Hello Baby Announcement

From Fan Girls to Band Girls (Apply Closed)

"Today, we received shocking news in the Hallyu industry."

Chu sighed and rolled her eyes as she heard the news broadcast. She went to the kitchen and sat the little one year old girl on the counter, standing in front of the child so she wouldn't fall.

"F.T. Island and the new girl band S.O.S will be starring in a new series of Hello Baby with a one year old little girl whose parents are unknown."

Chu groaned and shook her head, the pain in the front of her head throbbing. She looked at the little girl again and couldn't help but flinch a little at the perfect mixture of appearance that the baby held. She placed her hands on her stomach and bit her lip. She closed her eyes and remembered carrying the little girl. The fear, the relief, and the pain when she was born.

"The little girl's name has been revealed as Hana Lim, and she is Chinese-Korean. We have been informed that the parents of the beautiful little girl wish to remain nameless and faceless."

Chu sighed, remembering the first name she had given the girl. She opened her eyes to see the one year old staring up at her, holding one hand out and tilting her head to the side. S.O.S's leader couldn't help but smile softly at Hana.

"Um...ma?" Hana muttered, tilting her head to the other side.

"Minnie-ah, do you need anything? Jonghun-hyung, Bekah-noona, Carina, and I are going to the store," Jaejin poked his blond head into the kitchen. His eyes showed worry for Chu.

Chu shook her head. "Anniyo." She forced a smile as she picked up Hana. "I think Hana and I are going to take a nap." She walked passed Jaejin. "Thanks though..." She waved at everyone as she walked down the hall toward her room.


"When was the last time she even ate?" Jaejin questioned as he grabbed some baby food. He made a face. "This stuff looks nasty." He shook his head.

Bekah shrugged as she looked at the diapers. "I think the day Hana arrived..." She said and then glared at the packages in front of her. "Why are babies so needy?"

Jonghun came around the corner holding a little pink pants and top outfit. "Isn't it cute~?"

Bekah and Jaejin exchanged a glance, grinned, and laughed.

"But seriously, shouldn't Minnie eat?" Jaejin muttered, grabbing a couple things of little baby apple juices. He had quit laughing and he looked perplexed.

Jonghun rolled his eyes. "Look, everyone knows about your crush on Min Chul, except probably Min Chul. If you're so worried about her, take care of her." He sighed and lightly hit the back of the bassist's head. He put the little outfit in the cart. "So, Bekah, lead the way."

Bekah laughed and shook her head. "Speaking of crushes, what's that you have with Seon Yul?" She teased. She laughed when Jonghun blushed and lightly pushed her.

Carina came from the next aisle over and raised an eyebrow at the three. "I found a narwhal pillow pet!" She smiled widely and held the plush narhwal pillow out in front of her for them to see.

Jonghun held back a snicker, Jaejin raised his eyebrows, and Bekah just shook her head.

"Well... I thought it was cute..." Carina pouted. She looked around and rocked back and foorth on the heels of her feet. "Um..." She looked around them and then up to the ceiling; the silence was a bit awkward. "Oh, banana crackers..."

Bekah laughed. "Let's just get everything else and go..."

The four continued their grocery store trip and went back to S.O.S's dorm.


"Hongki-oppa, can you please give me back my nail polish?" AhIn mumbled. It was the only nail polish she owned and it was purple. "You're going to waste it."

"Hyung!" Seunghyun narrowed his eyes. He seemed compeltely serious, but as he grinned and tackeld Hongki off of the couch and onto the floor it was obvious he was playing.

Hongki squealed as the maknae tackled him. "Yah~! Suenghyun-ah~" He laughed. His eyes widened in hurt innocence as Seunghyun took the small bottle of purple polish away.

The rhythm guitarist grinned in triumph as he hopped to his feet. He sat down beside AhIn and smiled. "My lady." He said, his face becoming serious. He held out the tiny glass bottle.

AhIn smiled softly and took her nail polish back. "Gomawo Seunghyun-oppa."

Seunghyun gave S.O.S's maknae an eye smile and then went wide-eyed as Minhwan pulled him back onto the floor with him and Yool to play more Mario Kart.


"We're back~!" Bekah called as she walked into the dorm carrying quite a few bags. She looked around and saw Yool bumping Minhwan trying to get him to mess up, Seunghyun and AhIn playing some board game, and Hongki moping. Bekah rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You all need help."

"Bekaah~!" Hongki's eyes lit up and he smiled brightly. "You're back~! Save me from the evil ones~" He hissed theatrically and pointed at the other four people in the room.

