Can I stay here?

Why I Like You

It's already past 1a.m. and you're still wide awake. You can't remember how many times you toss and turn on your bed. You groaned at yourself because you really wanted to sleep, you still have classes tomorrow. Speaking of classes, Siwon didn't attend today's classes. He had this photo shoot for a clothing company. The last time you heard from him was his text during lunch, asking if you already had lunch. But it was already past midnight, and you still haven't heard anything from him, and yes you're worried. Dating an idol is a first time for you. You also realized that after this week, it'll be your last week of your photography classes. You knew that after this it'll mean less time to see each other, and you knew that Siwon will be very busy.

*If Siwon will be very busy, and I'm dating him I just have to get used to it. I have to be very patient and understanding when it comes to his schedules. As long as Siwon is there, I'll be okay...* You told yourself, with a hint of blush in the last sentence.

You were deep in your thoughts when your phone beeped with a text message. You reached your phone from your side table and a smile started to curl up from your lips when you saw Siwon's name. It read:

From: Choi Siwon
Are you still awake?

From: Honey (You)
Ne, can't sleep...

From: Choi Siwon
Open the door please?

Your eyes grew wide like saucers and immediately sat up from your bed. You grabbed your brush and hurriedly brush your hair and hurried to the door of your apartment. You took a peek on the peephole before opening the door and found Siwon wearing a cap and sunglasses that made you hard to recognize him at first. He was standing behind the door with one hand leaning on the door jamb. You then let out a deep breath before opening the door to relax yourself.

When Siwon heard that you were already unhooking the door locks, he took off his sunglasses and started to fix himself. As soon as the door opened, he felt so happy to see you welcome him with a smile. But your smile faded to see him looked tired and worn out from work, you felt really sorry and worried for him. Siwon gave you a faint smile and sighed heavily. And to your surprise, Siwon engulfed you into a tight embrace. There were no words needed, you felt how tired he was. Even though you were too surprised with what he did, you just returned his embrace and patted his back. You stayed like that for a while.

"Oppa, everything okay?" You asked when he released you; even though you knew that there's something wrong.

"I'm sorry it's just that I miss you a lot..." Siwon said with his tired eyes.

"Are you sure?"

Siwon nodded. "I was just tired from the photo shoot, but I'm totally perfect now. I just really wanted to see you." He said and caressed your cheek. You instantly blushed when he did that.

"C'mon I have something to fix that..." You said and took his hand. Siwon smiled at the sight of his and your hands laced together. You then lead him to the living room and let him sit on the sofa.

Siwon tried not to fall asleep while waiting for you. After a few minutes, you came back and he noticed you holding a mug of hot beverage. You handed the mug to him and he smiled when he saw that it was a hot chocolate with marshmallows on top.

"Now don't be too amused, that's just a pocket of Swiss Miss. I couldn't make you a real one in just a flash..." You said.

Siwon smiled. "But you made it for me..." He said and took his phone from his pocket and took a picture of the mug.

"Why'd...?" You asked but trailed off.

"For souvenir..." Siwon said and that made you chuckle.

"Oppa, drink up before it gets cold... Be careful, it might be too hot." You warned. Siwon smiled and did what he was told. "Wait, did you even have dinner?"

"Yes Honey..." Siwon said with a smile. You blushed again in an instant. Siwon has been calling you 'Honey' ever since his birthday.

"You should've just headed home and take a rest..."

"I told you, I really wanted to see you, that's all I need." Siwon said which made you blush some more.

"You must be really tired, you should take a rest..." You said in full concern when he finished drinking the hot chocolate.

"Can I stay here?" Siwon asked with his puppy eyes. Your eyes grew wide. "I-I can sleep here on the sofa..." He said.

"You're all tired, you might want to sleep on something comfortable. You can take my bed for the night and I'll sleep here..."

"But I can't let you sleep here again..." Siwon said. "I have an idea, why don't you sleep on the sofa and I'll sleep on the carpet..." He suggested.

You bit the inside of your cheek and thought for a moment. "I have a better idea..."

You asked Siwon to help you link the two couches together, making it on a form of a crib.

