Final Chapter - Epilogue

Never Too Late
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When we are in pain, we unintentionally become self centered. We tend to only see that we are hurt that we ignore the fact that there are other people who are affected with the same reason of our pain.

The moment Haru saw Chorong... She felt an unexplainable anger that is slowly boiling up. She knew she can't face the girl yet because of personal feelings.

But the moment Chorong turned around and their eyes met. Haru saw an unexpected expression and felt an unexpected emotion by herself.. Maybe the facial expression is blank but she can clearly see the envy and jealousy on Chorong's eyes.

Well, jealousy is expected and it's just a confirmation of her instinct that Chorong is inlove with her girlfriend...

Ex girlfriend maybe.

But the envy... Haru started to become curious of whatever thoughts are running to Chorong's mind.

She was about to walk away. Well, that is rude. And she doesn't want to give that kind of impression to anyone. Instead, she slowly walked towards the girl.

She was surprised that she's already calm the moment the space between them gets shorter. If she would be honest, she's expecting some cheap catfight between them but it's Chorong.

Now, she finally understood why Bomi respect her the most.

Haru thought she would blame the girl for losing Bomi but as she walked towards her. She noticed the puffy eyes behind the specs.

Chorong looked so stress.

"Chorong." Haru bowed a little as a polite way of greeting. While Chorong nodded a little giving her a shy smile.

"Are you with Bomi?" Chorong asked while glancing around.

"I'm alone. Need some fresh air." Haru simply answered.

"Well, that's great. I mean see you around." Chorong stated before turning around to go back to her place.

If Haru realized her defeat earlier. Then this moment is her acceptance of it.

She kept on saying that life is unfair because she fight and Chorong doesn't but still Chorong won.

But it's not really the case.

She was blinded by the fact that Chorong is also fighting, trying... In her own way.

Holding on is hard.

But letting go is something that can break you into pieces.

And Chorong did it for Bomi... Because she wanted to see her bestfriend happy. Even if it means letting go...

Even if it means seeing someone you love happily stable with someone else.

But now, she can't think of any person deserving to Bomi but Chorong.

Pain made Haru blind. Blind to the truth? No. Blind to the reason maybe.

Haru's pain made her blind to see that Chorong is hurting too. Like her. Imagining herself in the girl's situation, she doesn't know what she can do. Empathy?

Putting herself in the situation of other people. She already saw how madly inlove Chorong is to Bomi the first time she met her. But still, she denied that pain she felt and pretended that it doesn't hurt.

"Chorong." Haru called the girl again as she's a little far away from that person.

Chorong looked back, waiting for whatever she would say.

"I have my photo exhibit next week. And there's a little celebration after. I hope you would come. You can bring your friends." Haru said to the dumbfounded girl.

"I'll try." Chorong answered. And we all know the meaning behind those two words.

She had no plan to come at all.

"I don't want to sound needy but I hope you would come. I want you to be there." Haru answered, also surprised with her own statement.

"Okay then, send me the other details." Chorong answered and then both of them walked away in different path.


Bomi's pov.

After breaking up with Haru unnie, I am totally clueless of what will I do next. I was confused with so much things.

And the only thing that I can do is to escape. I drowned myself to a bar every single day after work so I will just go home and sleep. And then back to work the next day. I did it because I'm not yet ready to face anything. Call me a coward or what but things just end up in unexpected way.

Tonight will be Haru unnie's photo exhibit and I don't know what to do. Later would be the first time I will see her again after our breakup.

I feel so much guilt about it. The way she handled our breakup is just... It's just that I don't deserve that kind of treatment. I deserve some slap and maybe I expected some argument but she just let me go as I asked for it.

No. I didn't even ask for it. She just let me go as she felt it needs to happen.

I never see myself loving two people at once but here I am. Torned between two important person in my life.

I always blamed myself for hurting my girlfriend. Damn it. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way. I should have done better.

Before I knew it, my tears started falling again. I'm tired. I'm lost and confused. How selfish it may sound if I wanted to choose both.

But unfortunately it's the worst option to have. I already hurt them both, I can't stand to hurt them again.

I never thought I would find myself in this situation. I never thought that Haru unnie will become my uncertainty and hesitation.

Someone once said to me that if I had to make a choice between two things, I should imagine my life without it. Which one will affect me more.

I'm sorry Haru unnie. I'm scared of losing you but...

Imagining to lose my bestfriend is the worst thing that I imagine that can happen to me.

The moment she abandoned me after my relationship with Haru unnie became official. I started to become scared.

I'm scared that one day, I won't be the one she will call when she need someone. That my arms won't be the one that will comfort her.

The feeling of how terrified I am the moment my bestfriend cried because of me.

I can't even imagine my life without her. I am so stupid to just realize it now.

I said that she's coward to hide her feelings from me but the truth is I am the one who's coward for running away from her.

I made a choice of closing myself emotionally for her because she's my bestfriend. I didn't even asked her.

