Chapter 15

Emergency love
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Slowly opening my eyes feeling all warm and snuggly I remember what happened last night. Not wanting to jump up I gently and slowly move my head looking up at the beauty laying sleeping holding me so warmly and carefully close to his chest. Smiling I lay my head back down smiling ear to ear feeling happy for this moment. "You watching me sleep?"  I jump at the sound of his deep voice smirking into his chest as his arms get tighter around me hugging me. "How are you feeling this morning?" I feel his lips kiss the top of my head and right now for this moment I feel like I am in heaven and I really don't want to leave.

"I am feeling rather sad after yesterday and I feel bad over our date last night" Sitting up in the bed I curl my legs up as I sit facing him while he sits up in my bed leaning his back against the headboard. "You can tell me" feeling his hand reach over and cup my cheek I close my eyes into his warm touch and right away I feel a tear roll down my cheek and drop onto my chest. "Hey, oh come here" moving closer to me he holds out his arms and hugs me tight as I cry more. " I will be ok, sorry, I have to get ready for work" pulling away from his embrace I stand at the end of the bed finding his hoodie he took off last night and hold it hoping he gets the idea that I want him to leave. "OK, I can  take a hint" he gets up from my bed reaching to take his hoodie from me while softly smiling. "What ever it is I hope you will be ok, sorry you can't tell me about it. I hope your day at work goes well today" he leaves my bedroom as I feel that I am treating him like this but we are not dating and I hardly know him really.

Following him out into my sitting room he slips on his shoes and opens my door. "Thank you for last night" he looks so sad before leaving and closing my door behind him.

I am such an a hole what the hell am I doing. Huffing at myself I go to get myself ready for work and just hope I have a better day today. Hearing my phone buzz across my bedside table I reach for it thinking maybe its him. 

Hey Baek how are you after last night, I really wanted to come over to you. You know full well how I worry about you 

Smiling knowing Sehun has always been there for me and tried to guide me I really just wanted to be alone till Jongin showed up.

Hey Sehun I'm ok getting ready for work so don't worry speak later I need to get my moving so I won't be late for work 

ok please don't shut me out, love ya talk soon   

Closing my phone I sit on my bed  knowing full well to get my ready for work but right now I don't think I can actually go. Turning off my phone I climb back into my bed pulling the covers up over my head. All I can see in my mind when I close my eyes is the wife of the man yesterday pleading and screaming for her husband and I couldn't save him.

No p.o.v

Hey Lucas have you seen Baek this morning he should have been here" Minseok enters the break room looking rather worried about his best doctor and friend. "No boss I haven't , maybe he took the day off?" Lucas begins to get worried now as he sips his coffee looking at Minseok scroll through his phone. "This is not like him, if he had to take the day off he would have told me, remember he tired to come to work smothering of the flu when I had to get him escorted home" he smiles remembering how Baekhyun told him he could still do his job with watery eyes and a stuffy nose. "Boss this isn't like him" Lucas tries to ring Baekhyun as the call goes right to voice mail. " I will have to ring Sehun and try find out if he has heard from baek. Press the green button under Sehun's name Minseok  waits till the call is answered on the other end.

"Hey Minseok is everything ok?" 

"Hi Sehun have you spoken to Baek this morning, as he hasn't shown up for or called in"

"What how is that possible, I spoke with him not that long ago he told me he had to get ready for work" .

"Well he isn't here and his phone is heading straight to voice mail, this isn't like him Sehun"

" I will head over to his place now and I will let you know if I get a hold of him"

"Thanks Sehun I would have done that myself but I can't leave the Emergeny Room"

"Leave it with me I will keep in touch" 

Ending the call Sehun looks around his office knowing full well he shouldn't really leave work. Panicking wondering should he tell his boss or just leave. A few seconds past and he decides to hell with it and head into his bosses office.

