Chapter 9

Begin Again

Myungsoo woke up in the middle of the day feeling unwell.. with throbbing headache  ... nauseous.. he barely managed to get up from the bed to the bathroom .. checking himself un the mirror he's looking awfully pale.. there's dark circles around his eyes.. what's wrong with him? With shivering  body he decided to go back to bed again.. he must've caught a flu .. after some rest he will be much better.. on the way back he noticed that the dorm is empty and quiet.. where did everyone go.. doesn't matter they probably went out since it's weekend that means he can have more quiet sleep .. he snuggled up in his blankets closing his eyes... 

It was during the  late evening when myungsoo woke up again groaning.. he was hungry and feeling much worse than before... his head still hurting like hell .. his throat was dry.. feeling that his body burning  and dizzy... with unstable moves he was out from his room.. he thought he heard  someone crying in the living room?.. he  carried his weak body there.. through his blurry vision  he managed to see a tall silhouette sitting on the couch .. he couldn't distinguish who is that person but he looked so familiar.. his voice calling him .. that voice is very familiar to his ears ..   is that sungyeol? .. "Myungsoo .. are you ok.. what's wrong.. myungsoo talk me.. myungsoo... omg.." he tried answer but his breath was heavy.. his body becoming even more weak and start giving up on him ... suddenly he out.. 

Sungyeol rushed quickly to the boy before ue fall on the floor and caught him.. the younger fainted in his arms..  sungyeol gently slapped his cheeks to wake him up.. but removed his hand immediately.. myungsoo's body was sweating and burning with fever.. sungyeol straggled a bit to carry out the fragile body into the bathroom.. even though the younger boy was slim but he was tall almost close to him.. he settled him into the tub .. the younger boy started to open his eyes but he still seems  out of it... sungyeol  gulped hard .. he approached him in attempt to remove the boy clothes.. to his surprise the younger start resist and fight against him mumbling weakly :"no.. don't do this.. let me go.." Sungyeol hugged the struggling boy against his chest his hair:"shush.. it's me  sungyeol. .. myung calm down.. i won't do anything to you trust me ..  i just need to take off your clothes so you can have a bath.. 
You will feel better... 

Myungsoo start to calm down a little ..his hands clutching yeol's shirt while the latter opened up the water then start stripping the younger when he noticed him sleeping .. sungyeol gasped admiring the boy's body in his his lap.. it was perfect.. the shape of his arms.. his collarbone.. his stomach .. and those long legs.. 




Atfer the shower sungyeol made sure to dry myungsoo's hair and put him in his bed after dressing him into a warm pajamas.. he looked at the sleeping boy in front of him .. he sighed heavily... "Why are you torturing my heart like this myungsoo.. why i'am hurting seeing you like this..." he thought to himself before changing his wet clothes as well..  
He was about to wear his shirt when he heard a noise coming from outside and the door got closed... 



It was almost 9 pm when sunggyu dragging a bunch of hiper kids back to  the dorm .. dongwoo and sungjong were still running in the park even though it was to close and people were leaving already.. sunggyu was yelling at them but they kept ignoring him .. sungjong even stuck out his tongue at him and run away..  
"Yah you little brat come.. hey you why are laughing come help me out here.. right now lee howon.. " 
Hoya simply shrugged off  :"You're the leader hyung..." 
"Gyu hyung... gyu hyung buy me ice cream " that was woohyun who came running clinging himself in sunggyu's arm ... 
Finally after long struggle they're back in the dorm .. it was really quiet  ... 
"Huh where's myungsoo and sungyeol ..?" 
"Omg did they kill each other?"
They were wondering when the room's  door opened revealing a shirtless sungyeol... 
"Omo.. did my plan worked so fast.. ?!" Dongwoo suddenly screamed excited.. 

"Huh?" Everybody looked at him questioning... while hoya slapped his forehead 
"Myungsoo is sick he got fever.. i was changing my clothes after i bathed him when you gyus arrived.." sungyeol answered calmly.. 

Now everyone was shocked ! some gasped loudly ! some their jaw hung low for seconds ... myungsoo was sick and sungyeol took care of him .. ?! What's going on  here..?
Didn't sungyeol refuse to share the room with myungsoo days ago..?  

