me hold her through the whole thing, they made her paw prints in clay as a memorial, and she's buried in my friends' flower bed near my other cats Chester and Jack. We live in a condo so I couldn't bury her here. Anyway, to distract myself, and because I'd put off this particular chapter long enough, I decided to go ahead and type and post. Only one chapter left after this now. I hadn't realized how close to the end I really was.


                Kyungsoo sighed and squinted, shading his eyes against the glare of the sun he continued to look for Tansy and her grandparents. The little girl had reminded him several times she would sit with him again today to watch the performers, since he didn’t know anyone in the “Wives and Girlfriends” box. He would’ve actually preferred to sit in the regular stands with the Hollands or Chanyeol, but since he was married to “Korean Kai” he had his duty to support his husband with the others. It wasn’t that anyone had been nasty to him, but he’d spent the majority of his time watching his husband and listening to the kids try to outdo each other in both cheering and explanations and he’d had a doozy of a headache from the noise and heat.

                As hot and cranky as he already was, Kyungsoo was at least grateful he didn’t have the dogs to worry about today. He and Jongin had brought Ollie and Alice with them for the parade, then yesterday so they could get all the pets and play with the other dogs, but it turned out to be so hot and dusty the couple sent their pets home with the first truck to head back to town and was willing to drop them at the ranch, well before it was even Jongin’s turn to perform.

                And perform he did. Kyungsoo might not like where he was sitting, but he certainly had no objection to watching his husband ride in ways that should be illegal. Jongin was always hot as sin in the saddle, but moving with the horse that was trying to throw him off, almost as a sort of dance and managing to stay on well over twice the time anyone else did, only to show off Cream’s fanciest footwork during the exhibition later, and shirtless, well it was only the fact they were in public and the cowboy looked beyond exhausted that kept the short man from giving it to his husband just as hard. That, and the fact they were dragged to one of the tents for dancing, which left Kyungsoo supporting Jongin when they finally made it back to the truck several more hours later than he’d hoped to be out.

                At least today was supposed to be easier. Kyungsoo would have preferred Jongin be riding Cream again, but the gelding managed to throw a shoe and was now limping slightly even after it had been fixed. Peaches was downright impossible from what the short man had heard even if they’d had the time to go back to Holland Ranch and the suitable ranch horses that had been brought were being used already, but one of the cowboy’s acquaintances heard of his predicament, and rather than him having to drop out of the second exhibition or risk hurting Cream offered to let Jongin borrow her rather sweet little mare who immediately began looking for treats when the couple went to say hello.

                “This is Pig. Used to be Pigwigeon, after Ron’s spazzy little owl in the fourth Harry Potter book, but she got so spoiled while they were trying to train her all she would do now is eat if she was allowed” Jongin explained to Kyungsoo, who offered the mare a carrot slice and was rewarded with nuzzles and having his clothes lipped for more. “She’s smart though and knows all the tricks and Verde Farm uses the same signals Holland Ranch does so I shouldn’t have any problems. Don’t give her too many apples or carrots though Love, or she’ll end up bloated and won’t move.”

                Jongin turned to the girl, who was several years younger but a head taller and even more solidly built than he was. “Thanks a lot Rosie. I appreciate this. Kyungsoo hasn’t gotten to see me perform before this weekend so I’d hate to miss the last day.”

                Rosie clapped the cowboy on the back. “We can’t have that, your cute little husband missing you showing off.” She shook Kyungsoo’s hand. “Good to meet you. It’s about damn time Kai here became a family man, before these vultures around here picked him apart. Not a single one understands “NO,” but maybe they’ll back off a bit now everyone knows he’s gay and married.”

                Kyungsoo snorted. “Not from what I saw at the picnic and yesterday.”

                Jongin chimed in. “Fortunately I’m married to SatanSoo as his best friend Baekhyun calls his Evil Death Glare and they finally got it through their thick heads.”

                Rosie had still been laughing when the couple had walked off to check out a few exhibits before Jongin had to go get ready and Kyungsoo went to meet Tansy.

                Kyungsoo was about to check his phone for messages for the umpteenth time when he finally heard “KUNTHU KUNTHU KUNTHU!” through the crowd and Tansy appeared, riding on Chanyeol’s shoulders.

