Surprises (Pt.2)

From Fan Girls to Band Girls (Apply Closed)

Jonghun offered his arm to Yool. "Shall we win this?" He grinned.

Yool smirked and nodded. "Oh yes. We shall." She laughed and the two took off to the first ride. She loved amusement parks. She loved the rides; the punishment was a good incentive to ride all of them as well. She hated chores. Literally hated them. She dragged Jonghun to the first rollercoaster that came in her line of sight.

Now, Jonghun wasn't afraid of heights or rollercoasters, but the one Yool pointed to made his stomach flip. "You sure?"

Yool grinned and put her hands on her hips, cocking an eyebrow. "Oppa scared?" She smirked and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the rather (surprisingly) short line.

Jonghun laughed and shrugged. "Not scared, just making sure you wouldn't chicken out." He teased.

Yool smirked and clapped happily as she and Jonghun got led to the first car of the roller coaster. She strapped in and looked at Jonghun. "Ready oppa?" She grinned cheekily.

Jonghun nodded.

Halfway through the ride, Yool found Jonghun squeezing the living daylights out of her hand. She soon realized that even though she had told herself she was only going to see him as a sunbae, she found herself looking at him through the latter half of the ride. She didn't even realize the ride had ended until Jonghun looked at her, a big smile on his face.

"Wanna go again?" He laughed.

Yool snapped herself out of her thoughts and shook her head as she took the belt off and pushed the restraint off. "Ani. We have to win this!" Though she tried to sound convincing, she knew her voice held a different tone; she hated it.

She was developing actual feelings for F. T. Island's Jonghun.


"This one! Hongki, this one~ Quit being a pansy!" Bekah groaned and rolled her eyes, grabbing hold of Hongki wrist and dragging him toward a medium sized roller coaster. She had done the bumper cars with him, so it was his turn to go on an adult ride.

"Yah. I'm older than you; shouldn't you call me oppa?" Hongki pouted.

Bekah stopped walking and turned to him. "Oppa?" She grinned and then shook her head. "No. You're only a few months older than me."

Hongki pouted his lips and made his eyes all doe-y. "Jebal?"

Bekah rolled her eyes. "Anniyo. I'm not calling you oppa." She got her face really close to Hongki's and then poked his cheeks. "Now come up girly-hands, we have a competition to win." She turned away, put her hands in her pockets, adn begasn walking.

Hongki looked at his hands, and by default also looked at his perfectly manicured hands. He looked back up and realized that Bekah was already in line. "Yah! Bekah!"

Bekah grinned as she heard Hongki yell after her. She liked spending time with Hongki; he amused her. He typically spent most of the time talking, so there really was no silence around him.


Bekah finally turned around once she got into the line. "You whine way too much Kiki." She smirked, folding her arms across her chest. "You shouldn't whine that much; you sound like a girl."

Hongki scowled at the slightly younger female before shaking his head. "You know what, you don't phase me. I put up with Heechul-hyung."  He folded his arms and nodded the affirmative.

Bekah raised and eyebrow and smirked. "Uh-huh, sure I don't phase you..." She leaned in close to his ear. "Op-pa~" She grinned as she turned back around and made her way to the second car of the roller-coaster. "Hongki! yah! Get over here."

Hongki snapped out of his daze and followed S.O.S's "Sweet Bad-" and got strapped into the seat. He wouldn't admit it, but he really wanted Bekah to call him oppa in all seriousness. He liked the tomboy girl, but he wouldn't admit that either.


"So which ride first, Minnie?" JaeJin asked, smiling slightly as he ran his hand through his messy blond hair [[A/N: I LOVE his blond hair, so screw everything else. Lol XD]] He pointed to a roller coaster, even though he really didn't want to ride one. "How about that one?" He really wasn't interested in the competition; he did chores anyway.

Chu bit her lip and shook her head. Her cheeks were a pale pink at the name he had called her since the day after they met. She never knew why he had taken such a quick liking to the nickname. She still sometimes called him sunbae. "A-anniyo."

"that one?" Jaejin pointed to another.

Chu shook her head again. "Anniyo. Jaejin-sun-"

"I said you could call me oppa, we've known each other for about three months now, Minnie." Jaejin laughed.

Chu nodded, smiling shyly. "Neh, oppa." She sighed. "I don't like rides... I mostly stick to games... Mianhae, but I think we're going to lose the competition." She looked away from Jaejin and bit her lip. She looked back up with a questioning look as she heard the older male laugh.

