Chapter 2

My Everything

“You have to take responsibility.” A coldly decisive Donghae said to Eunhyuk one week later during lunch. Donghae dragged the chair opposite Eunhyuk and placed himself in a way that stated he was not going to move. Eunhyuk just raised his eyebrows. This guy kept popping out like some jack rabbit in his life.


“I…The house feels so empty without you. I am going nuts being all alone in that house.” As if that explained everything.


‘Then hire a new house keeper.” Eunhyuk patiently suggested, as he continued eating.


“I have tried but it must only be you.” The house Donghae personally chose felt too big and lifeless now.


“If anything, its all your fault. I was happily living my life and now, as if I am under a spell, all I do is keep thinking about you. You, the last type of person to fit my version of a partner.” He grabbed the chopstick from Eunhyuk and started eating Eunhyuk’s food, purposely trying to provoke him into some sort of reaction. He spat the food out a moment later. “Errghh…What kind of food is this?”


“It’s the only kind of food that I can afford.” Eunhyuk extended his palm, waiting for Donghae to pass the chopsticks back.


‘You don’t have to eat this. I’ll bring you to a better place.” Donghae confidently stood up, expecting Eunhyuk to join him. Eunhyuk was in the midst of deciding which piece of rice cake he should eat first.


‘Are you not coming?” Donghae demanded.


“No.” He chose the smaller rice cake. He saved the best piece for the last.


“This food is not edible for anybody’s stomach.”


“It does for me and the rest of the customers who goes to that store. Donghae-shi, it’s better if you leave my table now. I foresee an argument coming.”


Donghae stubbornly sat back, crossing his arms like a petulant kid. “I told you, you must take responsibility.”


Losing his appetite rapidly, Eunhyuk placed his chopsticks aside. The last piece of rice cake had to wait. “Donghae-shi, did I ask you to like me? No. Did I encourage you? No. So I can’t be held responsible.”


‘What can I do to make you like me?” Donghae couldn’t believe the desperation coming out from him. Why was he reducing himself this pathetically to a mere nobody? He told his body to stand up and to never look for Eunhyuk again, but his body remained glued to the chair.


Eunhyuk simply stared at Donghae unblinkingly, wondering what he did to deserve this kind of haranguing.


“You treat most people like trash. You throw your money away without respecting it’s value. You treat woman like your toys. So tell me, Lee Dong Hae, what can you do to make me like you.”


“You aim well, Eunhyuk-ah. Right to the center of the heart.” Donghae smiled sadly, his eyes slightly glazed. Apparently, all his defenses crumbled when it involved Eunhyuk.


Eunhyuk felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He always thought Donghae was immune towards all kinds of insults. Just because Eunhyuk didn’t have a good opinion on Donghae, it doesn’t make it right for him to behave badly as well.


“Do you know I used to be envious with people like you when I was young?” Donghae said with a far away look. Eunhyuk thought it was best to be silent even as he thought the ridiculousness of Donghae’s statement. What did he have to be envious about? This man had almost everything!


“I have two older brothers and we were all sent to private boarding schools as part of our growing up. The only conversation we had in dinner table once we returned for the holidays was about our grades and who’s who. The closest affection came from our personal maids. And they would only smile to us at most, and maybe a pat on the head on special occasions. Sometimes, I would see them hugging their children so freely and I would think, I rather be poor and be loved than being all alone.” It was the first time Donghae ever opened up about himself to anyone.


“Do your parents always hug you, Eunhyuk?” Donghae asked, leaning a little closer towards Eunhyuk.


As Eunhyuk always thought his aunt as his parent, he nodded. A simple hug could make even the worst of the days bearable. To feel less alone in the world. It was his auntie’s unconditional love which made him endure the loss of his parents and the constant financial crisis they had. And not forgetting Sungmin, whom was more of a brother than a cousin.


“Good for you. Then envy turned into hatred you see. I couldn’t have that type of love no matter how hard I reached for it. I felt better hating than yearning for something I could never have.”


