Pt. 1

Feelings of the Hidden
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A 5 year old girl, in an orphanage, was sitting at the music room placed at the far end of the building, is playing a musical piece. It was one of the most simplest one's but hearing it makes people think twice about it being easy. Her fingers dancing through the keys, gracefully switching from one key to another makes the piece sound more complicated than it ever was. She learned that piece few weeks ago but seeing as of she played it like she knew from the back of her hand will amaze at the capabilities this child has.

And that childs name is Im Nayeon, and perfection is her middle name.


At the same day, Nayeon is now found at the art room of the building. She was all alone in that room but she didnt mind, she's used to being alone. She can now be found drawing on a piece of paper, copying the flowers she saw outside the window of the room, giving her bright sunlight. It looked proper with no flaws whatsoever in her drawing. She took her time making lines, and curves and details to make the flower look like the one from the outside. She was copying a daffodills from the garden.

After the drawing, she used her crayons and carefully colored the flower she drew, using gentle and harden when shading. She made sure to be focused at it as she doesn't want any color out of the line of her drawing. She took all the time to make it look beautiful. And she did successfully.


She is now outside, with the Sun still high up. She sat where she was far away from the other children, next to the tree that was meters away from anyone but close enough to hear anything if something's important.

She wanted to stay away from them as she said to herself that they are only a distraction to what she does best, and that is any form of art. She first wanted to make friends but figured it wouldn't work since she realized they cant keep up with what she does. And so she chose to be alone. And because of this, older children or children like her always made her a target when it comes to teasing and bullying.

It was first when she sat at a bench in an open space of the building's yard when group of children like her gathered and started teasing her for being what she is. She protested and said that art was beautiful but they kept on ignoring her words and pretend it doesn't mean anything. Kept calling her a loser, nerd, and weak and started beating her up when she started to cry.

She then was comforted by one of the advisors there in the orphanage, cleaned her wounds and shushed her cries. She then realized first hand that she will never make friends with anybody who wouldn't appreciate anything so beautiful like art.


Days passed and now she is at the dance room. With her dress and tights that one of her advisors got for her, she then started warming up and kept a book next to her. She then rushes to the windows to opens them, letting fresh air come in. She then made her way to one of the cabinets to take out a cd of her favorite piece and put it on the cd player.

She then poised herself and started dancing to its rhythm. Her body moving accord to the music as it flows through the room, the sound slowly filling it up. Her moves were graceful yet sharp, making a point to her moves in every beat of the melodious song. She was elegant in her moves as she recall in reading one of her books in ballet, that you should embody elegance and feel the music and its emotions through every note.

Once the music smoothly ended, she raised herself up and made a bow, pretending that there is an audience watching her in front of the mirrors.

She took out the cd, put it back into its case, get her book and made her way back into her room to get a towel and wash herself.


It was sunny and Nayeon was sitting in her hidding spot, behind the shady tree. She was leaning on it and in her hand was a book of poems, the one next to her is a fantasy genre of a book.

She was in the middle of reading when she heard whispers and stepping of dried leaves. She knew she was doomed.

"Hey loser!" one boy yelled. She suspected its older because of the voice. "We know you're hiding there!"

"Yeah! We just want to play!" she then heard a girl, followed by laughs of other kids. She has company.

"Yeah! And why dont you show yourself with your words to protect your art when get out of there." the laughing got louder and she knew they were close. Nayeon do something!

"We wouldn't hurt you." the boy then hurried his pace to look behind the tree that Nayeon was leaning on. He made a jump to surprise her but what he saw was nothing. He punched the trunk and yelled again. "Come on! We just want to play with you! We know you aren't hiding!" he sounded angry and irritated. "Come on! We cant let that loser get away!"

He then ran in search to find and and other kids following him. Nayeon was watching the whole thing, from up the tree. Good thing she can climb fast. She hid in one of the branches that covered her with leaves to not make it obvious that she was hiding.

She then slowly made her way then but then made a mistake as she dropped and landed on the wrong side of her left foot, hearing a crack and a snap from the twigs.

"She's here!" she heard one of them shout. Oh no

She then quickly made her way up and ran as fast as she can, ignoring the pain shooting up from the foot up to her left leg. She saw them catching up from her peripheral view and hurried herself more.

She collapsed when her foot gave up and the boy ran to her and quickly held her down. "I got her!"

