The Reunion

Tell Me Goodbye

It was dark and there were very few people on the street. Minho knew it was late but he took his chances to find out if the letter was true. He approached the main gate and pulled out his letter. He read over the address Yuri wrote and looked at the address outside the gate.


“21 Soshi Ave, this must be correct.”


He rang the doorbell but there was no answer. He began to grow weary that Yuri would answer the door so late at night. He started to grow embarrassed. What if she answered the door, would she still remember him? It has been at least year. How could she remember a simple, farm boy? He bit his lower lip and began to hesitate.


“This is stupid.”


Minho turned around and walked away from the gate door. He decided he should visit tomorrow morning and try again. Right when he left, the bedroom window lit up. Ji Hoon peeked from the curtains but saw no one.



SM Dormitory


Minho arrived at the SM Dorm and approached the front door. He tried to pull it open but it was locked. He grew worried and attempted to open the door again. Suddenly, a security guard saw him and opened the door.


“Excuse me, kid? You know its way past curfew and the dorm is closed.”


Minho was confused.


“But I’m a registered student here, sir. I have the papers to prove it.”


“Sorry, but I can’t let you in. It is the policy here that if a student is late that they are NOT permitted inside.”


“Then where will I stay? It is night and I’m not from around this area.”


“Sorry, but you need to find a hotel or something. I can’t help you.”


The guard shut the door and went back on his nightly rounds. Minho was simply stunned. He checked his wallet if he had any cash. He only had enough to get him lunch for the next three days. He knew he couldn’t afford to pay for a hotel room. He decided to try anyway and walked off.



Laundry mat

Minho left the hotel with a real disappointed look. It was way too overpriced and he would be wasting all his money. He was starting to grow real tired and needed to find a place to rest. He started to look for any 24-hour store or restaurant to gather some shelter and kill time before he heads back to the dorm. It was already 3 in the morning. He suddenly came upon a 24-hour laundry mat. He quickly entered.


The mat was real clean and warm. He sat on the bench near the end of the dryers. He placed his entire luggage underneath the bench and rested his head against the vending machine. He was so tired from walking but he was more embarrassed that he tried to wake Yuri up in the middle of the night. What if she did come out? What would have he said? He felt so stupid for trying. He knew she was way out of his league and worst, she was his older brother’s woman. He tried to sleep but his thoughts wouldn’t let him. Suddenly, the front door opened.


Yuri slowly walked in dragging a bag of her dirty laundry. Yuri had practice early that morning so she needed to make sure she had clean sweats. She hasn’t done the laundry for the past three weeks so she has been wearing the same clothes to every practice. She can sense that Jessica and rest of the group could smell her soiled clothes. Yuri yawned deeply and placed her clothes into the washer. She placed the coins into the holder and pushed it in. The washer quickly . Yuri sat back and rested her head against the wall. She felt so tired. She was tired of being working too hard. She was tired of being used. She tired of not being able to live her life that way she wanted. Yuri turned her head and her eyes flew open.




She stood up and slowly walked to the back of the laundry mat towards Minho. Yuri stood in front of him as he lightly snored. What was he doing in a laundry mat at this time? She saw his entire luggage gather underneath his seat. Yuri wiped the tear from her right eye. She slowly reached for him. She touched his broad shoulder and lightly shook him. Minho’s eye slowly opened.


“Hi there…”


Minho couldn’t figure out who she was at first but when he made eye contact he knew who it exactly was.




Yuri took him by the hand and helped him get up. Minho stood up and Yuri lightly placed her arms around him and gave him a tight embrace.


“I’ve missed you…”


“I’ve missed you too, Yuri…”



Yuri’s Apartment


Yuri unlocked her door and let Minho inside. Minho couldn’t believe that Yuri was standing next to him. He couldn’t hear himself think because his heart was beating too fast and too loud.


“Minho, you can stay here for tonight. I have to go to work now but you can make yourself at home alright?”


Minho looked around and felt undeserving.


“Yuri, I don’t think I should stay. I’ll get back to my dorm now. They should be open.”


“Don’t worry. They’re not opened yet. You just stay here get some rest.”


Minho smiled and she smiled back. Yuri felt that warmth she longed for when Minho smiled at her. She helped put his luggage in the living room and guided him to her bedroom.