“Why are you telling me all this, Donghae-shi?” Eunhyuk was aware that with this kind of knowledge, they could no longer be strangers. He was not ready to see Donghae through another perception.


“Because when I saw you, you made me recall the child I was back then and my yearnings came forth again. To have a good loyal person by my side who loves me for who I am and not as a price tag. I hated you so much for making me feel like that once again but I also begun to love you for always being your true self to me.” Donghae’s throat constricted as he felt bare, exposing his true thoughts and weaknesses to Eunhyuk. But he admitted he needed to do his best to have Eunhyuk by his side. And for some reason, he had absolute faith that Eunhyuk would never misuse this to hurt him.


‘Why it is you that makes me behave this way, even I have no answer to that. And I have been asking myself that every minute. But it has to be you.”


It was too late for Eunhyuk to continue hating Donghae. Wasn’t it terrible to be in that kind of loneliness amidst all the wealth? Eunhyuk’s compassion won over his preferred stubbornness.


“I-I can be your friend, but never more.” Eunhyuk spoke before he changed his mind.


“F-friend?” Donghae’s expectant heart sunk a little. He would force himself to be content with this much. He nodded, swallowing hard.


“Yes but I’ll not tolerate your bullying. You need to clear up your ways.” Eunhyuk added meaningfully and waited for Donghae’s ascent. He nodded empathetically. Eunhyuk extended his hand, and Donghae gripped it tightly with both his hands, never wanting to let go.




3 months later…


One could say the day Eunhyuk decided to be friends with Donghae was the day Donghae took a rebirth. He was like a cold beautiful diamond sparkling with brilliance now, under the sun which warmed it. His popularity hit roof top but Donghae was only with Eunhyuk, much to the chagrin of many girls. He couldn’t, or more precisely didn’t want to see the others. Eunhyuk alone was enough for him.


“You shouldn’t forget your old friends, Donghae.” Eunhyuk said as he flipped the fish he was grilling. Due to Donghae’s insistence, he was once again the house keeper in Donghae’s house.


“What friends? I don’t have one. Except for you. Hug” Donghae demanded in one word. Eunhyuk just stared at him. Ignoring it, Donghae back hugged Eunhyuk and smiled like a kinder gardener. Since they became friends, Eunhyuk hugged Donghae and even allowed Donghae to hug him at most times. Sometimes, Eunhyuk would knock Donghae’s head or ruffle Donghae’s carefully styled hair playfully until it was an absolute mess. Whatever childhood yearnings he felt he was deprived off, Eunhyuk was there, giving it. Well, except for one thing, but that was better left alone.


Donghae picked up one of the carrots and started to munch, settling himself on the chair, content to watch Eunhyuk.


“Girls are glaring at me in the hall way because of you.” In Eunhyuk’s perspective, Donghae was becoming too dependent on Eunhyuk. Although Eunhyuk didn’t mind it, it will only trouble Donghae in future. It was hard to even take the fact that this previous i-love-my self-only guy is now a very different man. Eunhyuk didn’t dare ask why. He was afraid of the answer. In the slightest chance the answer was along the lines of Donghae liking him, he was not sure how he would react to it now. It was easier to reject a tyrannical man instead of a changed man.


“I will glare at them back.” Donghae shrugged, problem solved.


“That is not the reason why I am telling you this. You used to date before you and I became friends, so you should still do it. You need more friends Donghae and maybe even a girlfriend.”


Donghae became silent for quite some time. Eunhyuk was left washing the dishes in a state of discomfort. He felt like a mother trying to push the stubborn son to take a step into the world so that he wouldn’t lose out.


“Am I bothering you?” Donghae asked insecurely. With Eunhyuk, he could never hold on to the mask of worldliness he always put up.


Eunhyuk sighed. He should have known better to start a conversation like this. “No, you don’t but in case, just in case anything at all happens to me, what will happen to you?” Eunhyuk placed Donghae’s plate in front of him.


Donghae pushed the plate away, “I’m not hungry.”


“Yah, never show your anger to the food. I prepared it so hard for you. Eat.” Eunhyuk insisted sternly. Donghae took a small bite.