Knocking on the door he hears a come in from the other side of the door. Entering the office he is trembling seeing his boss Jongin and his friend Chanyeol sitting in his office looking at him. "Excuse me sir I was wondering if I could leave, there seems to be a private matter I need to attend to at home" Jongin looks at him with a worried look. "Is everything ok Sehun you seem rather pale" Sehun lowers his head and decided maybe he should tell him. "Its my friend Baekhyun sir, he hasn't shown up for work this morning and this is not like him not to ring. I really need to go and find where he is and if he is ok" Jongin hears the worry in his voice and wonders should he tell him he was there with him this morning and how Baekhyun spoke with him this morning.

"Well Sehun I need to tell you , I stayed over in Baekhyun's last night as we had a date but he cancelled so  I arrived to make sure he was ok and this morning he was rather upset about something and he wouldn't tell me. I left when he asked me to and that was the last time I seen him".  

", I knew I should have went over to him last night , this happened before but he turned up for work the next day". Sehun holds his head in his hands and rubs his face. "A patient died on Baekhyun yesterday and it upsets him a lot  so he usually spends time alone eating junk food and feeling sorry for himself till he snaps himself out of it and gets his back to work. Please I need to go" Sehun moves back towards the door making Kai get up from his chair at his desk. "Can we help in anyway, maybe drive you over to his as it looks like your not ok to drive" Chanyeol gets up from the his chair grabbing his car keys as if he knows they will take his car. "I think that is a good idea, thank you". They all head off out of the office down the hallway and out into the carpark. "I really hope he is ok" Sehun says getting in the back of the car as they decided to head to Baekhyun's apartment first.


Knocking on the door Sehun feels his stomach do summersaults with nerves. After no answer he realises he forgot his spare key as he didn't think he would need it . " I don't have my spare keys with me" looking towards the others Jongin looks towards Chanyeol giving him some sort of nod as Chanyeol reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small thing that looks like a pin of some sort. Pushing against the door first they realise it isn't locked as it moves a lot easier then a locked door would. "I hope he hasn't done anything stupid"  Sehun fidgets watching as Chanyeol gets down on one knee and starts to mess around with the lock making the door open. "That was so cool" Sehun says as he rushes into the apartment looking around while walking quickly into the bedroom seeing a lump under the duvet sniffing. Pulling back the duvet Baekhyun jumps so much he punches Sehun right in the face knocking him on his thinking he was an intruder.

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Chapter 25: Oh finally everything is fine... but it's true that Baekhyun was about to go with the guy, before realizing that he had drugged him... I understand that Jongin has it a little across the throat.
Baekhyun will have to do his best to make him forget that, it's sad, but if it strengthens their relationship, that's good, because there's still a baby on the horizon and he deserves his dads be in love and happy.
Chapter 25: This is all that I ,needed!!!THANK U!!!! I hope they will make things work together!
Chapter 24: OMG! I was so excited to read this chapter! I'm sooo glad Kai knows! U just made my day! Thank u! I'm so excited for what comes next!
Chapter 24: Baekhyun finally is giving himself a chance to open up to others. I hope he really make use of this second chance. And kai is such a sweetheart
Chapter 23: Wait. Were pregnant? Like he lost the baby? Please no because that's just sad. But Baek didn't know so that's why he drank, right?
962 streak #6
Chapter 23: So much for alone time!
It's just good that he was able to throw up and get to the hospital.
If he was still knocked out, then something really bad could have happened to him.
I just hope the baby isn't harmed.
Thank you so much for the update.
Chapter 23: Oh my god ! Realy ?? OMG OMG OMG !!
NICE NEWS BUT for him.... perhaps not a good news 🤔
Chapter 23: WHAT?! MY LITTLE BAEK IS PREGGY?! This is such a nice surprise! I love it! And it's super interesting! I love Mpreg! I just love u !!!!!!! For makong my ty day much better!
Chapter 22: Oh no! Dont tell me Baek is not really into Kai!!! He doesnt deserve this :(
962 streak #10
Chapter 22: What's gotten into Baek?
Is he just using Jongin?