Chapter 1

My Everything

Under the protection of the trees, sat a young man contemplating certain serious issues of life.  Feeling dejected, Eunhyuk sighed and started whistling a random tune as he waited for his cousin Sungmin to come. He spotted a hole on the jacket he was wearing and inserted his pinky finger in the torn place and circled, entertaining him self. It didn’t matter that he was wearing 2ndhand clothes which he fought hard to get for half price or the fact that his phone was from the ice age. For now, having a roof on top his head was his main priority. His cousin and him were somehow trying to struggle and finish their final year studies with the many part time jobs they could take on, at the same time making sure they were not chased out of the cramped house they were living in. His aunty, Sungmin’s mother whom brought them up both single handedly also worked herself to death by taking many odd jobs. The rent in Seoul, as they have come to learn after moving out from their village, was blood . Ten more months to go, and then Sungmin and he will be able to work and earn a full time salary with their degree. And his aunty can finally take her the much needed break. This encouraging words somehow eased the compressing worries in his heart, allowing him to breath and think they will get through this month. One month at a time. He whistled even louder, closing his eyes shut, hiding the tears behind.


“Eunhyuk-ah! Mianhe for coming late. I had last minute customers. Come, let’s hurry to the cafe.” Sungmin ran down the stairs, his breath choking, and without breaking his stride pulled Eunhyuk from the bench and continued running.


Both of them adorned themselves with the café’s uniform and went to their respective positions. Sungmin went to the cash registry while Eunhyuk waited the tables. Many of their university mates came here, as it was the most hip hanging out spot, and although many recognized Eunhyuk and Sungmin, they never looked down upon them, despite being all rich and loaded. Speaking of the rich, the man he hated the most in campus stepped in to the café with a y girl clinging to his side.


Life sometimes was so not fair, as this particular man was not only one off the richest among the rich, but he was also blessed with a must-look-at kind of face and a brain to match a gold medalist. And worse, that damned guy knew he had it and flaunted it unabashedly to the world, and maybe Eunhyuk had an over active imagination, but it somehow felt like that bratty guy always picked on him for no apparent reason. Taking a deep breath and working hard to relax his facial muscles, Eunhyuk welcomed the high and mighty Lee Donghae and brought him and his companion to an empty table.


Eunhyuk passed the menu but Donghae kept it aside.


“A good waiter would have known my preference by now. My usual.” He said this in the midst of keying in something in his phone. That jerk didn’t even bother to look up, even once. Eunhyuk’s ears went red with embarrassment but asked the girl her order next.


‘She will have what I have too.” He said, still keying in. The girl, whom opened , immediately closed it and nodded. Eunhyuk had to refrain him self from snorting rudely to the both of them and gladly left the table.


Why can’t the girl stand up for her self and say “No you idiot, I would love to eat this instead!”. Better yet, why was she even dating Mr. when there are so many good guys out there? Eunhyukkie, it’s none of your business, his better part warned him.


“Chill, don’t spoil your mood because of them.” Sungmin said in an undertone as Eunhyuk reached his side, understanding his cousin perfectly.


“For all the crap I put up with that guy each time he comes here, I don’t even get a good tip. Such a miser.” Eunhyuk mumbled, pretending to adjust his forest green apron so that he won’t be throwing daggers at a specific person in the restaurant instead.


It was a while later when Donghae signaled for him once again. Eunhyuk placed their receipt on the table, and as usual, that brat carelessly threw the money and left without sparing a glance at the lowly humans. Eunhyuk gritted his teeth to the point of breaking and collected the money, wishing for some one to really teach that guy a lesson. That guy did not understand how some people worked so hard to even have this much of money.  No! Eunhyuk fought for control. He had to stop working himself up over that very insignificant man.



