Chapter 11

Begin Again

Sungyeol walked out from the room once the nurse came in , he found the others members still sitting and waiting.. 
"I think you all need to go to the dorm i will stay here with myungsoo here."
it was sunggyu who said that.. 
"No , no need for that! I will stay "
Sungyeol answered with determination. 
The rest looked confused.. like what's going on here? 
"I'm the leader here and you should listen to me , now everyone go home!" 

Without any other objections they'll headed dorm with their managers, except sunggyu who nervously walked towards myungsoo's room. It's was all his fault to begin with.. he overworked the sick boy.. so he decided to apologize and fix his mess! that's why he decided that he's the to stick around.
With shaky hand , he was about to knock the door when he heard someone speaking.. it was myungsoo with the doctor! He didn't mean to spy on them , but what his ears caught was shocking and unexpected! Myungsoo was sick and need a surgery.. 
Well that's makes sunggyu even more guilty and nervous! But the most important thing what's preventing myungsoo from having the surgery?! It's weird .. he heard the younger male that there's a personal circumstances? What are those circumstances?!? Could it be that his family are poor and can't afford the money? But wait a second, where are myungsoo's parents or family? No one showed up .. didn't the managers informed them ? What if Myungsoo was an orphan and didn't have parents?! ? Sunggyu's head was pounding with thoughts.. he didn't know what to do and how to react now when he's around the younger male. 

Sunggyu took a deep breath and knocked the door minutes later after the doctor left, he entered when he got the permission to do so. Myungsoo was sitting in  his bed reading some manga and seemed so engrossed into it , sunggyu found that  so cute.  

"Hmm myungsoo.. are you feeling better now?" Sunggyu asked clearing his throat.. 

Myungsoo raised his head surprised.. actually he didn't except their leader to be here.. wasn't he the  one who's been yelling at him earlier.. he must've been such disappointment.. myungsoo hung his head low and whispered hesitantly  "I'm.. fine.. thx"

Sunggyu didn't know how to start the conversation or how to apologize for being harch towards the younger boy... but after he gathered all his strength and courage to say what he want , he was surprised to hear those words coming out from the said boy 
"Sunggyu hyung.. I'm really sorry for making you all worried and making you all taking care of me, i must be a burden for you.." 

Sunggyu quickly interrupted the young man: "no no don't say that ever  again  ! You're not a burden to anyone at all !! In fact I'm the one who's sorry i pushed too hard even when ik you're still sick .. i shouldn't have yelled at you .. please next time when you're not feeling well don't be hard on yourself and don't worry about anything i will be here for you wenever  you need me ... please "

Myungsoo looked at the elder in front of him with big shocked eyes .. no one ever thought about him and cared about him ! He looked into those small foxy eyes and felt gyu's sincerity.. his eyes start to waters.. this is so much .. he still trying to digest what's going on here.. he felt so emotional and fragile.. he quickly wipped his tears with his sleeves.. soon he found himself in the embrace of the elder's male arms .. he was hugging him tightly and caressing his back gently.. so myungsoo burried his head into the older's chest.. it felt so warm and safe .. he felt for once that there's someone who actually care about him .. but he didn't feel anything  more than just brotherhood.. 
Sunggyu thought to himself sighing  while hugging the boy in his arms "this kid seems like he suffered alot.." suddenly he heard something knocked into the floor! Both him and myungsoo turned their heads to be surprised by the tall figure who standing next the door... 

"How ing dare you ? " 
Sunggyu let go myungsoo shocked .. what's wrong with sungyeol and when did came back here wasn't he supposed to be in the dorm right now ?  and why the heck was he yelling at him for ? 
"Look it's not.." he tried to explain but only to receive a punch from the angry 


Yelling.. anger.. blood.. it only trigger bad memories in myungsoo's mind...  
<< blood again.. too much blood.. a middle aged was lying on the floor bleeding from his head .. in one of the hotel room corner , a fragile teenage  boy hugging his clothes into his chest ... he was sobbing and trembling so badly.. his uncle was the worst .. worse than sungyeol and even much more worse than Lee joon and the other three boys who him before.. his uncle was an alcoholic and gambler.. he wasted all his money and even all the inheritance that myungsoo's parents left for him .. he made the younger boy quit his study and work at a young age.. every night he brings his friends home to play .. in one of those nights  someone asked him "so it seems you don't have anything to offer anymore Mr kim.." at that moment myungsoo came to serve them drinks.. his uncle smiled mischievously  saying pointing at his nephew "yes ofc there's .. him!" Yes basically his uncle sold him to those greedy , ugly, wrinkled old men .. myungsoo felt tired, exhausted and disguested .. every time he resists and run away his uncle find him and drag him by force.. he couldn't bear it anyomore so he grabbed the closest thing he could and hit however was touching him right now on his head, the man fainted but still alive, the police came after the hotel  employees reported them after they heard the noises from that particular room .. the police wanted to help the poor myungsoo but he run away.. all he knows at that moment that he needs to run far away from his uncle and from everyone.. run away into a strange country where no can find him or know anything..." 








*Author  Note *
Oh what a plot twist you didn't expect that right? Anyway why do you think sungyeol was so edgy lol , jealousy?!

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Attention final chapter is here it was totally unplanned but yeah cheers it's a long chapter enjoy ♡


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nataliawong #1
Chapter 13: It' s a good news to have a sequel, authornim you are the best.
DySekai #2
Chapter 12: Noooo why did this end so abruptly? :((( It was unexpected. I wish you put this on a hiatus instead of rushing it because this has huge potential. but luckily you gave myungsoo a happy ending.
Infinitekmsl7 #3
Chapter 12: Omg it's the last chapter :(( but i really loved this fic <3 thanks and will look forward to your next fics <3
Chapter 12: awww, i did not expect it to end so soon. :( but i'm glad myungsoo gave a chance to sungyeol and accepted him again. perhaps we can get a sequel where yeol helps myungsoo overcome his fears and insecurities? but thank you for the fic author-nim and fighting to your next fics as well! looking forward to it! ^^
nataliawong #5
Authornim, you ended the story so fast. I really didn't see this coming. Hope you will come up with another Myungyeol fic soon otherwise i will miss u badly.
Infinitekmsl7 #6
Chapter 11: Yeah that was unexpected ! Awww i miss myunggyu ㅠㅠ and poor myungsoo :'( my heart ㅠㅠ
ururustar #7
Chapter 11: It was unexpected.. Oh poor myungsoo.. can't wait for your next update :)
Chapter 11: Sungyeol-ah why you punch Gyu like that, are you jealousy? Or what?
Chapter 11: What the hell Myungsoo's uncle ... he is very cruel to take myung's money, making him unable to go to school anymore even selling it to the old man that crazy.... aigooo poor Baby (╥_╥)