In Between The Cries

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I groaned as I feel the burn of alcohol run down my throat. I downed my drink in one shot. While waiting for the burn to fade, I counted all the glass in front of me. I giggled when I realized I couldn't count past ten.  I got tired of trying to count so I just ordered three more drinks.


“Chaeyeon can I have three more of the same drink?”


The bartender, Chaeyeon, looked at me with so much worry. I hate it because that's the way you look at me. You treat me as if I'm like a fragile doll that is in the brink of collapsing most of the time. Well I understand why you look at me that way. I am indeed broken, in so many ways.


“Chaewon, you've had enough. I know that you're nervous but you don't have to drink this much. It's just an engagement party."


Chaeyeon handed me water instead of the three shots I was asking for. I took a swig of it and when I'm done I stared at the three ice cubes left on my cup. It's melting, just like my heart. I giggled again, I never thought I can relate my feelings to ice cubes.


“The engagement is off."


I'm not sure if Chaeyeon understood my slurred words but who cares anyway? You don't even care. You don't even care about how I'd feel. You don't even care that you hurt me.


“What do you mean it's off? Chaewon, I'm calling Minju. You're drunk and you don't know what you're saying.”


"Correction, I'm drunk not an idiot. I still think like a genius even when intoxicated so I know what I'm saying.”


I giggled again and finally downed the water all in one go. Some dripped off my chin but I wiped it with the back of my hand. I stood and picked up my keys in quick motion. Chatting with Chaeyeon won't do me anything good. She'll nag me about it and I just don't want to hear anything right now.


“Kim Chaewon get your back here. You shouldn't drive!"


I ignored Chaeyeon's calls.

I'm proud of myself for getting into the car without a scratch despite how much my legs wobbled. I leaned my head on the steering wheel as it began to ache. Damn, I can imagine the hangover I'd have tomorrow morning and my head started aching just with that bitter thought running in my mind.


I took the bottled water placed on the cup holder. I drank half of it while I used the rest to remove the taste of alcohol in my mouth. I hated the taste of the drink but it does help me forget and right now I just needed to forget. My mind cleared up a bit and I'm ready to move again. I have a certain place in my head where I need to go so I drove there using the same speed I used while I was still sober. If people asks me if I'm trying to kill myself then maybe I am.


The usual 30-minute drive became a 15-minute drive. I'm too tired to knock on the door and wait for her to open so I pressed the horn. I pressed it until I heard someone knock on the car's window to fetch me. I smiled because at least she cared, unlike you.


“Kim Chaewon are you out of your mind? Don't you know that I have neighbors?”


Wonyoung looks cute when she gets mad. She looks like a little bunny. I remember when she used to wear braces for her teeth back in junior high. I giggled at the image of a 16-year old Wonyoung in my head. She looked like a child back then despite being in high school already. I used to defend her a lot from the bullies back then, but now she’s all grown up.


“Chaewon are you actually drunk? Are you really that dumb to drive? You could have just called me!”


I covered my ears as her loud shouts make my head hurt. I wagged my finger in front of her so she could stop talking. I heard a sigh and finally the sound of my car door opening. She pulled me outside. She asked me to stand still while she gets my key from the ignition. It only took her 5 seconds before she faced me with a glare and dumped the key on my hand.


“I have so much to say but you're drunk and you'd probably not listen anyway.”


She dragged me inside her house. I saw Hitomi standing on the hallway with a glass of milk in her hand. She looks so cute and I just want to pet her but Wonyoung already pulled me inside her room before I could even mutter the word “hi” to her. I winced when I fell on the floor after Wonyoung let go of my body.


So rude, she could have placed me on her bed.


“Why the hell are you here?"


Wonyoung handed me clothes to change on. I started stripping off my clothes in front of her. I smirked when I saw a hint of red creep on her cheeks before she abruptly looked away. I groaned while I change my clothes. Changing clothes on my own is too much for my mind to handle but I know Wonyoung would shout at me if I ask her to help me. I finished changing into Wonyoung’s clothes and ask her to turn around so I could rant.


“I left Minju."


She looked at me wide-eyed. She’s probably not believing that I was the one to leave you. Why is it so hard to believe that I managed to leave you? I guess people knew how much I'd go crazy just to make you happy. I rolled my eyes at Wonyoung and slumped on the bed with my feet touching the ground. She followed afterwards.


“What do you mean you left her?”


The two of us lied on opposite sides of the bed. The top of our heads touching each other. I’m staring at the ceiling and she’s probably doing the same. I took a couple of deep breaths. I’m not sure if I should tell Wonyoung but she’s my best friend. She’s the only person I can tell regarding these kind of stuff. Y


Yena is too rash, Chaeyeon nags, and Eunbi unnie is too complicated.  


“I caught her cheating with Yujin earlier. They were kissing. I couldn’t stay after that because she actually had the guts to bring Yujin in our room. They could have done it in the living room or the dining area but our freaking bedroom?”


“You know you’re not making any sense right now. Minju cheated and you’re more concerned on where they did it?”

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I'm back! (sort of) My life has been a whirlwind I finally got into my dream job and ppl when I tell you there's a reason why dreams are dreams. Thoughts? Comments? Also why do I keep hurting Chaewon????


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Balloo #1
Chapter 20: The way I can’t even trust any of the words that the characters say lol this fic got me traumatized 😭
jssamu #2
Chapter 20: Welcome back! Loving the sweet scene and looking forward on what will happen once their child is born.
gigisho33 #3
Chapter 20: wow, you updated! welcome baaackk!
iluvannyeongz #4
Chapter 19: Please bro I’m going thru the 7 stages of grief I need this story😢😢
iluvannyeongz #5
Chapter 19: Its 2024….still haven’t forgotten this story😞😞😞
iluvannyeongz #6
iluvannyeongz #7
i will pay u real money☹️
iluvannyeongz #8
iluvannyeongz #9
iluvannyeongz #10
like your writing style takes me to heaven