As fate would have it, the very insignificant man turned out to be his soon to be employer. It all began with Sungmin hearing about a job vacancy as a part time house keeper and the pay was more than the three of Eunhyuk’s part time jobs combined all together. Since Sungmin couldn’t quit his job in the franchise bakery as he was assured to have a job as the assistant pattiseur after he graduated, it was Eunhyuk whom stepped in to the job. If only he knew this was going to be a HUGE blunder, he would have not quit all the three jobs he had, like the supremely smart person he was. If only.


“It’s you.” Donghae sat on the rich mahogany sofa and folded his legs.


Yeah,it’s me.


“Ehmmm…” Eunhyuk looked down at his slippers instead.


“I assume you know what you are doing, and make note that I’ll deduct your pay for every mistake you do.” His arrogant face was enough for Eunhyuk to fantasize about him choking Lee Donghae until his eyes popped out and his veins bulged. He quit three jobs to suffer this! Wasn’t he such a genius?


“I understand.” Eunhyuk humbly replied. This experience thought him not to make any reckless move again, especially when something seems to be too good to be true. He would it up and work here for a month and then, he will find new jobs. The café he worked in earlier would always rehire him back. The noona that owned the shop was very kind. So two more new jobs to find. Just a month more Eunhyukkie. Time will fly.


“And just because you are working here, it doesn’t mean we are friends. Don’t even acknowledge me in front of anyone. Out of this house,” Donghae moved his index finger in a circular motion to indicate the peripheral of the house, “we are strangers.”


As if Eunhyuk even wanted to be associated with such a tyrant. Hmmph!


“I understand, Donghae-shi.”


“Are you mocking me?” Donghae slightly raised his eyebrow.


No, Eunhyuk shook his head furiously. He didn’t want to start on the wrong foot yet. No matter what hard feelings he had against Donghae, he had to push them away for the time being and fulfill his work ethics. Donghae was his employer, and as such, needed to be treated with the up most respect, even if he didn’t deserve it.


In the first day alone, Eunhyuk learned working under Lee Donghae required ungodly amount stamina and patience. Eunhyuk, by all means was just a mere human.


‘Hyukkie!” The tyrant called out from his room.


What now, Eunhyuk was so tempted to ask but he rolled his eyes and headed towards the entrance of the room.


“Juice. I want juice.”


“Alright.” Eunhyuk turned back only to be called out again.


‘Aren’t you going to ask what kind of juice do I want?”


“I am sorry. What kind of juice would you like to have?”


“Kiwi, less sugar, no ice.”


‘But i don’t think we have kiwi at home.” Yes, Eunhyuk thought as he rummaged through his brains, he was sure he didn’t see anything that resembled Kiwi earlier.


“So? Go and get them at the supermarket. Do I need to spell it out to you?” Donghae gave a bad tempered shrug and focused back on his computer. Eunhyuk glanced at the nearest handy object and sorely wished he could use it to hit Donghae’s head.


“Are you waiting for the Kiwi to come to you?” Donghae asked, not turning.


“I’ll get going.” Eunhyuk muttered incoherently. One month more. OMG, no freaking way!



Donghae splashed himself with some of Hugo Boss perfume and got ready to leave to university. By now, Eunhyuk should have prepared breakfast and would be on his way a few minutes later after he has done the dishes. For a helper, he was not bad. Usually, most of the part timer’s barely lasted a week working under him, but Eunhyuk somehow coped up well. He was there sharp at the time regardless whether Donghae himself was already home or not, did all the work with efficiency and never demanded or questioned anything. All in all, he was the perfect housekeeper Donghae needed. Feeling cheerful with the thought, Donghae opened his room door, and as expected, the aroma of freshly prepared breakfast hit on Donghae’s olfactory senses. He gave one off his rare smiles today to Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk just nodded his head in greeting and continued with his chores.


It was then that Donghae noticed that Eunhyuk spoke very less to him. Odd, but it made Donghae slightly gloomy. So what if a helper didn’t want to speak to him? No big deal.


But, Donghae cleared his throat, attempting to start some kind of conversation. Come on, he rationalized, he can’t not not talk to a helper whom was there smack in front of his eyes right?


