His Roller Coster Life 2

His Roller Coster Life

“Oh no!” he really lost in thought as he is about to missed his destination. He quickly get on from the seat and try to reach the bell without rushing through the peoples but someone already press it for him. He is the previous guy that offering him a seat and Taemin has this urge to repay him back but he just don’t have a time right now as he need to got off, with the thought that the guy also got off from the bus. Once his feet touch on the street, he turn his body quickly to find the guy who helped him twice today but appreantly he still on the bus. Taemin immedietly give him a gesture,


“Its not your destination?”


The guy jolting a little, crimson red appeared again on his cheeks as he shake his head fastly. Taemin bowing deeply before the bus door closed, murmuring ‘thank you’ and the bus start its engine again. After 5 minutes walking from shelter, he finally arrive to flower shop where he got his first worked ever. The owner of the shop is a very old man who gave his trust fully for Taemin to take care this 50 years old flower shop, where it was only a small stall.


“Oh Taemin ah, I thought you would late today because you have to accompany Yoogeun to school?” The old man, Mr. Ji, 67 years old, the owner of the flower shop just come out from the door, getting ready for his walking and buying tteokpokki for him and Taemin at nearly market. He also the one who has been helping Taemin a lot when he need a job. Mr. Ji is  one of the person who knows Taemin’s whole story, and he accepted Taemin wholefully until it brough tears for Taemin to let him take over his precious shop with his late wife. Mr. Ji actually has three children but they indifferent and have their own life, they didn’t have any interest to continue their father small business.


“Yes, I ran out immedietly when I finished with his school stuff.”


“Is it ok? You don’t have to force yourself, take one or three days to accompany him.”


“Nooo, he is a brave child, Iam sure he will be fine. I will pick him up at 5pm, I probably close earlier, is it okay?”


“I told you to take a break! I want to buy Beondegi, you want too?”


Taemin cringy for the thought of silkworm as a snack,”Euh, I don’t like any insect, live or death.” Mr. Ji laught so hard for his expression and ruffling his hair.


“Alright, I go now, please watch the shop.”


After wearing his baby blue apron, Taemin starts his routine in the morning like watering the flower and plants. The geranium is ready to showing its beauty in the frontstore, so does the Marigold he planted a weeks ago. This morning the sun surely cooperate with the flowers, bring in new energy. He smile at the though, the spirit this morning remind him of Yoogeun who always cheerful with unidentifying idea on his head. God, he already missed him eventhough they just separated a few minutes ago. He cleaning the glasses while humming a songs he has heard recently, he doesn’t know the tittle so does the singer, the melody just flowing in his mind. The store is usually quite before 11 and Taemin decide to continue his first time-request by customer, working on flower arrangements. As customer requested that he would be fine with any three combination flowers, as long as the flowers could speaking and delivering his purpose to marry someone he love so much.


The pressure of picking a flower.


Taemin go to the small greenhouse Mr. Ji owned and take a look once again to find the most suitable and appropriate flowers to picked. He actually have a lack of sleep for a days because he had been searching for a meaning of each flowers that appreantly available here. Mr. Ji said that just imagine if someone propose to you and you get that vision of the flowers.


“That seems will not happens to me.” Taemin sigh for the though. Even if there is a chance, it would be seaweed for snacking, and Mr. Ji laugh his off until his lumbago took over him for a whole day.


It is regular, first think come up with symbol of love, even Taemin didn’t need to research for it, rose is a must. He had been thinking about using another colors beside red and lucky enough Mr. Ji have planted a beautiful pink roses. Originally, all the roses except red are not for sale but Taemin managed to win the negotiation with those round puppy eyes, but he allowed to take not more than ten stalks, which is enough. The corner section in the greenhouse is where Taemin can pick the flowers freely and he’s been curious if the sunflower would match with the pink roses. The last think come up for the three combinations is little White Daisy, a loyal and innocence love, when you not questioning anything upon your feeling toward someone. White Daisy always have special place on his heart, far before he started working as a florist, the only memory he has been embracing from his hometown.

“Are you doing fine, hyung?”


The bell on the door is ringing, probably Mr. Ji has coming back. But it sounds clean, Mr. Ji usually loud with the way he make a friction sound between soles and floor, and he would yelling or talking to himself, so it could be,




Taemin hurridly cleaning himself a little and ready for greeting the first customer in early morning.