"This is brilliant!" Siwon said with his famous hand gestures.

"Thank you! Now you take the sofa, and I'll take the couches..." You said.

"But this will be better..." Siwon said and pushed the couches beside the sofa. You chuckled. You then took out some pillows and blankets and started to sleep.

The next morning, Jihyo got out of her room and was surprised to see the living room totally different. She rubbed her eyes and blinked few times to take the blurriness from her eyes. She squealed and got excited inside when she saw you and Siwon sleeping with your hands intertwined. *Finally!* She thought. She was too happy for you that she took your camera from your room and thought that it would be great to take picture of you two.

You suddenly woke up when you felt light flickered with your eyes closed. You opened your eyes and saw Jihyo with your camera.

"What are you doing?" You asked as you blink out the blurriness from your eyes.

"You tell me..." Jihyo chuckled. "Are we redecorating the living room or this is the new order of Feng Shui?" She mocked with a chuckle.

"Shut up..." You muttered.

"Hey, don't you guys have classes today?" Jihyo asked.

"Oh yeah..." You slapped your forehead and turned to Siwon to wake him up. You smiled at the sight of Siwon sleeping soundly while holding your pinky.

"Yah! If you won't stop staring, Siwon might melt..." Jihyo mocked.

"Aish..." You muttered, giving a death glare to Jihyo.

"Arasso, arasso...I'll leave you two alone..." Jihyo said and went straight to the bathroom.

You then turned back to Siwon. "Oppa, wake up..." You said while nudging his shoulders. But Siwon just scrunched up his nose that made you chuckle. "Siwon-ah, wakey, wakey... C'mon, rise and shine..." You sang.

"Five minutes more, Hon..." He muttered and made you blush.

"Oppa, we have classes today..."

Siwon opened and eye and closed it back. "Can we just ditch class today and spend time together?"

"But you were already absent yesterday..." You reasoned.

"I know, but I'm really tired..." Siwon said and snuggled more to his pillow with your hand.

"Okay, then stay here and I'm going to class..." You said and tried to yank your hand from him. But he suddenly sat up and pulled you to him and wrapped his arms around you.

"No you're not going anywhere..." Siwon chuckled.

"Yah! Let me go!" You yelled.


"I'll call your manager..." You warned.

“No you’ll not…” Siwon said and stuck out his tongue “Mehrong!” You couldn’t help but laugh at him. In the end, you guys ended up staying at your house and spent the time together.



Hello lovelies and dearies! Here's another cute update just for you guys! :D

Thanks for the sweet comments..I'm always glad to hear from you guys :D

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Do you guys want a sequel for the story Why I Like You? I'm curious and might brew something up :)


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 21: Lovely story :)
Chapter 22: Read it all in one day. Had to take several breaks to stop myslef from squealing and fangirling. Amazing story, Author-nim!! Keep up the great work!!
Chapter 22: I just read this in one sitting... OK 1st i have to say: thank you!!! Siwon is my bias n the first kpop bias I had... And its super hard to find SiwonxOC fics, so thanks for writing this...
Second: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I freaking adore this fic, it was so sweet... U describe Siwon in such a lovable n real way, it really made me feel immerse in the story, simple perfect, one of the best fics I have read here ^^ Keep up the amazing work!
chiibiiluna #4
I read this in one sitting! This is PERFECT!!! :))

Keep on writing!! :*
tashaleeteuk #5
Wow... seriously... wow... u really makes the character alive. This is my ultimate fave story i've ever read in asian fanfics. Keep up the good work!
Good story!!! loved it keep writing!!!!
*tear-jerker end!
cute story.. ^^
I've finished reading the story. And sequel is what I need. :) Pleasseee?
wonkyumee #10
wahhh such a sweet story^^
I never read fanfict where simba so nice and sweet like this before.
I like the story, simple and touching, I can feel the 'you' character here.
you said it's your 2nd fanfict, right. what is the 1st?? I wanna read it, is the main cast simba too??
I was newbie here, so I just searching my fav author, and I guess you are my fav^^ so bangapseumnida :)

last, sorry if my english totally bad, it's not my mother language ^^
Hope you'll post the new one ASAP, hehe