Chapter 1

A Burst Of Colours
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Before meeting his soulmate, Hyukjae couldn't see the colour blue.

Unlike others who would be frustrated at not seeing a specific colour, he never really did pay much attention to it. If you’ve never seen something, why would you long for it? Everyone was unable to see one specific colour before meeting their soulmate anyway. So as a child, the desire to see blue was faint for Hyukjae.

Many people grew up wanting to find their soulmate, but not for Hyukjae. His desire to see blue – and to meet his soulmate – both did not grow even as years went by. Instead, it only died down.

You see, Hyukjae was a friendly, outgoing person who was fun to hang out with, but he didn’t open up to people very easily. Despite having great friends around him, putting his complete trust in someone else was one thing he just couldn’t do. So throughout many years of his life, Hyukjae never fully opened up to anyone. He was lonely, he wasn’t happy and living didn’t seem to have much of a purpose sometimes.

Many told him that meeting your soulmate would change that, but Hyukjae didn’t really believe in that. He didn’t quite understand how you’d be able to tell it’s your soulmate from just a colour and even if that was the case, was there someone out there who was truly perfect for him? He didn’t think he would be able to trust in his soulmate even if he met him anyway.

And so, at some point in his life, Hyukjae closed off his heart to the idea of a soulmate. He didn’t really care about seeing blue anymore either. It was just a colour. A soulmate is just another person. What big difference would it make anyway?

But the best things always happen out of nowhere and hit you when you least expect it.

On a random day out of his mundane life, Hyukjae walked into a café to get his daily dose of caffeine to make it through the day, but who knew his soulmate would be standing at the counter ready to take his order?

Upon seeing the brightest smile he has ever seen on someone else, his dull colourless world was instantly lit up.

Meeting Donghae was truly life-changing.

The obvious thing was that he no longer saw the sky and sea as a dull black and white, and going to beach was no longer as scary as it used to be for him as he no longer needed to face a complete colourless view of the sea.

Looking at the blue sea, Hyukjae decided that blue suited Donghae well. He always carried with him a peaceful feeling. It was calming and comforting to Hyukjae. He grew to love looking out at the sea too, feeling a very similar sense of acceptance he would get from Donghae.

It was beautiful, being able to see blue again.

But meeting your soulmate wasn’t just about that. It was more than just seeing a colour. It was many, many more.

Donghae taught him how to love – both himself and someone else – and to be loved. 

He once doubted he would be able to trust his soulmate wholeheartedly just because they were supposedly his other half, but Donghae proved him wrong.

Donghae never rushed him. He never got angry at him for wanting to take it slow because he was too afraid to trust. He never overstepped any boundaries that would make Hyukjae feel uncomfortable. He never stopped loving him even when he couldn’t find any reason to love himself. He stuck by him

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964 streak #1
Chapter 2: This ending is so heartbreaking yet still beautiful. Donghae was grateful that he was able to see Hyukjae's color even for a time, an attitude that Hyukjae can emulate. But that would definitely
Be hard on the one who was left and could no longer behold Donghae's color. It may have been easier if he could at least see the color.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: hello!!
I liked both ending, the first was sweet and beautiful, the second one was sad but still beautiful ^^
Thank you for writing this ^^