“What time is your first class today?” Although they were in the same university, they both majored in different courses.


“In an hour.” Eunhyuk replied shortly.


“How do you travel to University then?” It was clear Eunhyuk rather not speak to him but for some reason, Donghae wanted to break the unfriendly barrier.


“By bus.”


“It’s got to be cramped, I mean taking it at this timing and all.”


“Yes, it is cramped, Donghae-shi.” Eunhyuk risked a glance at the rich tyrant, not sure on why exactly was he talking to him today. Seriously, Eunhyuk preferred them just the way they were for the past week. He did the work he was supposed to do and got going, while Donghae was Donghae he supposed. Three weeks more to good money and freedom.


“You know, I am trying to be friends with you.” Anger was slowly building up in Donghae. Eunhyuk seemed so robotic.


Eunhyuk’s eyes slightly widened. “That is unnecessary, Donghae-shi. But I appreciate it just the same.” He started clearing the plates from the table. Donghae grabbed the plates from Eunhyuk and purposely dropped them on the floor, breaking them.


Eunhyuk swallowed his rage, and hunted for the rag to clean up the mess.


“You are an unemotional one aren’t you?” Donghae stood toe to toe with Eunhyuk. The calmer Eunhyuk was, the more angrier Donghae became.


“What do you want from me, Donghae-shi?” Eunhyuk made his eyes blank although he was seething with fury towards this spoiled brat.


“Drop the shi would you? I want you to talk to me like you do to other people. You got it?” Donghae didn’t understand why it was imperative for Eunhyuk to treat him just the way he treated others.


“I can’t. You are my respected employer.”


‘True, so it is your duty to listen to me.” Donghae crossed his hands. He was the Donghae and people always catered to him. He was in that kind of position.


Anger was a potent thing that could snap a sane man’s judgment. Eunhyuk threw away his rationality and let go of the control he gripped on tightly. This brat needed to be taught a thing or two. Eunhyuk took his time removing his apron and even folded them neatly, while a bewildered Donghae was waiting for his response.


“Yah! You are so spoiled that you make me feel so sick! The only thing you have got going for you is your looks, and wealth, all which is received by a of good luck. You have never accomplished anything worth mentioning or even thinking about. Why do I need to be friends with a man like you? You pay me for the job I do, but you didn’t buy me or my principles. It’s up to me whether I want to be friends with you or not. And guess what, I am not interested. Arrasso?” Eunhyuk didn’t hold back. This arrogant snotty prince like guy deserved every little word. Feeling some of the steam that accumulated during the week let off, Eunhyuk took his bag pack. He didn’t bother looking up on Donghae’s reaction as he strutted out.


“Where do you think you are going?” Donghae followed closely behind, and held on to Eunhyuk’s wrist.


“You have got to be out of your ever loving mind if you think I am letting you go easily after all those things you said.” Donghae hissed furiously.


“Really? Watch me.” Eunhyuk shook Donghae’s hands off and walked away. He hoped this was the last of him.


Eunhyuk trudged towards his class while berating himself. He needed to find new jobs now and finding a part time job which accommodated class schedules with a good pay is not so easy as some people think. If only he kept his mouth shut for that one moment and pretended to be friends with that brat, he wouldn’t be in this kind of mess. No, being quiet and faking it was not him. So, he was not going to regret it. So what if he couldn’t bring in money this month? Damn! Damn! Damn! Hot tears pooled in his eyes generously, which he rubbed away roughly.


The rest of the classes passed by in a daze as Eunhyuk was too busy running through his finance for this month mentally. His aunt would definitely spend her meager savings on him if she were to know his dilemma but he wouldn’t allow that. Not after everything she has done for him. The bell rang and Eunhyuk walked like a man whom lost his soul. His stomach rumbled but he better start living on a new budget to fit in the current situation. Maybe he will just drink the ice lemon tea from their cafeteria and later, he will go and ask noona to rehire him back. He totally relied on her when things got hard and he hoped, someday, he will be able repay her back.


