
Tadoma | Kim Jongin Fanfiction



Kyungsoo went to the cafe to pick up a few snacks and drinks for Jongin after he got out of class, he planned out a rather relaxed evening for the two of them; eat dinner, maybe read a book took together or watch a movie while eating the pastries. He didn’t realize that a faint grin was plastered on his face he walked to Jongin’s classroom until some making a remark about it, that someone being Jongdae; leaning against the wall next to the main entrance, cigarette between his fingers. “Why so happy?” He asked, his motive obviously nothing of kind nature.


Kyungsoo’s mood, once again faltered and he looked to the male, holding a dead expression on his face, “What’s it to you? Maybe I’m happy to know that if you keep smoking you’ll die soon.” He was never usually one to wish death upon a person, but the past few weeks spent with Jongin made him feel as if he needed to cast a curse on anyone who dare hurt him. “Stop bugging me.”


Jongdae wore a fake pout and threw his cigarette on the ground, stomping on it afterwards, “You’re very cruel,” the sound of the sole of his shoe scraping against the ground was annoying enough without the whine Jongdae’s voice hosted.


“I don’t give a . Now, if you don’t mind but I’m busy.” Kyungsoo waved him off, ignoring any shouts directed toward him as he walked quickly to Jongin’s class. There were a few minutes left until he would be out, so Kyungsoo paced the hallways to waste time, studying the mural on the large wall. The wall was painted with much detail; soft and elegant with streaks of gold all brought together to create a masterpiece, or so he thought. Kyungsoo originally wanted to study art and art history, but his parents told him he’d be much better off as a businessman.


When students started exiting from the room, he made his way into the room, the same smile from before returning to his face as he saw Jongin sitting at his usual place; front row, closest to the door. Kyungsoo shared a greeting with Mrs. Jane before he grabbed one of Jongin’s hands and helped him up, eventually pulling him into a hug. Jongin only ever hugged a few people, so differentiating whos embrace he was in wasn’t much of a challenge, being close enough to smell their shampoo was also another indicator. The subtle vibrations on his shoulder alerted him that Kyungsoo was saying something, but what? He pulled from the hug and like every time before, he cupped the latter’s face, “Can you repeat, please?”


Kyungsoo hadn’t even thought about it, too excited to get back to the dorm and have a nice night, worry free. “Oh, sorry, I was just saying that Baekhyun was going out to dinner with his parents.” Kyungsoo said through a smile, “That means you get to spend the night with me.” Jongin’s cheeks heated up as a red tint dusted his cheeks, causing Kyungsoo to laugh and some more, “Are you blushing?”


Though he tried to deny it, his act wasn’t very believable, “No, I am not.” Kyungsoo let him be for the time being and aided in getting his backpack on his shoulders instead. Pouting, Jongin took his cane and declared that he could walk by himself, dragging out a sigh from Kyungsoo who only followed next to him. The halls were empty by now and the two couldn’t be more relieved, as it made their commune easier. “What are we having for dinner? I’m hungry.”


They had only just walked through the doorway of the dorm room and Jongin was already asking about food as he slumped onto the sofa, earning an eye roll from Kyungsoo who then proceeded to heat up what was left on the stove in a large pot. After sifting through the snacks he got from the cafe, he brought a few and the drinks to the couch where Jongin was still sitting, seemingly staring off into space and daydreaming. It was an easy sight to enjoy viewing, however, Kyungsoo knew he couldn’t just stand and oogle at the man, so he found comfort in the spot next to Jongin and placed the drink in his hands while the snacks stayed on the coffee table. The two had shared a few skinship moments; sometimes holding hand(s) while they talked or walked from point a to point b, but it was never anything too intimate, so Kyungsoo deemed it okay to lean over until his head was resting on the taller’s shoulder. He only spoke when he felt an arm snake around his shoulder and a gentle hand resting on his jaw and cheek, “I got some snacks for us, also that’s a vanilla milkshake,” he referred to the plastic cup in Jongin’s other hand.


“Thank you.”


“No need to thank me,” Kyungsoo held his own green tea in his hands, stirring it with the straw, “Baekhyun made some kind of a soup.. I think I saw a few shrimp and clams.” He wasn’t sure what it was, but when knew that when he opened the lid to take a peek, it smelt delightful. Jongin seemed pleased with the explanation, a cheery hum rumbling from his chest. “Have you and Baekhyun ever watched a movie together?”


Jongin was sipping from his shake while trying to recover any memory of times he and Baekhyun ‘watched a movie’, “I don’t think we have.” He said after a moment of thought.


