Destructo Cat, Matchmaker

Destructo Cat, Matchmaker

“Louis? Stupid ing cat, where the are you” Lee Taemin hissed as he stormed around the two bedroom apartment looking for his roommate’s cat. “Goddamn it you had better be in here or Key is going to kill me.” Dropping to his stomach to look under the bed, Taemin cursed again at the lack of cat.


“Make sure you leave the balcony door shut, Taemin.” He grumbled angrily to himself. “Louis Vuitton likes to go on walk about.” Jumping up off the floor, Taemin took one last look in his closet before leaving his room and slamming the door shut. “Who the names a cat Louis Vuitton? Stupid flat faced cat should be named flathead.” 


His angry mutterings continued as he stormed down the hall to the living room where the previously open balcony door was mocking him. “Forget just one day to close the thing and the stupid cat runs away. Its not my fault the screen has a stupid rip that the damn cat has figured out how to slip though.” 


Glaring at the tiny rip that was the real cause of his problem, not the fact that he left the door open after his roommate had repeatedly told him to make sure it was shut before he left for the day, he tried to think of anywhere in their small apartment he hadn’t checked. 


Which was no where. He’d even opened the fridge to see if somehow the world’s dumbest cat had managed to open the door and get itself stuck in the chilly depths. 


That was a solid no, but Taemin had discovered some left over bulgogi that Key had brought back from his date the night before. The red sticky note reading ‘Lee Taemin DON’T TOUCH!!!’ was easily removed and crumpled in the trash. 


But he was still looking for the cat, and as much as the thing annoyed him, Key loved it and would be devastated to find out that it was missing. 


Sighing, Taemin opened the glass door and grabbed a bag of cat treats before stepping out onto the 4th floor balcony. He shook the bag and called out the cat’s stupid name. “ing commercial lied.” He grunted when the shaking did not produce the cat flying to him from out of no where. 


Except that as he looked around the courtyard that his apartment building boasted in the middle of the rectangular building, he saw something moving in the apartment across from them. 


Something black with one white ear and a pattern that was so similar to its name that Taemin often said it was copy right infringement to have the stupid animal. “Flathead.” Taemin grinned, thrilled with his locating skills. 


It appeared that his neighbour had left his own balcony door open with the screen closed in an attempt to battle the heat in non-existent air conditioning, like Taemin had done. Except while Taemin’s screen was ripped prior to their moving in, it looked like Flathead had gouged his razor sharp needle claws into the one across the yard. 


“Stupid destruto cat.” Taemin grumbled as he contemplated the best way to get the cat. 


He was debating over waiting until the neighbour was home and going over and simply knocking and apologizing and promising Key would pay for the screen damages when he watched in horror as the cat seemed to turn around to stare at him before squatting down and pissing right in the middle of what appeared to be a formerly spotless white fur rug. 


Cursing loudly, Taemin dropped the bag of kitty treats and climbed up on the rail of his balcony.  It was a good thing that his choreographer job kept him fairly athletic and on balance as he teetered for a moment and then caught himself. 


His long legs had just enough length to reach the directly neighbouring balcony and he was also grateful that he was often home in the early afternoon when none of his neighbours were. The general consensus of the building was that he and Key were already strange enough, with their dance battles in the courtyard below and Taemin’s constant choreographing in their living room, but he didn’t need them to think he was totally insane for climbing from balcony to balcony around the building to the apartment Louis was currently destroying. 


Taemin wobbled about halfway around when the grandmother that lived in the apartment diagonally from him and up a floor shouted at him to stop being an idiot and that she hoped when he fell he wouldn’t leave a bloody mess on the concrete below. He muttered angrily to himself about her, “If I did fall it would be your fault you grumpy old bat,” before he made it to the right apartment. 


The damage to the screen up close was a lot worse than he thought and he grimaced. Usually this place was empty from mid afternoon until early morning, its owner seeming to work an opposite schedule to Taemin and he just hoped that today wasn’t the day that changed. 


The screen was locked when Taemin tried to pull it open and he was forced to squeeze himself through the opening the damn cat had made. He probably looked ridiculous and he prayed that there weren’t security cameras watching him. He should have put on his hoodie and covered his face before attempting this, but it was too late now. 


“Louis.” He hissed, looking around for the cat that had disappeared somewhere in the apartment in the time it took Taemin to scale the building. “Louis, you fat ing copyright infringement. Where the hell are you?”


So focused on looking for the cat, Taemin cursed as he stepped into the still warm puddle of cat pee on the rug. “!” 


Hopping on one foot, Taemin peeled off his sock, trying to avoid touching the wet sole. Unsure of what to do with it, he hobbled back to the balcony, opened the screen and simply tossed the offending sock over the railing. 


One socked foot later, Taemin bypassed the wet spot and began his hunt anew taking in the spotless appearance of the apartment. It was nothing like his and Key’s half assembled shamble of a place. Key had done his best but with limited funds, it did not look nearly as professionally done as this place. 


Yet another reason to get the cat and get the hell out. 


