
Tadoma | Kim Jongin Fanfiction


Jongin and Kyungsoo met for lunch almost everyday over the past week or so, talking about everything under sun; Kyungsoo learned that Jongin really liked horror stories, specifically Stephen King, Jongin learned that Kyungsoo got into college on a scholarship and that he was raised in a tiny town down south. After their meetings, if Jongin didn’t have any classes, he headed straight to his dorm where he and Baekhyun would lay on the bed together and share what happened throughout the day. Baekhyun was mostly interested in Jongin’s stories about Kyungsoo, always mentioning how handsome he was to the taller boy. “So, what did you two talk about today?” Baekhyun questioned as he wiggled closer to Jongin so it was easier for him to reach his face, staring up at the ceiling whilst Jongin moved to rest his head on his friend’s chest, this was their everyday routine.


Jongin took a moment to think back on what all happened that day, giving a gentle shrug he spoke tiredly, “Nothing much, we didn’t have much time,” he paused, a faint smile painting his lips, “He’s really smart, Baek. He came on a full scholarship, we are in the same business courses.” Baekhyun was the first friend Jongin made and they grew extremely close, Baekhyun always took care of Jongin and stood up for him when needed, and after his mother passed away, even though he had Baekhyun’s parent, his friend was the one who better took up the role. They shared everything with each other, stories, secrets, house, food, you name it. There was no way of separating the two.


“I’m smart too!” Baekhyun whined with a huff, causing Jongin to laugh at his childish behavior, “How else do you think I got into this very school?” He poked the taller’s stomach with each word.


Jongin only shook his head and sat up, feeling around for his backpack, “I need to study. You should too if you want to stay at ‘this very school,’” he mocked the brunette who then helped him find his bag. Baekhyun knew his friend was deaf and blind, but that didn’t stop him from doing silly things behind his back, like sticking out his tongue, or even giving him the middle finger, though sometimes it seemed that Jongin had a superpower and knew when he did such things, and those times he’s get a smack on the head.


A few hours of studying was enough to make Jongin tired, so much so, he fell asleep in his spot, sitting up against the wall with his book still in his lap. It was only when he let out a loud snore from his awkward position that Baekhyun noticed; sighing as he got up and tugged his long legs until he was laying on his back with his head on the pillow, making sure to cover him with the blanket and put away his things before he did the same for himself.


Baekhyun always woke up a little earlier to make breakfast for Jongin and himself . It usually consisted of eggs and toast, or pancakes depending on his mood, today it was pancakes. He was glad Jongin couldn’t hear him in the mornings when he was loudly cursing at himself for burning himself or the food. He had to remake a few pancakes, but when he finally finished and had the food plated, waking up Jongin was his next step, but it wasn’t easy. At first, Baekhyun would try to shake him awake, poke him, squish his cheeks, but he was pushed away everytime, leaving him to his last option; pouring water on his dear sleeping friend. “What the !” Jongin groaned as he sat up, shocking Baekhyun who yelled something along the lines of ‘Woah! Language!’ as if it would be heard.


Baekhyun placed Jongin’s hand over his face, wanting to alert him that breakfast was ready, “Come on, big guy. Breakfast is ready and you’ve got a test you can’t be late to!” He then pulled the sleepy bear-like boy from the bed and over to the table, helping him into his seat along with feeling where his plate was.


“You don’t have to baby me,” Jongin’s words were muffled through a mouthful of food, which Baekhyun couldn’t understand, so he just took it as a thank you. Sometimes it was frustrating for Baekhyun that Jongin was deaf, since he always wanted to tell him to ‘watch his mouth’ or ‘don’t talk with your mouth full,’ but found no point in trying to tell him.


Kyungsoo’s mornings weren’t as sweet as Jongin’s, he was usually, if not always, woken up by the sound of loud rock music that his roommate, Chanyeol, would play, waking him from his slumber. “Turn that off,” he shouted, covering his face and ears with his pillow, only for it to be yanked away, causing him to glare at the giant, “Give it back you monkey!”


Chanyeol wasn’t phased by his tiny roommate, infact, he was more entertained by the empty threats thrown his way, “Wakey wakey Soo~” He said in a sing-song tone while throwing the pillow at his face.


“I’ll wake up when I want to.”


“Ah, but you won’t, plus you need to take care of that retard during lunch, remember?”


With that, Kyungsoo was out of bed, ”How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling him that?” He was ready to punch Chanyeol when he only received a laugh, “He’s not retarded or dumb or anything else you assfaces call him. He’s got a medical problem, but he’s kind and intelligent.”


Chanyeol scoffed at Kyungsoo’s sudden outburst, “Why are you being so defensive? Do you like him or something?” He sat on the edge of his bed, leaning back on his elbows, “He always holds up the class, asking questions when no one can understand him.”


“I can understand him just fine. And no, I don’t like him, he’s just a friend.” Kyungsoo turned and got changed into his simple everyday get-up. Kyungsoo hated the way other students talked about Jongin, even if he would never hear any of it, the treatment was still unfair. The first day he talked with Jongin, he remembered when Chanyeol and his friend’s Jongdae and Sehun made comments about his speech, oh how he wished he would’ve hit the three of them. “Why is it any of your business anyways?”


“Because, I think I have the right to know if you’re going to be bringing back an animal who can’t control its volume,” Chanyeol shot back, Kyungsoo’s face flushing red.


“Chanyeol! You ert!” He yelled, quick to punch the taller’s arm, “I’m Leaving, don’t talk to me in class.” Kyungsoo warned before leaving the dorm.

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Chapter 21: That would be awesome.
Chapter 20: Best of luck on your writing adventure! As sad as I am to not have anymore updates on this, I look forward to seeing how it all goes for you! Thank you for this fic and stay safe :)
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 20: Oh its ok though its quite sad... but i support whatever makes you happy dear. . Thanks and keep safe ...
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 19: This is scary.. thought Baekkie accidentally killed Channie hahaha
sejonglove #5
Chapter 19: I know i shouldn't laugh, but what happened to Chanyeol is funny
Marol_tkb #6
Chapter 19: Thank you for updating
Marol_tkb #7
Chapter 19: Jongine is so cute and beautiful
Marol_tkb #8
Chapter 19: Funny moment?
Marol_tkb #9
Chapter 19: I really believed that chanyeol was dead
Marol_tkb #10
Chapter 19: Baek and kai are so cuteee