"It's just some chores, come on. Let's go play some games~!" Jaejin smiled before casually taking her hand and walking off toward a game booth.

Chu loosened up as they continued playing games. She laughed and blushed as Jaejin stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her to steady her stance and help her throw the tiny basketball into the tiny hoop. She turned around and bounced ahppily, hugging Jaejin after making the goal. She blushed and backed away from the much taller person and ran her fingers through one of her pigtails. "Mian."

Jaejin grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. He seemed to be blushing as well. "It's fine, Minnie-ah." He gave her a thumbs up. "Do you want me to do the rest of the goals?"

Chu nodded, smiling softly as she watched Jaejin win a large prize. He picked out the square-shaped pig and handed it to Chu. "Pigs are your favorite animal right?" He winked palyfully at her and then looked around. "Oh look! It's one of the water gun race games~!" He smiled from ear to ear. "Come on~!"

Chu smiled at the stuffed piggie and grinned. "Neh~!" She giggled and squeezed the stuffed animal close to her chest before taking Jaejin's extended hand and half-running, half-walking to the next game.


AhIn bounced on the balls of her feet as she and Seunghyun waited in line for the roller coaster. She was wringing her hands together, biting on her bottom lip. She shifted her weight fromn foot to foot as she bounced.

"Are you alright?" Seunghyun questioned, raising an eyebrow at the younger girl.

AhIn nodded, forcing a smile on her face. "Neh, oppa. I'm fine." She said, her voice wavering just slightly as they moved up in the line.

They were led to the very back car and Seunghyun helped secure AhIn's restraint.

"All set?" Seunghyun grinned before looking around. "Can you image if we had a camera filming us while we're on this?" He laughed. "We'd be screaming all like 'aaaah' and the audience and viewers be be like 'hahahaha'." He nodded and laughed at his own random joke.

AhIn laughed as well, but became suddenly nervous as the roller coaster began to slowly move and climb. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit down on her bottom lip hard; she dugged her nails into the restraint.

Seunghyun noticed the look on AhIn's face and calmed down for a moment. He grabbed one of her hands and leaned over as far as the restraints would let him. "It will be over before you know it." He said calmly. "Just hold on to  my hand and it will a-" He was cut off by the sudden rush of wind and the sound of people screaming in either fear or delight as the roller coaster plunged down.

AhIn refused to open her eyes until she felt the car she was in lurch to a stop. She took Seunghyun's hands and climbed out of the seat. She quickly stumbled over to the grass and promptly vomited. She looked up once she was sure nothing else would come up form her stomach; she was met with worried brown eyes.

Seunghyun was kneeling beside AhIn, a hand on her back gently rubbing. His other hand was making sure her braid didn't fall into the path of the bile. "Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me you didn't like roller coasters?"

AhIn shrugged. "It's not that I don't like them specifically..." she said quietly. "I don't like heights."

"Pabo..." Seunghyun sighed, rolling his eyes as he stood up. He offered a hand to the younger girl. "Come on, let's go get you a soda; puke doesn't taste good."

AhIn bit her lip and then took Seunghyun's hand. "Neh..." She smiled slightly and then hugged F.T. Island's rhythm guitarist and rapper. "Kamsa, Seung-oppa." She smiled softly and then began walking off toward the conession stand.

Seunghyun chuckled and followed, shoving his hands in his pockets.


"Rina-noona~! This way~" Minhwan grinned.

Carina watched the drummer and laughed. "Yah! Minhwan~ We have to actually ride the rides to win the competition." She rolled her eyes. They had already rode a good three or four rides, but Carina knew how competitive Yool was. She looked at the large clock tower in the middle of the amusement park; it was nearly seven.

"But we've already rode a bunch of them," Minwhan laughed, standing in line for the concession stand. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Water," Carina said simply. "But we have another hour before we have to meet the others at the fireworks." She bounced slightly as Minhwan handed her the bottle of water.

"Fine noona, let's go ride another one then." Minhwan grinned, linking arms with Carina as they both drank their water.

The next ride was the tallest one in the park. They were strapped down somewhere in the middle.

Halfway through the ride, when it turned upside down, Carina grabbed hold of Minhwan's hand and held on for dear life. Once the ride was over, she couldn't seem to remember how to let go of the younger male's hand.

