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“Uncle Soo I miss your chocolate cake.” Miju piped up from where she was resting peacefully in Tao’s arms. Kyungsoo turned to her with a false thoughtful look on his face. “Chocolate cake you say? How much do you miss it then?” the little girl abruptly jumped from her other uncle’s arms and ran to the chef. “I miss it thiiiiiiiiis muuuuuuuch.” She stated proudly as she stretched her arms wide. Kyungsoo and Tao shared a fond look over her head, all their past awkwardness momentarily forgotten.

“How about this, Mimi, we first make something healthy then we bake that cake. What do you say sweetie? I’m sure uncle Tao would love that for you too.” He threw a pleading glance to the younger who just shrugged. “He’s right Mims. What do you want us to make first hmm? He enquired gently as he rocked her in his arms.

Kyungsoo resisted the urge to coo at the scene. The small half Chinese half Korean girl hummed in thought then suddenly started squirming as if she had been pinched. “I know I know!!! Pizza!!!” the adults laughed, hearts blooming with fondness. Tao carried her to the kitchen with the cook following behind. To Kyungsoo pizza was one of the easiest to make in fact it was the first food he cooked alone successfully. He could still remember the proud smiles on his parents’ face with his father claiming that he never wanted to taste food from another place. He remembers taking the leftovers to school the next day for his friends. They had absolutely loved it. Luhan had stood up and shook his hand vigorously, “Well done Mr Do well done!!.”

“ Soo, Soo, are you ok?” Tao and Miju were looking at him worriedly. He didn’t even realize that he had zoned out.

“Oh yeah I’m fine, just got distracted.” He went and started gathering the ingredients he wanted to use. He was oblivious to the quick worried glance he got from the taller.

“I wanna help too please?” the sweet girl begged.

“Don’t worry baby, you will help with the cake. I promise to teach you this one day ok?” Kyungsoo told her. The chef rolled and kneaded the dough as the two audience members watched by the other side of the kitchen counter. “Wanna know one thing Mimi?” Soo asked, eyes on the dough. She hummed, eager to hear the rest.

“To me food is a collection of emotions and before you ask, angel, emotions are what you feel. You can taste emotions in food. Like when someone is sad and they cook something it is easy to tell when you look at their food and taste it. It might even taste great but it will lack heart to food experts. It might taste bad and it will be even easy for everyone to tell. When you are too too too too excited and you cook something some can know what you’re feeling when they taste it because you will be too caught up in happy thoughts to create something with strong character.” He knew he was rambling and that Miju may have been too young to understand what he said after the first sentences but he didn’t care. He wasn’t even sure if he was talking to Miju or telling Tao an indirect message. Probably the latter.

“It might be confusing I know and some people may not agree with what I’m saying but when you cook you should be in tune with your emotions. You should be stable and be at peace. Yes you can be happy but don’t be too happy to concentrate on your cooking. Just inject your genuine love of the food into the food. Avoid things that will distract you from your cooking.”

By this time he had put the dough in a bowl and covered it since had had put some yeast and was waiting for it to rise.

Tao was looking at him strangely while Miju started bouncing in her uncle’s arms.

“So uncle Soo I shouldn’t cry when I cook?” She asked like an obedient student. Kyungsoo just laughed fondly. “Yes Miju, no crybabies.”  “I wanna be like you when I become a chef. I can’t wait.” She yelled in glee. Tao chuckled and stood up with her still being in his arms. “C’mon let’s go play whilst Kyungie finishes with the pizza.”

The girl protested but her uncle was persistent on leaving the kitchen. Looking at Kyungsoo after what he had said was giving him a headache. The chef didn’t say anything but pretended to concentrate on sorting out the toppings.

Later, the pizza was cooked and was left to cool a bit. Kyungsoo was insistent on eating it after baking the cake. So here they were now standing in the kitchen with aprons wrapped around their bodies. Tao had cleverly brought Miju’s little apron that the two males had bought for her  online and shipped it to her new residence. That is when Soo realized that the Chinese had all this planned out. He didn’t even have the strength to swear at him since he had brought back Mimi in his life.

“So 2 cups of cake flour, 1 and a half teaspoons of baking powder. What did I say it does by the way?” he turned to the sweet baby angel who was standing on a sturdy stool so that she could see clearly –  Tao was standing behind her with his arms around her.She hummed in thought as she pondered the question then her expression brightened. “ Oh so that the cake rises and becomes fluffy like uncle Jongdae’s old hair right?”

The elder guys clapped. “Well done Miju I’m so proud of you.” Tao said smiling at her making her puff her little chest with pride. Kyungsoo laughed merrily  at her then continued with his lesson.