The sound of glass shattering caught Taemin’s attention and he hurried toward the noise. 


He didn’t have to search too hard to find the cat. Not with the trail of destruction it had left in its wake. 


The other reason their apartment wasn’t nearly as nice as this one. Everything halfway decent didn’t stay that way for long after destructo cat got near it. 


Dirt from an overturned house fern was spread across the hallway to the bedrooms, little cat paw footprints trailing into the kitchen and back out and down the hall. Taking a peek into the kitchen, Taemin saw that the cake that had been left on the counter was now smashed and crumbs and icing were smeared all over what looked like a formerly pristine space. Taemin let out a little sad whimper. 


He was starting to feel guilty about grabbing the cat and leaving, just a bit. Just not enough to want to pay for damages done by Key’s ing cat.


Following the dirt, Taemin came to the first bedroom. 


The destruction inside made Taemin wince. A jewelry box had been knocked off the dresser and its contents tossed across the hardwood flooring. Cat claws had gouged long marks on the mahogany bed posts, looking like horrific battle scars. 


Bending over to scoop up some of the jewelry that looked to be real gold, Taemin took in the rest of the room.


Clothing was pulled from the closet and a pungent odour met Taemin’s nose as he went to examine what exactly the devil cat had done. 


“Cat .” Taemin groaned. “.” A few other choice curses filtered out of his mouth. The sound of a cat yelping drew his attention and Taemin quickly forgot about the room he was in and ran towards the shocked  cat cry. 


Skidding to a stop near the living room Taemin found himself chest to chest with a slightly shorter but stockier man. “Oh .”


In his neighbours arms, purring like a kitten was flathead Louis. “Oh .” Taemin repeated not sure what to do. His eyes met with the other man’s and his jaw dropped as he took in the man’s deep brown eyes, soft blonde hair and sharp cheekbones. “Oh hot damn.” 


“Not that I don’t appreciate being checked out by someone as gorgeous as you, but if you’re planning on robbing me I’m going to have to think twice.” His voice was a deep, rich melody and it made Taemin want to dance to the timbers of his speech. 


“I’m not… I mean… my cat… not mine, my roommate… I just… .” Taemin stuttered, unthinkingly shoving his hands in his pockets. 


“Do yo usually send in your cat to destroy people’s homes before you rob them?” The attractive man asked, amusement in his voice too light for someone who thought they were being robbed. 


“No! I mean, I’m not robbing you. I swear!” Taemin waved his hands around frantically. “That stupid flathead cat likes to escape and I was supposed to make sure the balcony door was closed and I thought that the screen was enough even though Key says its not and he was right but you can’t tell him that or he’ll never let me live it down.”


“Whoa, slow down.” The man said, trying to keep up with Taemin’s frantic speech. “So your cat decided to break in and rob me?”


“No one is trying to rob you!” Taemin shouted, hands flailing. 


“Could have fooled me by the handful of my jewelry you just shoved in your pocket.”


“.” Taemin groaned digging out his accidental thievery. He held it out to the man with what he hoped as an apologetic smile and the tried to take Louis. 


The cat was having nothing to do with him though and Taemin narrowly managed to avoid getting clawed. “ cat.” Taemin hissed. 




“Sorry.” Taemin turned his best smile to his neighbour, “you’re home a lot earlier than usual and I was really just hoping to get the cat and get out before you got back and the cat destroyed too much of your apartment but apparently he’s quicker at destruction than I thought. I’m really sorry and Key will pay you for any damages, including your screen door and dry-cleaning.”


“So you let the cat out and your roommate’s going to pay?” 


“Yes?” Taemin shrugged, reaching out again for Louis and this time managing to grab the cat by the scruff and belly and holding him just right to avoid scratches. 


“But you’re really not here to rob me?”


“Cross my heart and hope flathead dies?” Taemin tried to flash his best y smile but thought it fell flat.


The attractive neighbour smiled and set the awkward handful of rings and necklaces on a small side table, “I’m Jonghyun. If Key is the roommate, that mean you must be Taemin.”




Jonghyun smiled, reaching out to scratch Louis behind the ear and getting a happy purr in return. “I’ve watched you and your roommate dancing in the courtyard.”


“Ah.” Taemin flushed and seemed to squish Louis, causing the cat to twist any from Jonghyun’s scratches to hiss at Taemin before turning back and wriggling his head against Jonghyun’s palm. 


“Still doesn’t explain why you’re in my place though?” Jonghyun questioned, looking around his living room at the nicknacks on the floor and the puddle of yellow on his rug. 


“Cat escaped and I saw that it was in here and it has this stupid destructive habit and I wanted to get it back before it did too much damage.”


“And you’ve failed at that I see.” Jonghyun gestured to the fallen plant. 


“You haven’t even seen your bedroom yet.” Taemin mumbled. 


Jonghyun’s eyes widened and it was clear that he was holding himself back from running to see the damage. “You know what, that’s why I have a cleaning lady.” The reply was good natured and Taemin couldn’t believe how well the man was taking everything.


“Tip her well.” Taemin said with a shrug. “Good job Flathead.” 


