1st Suicide Attempt


Since I lost the 3 chapters and stupid me for not saving it,

I will try my very best to remember it... Aigoo... crying

Sorry for the error in advance...

If ever it was not the same like my past update,

just pretend I didn't update this fic before.. kekekeke






I am on way up to the rooftop of one of the buildings in Seoul. I am hoping that no one will stop me this time. I remember my first attempt, it was a total failure. I drunk so hard at that time and cross the street hoping I would be hit by a car but unfortunately there are only few cars that time because It's new year's eve. And it's freaking cold so no one would be bother to go out that time since the road is slippery. But I stayed near the road so just in case there would be a car that will pass so I can just jump to the road until that car hit me. I also write a note just in case the person who will kill me that time will be put in jail. I don't want to die thinking I make someone's life miserable you know. So I have suicide note on my pocket. 






"How can you just all left me like this Oppa?? Don't I deserve a second chance?? Do I not matter to you two anymore??" I said to no one while looking up the sky. I am definitely aware that I am already drunk but why the hell I could still feel pain. I drunk myself out to avoid the pain that I am feeling every single damn seconds of my life.



"Would you all be happy if you lost me for real?? Would it still matter to all of you even if I die??" Tears started to fall on my eyes again. I need to end this pain because I can't take it anymore. I can't bear it anymore..



I was swaying walking to God-knows-where thinking that I might just get myself into accident that will kill me instantly. Then I found myself right infront of the road, not thinking twice I started walking without looking if there are cars coming. This is what I want. I just want to put an end to my miserable life. I was thinking too much that I didn't realize I was able to cross the road safely....



"Aigoo... You really want me to suffer, neh??? You have seen me suffer for this past week.. Isn't that enough??? Should you atleast let me rest from this pain already??" I said those while looking up the sky..



I waited and waited at the side of the road if there would be any cars that will pass. I decided to stay at the side of the road but it took me already half an hour standing but no cars passing. Probably because its almost new year and everyone are busy preparing for new year. And who would like to spend New Year's on the road anyway. But I still waited, I can't feel the cold even if it's snowing, probably because of the alcohol. I didn't realize I am already standing for almost an hour and I am starting to sober up. I decided to stay for few minutes and try my luck again but then again nothing. When I was about to turn and go, I heard a screeching sound of cars indicating it's going to fast. Without thinking twice I jump on the road and walk in the middle.



I was looking at the Black van speeding it's way to me, I smiled while looking at it then I look up. As I slowly close my eyes, a tear escaped in my eyes. This is it! This is what I want right? Appa, omma, Sanghyun-ah.. Mianhe.. Mianhe.. I waited for the van to hit me but nothing came. Then I heard a very load screeching sound...






I didn't open my eyes because I am still expecting the van to hit me and will kill me instantly but it didn't came. Instead a voice that OH-SO-MANLY waken me up from whatever the hell is i am up to.



"Hey Kid, are you alright???" When I heard the voice I opened my eyes and saw an oh-so-gorgeous men infront of me.. I just look at him.. I was about to say something but another man beat me to it..



"Boss, they got away!!" Huh?? Who got away?? Then it hit me, they are policemen and the noise that I am hearing is a siren.. Aigoo.. I am still drunk.. I know I am in big trouble..



"WHAT???" The oh-so-gorgeous policeman exclaimed and I can clearly see in his eyes that he is not happy.. Well he is beyond mad when you look at him.. If I am not mistaken they are chasing the Black Van and if I am not mistaken again I was the reason why they lost them.. I am in deep deep trouble..



"YOU??!! What the hell where you thinking kid??? Why would you cross the road like that??!!! Don't you know how dangerous it is???" And the yelling came.. With all the question he thrown at me there is one particularly word that makes me mad..... KID!! I am not a KID!!!



"I didn't do anything! I was just crossing the road!" I answered back annoyed.. I glared at him and he do the same..



"Yeah right! You were crossing the road but not on the pedestrian lane!! You just violated the law.. JAILWALKING is against the law!! And for a kid like you, you are already drinking!!" Ppsshh.. I snorted and just smirk on him.. So he would arrest me because of Jailwalking or because he thought I am a minor who drunk myself so much without ADULT supervision.. Jeez...Of all the places in the world, why I am stuck again in Seoul, Korea??!! Tell me???



"So are you gonna arrest me for that??!!" I asked annoyed... There's no way I would spend a night inside the cell..



"Atleast you are aware what's waiting for you!" Before I could react he handcuff me and then drag me to their police car... My eyes widened!! Is he freakin' out of his mind??!!! I AM THE PARK PRINCESS FOR GOD SAKE!!.... Oh.. Yeah right... Park Princess???.. That was before when my Appa & Omma are still alive...



I was about to protest but thinking about my family again my mouth has been shut instantly, i'd rather stay with this policemen instead. Atleast, I have some people with me when the clock strikes at 12.. I can be jolly, happy & annoying person if I want to be.. That's my way of running away from the pain..