“So put the flour in the bowl and add the baking powder. Then I get this cocoa and put 4 tablespoons and put it in the bowl like this.” He put the cocoa in with Miju counting the tablespoons in the background. The girl was just too intelligent for her age, like seriously. When it was time to sift the dry ingredients she begged to help.

“Fine sunshine but only if Uncle Tao helps you.” Slowly, the two relatives began sifting the ingredients with the older hold the sieve and Mimi’s little hands covering his. D.O found himself being proud of them for Tao was the messy type, every time he had tried cooking, it would always end in a mess.

About 5 minutes later the two had finished. The chef had been busying himself with greasing the tin and preparing the other ingredients. “Look uncle we are done.” The little piped up proudly. He peeped in the bowl and so that for sure the ingredients had perfectly blended.

“Wow you are good. I believe you did most of the job since Taozi here was watching.” He said jokingly.

“Hey that’s rude,” the taller whined loudly. The shorter felt a bit relieved at that because a quiet and thoughtful Tao was making him nervous.

“Okaaay now that we done let’s finish this. You see I put some butter already in the mixing bowl and I’m going to use this hand mixer not this stand mixer over there because I want us to feel it when the cake comes to life. Got it?” she nodded vigorously. He liked how she was paying attention.

He connected the mixer and Tao moved his niece and the stool so that they would be a bit closer to the chef. The restaurant owner motioned the wushu expert to move back so that he could replace him behind Mimi. He guided her hand to the mixer and covered them with his. He brought the machine to life and the first word out of the girl’s mouth was “WHOA!!”

She watched in fascination as the butter in the bowl broke down into a fine cream. Kyungsoo signaled Tao to add the cup of sugar nearby in the bowl for him. The sound of the machine rang in the room as they continued the creaming process. The chef switched the mixer off as he took a knife and gathered the butter-sugar mixture that had gathered at the sides.

“Uncle Tao, it felt so great you should try it too. Uncle Kyungie can you teach uncle please, like you taught me. And don’t worry I won’t fall from this stoolie if you leave. I’m a big girl now.”

The adults looked at each other, with Kyungsoo turning away first. The last thing he wanted to do was to touch the younger but the puppy eyes he got from the girl left him with no choice.

“Come here then you big baby,” he sighed and moved the bowl and mixer a bit far from Miju. What he didn’t expect was for the taller to stand so close behind him. He couldn’t help but feel suffocated and safe at the same time. This is why love was out of the equation for him, situations like this would only distract him -  now he couldn’t even concentrate on the mixing bowl. Even when the younger would visit him in his kitchen he made sure that there was a safe distance between them.

“ Cou – could you move back a bit?” he asked with a shaky voice. The younger just sighed and moved back but not by much.

“Can we continue now.” The little princess demanded.

“Okay my queen.” Tao said with a fond chuckle.

“Okay just place your hand on the mixer.” Tao followed the instruction and a moment later he covered it with his own. Gosh it feels so warm, Kyungsoo couldn’t help but think. “Uncle Soo, why is your hand shaking?”Miju’s voice broke him out of his thoughts.

“What? It’s not shaking you did not see properly.” Before either uncle or niece could react he switched on the mixer and he shakily began to guide the younger’s hand. It was a bit shaky at first but they soon found the rhythm with Miju getting lost in fascination again from where she was watching them. Kyungsoo slowly started adding the other ingredients with his other hand. In no time they were done and he applauded himself mentally for being able to not focus on the warm hand and breath of the other.

“I told you it was great wasn’t it great?” Miju asked Tao.“You were right my baobei. I would want to do it again.” He said the last part so quietly that the chef almost missed it. Instead he just concentrated on filling the cake tin.

“Now just hurry up I can’t wait to that mixing bowl clean.” Tao demanded. The shorter was happy that he had diffused the potential tension that was going to take place.“Idiot.” He muttered as he shoved the bowl towards the younger who only whined.

“Can we not eat the pizza now , that cake is going to take so long we might die, aren’t I right Mimi?’ Tao groaned out.

“Stop putting Mimi in this, brat.” The chef hissed but the younger only smirked and turned towards his niece with a pout. “But Mims, don’t you want us to try the pizza now whilst we are waiting for the cake?” she squealed out in response. “Please please uncle Soo Soo.” The shorter just sighed and put up his hands in the air. “Fine fine let me reheat it.”

“Tao grinned smugly and picked Miju from the stool. “How about we go to the sitting room and prepare a movie to watch while we wait for pizza?”


Kyungsoo only shook his head. His thoughts started betraying him and he found himself imagining Tao, him and Miju as an official family.

“Get the away from me you stupid thoughts,” he hissed under his breath.

“ Huang Zitao, come help me carry the plates right now!” He shouted. He was pleased when he heard some complaints and groans.

“I’m serious. If you don’t come I won’t give you the pizza.”

