I'll Wait

Why I Like You
You woke up the next morning as the sun hit your eyes. You're quite having a hard time opening your eyes as your eyes were puffy from last night's crying. The incident yesterday has been hard on you. You then noticed that you slept on the couch while crying your heart out with your best friend Jihyo yesterday night. You and Jihyo talked about the incident that had happened which made you a lot more confused.
"What if you're just over-reacting?" You remembered Jihyo said. "I mean you know guys, they're twisted and all but sometimes they have a point why they do such twisted things. Sometimes they have to do do things to protect their loved ones."
You sighed deeply and pressed your temples as your head started to ache. Remembering yesterday's incident was almost a blur to you now which made you a lot more confused. *What if Jihyo's right? Argh, I hate being hormonal and being too emotional at the same time!* You muttered to yourself as you continue to press your temples. It was already 8:00 am and you knew that you're already running late for your last day of photography class. As much as you wanted to skip classes today, you just can't. It's your last day of classes and you have to pass your final project that is also due today and your professor will choose the 3 pairs who are going to join him on his one man show exhibit. 
You really wanted to look nice today so that people won't notice that you're affected after all. So you took out a nice dress from your closet, some flat shoes and accessories to go with your outfit.


You really don't care if you're already running late for your class so you took your time to prepare and have breakfast. You were'nt really excited to go to you're last day of you're photography class today. If only your final project isn't due today you wouldn't really bother.

As you got out of your apartment and went to you car, you suddenly noticed that one of your tires were flat. *Great, just when I decided to wear some dress...* You muttered to yourself. You sighed in frustration.

"Can I help you?" An unfamiliar voice said.

"J-Jongmin-sshi, Jongmin right?" You asked.

"Yeah..." Jongmin said with a smile. "I see you had a flat tire. May I help?"

"Uhm, if it isn't so much of a hassle. I could really use a hand..." You sighed.