                “Hi you two, I was beginning to think I was getting stood up. Where are Boss and Missus Holland?”

                “Granma got too hot tho ith in the cool tent and Granpa went with her, so Elfie thaid he’d baby-thit me til time to meet you” Tansy explained, sliding off Chanyeol once he’d crouched down. She took Kyungsoo’s hand. “Granpa gave me thum money tho the three of uth can get ithes before the horthes thart.”

                Chanyeol nodded. “One of the shaved ice carts is on the way to the stands. I know they keep water available, but one of those will help cool us down a bit faster. I saw them carrying trays of the stuff toward the barns on our way over here as well.”

                Feeling a bit better knowing Jongin was having a cold treat as well, Kyungsoo let himself be tugged toward the shaved ice cart by the enthusiastic Tansy who was chattering up a storm. The little girl and the other children had actually proven to be rather helpful the day before, explaining everything going on. He was surprised at how knowledgeable she was at five, but the wives and girlfriends had just chuckled and pointed out their own children doing much the same thing for him when Tansy stopped for breath or to watch Jongin. They then said rather matter of factly that the farm and ranch kids just absorbed everything having to do with horses like little sponges, even the babies.

                Since Tansy was paying, Kyungsoo went with her suggestion of a watermelon flavored shaved ice, while she got strawberry and Chanyeol asked for grape. The little girl, after carefully counting her money handed it over, then just as carefully counted her change she was given and tucked it in her shorts pocket. The short man watched to double-check, but she was right and he said nothing, except thank you when he was handed his paper cone.

                “Okay you two, this is where I leave you so I can get a seat high enough I’m not blocking anybody. Have fun watching Nini show off Kyungsoo and I’ll meet up with you guys later.” Chanyeol saluted as he started off.

                “Bye bye Elfie!” Tansy yelled before taking Kyungsoo’s hand again and leading him to where they’d been sitting the day before, only to get greeted enthusiastically by everyone already in the box.

                “So you two made it back. Wasn’t sure you would after last night. You and Kai looked beyond dead after the dancing” one of the oldest wives, Millie Kyungsoo thought her name was, said as the pair settled down and started slurping their rapidly melting treats. Millie being her name or not, not only did her husband still perform, but their twin teenage sons as well, hopping back and forth between their matched horses as though they were all one entity. The only thing that had been more beautiful to watch was Jongin himself.

                “Kunthu wouldn’t mith Kai on horthback, ethpethially thirtless” Tansy teased naughtily, which just had the older woman cracking up.

                “I bet not. I was the same way when we were newlyweds” maybe Millie answered back. “You two are awfully cute though, and genuinely in love, aren’t you? Everyone was surprised Kai was gay, but we’re all happy for you both. Well, maybe not the vultures so much yet. They get a bit desperate around young, good-looking single men. Once they find a new one, they’ll come around and be just as happy for you. Oh, they’re starting!”

                Kyungsoo crumpled his empty paper cone and settled on the splintery wooden bench to watch, only for suddenly two sheriffs to run out, one yelling through a bullhorn to get everyone’s attention while the other waved his arms and scanned the crowd. Once it was quieter, the one with the bullhorn yelled something that made the short man’s blood run cold.


                Not even thinking, Kyungsoo scooped up the now crying Tansy and carried her through the path that had opened up for them. As fast as his short legs could go, he made his way toward the sheriffs, only to have the little girl plucked from his grasp. He looked up to see a solemn Chanyeol.

                “I’ve got Tans. You go to Nini.”

                “Thanks Yeol.” Kyungsoo used the tall man’s nickname for the first time, before running faster.

                “Kyungsoo Do?” One of the officers asked the short, now breathless man, who nodded before managing to gasp out, asking what happened, and managing to fumble out his wallet and show his driver’s license when asked for proof, and show the wallpaper on his phone, of the two of them kissing while out on one of their long rides. They’d managed to prop up Jongin’s phone and set a timer, only to have the cowboy surprise the short man with a kiss just as it went off. They both had the resulting picture as their wallpaper for their phones.