“What took you so long?” Apparently, it was not the last of him as Eunhyuk came across Donghae, blocking his path like a brawler, ready to fight. Eunhyuk was not in the mood for another round of outburst.


“What is it now? Didn’t you say we are strangers outside? People are looking.” Eunhyuk motioned his head to the students around pretending to be immersed in their work.


“You can’t walk away from me. I won’t allow it. Not until you tell me why you dislike me so much.” How can he reject him? Did he know how many other people wanted to be friends with him?


Eunhyuk had trouble believing what he was hearing. Why did he dislike Donghae? That had to be the question of the year. Where was he supposed to start?


“It doesn’t matter what I think of you, Donghae-shi. I am a nobody to you.” Eunhyuk’s hunger was letting know its presence impatiently.


The students around were gathering closer to eaves drop in their conversation as by now, the rumor about Donghae actually speaking to someone, with a serious expression would have travelled around the campus. It didn’t bother Donghae one bit though with all the people watching as this man in front of him had guts enough to stand up to him. It should have enraged him but he had a new found respect towards Eunhyuk instead.


Whether Eunhyuk realized or not, he cared enough to correct Donghae, regardless of jeopardizing his work in line. He was not like the others whom nodded indulgently to each of Donghae’s whims, purely for the reason of gaining his favors and preferred to stand in the side line to offer sympathy at the end when things have gone awry, without any real emotional attachment.


He studied Eunhyuk for a moment. Eunhyuk was genuine and it kindled Donghae’s desire to possess all of Eunhyuk just to himself. Maybe then, Donghae too could achieve some peace. Eunhyuk was a bright shining light that could warm the cold emptiness in him. As this new thought firmly took root within a heart Donghae always suspected inactive, Donghae stared at Eunhyuk even harder.


“No, you got that wrong. Starting from today, you are going to be my everything.”


That statement for sure did render Eunhyuk speechless, but knowing Donghae’s character, it was hardly surprising as Eunhyuk’s resistance probably induced Donghae’s competitiveness in winning a challenge.


‘There you go, making the same mistake all over again, Donghae-shi. You are a person whom is incapable of valuing anything, and making someone your everything is even less likely to be accomplished. I may be poor in your eyes, but that’s does not make me stupid or spineless. Stop following me. Let’s stop here or I won’t hold back in insulting you even further. I hate people like you who think everything is theirs for taking.” His family’s hardship made Eunhyuk stronger and immune towards this kind of drama. He had better things to think about.


Donghae watched Eunhyuk’s back. His words slapping him heartlessly like ice water.


For the very first time, his heart thumped in pain.

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The foreword really picked my interest, going to read it rn huhuhhu thank you for making this fic
Rinz1976 #2
Chapter 1: I really love it...
Chapter 2: This is a good story. I really2 love it. Thank you authornim
Chapter 2: Ahh.. this is really good. Wish it was longer. Hope you can write more Haehyuk. I'll definitely read it.
najinpi #5
Chapter 2: This is a amazing story... I love it... hope to read more haehyuk fics from u...
Chapter 4: i like this story
it seems so real,,,
thanks for making such a good story :3

salsaverde #7
Chapter 4: I voted!
I loved how Donghae's character developed throughout the story. The plot is also really interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 2: I don't know why, but I think this is the most make-sense fanfiction I've ever read. To say Donghae was craving for affection that he received most from his personal maid when he was child, and then there was Hyukjae who comes and remind him about that.. It just really clicks. Donghae's feeling for Hyukjae comes from his very sincere heart. Naturally from his true old self. So beautiful. I will do the same if I was Donghae. And I love the way everything happened. Thank you for sharing, such an amazing story :)
Fanaeh #9
Chapter 4: wow.this is really beautiful
i love this so much
nice work!!!