“Yuri, I shouldn’t…”


“Please, you were so kind to me at your home let me repay you for your gratitude.”


Minho smiled and bowed to her.


“Please don’t bow alright? We’re friends not coworkers ok?”


Minho blushed.


“I must be leaving now. Get some rest and if you’re hungry, there is food in the fridge.”


Yuri winked at him and exited through the front door. Minho slowly sat on her bed. He couldn’t believe he would be resting on the same bed where Yuri rested. He placed his head on the pillow and turned so he could smell it. It smelled like something angels would smell like. He slowly closed his eyes and went straight to sleep.


Hours later


Yuri returned from her morning practice and brought along with her some breakfast. When she unlocked the door she found a note on the kitchen counter.


Thanks Yuri for everything! I’m attending the SM Music Academy so please visit when you are free.

  • Minho


Yuri lightly frowned knowing she won’t be able to enjoy breakfast with Minho but she was still that she got to see him. She went to bedroom and was simply shocked. Everything was tidied up and folded. Yuri was embarrassed at first to have him sleep in her bedroom because it looked like a wreck. She took a bite of her bagel and smiled at the thought of Minho.



SM Music Academy


The hallways were swamped with students and musicians. The sounds of instruments being tuned and teachers yelling echoed throughout the school. Minho went to the front desk to speak with the secretary.

“Hello ma’am, I’m Choi Minho and I’m a new arrival here. I’m planning to be a pianist.”


The secretary was on the phone yet pointed down the hallway to direct Minho.


“Thank you so much.”


The secretary continued talking on the phone.


Minho went down the hallway and looked at his map. He saw the piano room and figured that would be it then suddenly someone rammed into him.




Minho fell to the floor and saw the girl that bumped into him.


“Wow, aren’t you that guy I rode with on the bus?” asked Krystal.


Minho slowly rubbed his back and helped her up.


“Wasn’t it Krystal?”


“Yes! You remembered my name!”


“How could I? We spoke to each other for like 7 hours.”


Krystal blushed.


“I think we should get to class now, let’s go!”


Krystal smiled and nodded. Minho went ahead into the piano classroom. Krystal could not believe that Minho would be taking the same class as she was. She placed her hands on her cheeks and felt the intense heat rising from them.


After class


Minho was stepping outside of the academy and was heading to the dormitory when suddenly Krystal caught up to him.




Krystal was panting when she caught up to him.


“Krystal? I’m sorry you had to chase after to me. I’ll get a phone soon so you won’t have to.”


“It’s ok! I just wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch with my sister and me?”


“Your sister?”


Suddenly, a white BMW pulled up from behind Krystal. The window slowly slid down and Jessica appeared before them wearing Dolce-Gabbana shades.


“Hi there, Minho! It sure has been long time…”


“Ms. Jessica! How have you been?”


“I’ve been busy…so have you seen Yuri yet?”


“Yes, I have.”


Jessica was surprised. It was too soon for them to have met. Jessica shrugged away her worry. Jessica signaled her driver to help the students with their bags.


“Come have lunch with my sister and me. My driver will assist you.”


Taecyeon stepped out of the car. He smiled towards Krystal and took her backpack. He then went over to Minho and took his bag. Taecyeon stared at him for a second and questioned what interest Jessica had on this country hick. He threw their bags in the trunk and got back into the driver’s seat.


“I don’t know, Ms. Jessica, I haven’t really brought any money with me and that-“


“Minho! Don’t worry, you handsome, handsome boy! I’ll be catering to you today!”


Minho simply nodded and Krystal guided him into the backseat of the car. After shutting the door, Krystal’s arm brushed against Minho’s for a split second. Her heart trembled but she fought to keep her composure. Jessica saw the little gesture and winked towards Krystal. Jessica finally felt her plan might actually work.


“Where to?” asked Taecyeon.


“I would like to go to my favorite sandwich place, my love.”


Taecyeon smiled widely and drove off to their destination. As they exited the academy’s parking lot, Yuri was just entering. Before she went up the steps, she caught a glimpse of Jessica’s BMW coming through. She questioned what Jessica would be doing there but ignored it. She then saw Minho in the backseat. Yuri was confused. She doubted it was Minho and continued into the SM Business office.



Sandwich House


Jessica was neatly wiping with a tissue as they all finished the last of their sandwiches. Minho made his last swallow and smiled to Jessica.