Kyungsoo wasn’t surprised by this, maybe it wouldn’t be enjoyable if Jongin could only rely on descriptions of scenes from the second party. “I have a few tapes back at my dorm, would you be interested in doing that?” He asked without much thought, but was more than happy when Jongin agreed to go. With that, Kyungsoo let himself up to take the food off the heat and packing the food into a tupperware, packing it and the snacks into a bag. Jongin had already made it to the door by the time Kyungsoo finished, waiting there until Kyungsoo linked their elbows and lead the way out of the dorm


Neither men bothered with dividing the food into separate bowls, they had shared from the larger container; sat on Kyungsoo’s bed with the desk pushed in front  of it for a makeshift table. Kyungsoo fed Jongin a few bites before he became flustered and pleaded to feed himself, though he struggled, dropping pieces of food on his lap or on the table. It was one of the most enjoyable dinners Kyungsoo had in about two years, he always ate small meals by himself since he didn’t like to go out with large groups of people. He liked his time alone, but he also liked being with his his friends or family. When he was younger, his great grandmother was blind due to old age, so he already had experience with that, never a deafblind person though. After Chanyeol and his clique repeatedly cracked their so called jokes about Jongin throughout the semester, Kyungsoo felt bad for him. Jongin always put in his effort and pushed aside his fears to succeed, it was clear to see from the first day he joined the class.


Jongin let out a muffled groan, falling back on the bed with his hands rested on his stomach, “I ate too much.”


With the lid back on the food container and the desk back in its original place, Kyungsoo laid on the bed next to Jongin, watching the blades of the ceiling fan spin for a while before getting up to insert one of the movie tapes into the box that was the television. He waited for it to finish rewinding, blankly staring at the static of the screen. Was this what Jongin saw and heard? Just static that filled the space? Or, was it completely dark and quiet?




The tape was now ready to be played.


Kyungsoo grabbed the remote and headed back to his bed, this time getting beneath the blanket and poking Jongin a few times for him to sit up. He pressed play on the remote and set it aside after, he and Jongin taking to the same head on shoulder, hand on face position from earlier that night as the movie started. Kyungsoo would pause every few minutes to explain what happened and which characters were in the scene and what they looked like, Jongin listened, letting his mind help him picture the scenes. They sounded nice, even more beautiful when Kyungsoo further went into detail. When Kyungsoo hadn’t told him anything after a while, Jongin thought he might have fallen asleep. “Kyungsoo?” He asked, waiting for a response he wasn’t expecting the hiccup, nor the wet bead that rolled down Kyungsoo’s cheek. He carefully reached up with his other hand to wipe what he determined to be tears. “Soo, why are you crying?”


Kyungsoo sniffed and wiped his running nose on the cuff of his sweater sleeve, pausing the movie he looked at Jongin. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a sad part in the movie.” He said truthfully, laying his head back on the boney surface while telling Jongin all about the scene, more tears staining his cheeks as he did so.


This was the first time Kyungsoo ever cried around Jongin, let alone be sad. His heart ached more and more with each hiccup and blubbered word he muttered. Soon, Jongin found himself cupping the older’s face with his hands and bringing their faces closer together, “Don’t cry, Soo.” He soothed, swiping the tears away with his thumbs.


Kyungsoo’s heart was beating loudly in his chest, probably loud enough for the whole campus to hear. His reddened cheeks matching his nose as he looked into Jongin’s eyes that seemed to be looking right back at his own, he saw life in those eyes, even if they were clouded over and blank. They told a story. “Please, don’t cry,” Jongin spoke again, “don’t be sad.” This was it, the pounding in his chest and butterflies in his stomach driving him crazy each time Jongin cooed. The moment came faster than he could think; his hands rested on Jongin’s as he closed the space between their lips, making it nothing more or less than a soft kiss. Passion reciprocated by both males who let the feeling of one another’s lips linger.


Knock. Knock. Knock.


“Kyungsoo, open the door!”






Thank you guys for all the nice comments! They really help keep me motivated to update and keep the story going. <3

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Chapter 21: That would be awesome.
Chapter 20: Best of luck on your writing adventure! As sad as I am to not have anymore updates on this, I look forward to seeing how it all goes for you! Thank you for this fic and stay safe :)
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 20: Oh its ok though its quite sad... but i support whatever makes you happy dear. . Thanks and keep safe ...
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 19: This is scary.. thought Baekkie accidentally killed Channie hahaha
sejonglove #5
Chapter 19: I know i shouldn't laugh, but what happened to Chanyeol is funny
Marol_tkb #6
Chapter 19: Thank you for updating
Marol_tkb #7
Chapter 19: Jongine is so cute and beautiful
Marol_tkb #8
Chapter 19: Funny moment?
Marol_tkb #9
Chapter 19: I really believed that chanyeol was dead
Marol_tkb #10
Chapter 19: Baek and kai are so cuteee