Bekah again rolled her eyes. "I have bigger fish to fry." She muttered, walking to the kitchen to put the groceries away. She jumped as she turned around and saw Chu standing silently in the doorway. "Damn it, Eva!"

Chu flinched and bit her lip. "M-mian..." She murmured. "Hana's hungry... So I came to see if you had come back."

Bekah didn't like the way Chu was acting; it wasn't like S.O.S's leader to be so antsy and upset. She raised an eyebrow and nodded. "We got Hana some jar food and such... I didn't know what else to get beside formula... Do one year old's even need formula?"

Chu laughed quietly and shook her head. "Neh..." She said softly. She smiled and lightly kissed Bekah's cheek. "Thanks unnie." She said softly. "It means a lot to have everyone's help..."

Bekah grinned. "What kind of people would we be if we left you in your time of need?" She laughed and shook her head. "You underestimate friendship, Eva."


Everyone was settling down for the night. F.T. Island had bid their goodnights to S.O.S and gone back to their own dorm.

Chu was sitting on the couch flipping through channels, holding Hana - who had fallen asleep peacefully.

Bekah had gone to the bathroom she shared with Chu to get a shower and then go to bed.

Yool had gone to lay down, but eventually got up and got a midnight snack before going back to her room.

Carina finished her shower and went to bed.


AhIn was in her room, but not asleep. She was sitting on her desk, looking out of her window. She let her gaze drop to her wallet. She smiled and let her fingers lightly rest on the picture of her favorite brother - of her best friend.

She didn't like talking about her family because it was hard to explain really. She was the youngest of five and the only one not adopted. Though, she loved her older siblings to death, WooJoo was her favorite. She smiled as she looked around her room and spotted the cage that held her parrot, named for her dear friend.

She sighed. "Oppa... It's been a while..." She whispered, not wanting to be overheard. "I think I may have an actual crush on him..." She bit her lip and smiled sadly. "I wish you were here to help me..."  She chuckled dryly. "Though, you've already helped me enough by saving me..." She shook her head and wiped the single tear that was trying to fall.

"But seriously, you would love the girls. Bekah-unnie's crazy," AhIn laughed slightly. "Chu-unnie is such a sweetheart. Yool-unnie is a bit violent sometimes, and Carina-unnie is literally out of this world." She smiled down to WooJoo's picture and bit her lip. "And I think you'd approve of Seunghyun too..."

"He's the guy I like, oppa... He's silly, but kind." She paused for a long moment and stared out of her window. "Thank you, oppa." She murmured towards the sky. "For saving me back then... Even though I miss you... Thank you for the life I've been allowed to have..."

AhIn looked back down at her wallet and kissed her index and middle finger before gently laying her fingers on the picture. She shut her wallet and slipped it into her purse. "Good night..." She whispered, sliding from her desk and into her bed. She got under her covers and slowly slipped into sleep.


Hana Lim: F.T. Island and S.O.S's Child


This beautiful little girl right there is Hana Lim. She's being taken care of by F.T. Island and S.O.S for the time being. The first episode of their Hello Baby season will air next week, so be prepared.

How will these ten musicians survive as parents? Will they prevail, or will they fail?


Okay, just a quick update. ^_^
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it; I know it's a bit of a darker chapter than normal, but with last update's drama it can't be all rainbows and glitter.
Well, until next time...

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Chapter 18: lmao!
Yul thought that the members forget her birthday xD
I really wish that Jonghun and her will finally be together <3
Chapter 18: I loved the update, even if it was a bit short. Aww, Yul, we wouldn't forget about you! Hehehe, I love how you say for their comeback they're going to be a bit more girly... And Bekah still looks like a tomboy lol
Chapter 17: AWW! Eylsa was in this! I'm soo happy. Honestly, seeing this was updated made my day. I can't wait to see what you have in store.
Also, I know how life gets at some points... I really do
Hehe I loved the chapter! And I would totally punch him in the gut lol I like my sleep XD hmm I'm really curious about the in carinas bag... Hey look, Bekah is the normal one, nothing interesting or particular in her things lol I can't wait for the next chapter
aaaahh what an awesome showcase
i love how the unnies love bullying Chu
and treat Hana like their own <3

teehee scandal will be great ;D
Hehe I loved the update! I actually love that song by Avenge Sevenfold and Bekah's outfit was beastly... just saying lol
Bekah was so... normal during their morning lol I guess she could have still been tired lol
I can't wait for the next update!
So, I just found out about Hongki's dog, Elysa... He has drastically jumped on my bias board... He has a red siberian husky! She is so adorable! Sorry for the random comment.
I still can't wait for the next update XD