Yuri's Note

Tell Me Goodbye

 Yuri was lying on the bed on her side while she played with her cell phone. She was hoping Ji Hoon would at least text her but she deeply doubted that would happen. Suddenly, she heard a tapping at the bedroom door. She sprung up and answered. It was Minho.

“Hi, Ms. Yuri, I just wanted to tell you that I’m leaving to pick up my parents. Will you and Ms. Jessica be fine here?” asked Minho.


Yuri smiled.


“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. As long as Jessica doesn’t slip or anything, we’ll be fine,” said Yuri.


They both giggled and smiled at each other.


“Ok then, I’ll be on way-“


“Oh, Minho…”




“Just call me ‘Yuri’,”


“Oh ok, Yuri,”


Minho bowed and turned to leave. Yuri watched from the window as he boarded his truck and slowly drove down the dusty road. She smiled to herself then turned to leave the room. As she exited, she bumped into Jessica. She was still wet from her shower.


“Where’s our ‘farm boy’?” asked Jessica.


Yuri lifted her eyebrow.


“Oh come on Yuri, don’t pretend.”


“Yeah yeah well he just left to town to pick up his parents,”


“Oh ok, well I got to change so if you could excuse me.”


Jessica playfully shoved Yuri out of the doorway and slammed the door shut. Yuri giggled and went downstairs to look around. She entered the living room to closely examine the pictures scattered all over the wall.


The walls were covered with photos spanning at least 50 years. She saw the wedding photo of Mama and Papa Jung. She saw Ji Hoon’s elementary pictures and high school photos. Ji Hoon was already good-looking as a child. What bothered Yuri was there were barely any pictures of Minho. Most of pictures were rather recent and mostly when he was teen. She couldn’t find any photos of him as a young child or baby. Yuri was slightly suspicious but moved on to the old, dusty piano.


She brushed her fingers along the edges to remove the year’s old dust then sat down. She inhaled slowly then slowly began to play. She steadily hit the keys to release a soothing, romantic tune. Jessica slowly crept down the stairs and quietly listened. She watched as Yuri played with her eyes shut. Jessica interrupted the passionate moment.


“Wasn’t that ‘Dropping the Tears’ by K.Will?”


Yuri suddenly stopped and turned to Jessica.




Jessica slid onto the couch and brushed her hair back.


“I didn’t know you played the piano. The tune was so haunting yet strangely romantic.”


“Yeah, I rarely play but when I saw this lonely piano sitting around, I couldn’t resist myself.”


That Night


The group sat down in the dining room. The table was covered in many vegetable side dishes and soups. Mama was a big fan of fish so she prepared a large fish soup for the guests. Jessica sat with a confused look on her face.


“I thought there would be turkey,” whispered Jessica.


“Shh! Just accept what’s there, ok?” whispered back Yuri.


Minho bowed to the girls and they bowed back. The group quietly ate.


Moments later…


Papa sat at the head of the table and fidgeted with his toothpick while Mama slowly cleaned the table.


“Thank you, from the both of us, for the lovely dinner,” said Yuri.


“Well, certainly! Anything for my future daughter-in-law!” exclaimed Mama.


Jessica and Yuri smiled and bowed to the parents. They both went outside to get some air.


“It’s so boring here! I want to go out! I want to get crazy! I just want to do something!” screamed Jessica.


“Would you settle down!” yelled Yuri.


“Why did you drag me here? I was going to go shopping this weekend too…”


Minho came outside.


“I know a place,” said Minho.


The two girls smiled to each other and grabbed Minho by the collar.


“Like…where?” said Jessica with glee.

The Karaoke Bar after midnight


Minho sat comfortably as he watched the two girls march around the room singing to their favorite pop songs. Jessica was slowly getting drunk and ended up face first on the couch. Yuri finished off with a lovely ballad. Minho smiled as he watched her sing.