“I truly appreciated the meal. If there’s anything I could do-“


“Minho! It’s our treat!”


Krystal bit her lower lip and looked towards Minho. Minho smiled back. Krystal pinched Jessica at the waist and whispered.


“Jessica…let’s go to the restroom…”


The two girls smiled towards Minho and got up to go to the bathroom.


“Excuse us…”


Minho nodded as they exited the table towards the bathroom. Minho was left with the intimidating Taecyeon. Taecyeon cleared his throat and looked to Minho. He looked serious.


“I have been bodyguard for Jessica’s family for over 10 years. They raised me after my parents died and then they hired me to protect their children. If you understand this all you can tell that I’m truly indebted with their whole family and that I am willing do anything to honor them.”


“I understand wholeheartedly…”


“No, you don’t. I will give you just one warning, if you somehow harm any of these two girls, I will RUIN you, understand?”


Minho stared right back at Taecyeon and gave him a solemn nod of agreement.


“Thank you, Minho. As long as you carry on with respect, we will have no problems.”


The two girls arrive quickly from their bathroom break.


“Ready to leave now?” said Jessica.


“Yes, I’m ready now. If possible could I go straight back to my dorm room? I need to rest.”


“Are you sure?”


Krystal pulled Jessica’s sleeve.


“My sister Krystal would really love your company for today.”


“I’m very sorry but I must rest now. My body feels very weak.”


Taecyeon rose from his seat.


“Let him rest for now, Jessica. Don’t we have work to do?”


“Fine! Krystal, I’m sorry!”


Krystal blushed and shoved Jessica.


“Ok then, Minho, let’s bring you home.”

Rain’s Home


Ji Hoon just finished from his workout and he headed to the kitchen for a light beverage. As he chugged down his drink, there was a ring at the gate door. Ji Hoon wiped his sweat from his forehead and went to answer the intercom.




“It’s Onew.”


Ji Hoon shut his eyes for a second then opened them.


“I’m unlocking it. Make it quick, got it?”


The gate door buzzed and Onew entered.


Ji Hoon stood at the front door as Onew walked up the steps. Onew was holding a large folder underneath his arm.


“What do you have me, Detective?”


“Well, I got the usual stuff. She’s been coming home late from practice because of Jessica’s tour and I also figure that she’s having a bit of a financial problem because I always see her sleeping in sweaters and sweat pants, making me believe that the heating system has been shut down for her apartment.”


“I see.”


“Yeah, since she hasn’t been able to pay the gas bills, this could lead to the electricity then water.”


“Why are you telling me this?”


“Well, since you have me doing surveillance over her, I thought these matters would prove important to you since-“


“They don’t matter, got it? So what are these pictures?”


“Oh yes, these are the real important ones because-“


Ji Hoon looked at the photos and caught a glimpse of Minho with Yuri as they went up to her apartment.






“When was this?”


“These were from yesterday.”


“The one with the young man?”




“Well, Detective, thank you very much.”


“You’re very welcome. Also about Yuri-“


“Your services are not needed anymore, Detective. Thank you. Here’s your check.”


“Wait. Our contract-“


“It’s terminated, understand? I paid you double in this envelope. Now you can leave.”


Ji Hoon slammed the door on Onew. Onew stood in shock. He gripped the money envelope tightly and slowly walked out of the front yard. He entered his car and slammed the door. Onew began to perspire. He felt real angry.


“How could he do that to me?”


Onew smirked and stared at himself through rearview mirror.


“No matter…I still know how to access Yuri’s whereabouts, with or without Ji Hoon’s permission. I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT CARES FOR HER.”


Onew giggled to himself then started the engine.


“Don’t worry my dear Yuri, Detective Onew will care for you…”


Onew giggled again as drove off into the city.



Night time at the SM Dorm


Minho stepped outside to the balcony to get some air and look at the city lights. He took his new cell phone out and decided to text Yuri. Before he could text her, there was a knock at this door. Minho quickly returned inside and answered it. It was the dorm manager.


“Minho, you have a guest.”


“Who is it?”


“You’ll be surprised when you see him. My question is how you are related to superstar?”


Minho knew who it was. He nodded to the manager and made his way down to the lobby to see his brother, Ji Hoon.


When he entered the lobby, he saw his brother sitting on the couch and another man wearing a dark suit standing near the window.




