Chapter 17

Emergency love
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"Hey Baek, why don't you head off home. I've got this" Minseok pats his friend's shoulder who is sitting down enjoying the sun. "I just want to hear his results and be here for him". Baekhyun stands up fixing himself as he takes the chart from his friend. "He has to stay the night" Baekhyun reads the test result from the heart trace that was done. "Yeah he does I'm sorry, but that's not your fault it's his baek, come on go home" Minseok starts to walk Baekhyun towards the hospital main doors near the taxi bay. "Let me give him the results then I will head off home please Minseok" Baekhyun pleads with his hands together as if praying. "Ok but after that you're out of here and back on your shift tomorrow morning" Minseok hands him the file and walks inside as Baekhyun follows.

"So Mr Kim it looks like you need to stay the night" Baekhyun says seeing Jongin fall back on the bed with his hands in his hair pulling it tight wanting to scream with rage.

"I HATE HOSPITALS" he shouts making Chanyeol get up from the chair and move towards him on the bed. "Hey you need to calm down and if you need to stay well guess what you are staying" Chanyeol uses the gentle approach but fails as Jongin gets up from the bed pushing the items from the bedside table crashing to the floor. "KAI, you better stop it man or I will put you down, now there was no need for that" Chanyeol stands straight with his chest out as Jongin stands up from the bed facing Chanyeol nose to nose. "What you gonna do about it?" Jongin grits his teeth making Baekhyun walk closer. "I can sedate you" he says making the two look away as Jongin gets back on the bed knowing that sedation is a needle and he doesn't want that.

"Kai they are only helping you here if you follow the rules you will be out of here and back home and not 6 feet down in a box" Chanyeol sits on the chair again making Baekhyun grateful they didn't have a fist fight because there was no way he could stop the two of them.

"So what do I do now?" Jongin says from his bed looking so pissed off. "Your heart trace test came back and you didn't have another heart attack. I think what you had was a anxiety attack or panic attack. We are gonna wait for your blood results and the nurse will be in in a moment to put the heart trace back on you. That will need to be on you for an hour so I recommend you try to relax a little bit and just let us look after you" Baekhyun signs the file and makes his way over to the side of the bed to check Jongins temperature and blood pressure. While he is putting the blood pressure cuff on he can see out of the corner of his eye Chanyeol mouthing something to jongin and jongin laying his head back in defeat.

"Your blood pressure is rather high at the moment. I do have to ask you to just relax I know you hate it here but your health and heart need a rest ok" Baekhyun pulls the blood pressure cuff of hanging it back and heading to the sink to wash his hands.

"So you let me go early and now I'm back here, what sort of doctor are you" Baekhyun freezes not believing what he just heard as he dries his hands. "Kai shut up" Chanyeol says making Baekhyun smile a little throwing the tissue he used to dry his hands in the bin.
"I am a doctor who saved your life when your heart stopped beating, I am a doctor who got you back here on time incase you were having another attack. I am a doctor who takes your blood when you act like a child and one final thing I am the doctor who is stopping your friend here from picking out your casket for your funeral" Baekhyun grabs the chart again and heads out the door and down

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Chapter 25: Oh finally everything is fine... but it's true that Baekhyun was about to go with the guy, before realizing that he had drugged him... I understand that Jongin has it a little across the throat.
Baekhyun will have to do his best to make him forget that, it's sad, but if it strengthens their relationship, that's good, because there's still a baby on the horizon and he deserves his dads be in love and happy.
Chapter 25: This is all that I ,needed!!!THANK U!!!! I hope they will make things work together!
Chapter 24: OMG! I was so excited to read this chapter! I'm sooo glad Kai knows! U just made my day! Thank u! I'm so excited for what comes next!
Chapter 24: Baekhyun finally is giving himself a chance to open up to others. I hope he really make use of this second chance. And kai is such a sweetheart
Chapter 23: Wait. Were pregnant? Like he lost the baby? Please no because that's just sad. But Baek didn't know so that's why he drank, right?
967 streak #6
Chapter 23: So much for alone time!
It's just good that he was able to throw up and get to the hospital.
If he was still knocked out, then something really bad could have happened to him.
I just hope the baby isn't harmed.
Thank you so much for the update.
Chapter 23: Oh my god ! Realy ?? OMG OMG OMG !!
NICE NEWS BUT for him.... perhaps not a good news 🤔
Chapter 23: WHAT?! MY LITTLE BAEK IS PREGGY?! This is such a nice surprise! I love it! And it's super interesting! I love Mpreg! I just love u !!!!!!! For makong my ty day much better!
Chapter 22: Oh no! Dont tell me Baek is not really into Kai!!! He doesnt deserve this :(
967 streak #10
Chapter 22: What's gotten into Baek?
Is he just using Jongin?