The way her voice engulfed the room’s atmosphere was so refreshing. He watched as she shut her eyes and lift her hands during the high notes. He admired her beautiful approach to music and how much passion she delivered. Suddenly, her voice strained at the highest moment. She dropped the microphone and turned to Minho. They both burst into laughter.


The night was cool and the smell of the salty sea was heavy. They both carried Jessica up the hill towards the house.


“You are SO embarrassing! You drank TOO much!” yelled Yuri.


“It tasted SO good though!” screamed Jessica.


Minho giggled as the two girls screamed back and forth to each other. They finally reached the house and Yuri took Jessica upstairs to guest room to rest. Minho remained outside. Yuri returned outside to talk with Minho.


“Going to sleep yet?” asked Yuri.


“Not yet, I’m going to stay out here for awhile,” replied Minho.


“Then I’ll stay with you, I’m not too sleepy yet.”


Minho froze. He started to get nervous because he hasn’t been alone with a girl before especially as beautiful as Yuri. She shut the door and slowly stepped down the porch steps to approach him. The way her hair flowed and her eyes blinked. He couldn’t help but remain in awe.


“I was planning in walking down to the marina,” said Minho.


“Yeah, I’d love to. It’s so nice out tonight. The moon and the stars will be our lights.”


Minho and Yuri walked down the hill towards the town. By that time, the town was already asleep and the stores were all closed shut. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the waves splashing against the town’s sea walls. They walked towards the edge of the sea wall and had a seat.


“This is the first time anyone joined me here at night,” said Minho.


“Oh really?” replied Yuri.




“What about your brother, Ji Hoon? He never hung out with you out here?”


“He rarely did. He was always away for work.”


“I guess we’re both part of the same club then.”


“What do you mean?”


“Your brother, Ji Hoon, is a very busy man and he rarely has time for me either.”


“I see…”


“I wanted to ask you something, Minho?”




“How come you barely have any photos of yourself as a child on the living room wall? I recognized how Ji Hoon was there but you weren’t.”


Minho smiled.


“Well, Ji Hoon and I aren’t brothers. I was adopted.”


“What? Really?”


“Haha! It’s nothing surprising. What had happened was that my parents died in a car accident several years ago. Papa Jung was a close family friend of ours and promised to care for me if anything happened. I was taken by the Jung’s when I was around 16 years old.”


“Oh, I understand now.”


“Yes, that why most of the photos of me are fairly recent.”


“And that’s why I never knew of you.”


“Ji Hoon rarely speaks of me.”


“Why is that?”


“I’m not quite sure but I was accused of “taking” his parents away from him.”


“Ji Hoon said that?”


Minho dropped his smile and looked down. Yuri stared at him as he fidgeted with his hands.


“I never meant to hurt Hyung, I just wanted to be part of the family that was all.”


Yuri stared at him as he slowly began to tear up.


“I know Hyung is a nice man…”

Minho dropped his face to his hands and began to cry. Yuri moved closer and embraced him. Yuri could feel his broad shoulders and warm body heat. Yuri felt sorry for Minho and could feel how much he loved his adopted brother.


“Thanks Yuri.”


“No problem, Minho.”


“This is embarrassing, I’m sorry.”


“That’s alright Minho.”


Minho wiped his tears and slowly rose.


“It’s getting late now, we should leave.”


“Alright then, let’s go.”


The two slowly marched up the hill and returned home. The night was so cool and the saltiness from the sea made the atmosphere quite romantic. Yuri looked ahead as Minho guided with a flashlight. She felt close to him. For a man she barely knew to breakdown about something private in front of her, she felt how he trusted her. As soon as they returned, Ji Hoon was standing by the porch.


“Minho! Where have you two been?” yelled Ji Hoon.


“Hyung, I’m sorry, we couldn’t sleep so-“


Ji Hoon struck Minho down to the ground. Minho crawled up into a ball to block himself. Mama and Papa Jung came out quickly to shield Minho.