I looked outside the window thinking about my two brothers. How are they?? What are they doing now?? Was the company hard to handle?? How will they spend the New Year's eve??... I really want to ask them those questions.. But they already turn their backs on me.. What have I done to deserve this??? I know, I will forever blame myself why my fiancee died.. I didn't mean to hurt him.. Actually I don't have any intention at all.. But why they have to be like this to me.. Do i really don't deserve any chance at all?? Then I felt a wet pass on my cheeks. When I touch my cheek, that's when I realize that I am crying again.. I look at the two policeman infront of me hoping they didn't see me and their I caught Mr.Oh-so-gorgeous looking at me worriedly through the mirror. I instantly wipe the tears and stuck my tongue out him with a glare and look outside the window again.



We arrived at the police station and they just drag me inside. Well, I don't have a choice anyway. When we arrive at the station. Everyone look at us..



"Caught some teenager along the way huh..." The big masculine guy said.. I glare at him after hearing the word teenager..



"Yah kid! What's your name??" The gorilla asked me.. Oh! Forget about the Oh-so-gorgeous name that I once used awhile ago.. I prefer to call him now GORI.. Short for GORILLA!!



"Stop calling me KID!! I am not a KID!!! You freaking Gorilla!!!" I exclaimed right infront of his face making the other people laugh...



"Whoah!! It seems this one is not scared of you hyung!!" The smiling face said.. Geez, he may have the best smile ever but his scaring me...



"Found your match Top??!" TOP??? Top is MR. Gori's name??? Geez, what the hell does his parents think naming him TOP...



"Will you all shut up!! Or else you will all get it from me!!" Whoah.. Are they all scared of him???



"YAH!! Who are you to call me Gorilla?!!" He yelled like as if I am not near him...



"TONE DOWN YOUR VOICE!! I AM NOT DEAF!!!" I shouted also but this time LOUDER than him...



"HOLD UP!!! Geez, will you two stop! You are about to blast our eardrums you know... Please calm yourself, arasso???" The freaking pig just said to calm down???



"CALM DOWN??? CALM DOWN MY !!! WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND WILL CALM DOWN IF YOU ARE BROUGHT IN THE POLICE STATION WITH HANDCUFFS???!!! " I exploded to all of them and I saw most of them jumped from their position as they were startled by my loud voice...



"YAH!!" They all shouted at me also except the smiling face but I end up glaring at them..



"Am hyungs?? She is right though. Who will be happy anyway with handcuffs.." The smiling face said..



"Ok.. Ok.. I guess we are taking everything wrong in here.. Yah Top! Why don't do you remove the handcuffs first. For sure this kid will not runaway.. Right?" Mr. Fatty said.. I just look at him and didn't say anything.. Then suddenly I felt a hand touching me removing the handcuffs. When it's done I just rub my wrist because it hurts..



"Now.. Tell us your name and your age kid and also please call your family." Mr. Hunk said. When I heard the word family, I stiffened.. And I guess it didn't pass with Gori..



"I don't have family.. And if you will still insist on calling anyone that's related to me then bad luck I've got no one.." I've tried so hard not to crack my voice or even stutter when I said those. Thinking about family is way too hard for me..



"You don't have family?? That's impossible.. If you don't have family, then why are you roaming around the city by yourselves?? You are still a minor, you should be at the orphanage if that's the case.." Argh! I hate it when they are treating me like a KID!!



"I am not a KID ANYMORE! Stop saying that I am a MINOR!!" As expected I yelled again..



"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!! Then hand us over your ID and prove to us that you are not a minor!" Without protesting, I took my ID inside my back pocket then slam it to Mr. Hunks table. Everyone glared at me when I did it. Then everyone look at it. Before they can fully absorb what's on my ID, I suddenly had an urge to introduce myself..Just for fun!



"DARA PARK.. 22 years old!" When I said those everyone looked at me and believe me my mood suddenly changes when I saw their shocked faces.. I was trying so hard not to laugh but I failed totally..



"Bbwwwuaaahahahahahahahahahahaha" I literally laugh my off on the floor..



"YYYYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Even if they all yelled it didn't stop me from laughing....




I know I know.. It's not the same with the first one.. Aigoo...



Forget the one that I updated before.. Arasso??? 





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juzwannaread #1
Chapter 8: Oh boy, it's too funny. I was a bit skeptic at first but got myself cracking up around Chapter 4. This is too cute and hilarious. Aisht! I just wish this one got more updates... or better yet, was completed. But thanks for the laughs
betchay1131 #2
Chapter 8: WHOA so cute,,hope dara can have her happy ending..her life was so tragic..update please kk Thank u^^pyong
please update the story, authornim :) I'll be waiting, thank you.
greiyz_14 #4
Chapter 8: Wow please update please authornim
Chapter 8: authornim wer are u can u update this story again i miss this and its cute even though it makes me cry its still cute and good story if u have time update this soon hope u still continue this thanks in advance
jennypish2012 #6
Chapter 8: Cute!..hahahaha.. I'm loving this story authornim.. Update please.. Thank you
red_rose_knight #7
Chapter 8: LoL ^_^ i laugh so hard in this chapter. different names for dara based on a farytale... hahaha! they even call junsu oppa gay! that hilarious!
sherryperry #8
Chapter 8: Ghahhddddd....!! This story are hilarious,funny n the best....authornim plssssss......update ...!
bluefairy07 #9
Chapter 8: ohmygahhdd i love this story so much..author=nim please update this please..i beg u authornim...pretty please~~~~~~
Chapter 8: Please update this story Authornim, this story daebak!!