                “He was mounting his horse, which threw him as soon as he was in the saddle. One of the witnesses checked, and it was sabotage. Someone put burrs under the saddle blanket and the mare’s already got a giant welt but she’ll survive. As for your husband, it’s likely he’s broken his back which is why he’s going to Carson City. You’ll be able to ride with him if we hurry.”

                “Who would do such a thing? Pig isn’t even his horse. He had to borrow her after his threw a shoe.” Kyungsoo hadn’t quite processed what had happened, beyond Jongin was hurt and someone did it deliberately.

                “Someone’s checking the security footage. Now he’s unconscious, but there’s already been someone claiming to be his spouse. The barn hands stated otherwise so the man is being held as a person of interest for now.”


                “Skinny, I’m guessing Korean like you two. Dirty blonde hair.”

                “If it’s Taemin Lee, I’m going to ing break him in half” Kyungsoo suddenly hissed.

                “So, you do know someone matching that description?”

                “He’s been stalking my husband for years, and has ramped up since we got married. We can’t prove it, but we have a suspicion he tried to sabotage Jongin’s application for citizenship after his last rejection. He’s wanted Jongin for years. I don’t know why he’d hurt him now. Me yes, but not him.”

                “Well, we couldn’t get a name out of him but he’s in one of our cars. I’ll take you by on our way to meet Mister Kim.”

                To Kyungsoo’s surprise, the “dirty blonde Korean” smirking in the sheriff’s car wasn’t Taemin after all, but his own ex who had lost weight and bleached his hair. The short man let out a howl of pure rage and had to be held back by both his escorts, and only calmed down when they threatened to put him in handcuffs and take him to jail instead of to Jongin.

                “It’s not Taemin. That would be my ex , Junmyeon Kim” Kyungsoo explained once he’d calmed down a little, though still glaring toward the car even as the sheriffs tried to hurry him past. “No relation to my Jongin, Korea just doesn’t have many surnames. We were engaged once, then I broke it off since he was sleeping with the intern where he works, shortly before I met and married Jongin. He’s been trying to get me to come back since. He doesn’t even like me, he just wants to use me to get to my parents’ textile business, even though I’ve already been disowned for being an abomination. He even had this whole thing when he’d use me to breed heirs with this lesbian who already has a what I’ve heard is a very lovely wife. Homouals aren’t exactly welcome in Korea. Too many are forced to leave, or worse forced into traditional marriages where everyone is miserable. Korean wives don’t take their husband’s name after marriage, but most countries do. No doubt Suho, that’s his alias by the way, thought he could use the fact they have the same last name to prove his claim. How did you know to look for me?”

                “Really tall fella with pointy ears heard us asking who knew Korean Kai personally and filled us in as to who he was and who you were.”

                “Chanyeol Park. He’s Jongin’s best friend.”

                Finally, they got to the barn, and Kyungsoo darted away to look for his husband. There were swarms of emergency personnel around, mostly cops and EMTs, but nobody seemed to pay any attention to the now panicked Korean searching for the man he loved more than life itself. Then someone moved and he saw Jongin, eyes closed and face white as paper rather than his beautiful caramel, neck brace on and being strapped to a backboard.

                “Hey! Who let the shorty in here! Someone get that gawker out of the way!” Kyungsoo was startled by an angry-sounding voice. He looked up and tried to protest, but his voice suddenly wouldn’t work. Fortunately, one of his sheriff escorts caught up with him.

                “This is Mister Kim’s husband, Mister Do. The reality has probably just caught up with him” the sheriff explained. After that, Kyungsoo was taken by the shoulders and steered to where he could watch, but not get tripped over while they finished getting Jongin ready for transport.

                Kyungsoo never heard the helicopter, but somebody must have since Jongin was picked up and carried quickly and carefully. He was again taken by the shoulders and prodded to follow, only allowed in the helicopter once his husband was secured and the EMTs that were going with him were settled. He was parked in a seat and strapped in and given ear protection against how loud it was. He never noticed take off, anything about the flight, or landing on the roof of the hospital, but once Jongin was taken to trauma he suddenly had a dozen people asking questions he managed to force himself to answer.