“If anything were to happen to you, I’ll follow you.” Donghae attacked his food with vigor after that.


“You are talking nonsense, Donghae. You have only known me recently. You need to also think about the others whom care for you. Your family.”


“I told you, my family is not the type to care. Only you care about me. I love you, Eunhyuk.”


"You don't love me, Donghae.It's called liking and even respect. Something we share with our friends and.." Eunhyuk stopped as Donghae moved towards Eunhyuk in a split second and trapped Eunhyuk at either sides of his hips by placing both his hands on the black marbled counter of the kitchen. He hated thinking even for a moment about Eunhyuk not by his side. Eunhyuk’s casual conversation terrified Donghae. It opened the black raging hole in him which he has firmly closed shut.


“You are my drug. I need you. Nobody will need or love you as much as I do. It's not just liking or respect. I know my feelings very clearly.” Donghae’s impassioned confession somehow freaked Eunhyuk out.


‘Donghae, be calm. Move away now.” Eunhyuk spoke in a gentle but strong manner, as if he was talking to a wild animal. His heartbeat was escalating rapidly. It had to be the conflict. That’s the only reason. It was his mistake to forget Donghae could be dangerous and untamable. That was the real Donghae’s in any case.


“I can’t move away. I need you to understand that it’s only you I need. You don’t have to love me back, but let me love you.”


“Donghae, come back to your senses. Love must involve two people or it will turn painful and bitter. I am-!” Eunhyuk stopped as Donghae’s lips crashed on to his violently.


“Don’t talk. Your words are only causing me pain.” He kissed Eunhyuk harder, not giving Eunhyuk a chance to speak. He gripped Eunhyuk’s struggling hands until they slowly subsided. The firm grip then turned into a soft caress. Tears streamed down from Eunhyuk’s eyes.


As if some invisible force hit upon him, Donghae stumbled back.


“I-I am sorry Hyukkie. I- I lost control.” Sanity returned. The black hole in him was appeased, but the damage was already done. He forced him self on Eunhyuk., even if it was just a kiss, it was unacceptable.  Looking far worse than Eunhyuk, Donghae left his house.


Eunhyuk paced worriedly, almost burning the carpeted floor of Donghae’s house. That genius of a guy left his wallet and hand phone here, in the house and it was raining cats and dogs outside. It was already nightfall and he still hasn’t returned. How can some one leave in the middle of a conflict? That was so damned inconsiderate of him! Lee Donghae, wait till you get home, Eunhyuk vowed, trying his best to distract him self from worrying. “I’ll teach you not to run away.” He grabbed the umbrella and went to search for Donghae, in random places like some crazed man.


It was seven in the morning, and that tyrant was still not back. Eunhyuk switched from worry to anger, and finally, to prayer now.


“Please let him come back home safely. Please.” He pleaded for the hundredth of time. His eyes were red rimmed from crying all night.


He heard the door unlock and rushed towards it. Donghae stepped into the house, his face bloated.


“Hyukkie, you are still here?” He asked in surprise.


“You dare ask me that?”  Eunhyuk’s legs took him on his own and his hands moved on their own too when it connected to Donghae’s cheek.


“I deserve this slap, Hyukkie. Slap me more. I shouldn’t have kissed you.” Donghae let his hands fall limply at his sides. Anything to make Eunhyuk forgive his transgression.


“Of course you deserve this slap! Wh-what? Kiss??” It was only then it dawned to Eunhyuk, that they did indeed kiss. He forgot all about it as he worried about Donghae.


“You know what, you are not only a pabo, you turn me into one too.” Eunhyuk went back to the hall and plopped on the sofa. He closed his fiercely burning eyes. It was the damn kiss, of all things that caused a worry filled sleepless night. Eunhyuk opened his eyes and found Donghae standing.


‘I was not angry about the kiss. I was angry because you went missing and I was worried to death. You didn’t even take your hand phone with you. How was I to know if some random car banged you or..” Crap! He started crying again.


“You were not angry because I kissed you? I thought you would leave me after what I did and it was all my fault. I mean after working so hard to make you my friend, I ruined it. You were right Eunhyuk, I am a selfish person whom you shouldn’t hang out with.”


