Chapter 2

A Burst Of Colours
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--- Angst Alternative -----

Hyukjae took out his wallet to pay the cashier for some snacks he bought -- milk, chocolates, chips. He was going to bring some of their favs to meet up with Donghae later in the same place they would watch sunset together. Due to their busy schedules, they haven't seen each other a lot recently and probably won't get much time in later days too, so they decided to spend some quiet time in their favourite place again. It was healing and it always filled them both with enough energy to keep going.

He stepped out of the convenience store and took out his phone. A missed call from Donghae. Huh, he must have called while he was busy paying. Hyukjae pressed the button to call back as he looked up at the sky out of habit.

Looking at the sky had been one of his favourite things to do since it reminded him of Donghae. Before meeting his soulmate, Hyukjae hated the sky. It was dull and somewhat sad to him. He never bothered with it despite how everyone told him the sky was beautiful. Now he understands why.

The phone call went on and on but Donghae didn't pick up.

Hyukjae couldn't help but start worrying. There shouldn’t be any reason to worry, but his gut feeling was telling him that something was definitely wrong. Hyukjae was about to call back again, but his fingers froze in place. He couldn't believe his eyes.

The sky was losing its colours.

The blue was slowly fading away into the familiar dull black and white Hyukjae had been seeing for the first 17 years of his life before meeting Donghae. It was the first time this happened, but Hyukjae knew what that meant.

His heart started racing and his hands were colder than ice. He couldn't breathe right. He was trying his best to block out the thou

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964 streak #1
Chapter 2: This ending is so heartbreaking yet still beautiful. Donghae was grateful that he was able to see Hyukjae's color even for a time, an attitude that Hyukjae can emulate. But that would definitely
Be hard on the one who was left and could no longer behold Donghae's color. It may have been easier if he could at least see the color.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: hello!!
I liked both ending, the first was sweet and beautiful, the second one was sad but still beautiful ^^
Thank you for writing this ^^