"Noona?" Minhwan chuckled, standing up and getting out of the ride. He was still holding onto her hand as he extended his free hand. "You getting out anytime soon?"

Carina stared at him for a moment. "Well, banana crackers." She shook her head and grabbed his other hand, stumbling into him as she got out onto the little platform.

Minhwan laughed as he wrapped his arms around Carina to keep her from falling. "You ok there?"

Carina nodded and pulled away from the hug before prancing and skipping toward the area where the fireworks would be going off.

"You are so weird," Minhwan commented nonchalantly as he shook his head and walked to keep up.

"I know~!" Carina grinned broadly.


At eight o clock on the dot, all five teams were at the meeting spot and the fireworks had started. After much discussion, the tally came to:

JongYul: 8 (with a couple rides ridden twice)
HongKah: 5 (because they stopped and ate)
JaeChul: 0 (because of both of them being afraid)
SeungIn: 1 (because of AhIn's fear of heights)
HwanSoo: 5 (because of Minhwan's need for water)

In the end, no matter how the numbers were added up, Jaejin ended having to do F.T. Island's laundry and Chu ended up with S.O.S's laundry and had to perform at that night's 'talent show' which started at eight-thirty after the fireworks. Seunghyun and AhIn, since they came in second-to-last, ended up with their respective group's dishes for the next week.


The talent show proved exciting. It was obvious that Jaejin's dancing was nearly as bad as Seunghyun's, but Chu showed off one of her hidden talents.

"Where the hell did that come from!?" Bekah asked as Chu and Jaejin left the stage and rejoined the group. She pulled Chu to ehr by the shorter girl's shoulders.

Yool laughed and pulled Chu away from Bekah and into a headlock. "Yeah, shortie. Where'd ya learn that?"

Chu laughed and blushed, pulling away from her unnies. "MinSeo and I took ballet and modern dance from the time we were able to walk properly." She shrugged. "We're trained in a lot of different areas."

Jaejin and the others of F.T. Island looked slightly shocked.

"Well then..." Jaejin mumbled.

At that moment, both bands' managers showed up to pick them up and take them back to the dorm building.


When they arrived at the building, both managers ushered all ten musicians up to the girls' dorm. Once they got into the dorm, the lights were flicked on and a large birthday cake sat on the coffee table with 20 candles on one side and 22 candles on the other side.

Four members of each group moved to be behind the cake, clapping and singing Happy Birthday. After it was finished, Carina and Hongki blew out their respective candles before hugging everyone.

The ten enjoyed cake, ice cream, and video games in the game room until the wee hours of the morning.


Alrightie~! And here's part two.
It took a bit longer than expected because I went to eat and then I had to go sort through costumes for our University's musical.
anyway, hope you like it.
Though, now I have to remember that Carina is 20, not 19. ^__^ (I realized that her birthday was February 29)
And omg, Happy birthday to Hongki~! He turns 22 on March 2nd (so, today where I am).
Anyway, when I started writing this double update, it was March 1st, so that's the date in the story. So, they celebrated Carina's birthday late and Hongki's birthday early. ^__^

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Chapter 18: lmao!
Yul thought that the members forget her birthday xD
I really wish that Jonghun and her will finally be together <3
Chapter 18: I loved the update, even if it was a bit short. Aww, Yul, we wouldn't forget about you! Hehehe, I love how you say for their comeback they're going to be a bit more girly... And Bekah still looks like a tomboy lol
Chapter 17: AWW! Eylsa was in this! I'm soo happy. Honestly, seeing this was updated made my day. I can't wait to see what you have in store.
Also, I know how life gets at some points... I really do
Hehe I loved the chapter! And I would totally punch him in the gut lol I like my sleep XD hmm I'm really curious about the in carinas bag... Hey look, Bekah is the normal one, nothing interesting or particular in her things lol I can't wait for the next chapter
aaaahh what an awesome showcase
i love how the unnies love bullying Chu
and treat Hana like their own <3

teehee scandal will be great ;D
Hehe I loved the update! I actually love that song by Avenge Sevenfold and Bekah's outfit was beastly... just saying lol
Bekah was so... normal during their morning lol I guess she could have still been tired lol
I can't wait for the next update!
So, I just found out about Hongki's dog, Elysa... He has drastically jumped on my bias board... He has a red siberian husky! She is so adorable! Sorry for the random comment.
I still can't wait for the next update XD