It was then that Eunhyuk realized he has been harsh on Donghae too. He took his principles too seriously that he almost missed Donghae’s effort to make him self better and to value the real reason behind it. Him. While he was busy being realistic and proud, Donghae was trying his best to be a better man. It was time for Eunhyuk to give in now. To face what he knew already with faith and courage.


Eunhyuk stood up and went to Donghae. He took both Donghae’s hands and held them lightly. The sunlight flooded through the glass pane of the window.


“I have been unfair too, by not acknowledging your changes in the recent months. I know I said some hurtful things in the beginning about you, but that’s not the real you. I have no idea how I would have behaved if I came from a back ground like yours too. The real you is some one who is loving, loves affection, loyal, demands sincerity, demanding, impatient, head strong, temperamental and a little dangerous.” Eunhyuk said the last with a smile. Donghae listened quietly as he couldn’t understand the reason for Eunhyuk’s odd behavior. Was this good bye? He shouldn’t have returned.


“But you know what? I am not perfect too, I mean I nag, I am harsh, head strong, sarcastic and the list goes on, but you love me anyway, just the way I am. I think it makes you even more admirable compared to me.”


“Hyukkie, is this goodbye? If yes, don’t sugar coat it.” Donghae was unable to stand it any longer. If Eunhyuk was leaving him, he better do it fast.


Eunhyuk could feel some imaginary steam coming out off his ears. This man! He managed to make him behave from one extreme to another extreme in mille seconds.


“I am saying that I love you! Pabo!” Eunhyuk was finally forced to say it out.


‘But you said you didn’t last time.” Donghae argued. He didn’t want to believe it so much only to fall back in to despair.


“And now I say I do. Did you even listen to what was I saying?”


Donghae pulled Eunhyuk closer.


‘Do you really mean that?  Because my love to you is not the type to be here today and gone tomorrow. I…You saw what a normal conversation about anything happening to you did to me right? My love to you is like a whirling bottomless black hole, Eunhyuk-ah. It can never be sated. I am a madman when it comes to you.”


“Such a braggart. I can handle it.” Donghae’s words made all the blood in Eunhyuk’s head to rush down. He was feeling light headed.


“I-“ Donghae started once again. He needed to make sure Eunhyuk understand that once he was in, Donghae would never let Eunhyuk go, whether he liked it or not.


‘Enough talking. It took me a while, but I love everything about you. Love is blind after all. And we probably will fight like this often, but as long as we come back to each other, we are fine.” Eunhyuk pushed Donghae’s neck and this time, it was him whom kissed.

“To think a random conversation that made us flip like this…” Eunhyuk mumbled against Donghae’s lips. Donghae rolled his eyes and took over. It was time for Eunhyuk to lose his senses.


Comments will be highly(and it's really high) appreciated! Hope the story went with the flow. ^^

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The foreword really picked my interest, going to read it rn huhuhhu thank you for making this fic
Rinz1976 #2
Chapter 1: I really love it...
Chapter 2: This is a good story. I really2 love it. Thank you authornim
Chapter 2: Ahh.. this is really good. Wish it was longer. Hope you can write more Haehyuk. I'll definitely read it.
najinpi #5
Chapter 2: This is a amazing story... I love it... hope to read more haehyuk fics from u...
Chapter 4: i like this story
it seems so real,,,
thanks for making such a good story :3

salsaverde #7
Chapter 4: I voted!
I loved how Donghae's character developed throughout the story. The plot is also really interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 2: I don't know why, but I think this is the most make-sense fanfiction I've ever read. To say Donghae was craving for affection that he received most from his personal maid when he was child, and then there was Hyukjae who comes and remind him about that.. It just really clicks. Donghae's feeling for Hyukjae comes from his very sincere heart. Naturally from his true old self. So beautiful. I will do the same if I was Donghae. And I love the way everything happened. Thank you for sharing, such an amazing story :)
Fanaeh #9
Chapter 4: wow.this is really beautiful
i love this so much
nice work!!!