Soon, more kids started gathering to make a circle around the both of them and the boy then started kicking her in the stomach, crying out her pain as tears made its way down to her face as she listened at the shouts of joy when she was being beaten up and the loud laughs coming from other kids. She felt like an imperfect human being, bringing her shame like this.

The boy then mocked her. "Cry all you want loser!" they all laughed.

"Hey! You get out of the way!" one of their advisors shouted. Everyone then started to disperse and the boy was caught by one of the guards thats with the advisors.

She then cried in relief when one advisor, a woman, checked on her. "Shh. They're gone now. You're safe." she brought her into a hug and Nayeon clutched at the white shirt she was wearing. She never felt pathetic like this in her entire life.

----- 13 years later -----

Myoui Mina, 18 years old, came out of her father's car with an expensive bag with her things and perfectly ironed clothes, making her look like a princess. She has been studying in Seoul National University since she was a junior and became popular for her smarts, beauty and her family name. Her family is known to be one of the most wealthiest families here in South Korea, despite being Japanese, because of the trades her family imports and exports. They are known to be one of the most largest traders in Asia and other continents.

It was any normal day for the Japanese senior as she saw boys and girls looking at her with hearts in their eyes. She may be popular but she never likes the attention, not even one bit. She prefers to be alone.

When she made her way into her lockers, her cousins Sana and Momo, greeted her. "Goodmorning!" they both said in unison, loudly. Sana and Momo are also one of the most wealthiest families here in South Korea and the three of them share the same nationality, though they contrast in personality.

Mina is reserved and an introvert who prefers to stay alone than talk cause she feels like it takes a lot of effort to muster out a word. Sana and Momo are completely opposite. They are the Happy-go-Lucky type who is friendly and talks to almost everyone so thats why they both have a great amount of friends in the big campus. 

The three of them are known to be the "Three Queens" of this school. Its was flattery but Mina says it as if it leaves a bitter taste in .

"Goodmorning." she gave them a smile that she can muster this early in the morning.

The two puts Mina in between them while locking their arms around hers, walking to their classrooms. Great. Another normal day


After hours of lecture's and in between breaks, the day for school is finally over to Mina's relief. They were dismissed as soon as they were told to. Students rushed out of the room, desperate to get out of the campus. Mina was about to leave when their teacher asked her to come. "Mina can you put this back at this Science lab?" her history professor said.

"But sir my cousins are outside waiting for me."

"They can wait for a little while. Please?" her professor requested. "I'm late for my next class."

Mina sighed and took the object from her teachers hands and made her way down to the ground floor, where the Science lab is located and other rooms.

She opened the door and placed the object at the table, wanting to leave the place quickly.

She was about to rush when she heard the sound of the piano playing in one of the rooms. She would look or peek at every window and came upon the Music room. This room was barely used, only when there are special occassions the school hosts.

She pressed her ear and indeed the sound was coming inside the room. She peeked at the high window and saw a girl playing the piano, showing her side profile. She never saw her before and was shoked that she was breathless alone at this. She saw how the way her fingers would move across the keys, her hands gliding through it. She observed how the way her body would move with the music, her head lolling to the sides, feeling the music. She noticed how her lips would part and press against each other, her tongue would peek out from time to time. She looked at how her eyes would close, feeling the pleasure of sound coursing through her as she makes music.

Shehas never heard a piece like that before. It sounded simple but its notes and how it would flow made it look difficult to play. She was mesmerized at this girl. Who is she?

When she felt her stop, she then ducked down and immediately escaped through the hallways and into the exit, to find her two worried cousins waiting impatiently for her.


It was days when she last saw the girl and she wants to see her again. She realized this as she thought that night that she cant stop thinking about her playing the piano, melodiously. 

It was lunch in the afternoon and Mina was found with nibbling her sandwich while her two cousins are talking to each other. She was thinking about the girl when she heard a snap of fingers in front of her face, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Hey, are you alright? I called you for 3 times you didn't respond. What happened?" Sana asked worriedly, with Momo eyeing her closely.

Mina blushed at this. "Nothing. I was just thinking." she said and her voice falls lower as she said the last word.

"That has got to be something important since you've been thinking this deep." Momo then said. "What is it in your mind lately?"