“Why are you calling the cat Flathead?”


“Because he’s stupid and who besides my weirdo roommate names their cat Louis Vuitton?” 

Jonghyun chuckled. “Well now that that’s settled, how do you plan on getting your roommate to pay for these damages?”


“I was hoping you’d just tell him?” Taemin said with a questioning lit to his voice. 


“Or you could let me take you on a date?” Jonghyun suggested back. 


Taemin blinked and dropped his arms, forgetting that he was holding the cat, who quickly took the chance to escape, running out the torn balcony door and vaulting his way back around the balcony ledges to the safety of its own apartment. 




“Date, you and me.” Jonghyun said motioning his hand between the two of them.


Taemin was confused. “So my cat destroys your apartment, tries to frame me for robbery and you want to take me out on a date?”


“Destructo cat, matchmaker?” Jonghyun suggested. “Honestly, I’ve wanted to ask you out so many times but every time I get up enough nerve you’re not home, or I just get to the courtyard and you’ve vanished. Louis’ help might not have been the most… orthodox… but I’ll take it. So what do you say? Dinner?” 


“Tonight?” Taemin asked, briefly looking down at his sweats and t-shirt. 


“Tomorrow. I’m off early for real tomorrow. I only came home because I forgot some important paperwork in my office.” He paused as a thought came to him. “Oh god I hope Louis didn’t get it.”


“He probably did. Anything remotely important he destroys.” Taemin muttered offhandedly. 


“.” Jonghyun cursed. “Oh well, a little destruction is worth it.”


“What?” Taemin asked confused. 


Jonghyun grinned. “Because I got to meet you. Tomorrow 7? I’ll pick you up.”


“Make it 7:30 and you’ve got a deal.” Taemin grinned. 


“Done.” Jonghyun stuck out a hand and they shook like they were making a business deal. “Now if you don’t mind, I have to get whats left of my papers, if you wait I’ll walk you out.”


“Nah.” Taemin said, moving over to the balcony. “Got to go the way I came in.”


“What?” Jonghyun looked very confused. “You didn’t come in the front door?”


“Do you usually leave your front door unlocked?”


“Well no. Wait how did you get in here?” Jonghyun was thoroughly confused. 


“Same way as Flathead.” Taemin grinned, opening the screen and climbing back up the balcony rails. 


“What?!” Jonghyun was shocked as he rushed to Taemin, staring as the younger began darting across, following Flathead’s path. 


“Locked my front door when I got home so it will still be locked. Got to go back the way I came.” Taemin grinned, putting a little skip in his hop. He made it across the way, grinning at Jonghyun’s shocked face as he hopped back to his own balcony. 


“You’re crazy!” Jonghyun shouted. 


“You’re crazier!” Taemin retorted, laughing slightly manically. 




“Your apartment gets broken into and you ask out the guy you find inside. Clearly you’re the crazy one.” Taemin shouted back.


“Or maybe you’re both crazy.” A grumpy voice sounded from behind Taemin making him jump.


Standing in the doorway was Key, holding a purring Louis in his arms. “I see you listened when I told you to close the door.”


“Your cat pissed on my rug!” Jonghyun shouted, earning himself an angry shush from the grandmother above. 


“Take it out of Taemin!” Key hollered back. 


“Oh I plan on it!” Jonghyun shouted back, causing Taemin to flush with the implication before the older turned and closed his own door, clearly needing to leave and wanting to go on the last note. 


Taemin turned to go inside, embarrassed, but watching in disbelief as Key slammed and locked the door. 




“Hang out there for a while.” Key grinned. “Since you like the outside air so much.”


“Key!” Taemin whined. “Let me in.”


“Maybe in a little while.” The cat holding man turned and walked away, clearly muttering something to the destructo cat as he did. 


“Key!” Taemin shouted, banging on the door. “Key!”


His roommate disappeared from sight but not before flashing him his middle finger and a crumpled piece of red paper. “, his bulgogi.” 


Turning to slump down on the cement, feet sticking out between the long, thin bars, Taemin smiled. “Worth it.”





Random one-shot from a writing prompt somewhere from the depths of pinterest that I hope you all enjoy!

Thank you all for reading, commenting and subscribing! 

Love to you all


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shadowjjong #1
Chapter 1: this was ing hilarious and cute oh my god ,, flathead is my spirit animal lmfao
shojinryori #2
Chapter 1: Just hysterical! I loved it.
Chapter 1: One of the funniest Jongtae stories I ever read, but at least they got to go on a date?❤
Chapter 1: The evil cat did a nice job
JongTae gets to enjoy the dinner date now
Ahhhhhh so dreamy
Please authornim a sequel of their date
Chapter 1: Lol, so cute and funny :D
They're all crazy XD
Another chapter? Or a sequel?
(That cat would totally get payback from me if I were in his shoes XD )
Ik this s gon be good already XD im already laughing imagining this y/perfect/beautiful/fine boi taemin fighting a cat. Literally XD
This sounds interesting.?
Wow..... can't wait for it
So hyped up~~~