— Class 5

Love Like Us
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(Fifty minutes ago)

In the meanwhile, on the opposite wing of the building, Eun Mi reached at her assigned study room. She held up her head to read the signage that hung over the door. Room 2. “Here it is.” And as she confirmed it once again, she opened the door and stepped inside. However, she was quite upset when found that there was still no one in there. “Um, I guess that I’m a little bit earlier.” She hummed and slowly arranged her steps towards one of the desks at the corner of the room.

Settling herself down at the new seat, she took out her books and pencil box, one by one, onto her desk. That was when she heard someone greeted in the doorway. Her eyes lit up as she pondered who might it be and yet she was instantly disappointed when she made an eye contact with Moon Bin. In contrast, Moon Bin was very happy to see her there although he literally just froze himself on the spot.

Meanwhile he was busily thinking about how he should calmed himself down, she already started to have an idea about changing her study room. But, Hae Ra’s words suddenly popped up inside her head out of nowhere.

Allocation of study rooms usually is organised by the hostel authorities, The Elders. Thus, you can’t change your study room just by your liking. Unless you have a reasonable reason, I guess.

She palmed her face and emitted a heavy sigh. But why do I think that this has something to do with you and your father, Hae Ra-a?

Moon Bin cleared his throat and eventually walked to his own seat which was two tables away from her. He could not help but to feel awkward and anxious when there was only a grave silence between both of them. Reluctantly, he began to work out his homework. And yet, he could not even pay his total attention to it as he would unconsciously stole a few glances at her from time to time. Urgh, why am I acting like this? He dropped his pen and leant on his back with frustration as he quietly gave his full attention to her.


“Y-yeah?” He jerked in surprise when she suddenly called out his name. W-what? Do I get caught peeking on her?

“Have Hye Min eonnie called you?” She asked without facing him.

Moon Bin stared at her back and his eyes gradually softened. He could easily noticed the sadness inside her even though she tried to cover it up by making her voice firmer. “Um, no. Sorry. But I’ll inform you ASAP if she contacts me.”

“Bin-a, you don’t really need to say sorry, you know. In fact, actually I’m the one who should… especially after all of this-”

“Eun Mi.” He interrupted her and stood up at once. He slowly walked over towards her and knelt down by her side. She turned to face him once he spoke up again. “You don’t need to apologise. This is not your fault. I’m not saying this to make you feel better but I’m saying this because it’s really not your fault. And believe in me, Hye Min will come back to us. Don’t worry.” He said with a gentle voice while gazing into her eyes.

“Thank you…” She smiled and replied him with a whispery voice.

He felt relieved and so pleased to see that sweet smile. Thinking back, that was actually his first time to receive a genuine smile from her after they got married. His smile broadened as he felt like he just visited the seventh heaven.

Unfortunately, without they realising, there was someone else watching them from the outside of the room. Nevertheless, she did not say anything nor entered the room and just stomped away with a grumpy face. “Tch! I have to do something.” She hissed under her breath.




“Okay, class! Now, let’s form a group. Two boys and two girls.” Mrs. Bo Young gave out an order as she finished her briefing to Class 3S-1 about their chemistry experiment.

Eun Woo naturally pulled Ji Yeon into his group before calling out for Eun Mi. “Hey, do you want to join my group?”

“Your group?” Ji Yeon retorted.

He grinned sheepishly and corrected. “What I mean is our group. So?”

“Only if you don’t mind.” Eun Mi chuckled.

“Now, which one of you will join this group?” Ji Yeon asked, looking at Myung Jun and San Ha.

“Me! Me!” Both of them answered out aloud in unison and soon, they started to bicker and shouted at each other’s face. It took a few minutes for them to shut their mouths and that was only because Ji Yeon slapped their backs and urged them to make it quick. At last, Myung Jung joined the group by winning the rock-paper-scissors game over San Ha.

Myung Jun smirked in triumph and pushed San Ha to the other group which consisted of Yoo Jung, Say and Seong Woo. “Okay, what else are we waiting for? Let’s start!” He cheered.

“Tch! You’re so childish.” Ji Yeon huffed.

“Only when I’m with San Ha.”

“I don’t think so.” Eun Woo chirped in and Ji Yeon gave an agree-nod.

“I’M NOT!”

“Yes, Myung Jun? Is there anything that you want to add on?” Mrs. Bo Young who just watched in silence since just now finally opened . <

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Chaeun #1
Chapter 8: Awww i wish there’s update on this story. It feel nice tho to get moonbin as lead here ❤️❤️ Thank youu
2030 streak #2
Chapter 8: Yay! An update!!! Anyway, this chapter was cute. Liked the subtle flirting between the married couple. They were cute and it was funny how their friend Yeo Rum mistook him to be Eunwoo. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2030 streak #3
Chapter 7: Wow! What a scenario. But wait, was only Moon Bin hurt from he and Eunwoo clashing into each other? Also why was Jiyeon allowed to follow them to the infirmary too? Hehehe sorry about the unnecessary questions. Anyway, Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for an update ^^

PS is their PE teacher, Mr. Sparta Kook?
2030 streak #4
Chapter 6: Finally caught up. Yay! Now can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for a new update ^^
It's cute how Eunmi is kinda getting jealous over Angel getting close to Moon Bin. Hehe...

PS don't take it in a wrong. Just thought would let you know. Sanha would call the older girls as "Noona" and not "Eonni" (since he's a boy)
2030 streak #5
Chapter 5: Another chapter caught up. So Angel is the girl who saw Eunmi and Moonbin when they were talking in the study room? And she made Yerin to do something to Eunmi in the chemistry lab?
Sorry for asking too many questions. Anyway, enjoyed the chapter and will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #6
Chapter 4: Nice chapter... Moonbin is there too. Yay! Lol XD
Btw Eun Woo and Jiyeon are siblings? I'm kinda confused now.

PS is Eunwoo your bias?
2030 streak #7
Chapter 3: Eunmi and Haera are kinda best friend goals. Call me being biased but where is Moonbin? :P
Anyway, will be back later to

PS the teacher here named Jong Suk, was It the actor (Jo Jung Suk)?
2030 streak #8
Chapter 2: Another nice chapter. And It does look like she likes Moonbin as of now. Wonder how things are going to develop later. Will be back to read the rest ^^
2030 streak #9
Chapter 1: Hi there ^^ I decided to give this story a try too and I think I made the right decision. The first chapter was interesting enough and so, I'll be back later to read more.
Chanbaek641 #10
This is so good!!!