Mina was about to tell them when her eyes found the girl she was thinking about recently. It looks like she's making her way out while hugging a book close to her.

"If you'll excuse me." Mina then rushed quickly to follow the girl, interested in where she will go.

"Hey Mina!"

"Where are you going?"

She ignored the calls from her cousins as to what important is to know where that girl will go.

She made herself far enough for the girl to not suspect she is following her. She made to unfamiliar twists and turns in hallways when she saw her finally entering a room. She waited for her to go in first with her watching behind a wall.

She then rushed and peeked through the high windows. This was a different room she entered into. She saw pastels, canvas, paints, brushes and other art equipment. This is the art room. 

She watched her move about in the room, wearing a messy apron, collecting brushes and paints. She then sat on the stool in front of a canvas, her back facing her. With a pencil on her ear, she snatched it and started drawing. She saw how her hands would constantly move around the canvas, making complex lines. When she was done, she then took her brushes and paints and starts coloring on her drawing. She saw the mixture of color she uses when making contrasting colors to the painting which made it look oddly satisfying to watch. When she was done, it looked amazing. It looked like flowers, she suspects is daffodills and sits there, looking at her work. She then stood up and placed her canvas to the side for drying.

When she was almost looking to her direction, Mina once again ducked and escaped to her way back. Seeing that she is late for Chemistry class, she knew Sana and Momo would be upset about this.


"What were you thinking of leaving so sudden?!" Sana shouted at Mina as she paced the room later that night, all three of them in Mina's room of her house. "You really are out of your mind when you did that! What's gotten into you that made you stand up and be gone enough to miss one period of your Chemistry class?!" she scolded.

"Hey Sana take it easy." said Momo, who was sitting next to Mina on her bed. 

"Look im not going easy on this. Mina what is it? Why'd you do that?" said Sana as she is impatient for an answer.

Mina sighed and reluctantly started. "There was a girl I saw days ago. She was playing the piano in the music room when I came across its hallway. I watched her play cause it looked amazing. And then earlier I saw her again at lunch. She was headed for the art room and I followed her there."

Momo and Sana were shocked at this. Mina never gets interested at a person easily. Never.

"I just wanted to know who she is cause I have never seen her before and I wanted to... maybe, I dont know... make friends with her." she said while her voice gets lower in a whisper as she is shy about it.

Sana then softened her gaze on their youngest cousin. "Ok, I get it. You like this girl to be your friend. But dont do anything something like what happened earlier. It made us worried knowing that both of us has responsibility to you."

Momo gave her a comforting smile and put and arm around her shoulders and rubbed her arm on the side.

"Thanks." she said in a whisper.


Mina was now getting ready to go home with her cousins. She met them at the lobby of the school, waiting for her. They were about to go when Mina saw her again, outside going left. 

"Sana-yah." Mina nudged her. "Please?"

"Please what?"

"I saw her again. Can you wait for me?"

"What? Now?" Momo then said in surprise.

"Yes but please I need to follow her." Mina then wasted no time to rush to her direction, following her again.

She saw her go around outside the campus this time. They were found at the side of the school when the girl opened a door. She entered it and Mina, looked immediately for a window. She saw one but it was the regular windows. She then gets on her knees and peeked at what the girl is doing this time.

She then fell over in surprise when Sana tapped arm with Momo at the back, following her.

"What are you-?

Mina then launched to cover Sana's mouth to her hand, shushing her to be quiet. Sana nodded and then she released her. Sana took few breath's. "What are you doing?!" she whisper shouted.

Mina pointed at the window. "But kneel!" said Mina.

Sana then kneeled and peeked through the window. She then faced Mina. "There's no one here." 


"There's no one here!"

"Yes there is! I saw her walk in her!"

Mina and Sana argued, in a whisper, when Momo, who was standing next to the door, heard a sound coming through it.

"Uhh guys." she whispered.

"What?!" they both whisper-shouted in unison.

"Someone's there. Inside."

Mina then rushed to Momo's side. The door is next to her and she gently pressed her ear on it. Indeed, it was a musical piece. 

Mina then rushes back on her knees and peeks through the window. She saw on the far left is the girl, not wearing her uniform but in black leotards and tights. She was dancing ballet.

She saw how she would become one with the music as she sways and moves with it. She saw how elegant, graceful her moves are even with her eyes closed while dancing. She saw how sharp and fast her moves but soft, gentle and slow. She saw her perfect turns and spins. She is ethereal looking.