I just made that choice to save myself.

But imagining of losing Chorong unnie, I would probably lose myself.


3rd person's pov.


There is nothing satisfying enough for Haru than to see all her works displayed on the wall. Some pictures already had a mark of sold below it.

There are a lot of people who attended her photo exhibit, admiring her work. It feels like a dream come true.

For her, capturing those moments so that it can be remembered on some instances after several years.

Haru remembered the first time she had her own camera. At this point, she may took a thousand of pictures but she won't forget the first image that she captured.

A blue bird who's about to spread it's wings to fly. She captured the sight perfectly that she immediately fall inlove with photography.

She smiled seeing that picture on one of the walls of her exhibit. She walked slowly while staring to her works one by one until she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my eyes are locked into your works."

She genuinely smiled at the girl looking at her nervously.

"Yahh, it's okay Bomi. Anyway you're late, almost everything is already sold." she teased the younger girl as she know how Bomi badly wanted to have atleast one piece of her work.

She almost laugh seeing the regret and sadness in Bomi's eyes.

"Heyy. I reserved something for you don't worry." Haru laughed as she succeed in teasing the younger girl.

They walked to a certain spot at the corner of the wall placed a certain photo. It has a red mark of sold under it named to Yoon Bomi.

It was a picture of a young woman with the hands looked like reaching out to the heart shaped balloon that she just let go.

Beside that is another photo of the same woman but this time, she's holding the heart shaped balloon tightly.

"Can I have this one instead." Bomi carefully asked while staring and pointing to the second picture.

"Oww. Sorry, someone already owned that." Haru answered.

"But there's still no name under it. It only show that it's sold." Bomi insist but Haru just laughed at her.

"Someone already owned it Bomi. Let go." Haru smiled sheepishly looking at Bomi's dumbfounded expression.

Then that silly expression suddenly turned into a gloomy one.

"I'm really sorry for everything." Bomi stated genuinely. She tried to hold Haru's hand and the latter just let her.

"It's okay. Atleast we had met right?" Haru chuckled to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Uhmm we're still friends right?" Bomi asked ner

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Chapter 4: I like how you elaborated on the theme of friendship vs love.. it's a delicate relationship to balance..

Thanks for a great story!
Chapter 4: The way you elaborate those feelings and emotions is just....arrghh too good I loved it. Hoping for another great stories ? Chobom is love ?
Chapter 4: Ahhh the song started playing in my head as soon as I saw the lyrics~ I’ve always thought the song to be a sad story, but this has shown me that it can be just a sad chapter in their life. For Bomi to realise where her feelings truly lie, for Bomi to love her back. “Though it’s too late” to “never too late”. The ending was sweet, and Haru is a great person. Her message to Chorong was just wow. Anybody who reads it can feel the wisdom, the acceptance and understanding Haru has for Chorong’s side of the story despite not actually talking to her about it. And Bomi’s words to Chorong, the perfect timing uwuu. Thank you so much authornim! Congratulations on completing another great story~~
Chapter 3: uwu happy chobom day!! The confrontation was my favourite part, ahh it's finally all in the open. That "Damn question!! Of course!!" by Bomi, I loved it~ the build up of frustration into something she answered instinctively, and the shock of it all. Chorong's words broke me down afterwards. Her walls are up, she's unbelieving, wanting Bomi to be certain of what she feels, while Bomi is stuck in her own denial, and of course it's heartbreaking for Haru. Those themes of ignorance and hoping for things to get better but it never does, wow authornim... (I'm listening to emotional music and it makes it so much more emotional asdfasda crying) also I just noticed the line in the 2nd chapter "every day every moment" was a reference to Rong time no see, maybe? haha can't wait for the fourth part. Thank you for the update <3
Chapter 2: OMG WHAT IS THIS?!
Chapter 2: Maaan this chapter was goood, I feel well fed! Thank you for the update. It’s not cliche because I have no idea how it’ll end, so I’m excited for the last chapter. Haru’s analogy was really cool and heartbreaking, Bomi’s situation is confusing, and I just feel bad for Chorong like how Eunji is worried about her. The feelings are expressed magnificently! Will Chobom prevail? :o
Chapter 2: Owww.. if I were on Bomi's shoes, I would be very confused too
Chapter 2: Auther this is amazing storyline and chapters. Please update, update, update when you have the next chapter ready. Hope chomi can get together, figure out their feelings and Chorong vs Haru fight it out. Wonder whats gonna happen next.....
Chapter 1: oooOOOOH WOW this is so good already!! I love it!! This drama omg yesss. You made me think it would be a Chorong vs HaruBom drama when boom! Right at the end there’s more, and it’s a ChoBom vs Haru drama too. Danggg. Chorong’s perspective hit me right in the feels ow~ but where do Bomi’s true feelings lie? Eyy this really pumped me up! Thank you for this and let's go, fighting! Woo~~
Oh sht. I saw this coming.
Hit me.