“Good Mor-“ the standing figure right in front of his eyes right now makes him freeze on the spot. He is a regular customer, in fact, Taemin’s favorite one. Mr. Ji have been trusted for handling flower decoration in every celebration or ceremony of his family since his father’s marriage. Not only dashing but he also kind and warm, sometimes he spent a lot of times at night just to accompanying Mr. Ji, talking about life.


“Oh, good morning, Taemin-sshi” Said him to quite Taemin, the low voice bring him back to reality.


“Good morning, Mr. Choi.” Then silent hanging in the air. They never really talking except for exchanging greetings. He usually coming once a month in the third week so Taemin kinda gaging to see him here in the morning when Mr. Ji is not around to diluting the atmosphere. Taemin is extremely shy type of person in front of an ‘alpha’ type of man, even Mr. Ji could detect that he has a crush on Mr. Choi.


“Mr. Ji is not here?” ask him, looking around.


“He is out for a while, but he will be back soon!” Taemin is not sure if he just kinda shouting but he just regret it, judging the way Minho respond to that attitude. “Iam sorry, can I help you?” ask Taemin again, this time with very tiny voice and Minho can’t help but giggle.


“Its okay. I just drop by for a minutes, I have a meeting around here.” Answer him calmly, looking around the space to see any interesting flower.”What’s the name of this flower? I often see this on bouquets.”

“Oh, that’s baby breath.”


Minho pause for a second, “How cute, is it because its tiny and pure, like a baby?”


“Uhhmm, as far as I know the flower means long lasting love, a purity of emotions for two souls for their marriage, that’s why you often see that in a wedding.” Explain Taemin with his shy voice, he sounds like a teenage girl who has a hard crush toward her senior.


“Aaah, I see. But the flower looks like a baby too, isn’t it?” Taemin picking up his view a little, glancing. The babybreath indeed small and fragile like a new born baby. He remembered the first time he was able to meet a very tiny Yoogeun, crying so loud and healthy despite all the anomaly thinks with the way he was brough to this world.


“Yes it is.” Reply Taemin, smiling softly for the memory. Taemin doesn’t realize how long he’s been drowning for the memory until reality got him back by the stare of Mr. Choi that seems not leaving from his like he was a mystical creature. Taemin eyes become bigger, he must be looks like an idiot just a seconds ago.


“Minho? What are you doing here in the morning?” Thanks God Mr. Ji come to the scene and save the day of Lee Taemin. He run himself like a shooting star, immedietly back to his place behind the cashier machine and make himself busy to covering his pounding heart with the stuff around.


“Taemin ah, please serving me and Minho a coffee like our morning ritual.” Said Mr. Ji, signalling the guy named Minho to their usual seat.


“Iam fine Hyung-nim, I just drop by for a minutes since I have meeting around here.”


“No no, there are 1:1000 possibilities to see you come while the flowers at its best for blooming, feel the morning breez here, what a good sight, don’t you think so, Taemin??” Taemin choking up, the hiccup just about in his troath and Mr. Ji’s teasing could lead to his death faster, twice for today. “Beside, you should try Taemin’s coffee, his brewing skill got much better since he takes part time job at coffee shop.”


 “Really? You’re doing two jobs for a day???” Minho eyes become bigger like it would soon fall off from his eyes.


“He actually have three already.” Taemin shot his eyes to Mr. Ji, begging him to not continue, he is not ready for being exposed yet or its just another trick of him to make the two get close. Mr. Ji hold his dear life to not laught on those blush peach on Taemin’s cheek and hush him to make a good coffee for them.


“Is he really has three jobs for a day??”


“He got two jobs for a day, another one is running on Sunday only but still, he has to make money anyway.”


“Does he has a lot dependents, Hyung-nim?”


Mr. Ji raise both of his shoulder and smile, teasingly, “Why don’t you ask him directly young man.”


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Chapter 3: Noooooo I need to read more of this
I wanna know who this young man
and how about 2min relationship
Please update if you have free time, I'll be waiting
Chapter 3: I like this story so far. I hope you update soon.
Chapter 3: ow ow I wonder who that could be?!
Please update I really enjoyed reading this!~~
MahShine #4
please update T^T
Chapter 3: I wonder who that guy is... seems like he is taemin's secret admirer or stalker...
Chapter 3: Is that you Jongin !?????? 0.0
MahShine #7
Chapter 3: so interesting and addictive
I wanna read more!
Chapter 3: Finally you're back. Thanks for the update. Hihi kinda curious about this new guy, and minho's past
Chapter 2: Please update soon^^ thank yiu