"Oh.. Ok.. I'm going to make dinner for you and woohyun will make some porridge for myungsoo.. you should put some cold towels at his forehead to decrease the fever.. also you should find some medications in the bathroom's closet.. yeah.. the rest of i guess you need to take shower and change your clothes for dinner .. yeah i think that's all for now.." sunggyu managed to say that after awhile.. 
"Oh hyung how did you know that i can make the best porridge..? When you get sick i will make you one too.." woohyun said cheerfully.. meanwhile sunggyu just rolled his eyes maybe it was wrong idea let the younger boy next to him in the kitchen... 





After an hour some members  had their dinner and went to sleep.. woohyun knocked the door before entering the shared room between myungsoo and sungyeol holding a plate .. he found the latter sitting on a share next to the sick boy changing the towels.. 
"If you're tired you can sleep and i will take care of him.. oh here's the porridge it's ready " he suggested.. 
"No that's ok i can  manage it hyung.. thank you hyung " sungyeol answered while taking the porridge from his hands and put it at the nightstand.. 
"Oh good night then.. hopefully he gets better soon " and with that woohyun left the room.. 





"Myungsoo wake up.. you should eat something and take those pills so you recover quickly .." 
Myungsoo groaned while opening his eyes.. sungyeol helped him sitting in the bed.. fed him the porridge and gave him medications.. the younger was still in fragile state to object.. he simply obeyed the older male.. 
Just when sungyeol was about to get up he was surprised to see that myungsoo was catching his hand ..
" please don't go .. don't leave me alone.." 
"Im here.. I'm just going to bring you some water.. it's right here.. " sungyeol didn't know how to respond to that.. 
"Please don't go.." myungsoo repeated again.. so sungyeol guessed that the younger is afraid of having nightmares or maybe he's more clingy more than he usually is when he's sick.. 
He got up and laid himself next to myungsoo in his bed.. he suggested to the other to come close.. and the younger male did after some hesitation.. as soon as myungsoo was settled between sungyeol's arms he curledup himself against the older male's chest like a little kitten and closed his eyes.. and sungyeol for the first time found that cute and like it this feeling that myungsoo was clinging on him.. he covered the both of them enjoying those moments cuz maybe after myungsoo gets better he won't like to be next to him... 








*Author Note*



Here's chapter 9 for you enjoy some cuteness and fluffiness xD  and what do you think of sungyeol in this chapter? 

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Attention final chapter is here it was totally unplanned but yeah cheers it's a long chapter enjoy ♡


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nataliawong #1
Chapter 13: It' s a good news to have a sequel, authornim you are the best.
DySekai #2
Chapter 12: Noooo why did this end so abruptly? :((( It was unexpected. I wish you put this on a hiatus instead of rushing it because this has huge potential. but luckily you gave myungsoo a happy ending.
Infinitekmsl7 #3
Chapter 12: Omg it's the last chapter :(( but i really loved this fic <3 thanks and will look forward to your next fics <3
Chapter 12: awww, i did not expect it to end so soon. :( but i'm glad myungsoo gave a chance to sungyeol and accepted him again. perhaps we can get a sequel where yeol helps myungsoo overcome his fears and insecurities? but thank you for the fic author-nim and fighting to your next fics as well! looking forward to it! ^^
nataliawong #5
Authornim, you ended the story so fast. I really didn't see this coming. Hope you will come up with another Myungyeol fic soon otherwise i will miss u badly.
Infinitekmsl7 #6
Chapter 11: Yeah that was unexpected ! Awww i miss myunggyu ㅠㅠ and poor myungsoo :'( my heart ㅠㅠ
ururustar #7
Chapter 11: It was unexpected.. Oh poor myungsoo.. can't wait for your next update :)
Chapter 11: Sungyeol-ah why you punch Gyu like that, are you jealousy? Or what?
Chapter 11: What the hell Myungsoo's uncle ... he is very cruel to take myung's money, making him unable to go to school anymore even selling it to the old man that crazy.... aigooo poor Baby (╥_╥)