"Woah." she heard Sana and Momo said in unison.

When the music stopped, she came upon a bow at the mirror right in front of her, gracefully closing to an end.

Mina then stood up and walked away. 

"Hey Mina! Where are you going this time?" Sana, who was still kneeling, whisper-shouted from afar.


"Are you serious?"

"Yes why?"

"Because you have the oppurtunity to get to know her."

"Look I can just ask you about her."

"Actually we dont know her either."


"I-is someone t-there?"

They all heard the girl from the inside asked, freezing both of them as they got caught. Mina was panicking. Great!

She stood planted on her spot. She doesn't know what to do. She then saw Sana do a signal saying she should get in there. She doesn't want to and they kept on arguing until Momo said, "Yeah im here!"

They both turned at her direction and  Mina then made a face of despair. How?!

"W-well kindly l-leave please!"

Mina then made motion to get out of the place when her cousins stood up and budged at the place. Theu refused to go. Mina was ready to drag them out when the girl said, "Leave me a-alone!"

"Wait!" Sana shouted. She then turned Mina's back, opened the door and shoved her in there. She then urged Momo to help her and they both blocked the door, feeling the pound of fists Mina did.

"Hey guys this is not funny!" she kept on pounding.

"Stop!" the girl then shouted, making Mina stop. "Turn around." she heard her say. 

She slowly turned to face her. They now both saw each other with a gap that is meters away for they are standing at both ends of the room.

Mina eyed her from top to bottom. She has her hair free, seeing the waves of locks rest behind her back. She has good body proportions as the tights and leotards hugged her body well, showing of her curves. She looked amazing.

"W-what are you doing here?" the girl tried to sound intimidating but stuttered sensing she was nervous.

Mina then decided to speak in a soft voice. "I was watching you." Really? 

"Watching me?"

She got no choice as she nodded and said a "Yes."

"W-why?" the girl was backing away slowly.

Mina then took this chance to move closer to her. "I didn't mean to watch on you but I stumbled upon you days ago. You were playing the piano and just... watched you."

"How long have you been watching me?" she said and the girl hit softly on the mirror behind her with Mina going close to her.

"Days. You look interesting." Mina was now in front of the girl, standing with a good gap to not feel that she was too close, sensing her discomfort.

"A-are you going to hurt me?" the girl said in a whisper, sounding scared.

This made her confused. "What?"

The girl took breath. "You're going to hurt me aren't you? Or humiliate me infront of many students? When they say they're interested, they mean they want someone to pick with." she explained all in one breath.

Mina was now speechless. Did this girl went through that? Mina felt pity and somewhat angry about it.

"Please just get over with it."

"Get over with what?" Mina asked in confusion.

"Please if you want to hurt me then hurt me now rather than staying sile-"

"Im not gonna hurt you. Or humiliate you for that matter." Mina said. The girl then widen her eyes at this. "Y-you're not?"



"You look interesting. Thats all it. Not interesting to hurt you. Not interesting to humiliate you. And I dont do that. I'm intersted in making friends with you." she offered a hand and a smile to her. "Please. Lets be friends. I can meet yours if you want me to."

"I-I actually dont have one."

Mina widen her eyes at this. "You dont? Well how about any related family here?"

The girl shaked her head in a no.

"Not one?"

"Not a single one."

Mina then felt sad for the girl. She's alone then. "Well then can I be your first friend?" with her hand still out.

The girl looked at her hand and back at the her. She urged her to take the hand and shake it. She hesistantly did but then had a firm hold on her hand, shaking in it. "There we're friends." Mina said with a gummy smile. The girl then had a small smile on her lips.

"My name is Myoui Mina."

"Mine is Im Nayeon."


"Without us, you wouldn't have gotten her name." Sana said. They three are now walking at the hallway that day after they saw the girl, Nayeon. 

"Yeah I know." Mina replied with a knowing smile on her face.

"You know you have to thank us at some point you know?" Momo made pouting lips and an innocent pleading look of her face while hugging Mina's arm.

Mina shaked her head at the rediculousness Momo is showing and she then started whining about her treating them on food for helping her.

She was listening but the words seem to be out of her head as she thinks she saw Nayeon walking ahead of them.