Ji Hoon stood up and nodded. Minho bowed back.


“Hyung…I’m sorry I didn’t contact you immediately…I just-“


“Don’t worry, Minho. I’m not here to yell or beat you. I’m here to apologize about the way I acted towards you. It wasn’t honorable for an older brother to act that way to you for so many years.”


Minho looked to the floor and fought back his tears.


“Minho let’s have a seat.”


Minho sat next to Ji Hoon on the couch.


“Please don’t to mind the man in the suit. He is my trusty bodyguard, Siwon.”


Minho and Siwon bow to each other.


“Minho, I am also here to inform you that Yuri and I have broken up. We broke up about six months ago. It was a real media fiasco but since you were in Jindo, information travels slowly there.”


Minho’s eyes widen after he heard the news but he continued to listen.


“Yet, I am man and I know how you felt about Yuri. It might have been small instance with her but I know she had some effect on you.”


“How did you know?”


“Minho, I am your brother. This is why I am here. I’m here to tell you that you need to avoid Yuri.”


“Why? She is kind-“


“Yes, I know but she is only nice at first. After the beauty and kindness dies off, it is replaced by greediness and stubbornness.”


“But Hyung…”


“Shhh…Minho…please don’t force yourself…you’re still young…”


Minho began to slowly tear up. Ji Hoon patted his back.


“Hyung…she was so beautiful though…”


“I know…most girls in Seoul are beautiful but you need to beware…”

“But I can still be her friend…right?”


Ji Hoon looked down to the tearful Minho and simply nodded.


“Well I need to go now but here’s my number if you need to contact me about anything, alright?”


Minho bowed and accepted the number. Ji Hoon bowed back and exited the dorm. Siwon bowed and followed behind Ji Hoon. Minho couldn’t fully accept what Ji Hoon told him about Yuri but he must honor his brother’s wishes. Minho slowly rose from the couch and climbed the steps back to his room. His head hung low and face seemed to have darkened after his conversation with his brother. Minho did not want to forget Yuri. She meant as much as Ji Hoon meant to him.


Would he be loyal to his brother or would he love Yuri?


Siwon opened the door for Ji Hoon. Ji Hoon got in and Siwon got into the driver’s seat.


“Ji Hoon, do you know what you are doing?”


“Are you questioning my methods, Siwon?”


“I just don’t understand-“


“What you need to understand is Yuri has cursed my life.”


“But how?”


“I can’t sleep without thinking about her. I can’t eat without thinking about her. All you need to know is Yuri will be mine no matter what. I don’t care what my fans say. I don’t care what the management says. I will have Yuri even if I have to kill my own brother so she won’t go to him, understand?”


Siwon sat silently and stared straight ahead.


“Yuri has been a thorn in my side for these past months. I MISS her dearly but I can’t tell her that. The way I treated her, it wouldn’t make sense.”


“But you stalk her…”


“Siwon, all I need for you to do is follow my orders, understand?”


Siwon nodded.


“If anyone gets close to her, even my own brother, I want YOU to take care of them. If you do, you’re family will be fully secured.”


Siwon turned to Ji Hoon.


“Leave my family out of this.”


“Just follow what I say, got it? If you try to inform anyone about my plans about Yuri then it’s all over for YOU, got it?”


Siwon bit his lower lip and eyes turned angry.


“I trust you will make the right decision.”


Siwon nodded and started the engine.


“That’s my bodyguard. Trust me, I’ll make you rich.”


Siwon remained silent as they drove through the dark city streets.

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YosoyEvelynDaiana #1
Chapter 9: You make me cry! But its so good! Thank you. :)
i'm going to read your story :)
Chapter 8: Wahhhh this story i can't believe i only found it now!!
It was just WOW!!
Daebak :D
I'm new here. i never read this story. but, i look to everyone comment to you. i think your story is interesting! :) I well, i proved it. I love story.. I'm going to read next chapter!!

btw, read my fanfic too, Unspoken Feelings. And if you like my story you should subscribe me. Thank you
BlackPearl_Goddess #5
Indeed, your story is well into plots and depth... I was rather insatisfied with your first ending... But... Haha... You are 'forgiven' for the second ending which I preferred... ^^
OppasAnjell #6
this was....freaking amazing
wanderer #7
Sheila_123 #8
Minyul forever