"It's okay, so where's the toolbox?" He asked. You then opened the back compartment of your car and took the heavy tool box with Jongmin's help. He then took out the necessary tools he needed to change your tire. He then squatted in front of the flat tire and fixed it. 
"Really, thank you Jongmin-sshi." You said as Jongmin finished fixing your tires.
"No worries..." He said and flashed a smile.
"Uhm, I beleive I haven't thanked you for bringing me and Jihyo home yesterday. I'm also sorry for making a scene yesterday..." You said.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. I'm actually worried about you..."Jongmin shamelessly said.
You really didn't know how to reply with his remark and just gave him faint smile. "D-do you live around the area?" You asked to break the awkwardness.
"Ah, yeah. I live by the end of the street..." He said.
"Are you going somewhere? Maybe I could drop you off..." You offered in repay of his kindness.
"I'm just going to grab some groceries at downtown. But I have an idea, I'll just drive you to your school then I can walk from there..." Jongmin suggested.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah..." He said with a nod.
"Arasso. Kaja, I'm kind of already late..."
*Aish, where is she?* Siwon muttered to himself while sitting on your usual seats in photography class. He was still afraid and nervous to see you today though, but he needs to know if you're okay. Siwon didn't get enough sleep last night and he looked like he was in a bad shape; like wasted bad shape, even though he didn't drink. He has been thinking of you and your tear stricken eyes from last night. It was your eyes that got him hooked to you, and it made him really weak to see those chinky but big beautiful eyes filled with tears because of him. He already told himself that he will never cease to apologize to you until you've forgiven him. He lost his train of thought when the instructor came in the classroom. 
*_____-ah where are you?* Siwon again muttered worriedly.
"Everybody ready with the final projects?" The instructor asked the class. Everybody said yes, except for Siwon who looked out the door expectantly. "I'll be checking and calling you by pairs and defend your project to me, arasso? Then I'll announce the highest pointers afterwhich. Good luck!"
"Sonsaengnim, may I go out? I just have to make an important phone call..." Siwon asked politely, as he interrupted the class.
"Ah, sure. But make it quick, we're going to start..." The instructor said.
"Ne, gomawo..." Siwon said and bowed politely before leaving the room. He stood by the window of the hallway, looking out for you  on the street, but there were no signs of you. He then fished his phone from his pocket and dialed your number. When he was about to press the call button, he noticed your car parking in front of the building. He sighed in relief after seeing your car, but his eyebrows creased when he saw you got out of the front passenger seat and the familiar tall fair skinned guy who drove your car and got out from the driver's seat. But after all, he adored how pretty you are right now, even though your eyes are still kind of puffy.
"Gomawo, Jongmin-sshi..." You said and gave a slight bow.
"You're welcome, but can we drop formalities now?" He said.
"Ah a-arasso, Jongmin-ah..." You said with a slight smile. Suddenly a strong wind blew, you immediately held your skirt down to prevent it from flying of but something got caught in your eyes. "Ow!" You said as you tried to blink away the dirt in your eyes.
"What's wrong?" Jongmin asked worriedly.
"Nothing, just something in my eyes..." You said as you raise your hand to your eyes and scratch it.
"Oh no, don't scratch it!" Jongmin said as he took your hand right on time. You were actually taken aback by his sudden action and froze up to where you were standing. Jongmin gently held your chin and leaned closer to you. You suddenly noticed that his lips were just inches away from your face as he leaned closer; his lips then stopped on your eye and gently blew it.
"All better now?" He asked.
"Y-yeah..." You stuttered.
"So, I gotta go, you're running late. Here are your car keys..." Jongmin said as he handed you your car keys.
"Ah, th-thanks again..." You stuttered as you grabbed your keys from him and went straight to the building without even saying goodbye. You almost run to your classroom, never forgetting that you were wearing a dress. Little did you know, some one is watching you.
As you brisk walk to your classroom, you noticed a familiar statuesque figure, looking out the window by the hallway. Your heart pounded the moment he faced you. He stared at you blankly, but sadness was evident in his eyes. You knew that he must've seen the little incident a while ago. You wanted to explain to him that it was just an accident but instead of doing so, you adjusted your backpack on your shoulders and looked down on the ground and started to walk to your classroom door.
You sat on your usual chair and Siwon did as well. You really felt guilty after deciding to dress up nicely today as you see him in a somewhat bad shape. You thought that your were being unreasonable for thinking this way. But whenever you think and remember the shameful stares the photographers, you could only feel sorry for yourself.
After some time the instructor finally called you and Siwon to his office to present your final project. Your heart pounded because you really wanted to participate in his exhibit, it'll really be a big break for you. And the fact Siwon is your partner and haven't seen his work gave you a lot more pressure.
"Memories? A vague concept it may seem, but it surely has deep meaning..." The instructor said as he propped his chin to his hands.
"Yeah, we came up with the theme when _____ and I accidentally met in a cemetery. She was visiting her grandfather's grave and I was also visiting my grandmother's. _____ told me a story about how her grandfather influenced her in photography and her memory of him. And so from there, we came up with our theme..." Siwon said. 
"Great, so can I see your photographs please?" Your professor said and you both did what you were told and handed him your portfolio. You played with your fingers nervously as he studied your portfolio first. He was nodding as he flipped through the pages of your portfolio, you didn't know if it was a satisfied nod or what and it made you a lot more nervous. He then took Siwon's portfolio right after and studied his pictures. Like what your professor did to your pictures, he gave a nod as he studied Siwon's photographs. The professor's eyebrows suddenly creased and looked closer at Siwon's photo's. 
"I-isn't this Ms.  _____-ah?" The professor said and looked at Siwon, then to you, then to Siwon again.
