Chapter 6

Emergency love
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Kai Pov 

I sent Chen and Chanyeol home to rest  so I could come to terms with what has happened to me. Laying in this hospital bed listening to the beeping of the machines that are attached to me, my mind drifts off to the little cutie who saved my life and was here when I woke up. He agreed to having a coffee with me before I nearly died so I hope he will still stick to his word.

 "Hello Mr Kim how are you feeling?" a nurse pops her head in the door before stepping inside. " Could you tell me if Doctor Byun is still here?" She smiles at me while filling out my chart as she checks the machines. "He is actually suppose to be on his days off Sir, I think he will be back the day after tomorrow" she smiles before closing the file and clipping it to the end of my bed. "Try get some rest Mr Kim you will be here for a few days" she says before she leaves the room leaving me bored and all alone.

I grab one of the magazines Chen bought in the hospital shop and flick through the glossy pages before throwing it back onto my bed as I lay back in pure boredom. I need to be in work, my company can't run its self. I buzz the button for the nurse as she quickly hurries inside. "Mr Kim, is everything ok?" she says walking inside towards me. "I feel so restless, I need to get out of here" I begin to try get out of the bed making her stop me. "Mr Kim, you need to get plenty of rest, how about I give you something to relax you or maybe help you sleep". She checks my pulse while looking at her watch attached to her uniform. "Maybe something to sleep if I'm allowed please" I tell her as she writes in my chart again before leaving and returning with a injection. "Oh hell no you're not gonna stick that in me are you?" I begin to shift in the bed and panic as I hate hospitals and more so needles. "No Mr Kim, I am just going to add it to the saline drip that is giving you much needed fluids. Please rest now Mr Kim and I will check on you again soon". Before she leaves the room my eyes begin to get heavy and start to close as I settle down in the bed and fall asleep.

Baekhyun's POV

I'm finally home as promised to Minseok after he practically threw me out of the hospital earlier. Standing in the kitchen in front of my open presses I can't decide what to cook for my dinner. Usually its ramen I have when I'm on duty at the hospital, but being off I guess I need to eat properly. I grab some rice and some chicken from the Fridge and decide to make my moms favourite Glazed Chicken and Kimchee Fried rice. I take out all the ingredients such as the garlic flakes and the soy sauce from the press and set everything out on the counter. I start to tenderise the chicken before putting salt, pepper and oil evenly on them.   Heating up the pan I put the Chicken on it to cook.

Buzz Buzz

Wiping my hands in a cloth, I reach for my phone and see Sehun's name light up my screen.

"Hey Sehun what's up?"

"Hey Baek, what are you up too?" 

"Would you believe me if I said I was making dinner?"  

"What, really, who are you and what have you done with my best friend?"

"Well you and Minseok always hound me to eat better , and being a doctor I should, so I'm making dinner"

"Nice what are you making~?" 

" My moms favourite dish"

"I'm on my way" 

The phone goes dead making me laugh as I grab more chicken and put more rice on since I'm going to be having a guest for dinner .


Dinner is over and we are both in a food coma on the sofa. "Baek that was amazing, you should cook more and stop living off ramen". he looks concerned at me as he lays his head across my lap with his long legs dangling over the edge making me laugh. "So who is taking over from your boss now that he is in hospital?" I say making him look up at me with a smirk. "Look at you checking in on my boss, do you fancy him or something?" I feel myself blush trying to hide it I push him off my lap. "No, I'm just making conversation" I tell him as he climbs up from falling on the floor. "Baek I know you, you do like him" he hits me with a cushion making me confess that there

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Chapter 25: Oh finally everything is fine... but it's true that Baekhyun was about to go with the guy, before realizing that he had drugged him... I understand that Jongin has it a little across the throat.
Baekhyun will have to do his best to make him forget that, it's sad, but if it strengthens their relationship, that's good, because there's still a baby on the horizon and he deserves his dads be in love and happy.
Chapter 25: This is all that I ,needed!!!THANK U!!!! I hope they will make things work together!
Chapter 24: OMG! I was so excited to read this chapter! I'm sooo glad Kai knows! U just made my day! Thank u! I'm so excited for what comes next!
Chapter 24: Baekhyun finally is giving himself a chance to open up to others. I hope he really make use of this second chance. And kai is such a sweetheart
Chapter 23: Wait. Were pregnant? Like he lost the baby? Please no because that's just sad. But Baek didn't know so that's why he drank, right?
962 streak #6
Chapter 23: So much for alone time!
It's just good that he was able to throw up and get to the hospital.
If he was still knocked out, then something really bad could have happened to him.
I just hope the baby isn't harmed.
Thank you so much for the update.
Chapter 23: Oh my god ! Realy ?? OMG OMG OMG !!
NICE NEWS BUT for him.... perhaps not a good news 🤔
Chapter 23: WHAT?! MY LITTLE BAEK IS PREGGY?! This is such a nice surprise! I love it! And it's super interesting! I love Mpreg! I just love u !!!!!!! For makong my ty day much better!
Chapter 22: Oh no! Dont tell me Baek is not really into Kai!!! He doesnt deserve this :(
962 streak #10
Chapter 22: What's gotten into Baek?
Is he just using Jongin?