Caramel frappé


A new little one shot ~~

I got the idea like 1 hour ago? And write it right away haha

I at finding title so I'm sorry? XD

Hope you'll like it (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


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Cho_lolai101 #1
Chapter 1: Short and real sweet like our dynamic duo ??
Chapter 1: Sneaky Mark xD
But also, good job Mark! LOL
Their date pleaseeeee hahaha jkjk
Thank you for this cute story~
JinyoungsMark #3
Chapter 1: Lol.. Haha.. Mark mayb doing it on purpose xD but love this anyway <3
Chapter 1: Honest talk I would love someone who is Mark to bump me and spilled my favourite drink for that he will take me to date and buy me drink I would love that
markjin18 #5
Chapter 1: so sweet love it!!thank you<3
Chapter 1: CUTEEEEE