"-if you're thinking about something later after class, how about the restaurant that serves jokbal and cheese kimbap since I have been craving for it earlier or-"

"Can I go to Nayeon?" she asked to the both of them.

Sana then stopped and looked around them. "Where is she? I dont see her."

"I do. She's ahead of us. Please?"

The other two looked at each other and Sana released a sigh. "Fine. Go get her." she patted her shoulder. They both watched Mina took of to find Nayeon among the crowd of students.

"She grows up so fast Momo." 

"She does. And its all your fault."


Mina found her and tapped her shoulder from behind. "Hey."

Nayeon got startled at Mina's presence. "Oh hi." she said in a small voice.

"Hey whats wrong?"

"Nothing. Its just- Im not... really used to this."

"To what?" Mina asked curiously.

"To... socializing... with a friend." Nayeon looked down at the floor and slowed down her walk.

"Well then you'll get used to it." Mina offered happily. "We'll take things slowly for you to cope with it more openly. Anyways I dont want to keep you from being late so see you at lunch!" Mina then got ahead of her to go to the stairs to the second floor.

Nayeon watched her go up. It was nice being noticed. She made a small smile and headed towards her room.


It was now lunch time and Nayeon sat herself at the secluded spot of the cafeteria, right at far corner of the big room next to a window. She was holding a pencil, writing poems on her notebook with glasses on her face. She then felt someone sit across her.

"Hey." Mina sets her tray of food on the table. 

"Oh hey." she said softly.

Mina looked at her face, she has glasses on. Nayeon noticed this and her face became red. "Are you looking at me?" she became concious and took of her glasses and placed them quickly on the table. 

"No wait." Mina then reached for her face to look at her. She then took her glasses and wiped them clean them puts it on her face. "Its just new to me. But you dont have to hide the fact you wear them. It looks cute on you." she then made a gummy smile.

She tugs her glasses up to her bridge of her nose, securing it. "Really?"

"Yeah. Dont be shy about it now. I'm learning something about you and thats a great way to start a friendship. Learning about each other."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Good. And also what are you writing?" She said as she took a bite out of her sandwich.

"A poem."

Mina raised her brows at this. "Really? Can I see it."

Nayeon looked hesitant to give her her notebook. "Its ok you dont have to."

"N-no, no. I want to. Its just- just dont laugh." She reluctantly handed her notebook and Mina took it from her gently.

Mina was surprised at the words...

She didn't expect this to be deep.

"I-its ok if you thinks its ugly. I wont b-blame you. I-"

"No." Mina held up a hand. "No. Its ok. I just didn't expect it to be this deep. You're quite good at literature." she handed her the notebook back. Nayeon was smiling at Mina's compliment. 

"Thank you."

"Dont you have anything you want to eat?" Mina asked curiously.

"Oh yeah I have." she gets a plastic from her bag and presented three white balls.

"What are those?" as she munched on the sandwich she just got.


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Chapter 3: This story is such a masterpiece, oh my god everything is just well written. It's so beautifully heartbreaking!!!! Thank you for writing this author.

Though I think I'll never forget the pain I felt from reading this ;-; it's just a 3 chaptered fic but it made me feel so much. brb cryin
_francesleina #2
Chapter 3: no no no 😭😭😭 this story hurts me so much and i love it, thank you for this piece❤️😭
cal1ste #3
Chapter 3: My tears burst out from that "I love you too... Nayeon." ㅠㅠ
Chapter 3: I'll stay here in ur heart is such a pathetic promise, u'll stay yes but as a pain. I dont want it :(( this is one of a sad minayeon fic
Chapter 3: now look who is about to cry *point to myself*
Will you love me? Even if I let go?? Aldfjgkgl!!!!
Minayeon is the epitome of angst!!!
Chapter 3: this is a masterpiece ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Justme333 #7
I didn't expected this to be a really angst I know it was in tag but I didn't really expected this to be ended like this. I thought they would ended up not together but I didn't expect that Nayeon would ended like that. And now I'm crying over this beautiful masterpiece.
Piungpiungwink #8
Chapter 3: Why every good minayeon story ends in death and sad endings I'm crying again... Such a good story I thought that nayeon was going to live and finally be happy
kangEmma #9
Chapter 3: My god woow this is so beautiful
But sooo sad too. I can't stop crying now