"Ne, sonsaengnim..." Siwon said confidently. Your eyes widen with what Siwon just said and looked at Siwon. "I used _____ as a subject of my concept. I want to thank you, sir, for this project. I got to know a really awesome and person in her and I want to keep her as a good memory..." Siwon continued. Your eyes started to well up but blinked it out before it could fall.
The professor smirked at both of you. "You guys actually looked good together the moment I saw you sitting together during the first day of this classes..." he remarked. "I must say your pair has really good photographs, you must've inspired each other..."
"Kamsahamnida sonsaengnim..." Siwon said politely when you could only respond with a bow. It's true and you have to admit that Siwon inspired you, he encouraged you with the photos you took and what not. Somehow you suddenly felt guilty for giving an unreasonable fit with him last night. You hated your hormones for getting too emotional yesterday; you tend to be cranky and grumpy whenever the time of the month comes. Right at that moment, you wanted to talk to Siwon to somehow apologize to him. 
*But right after this what happens next? Aigoo, what am I going to do?* You asked yourself as you face palm and propped your hands on your usual table of your classroom while waiting for your professor's results. If you would make-up with Siwon, are you ready to be the unknown and kept girlfriend? If anything happens, are you prepared for this? You know you can and you will, as long as Siwon stays by yourside. Well that is if he takes you back...
"You did great, don't worry..." A familiar voice whispered right next to you. You looked at the statuesque figure beside you and bit your lip.
*If you only knew that I was thinking about you...* You told yourself. "Thanks, you did too..." You managed to say after gulping the lump on your throat.
Suddenly, the classroom door opened and your professor entered with a paper in hand. "Here are the results!" Your professor announced. Your heart pounded out of your chest and you started to play with your fingers nervously again.
"I'll announce the three pairs in no particular order, so here it goes... Kang Mina & Shin Jisun..." The professor announced the first pair and earned their encouragements for the others. "Lee Chungho & Park Junghee..." The professor continued and announced the second pair which made you a lot nervous because there's only one pair left. "Last, but not the least, Choi Siwon and ____ ____! Congratulations and I'll see you again soon!" The professor said and left the room. Everyone is congratulating everyone for a job well done while you were left stuck up and left your mouth hanging open. 
"Congratulations _____-ah!" one of your colleagues congratulated you as she shook your shoulders to wake you up from your trance.
"T-thank you..." You stuttered and thanking everyone who congratulated you. You looked at Siwon who has been looking at you with his signature smile. "Congrats!" You said genuinely with a smile.
"Congratulations!" Siwon said, still with his signature smile. Siwon sighed, pursed his lips and got closer to you. "Can we talk? Please?"
You were actually taken aback by his sudden request. You gave a small smile and nodded yes as a response. You both got out of your classroom and went to the hallway end. You rest your back to the wall and Siwon did the same to the wall opposite you.
"You... you looked really pretty today..." Siwon said with his head hanging low.
"Thank you..." You said quietly. Silence finally engulfed the two of you. Like yesterday, you waited for him to say something. You looked down to your shoes as you got sad on how awkward the two of you are. But just like yesterday, Siwon had gone weak whenever he sees sadness in your eyes.
"I'm sorry." Siwon finally said, breaking the silence. "I-I just want you to know that I'm never gonna stop saying I'm sorry, for all possible reasons... I-I still wanted to continue what we have started, I miss you and I love you. It's up to you if you would take me back or what. But I have to warn you and you must understand, you should know that I'm often out of the country, sometimes you'll feel alone and I won't be physically there for you. I won't be able to go out with you in public without any disguise or else the media would feast on us..." Siwon trailed of but tried to compose himself back. "I-I saw you with Jongmin a while ago, please don't choose him. But all I can promise you that my heart will always be with you, if you take me back." Siwon said straightforwardly. You felt your heart tightened with his words; it somehow felt like it's going to explode anytime. Your tongue got tied and you couldn't say anything at all. 
"I'll be going to Thailand and Taiwan for few days, I still don't know if I could make it to sonsaengnim's exhibit, I'm sorry." Siwon said. Still, you couldn't utter any word. Siwon then got on his feet. "I'll wait for your answer but please don't keep me waiting for too long." He said and with that Siwon left.
Hello lovelies and dearies! I'm back :D
Here's an update for you guys^^
I feel so fulfilled,,this is the 2nd to the last chapter and I want to thank you guys for holding on :)
Hope you guys will love this update :)
Please do leave your comments,,totally appreciate it :D
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Do you guys want a sequel for the story Why I Like You? I'm curious and might brew something up :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 21: Lovely story :)
Chapter 22: Read it all in one day. Had to take several breaks to stop myslef from squealing and fangirling. Amazing story, Author-nim!! Keep up the great work!!
Chapter 22: I just read this in one sitting... OK 1st i have to say: thank you!!! Siwon is my bias n the first kpop bias I had... And its super hard to find SiwonxOC fics, so thanks for writing this...
Second: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I freaking adore this fic, it was so sweet... U describe Siwon in such a lovable n real way, it really made me feel immerse in the story, simple perfect, one of the best fics I have read here ^^ Keep up the amazing work!
chiibiiluna #4
I read this in one sitting! This is PERFECT!!! :))

Keep on writing!! :*
tashaleeteuk #5
Wow... seriously... wow... u really makes the character alive. This is my ultimate fave story i've ever read in asian fanfics. Keep up the good work!
Good story!!! loved it keep writing!!!!
*tear-jerker end!
cute story.. ^^
I've finished reading the story. And sequel is what I need. :) Pleasseee?
wonkyumee #10
wahhh such a sweet story^^
I never read fanfict where simba so nice and sweet like this before.
I like the story, simple and touching, I can feel the 'you' character here.
you said it's your 2nd fanfict, right. what is the 1st?? I wanna read it, is the main cast simba too??
I was newbie here, so I just searching my fav author, and I guess you are my fav^^ so bangapseumnida :)

last, sorry if my english totally bad, it's not my mother language ^^
Hope you'll post the new one ASAP, hehe