“Ji Hoon! Don’t!” yelled Yuri.


“Oh, you’re defending him too?”


“He’s your brother, Jung Ji Hoon!”


Ji Hoon grabbed Yuri by the wrist and yanked her towards him.


“Get your stuff we’re leaving!”


He threw Yuri to the side. Yuri fell and landed on her hip. She slowly got up, rubbing the pain and made her way back inside to gather her belongings.


“Ji Hoon, don’t do this anymore. Minho loves you,” begged Papa Jung.


Ji Hoon ignored his old father and pulled Minho up from the ground. Minho was bleeding from his lip.


“I know you love my mother and father so much that you stole them from me. I don’t mind that at all but if you get any CLOSER to Yuri, I’ll KILL you…”


Ji Hoon shoved Minho back to the ground and walked back into his truck. Minho slowly rose up, coughing up blood, and stared at Ji Hoon who was sitting at the driver’s seat.


“Please, Minho, let him leave,” begged Mama Jung.


Yuri and a drunken Jessica emerged from the front door. Jessica dragged herself to the truck as Yuri went to the family to say farewell. Yuri hugged the elderly couple and asked for forgiveness for Ji Hoon’s harsh actions. The couple simply bowed and wished Yuri to return soon for another vacation. Then, Yuri went to Minho.


“Are you alright, Minho?”


“Yes, I’m fine. Please forgive my brother. He’s very emotional right now but I know he is kind.”


“I want to believe that, Minho.”


She hugged Minho tightly and whispered in his ear.


“I left you something up in the guest room…”


Minho was surprised and turned to see Yuri’s beautiful face looking back at him. She smiled and turned to make her way to the truck. Ji Hoon immediately started the vehicle when Yuri entered and drove off.


The last image of Yuri that Minho remembered was her staring back at him from the passenger window. He could feel her sadness. He could sense she was trapped in a relationship that she didn’t choose to be in. Suddenly, Minho remembered what she whispered and dashed back into the house. The couple watched him as he ran inside.


Minho entered the guest room and searched for what Yuri was talking about. He recognized the room was neatly organized back into its original form yet it had something new; Yuri’s lovely scent. He turned to the lamp and saw a piece of paper lying there. He walked over to read it.


Dear Minho,


                I’m sorry for Ji Hoon’s actions. You don’t deserve that. Please take care.




PS. Please find me if you need someone to talk to.

21 Soshi Ave.

Seoul, Korea



Minho folded the paper and placed in his pocket. He walked over to the bed and lied down. He stared at the ceiling. He imagined that Yuri slept in the same bed. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to speak to her again. He wanted her to listen to him again. He wanted to do all these things Yuri but he knew it would be a heavy price that he couldn’t afford. To be in love with the famous Rain’s girl, to be in love with your Hyung’s girl, that would only spell torment. Yet, Minho knew for a fact that he was in love with Kwon Yuri. Minho pulled the paper from his pocket and held it close to him. This would be the only piece of her that he could hold dearly to his heart. Minho slowly fell asleep with Yuri’s letter held closely to his chest. A single tear slid down his face.


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YosoyEvelynDaiana #1
Chapter 9: You make me cry! But its so good! Thank you. :)
i'm going to read your story :)
Chapter 8: Wahhhh this story i can't believe i only found it now!!
It was just WOW!!
Daebak :D
I'm new here. i never read this story. but, i look to everyone comment to you. i think your story is interesting! :) I well, i proved it. I love story.. I'm going to read next chapter!!

btw, read my fanfic too, Unspoken Feelings. And if you like my story you should subscribe me. Thank you
BlackPearl_Goddess #5
Indeed, your story is well into plots and depth... I was rather insatisfied with your first ending... But... Haha... You are 'forgiven' for the second ending which I preferred... ^^
OppasAnjell #6
this was....freaking amazing
wanderer #7
Sheila_123 #8
Minyul forever