                Time had no meaning as Kyungsoo sat there in the trauma bay, hand resting gently on Jongin’s limp one while they prepared for surgery. Once the barrage of questions was over, he was pretty much left alone, except for the one time someone asked if he needed anything. He wasn’t sure if he answered, but he found himself with a Styrofoam cup of ice water just as they came to whisk his husband away. He mechanically followed as long as he could, til he was pointed toward the surgical waiting room and Jongin’s wedding band slipped into his hand.

                Once he could no longer see Jongin but he knew things were happening, Kyungsoo seemed to come back to himself and sipped some of his water before pulling out his phone. He had dozens of missed calls, voicemails, and text messages, most of them assurances his husband would be fine, well wishes, or requests for updates. He responded to only one voicemail, from the sheriff’s office that was handling the case, letting him know the security footage was reviewed and that it was in fact Junmyeon Kim that had caused the “accident.” He called the number back and answered more questions, letting them know he’d be found at which hospital for the foreseeable future if they needed him for anything. Apparently attempted murder was enough for Suho to be remanded, so at least he didn’t have to worry about his ex breaking into another hospital, this time to finish the job. He also answered a few texts, from Chanyeol, Cook, and the Hollands, thanking them for their concern and Chanyeol for actually going to pick up his spare keys and having someone drive him back to pick up his truck and the Hollands for offering to take care of Ollie and Alice, and saying he didn’t know anything yet, other than they caught his ex who caused the whole thing and how sorry he was Jongin got hurt because of Suho.

                “Nonsense Kyungsoo! It certainly wasn’t your fault. You just take care of Jongin and let us know if there is anything else we can do.”

                “I’ll come up tomorrow, after I have a chance to pack you a suitcase Soo. Is there anything in particular you want me to grab? Oh, and have you let Baek know, or do you want me to do it?” Chanyeol asked.

                Not wanting to rob the skinny giant of any chance to flirt with his “bromance” that Kyungsoo doubted had much bro to it no matter how much the two claimed they were straight, especially after Tansy told him what she’d seen when Baek came to visit, the short man asked Chanyeol if he would since he didn’t know how long Jongin’s surgery would be but he wanted to be alert for anything. After thinking, he also gave a list of what he and Jongin would need, and where Yeol would find everything, grateful the Hollands had a spare set of keys to the cabin but wouldn’t be the ones rummaging around in their underwear or trying to figure out which charge cord was which.

                Finally, Chanyeol signed off for the night, though demanded updates whenever anything significant was to happen. Kyungsoo promised, then went to get a cup of burnt yet tasteless coffee from the nearby pot before plugging his phone into one of the convenient charge cords in the waiting room and settled down to wait patiently for news of his husband.

                “Mister Do?” Kyungsoo looked up from where he’d been staring at the floor, toying with Jongin’s wedding band on his own thumb for he had no idea how long, to see an exhausted-looking man still in scrubs.

                “Yes, I’m Kyungsoo Do” he responded.

                “I’m Doctor Chase, lead surgeon for Mister Kim. I’ve come to tell you about what happened to your husband.”

                And Kyungsoo felt as though the floor dropped out from under him as the doctor continued to speak.

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15 streak #1
Chapter 22: This was great. I loved it all
Chapter 22: I hesitated reading this yesterday because I just didn't want it to be over yet. But it over and everyone got the ending they truly deserve. Suho is in jail, BaekYeol are happy, kaisoo got everything they ever wished for and I'm crying now lol
xiaolongnu71 #3
Chapter 22: I can't believe this story has come to an end! Thanks so much for writing and sharing. Looks like everyone got a happy ending (except for Suho).
Chapter 22: I LOVED IT!!!! I really enjoyed reading this story! Hope to read more with my fave couple!! Please keep writing!
xiaolongnu71 #5
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaaah that's too much if a cliffhanger! Can't believe there's only one more chapter left.
Chapter 21: And the floor just dropped out. I think I'll have to get in line to punch Suho in the face, I'm sure Soo wants first dibs. Hoping things turn out well for these two, they just can't catch a freaking break
Chapter 19: I suspect Taemin. He was pretty eager for Jongin to go back to Korea
Chapter 14: Yay!!! Hints of ChanBaek!!!
xiaolongnu71 #9
Chapter 12: Goodness. That escalated pretty quickly!