He heard complaints again but at least he could now hear him coming.

“What do we even need the plates for?” Tao complained as he appeared in the kitchen.

“Excuse me but are you willing to clean my couch after you drop food there? Also Miju definitely needs a plate.”

“Fine let’s go then. We are watching ……. by the way.”


Much later, the three of them were watching the movie comfortably with Miju in between them. She would sing along to the parts and try to teach them the lyrics. They were so comfortable that Kyungsoo groaned out loud when the alarm for the cake went off. He reluctantly stood up and went to the kitchen. He waited a bit and removed it from the tin and set it to cool. He went back to his famil – Do Kyungsoo stop thinking that!!” he reprimanded himself. Yes he considered the two as family but not in the I’m in love and we have a daughter sense.

“You okay?” Tao whispered from where he was sitting on his niece’s other side. He nodded, “Yes. Don’t worry.”

During the movie he suddenly remembered the cake and went to put frosting quickly since to him the cake was cool enough and he was impatient. When it was done he left it for a few. He quickly cut the pieces for the others and left for the living room.

“Cake!” Miju’s attention was now on the cake slices and she started clapping enthusiastically.

He gave Tao the honors to feed the little princess while would wipe the chocolate that managed to get on her cheeks.

“I really loved the cake Uncle. Can I have more please?” she begged and begged.

“Not today, you will get sick Mimi.” Kyungsoo told her gently. She only pouted further.

“How about this. We’ll feed you that first thing in the morning ok” Tao whispered. Luckily she understood and nodded, attention going back to the movie.

When it ended the chef looked at his friend. You brought some of her clothes right?” he enquired. The other nodded. “Yeah even her pjs.”

“Good. Miju lets go take a warrrrrrrm bath I even have those glitter bath bombs.” Kyungsoo bribed her, hoping she would say yes.

Her eyes glowed. “Really? Can we go now?” they both sighed in relief and the chef went to prepare the bath. The others would follow later.

Sometime later after they had finished bathing her (and what an eventful bath it was, by the time it was over, both the two guys’ clothes were almost drenched.) they lay on the bed in the guest room with Miju sandwiched between them. They were telling her an exaggerated story about the time ‘EXO’ had embarrassed themselves when they were a bit younger. Her giggles would fill the room time and time again.

“I wish when I grow older I would have friends like that, we would call ourselves the awesome princesses.” They laughed along with her. Some minutes later she was drifting off and they each lay a kiss one cheek. They watched as she fell into a peaceful slumber. Kyungsoo started feeling uncomfortable with no Miju to fill in the silence. He got up, careful not to wake her up.

“I’m going to clean up.” As soon as he said that the taller stood up too. “I’ll help you.”

They walked quietly to the kitchen. “Listen Tao, thank you so much for the surprise. I truly enjoyed spending time with you guys. It was fun.”Tao nodded. “You are welcome. You made her happy Soo and for that I’m truly grateful.” The chef made a humming sound and turned to the sink. They were quiet for a moment until –

“Kyungsoo.” Tao said quietly, the other turned to him and noticed that he was opening and closing his mouth, a sign that he was hesitating.

“What’s wrong?” he asked gently.

“Nothing it’s just that I found myself imagining you, me and Mims as a family. The way you take care of her is just so sweet.” The Chinese male replied quietly knowing that he was treading on dangerous waters. The shorter guy’s hands started trembling.

“Zitao, like I said don’t ruin the moment.” He warned with a shaky voice. The younger one huffed. “We can’t keep ignoring this thing Kyungsoo. For years I have tried but I just can’t go on like this. We need to talk about this and like I said that time, hyung don’t me push me away. Now let me say what I have wanted to say all this while and I’m pretty sure you knew. Kyungsoo, I have feelings for you and I want to be with you no matter what.”

The older breathed deeply through his nose and tried to control his shaking voice. “Don’t you say that please please I don’t want to hurt you.” He pleaded continuously but Tao only shook his head. “No plus I have already said this, I won’t take it back. Sometimes your actions give me hope that you feel the same Say you like me back please?” he whispered the last part.

Kyungsoo walked closer to him. “Tao, it will never work out we just too different, our interests will clash and the relationship will fall into pieces, can’t you see that.” He tried to reason with him but the younger shook his head again. “How could you know? We haven’t even tried yet. Kris and Junmyeon hyungs were different in nature but they even got engaged.” He shot back.

Kyungsoo laughed bitterly at that. “But look where they are now. Broken up and in pain.”

Tao got frustrated.”But they are endgame, you know that right?” Kyungsoo ignored him and looked out his window, staring at nothing. “Don’t try to give me this bull excuse about being different, I could tell what you were trying to say when you gave Mims that ‘grown up talk about emotions’, I’m not as dumb as you think…… oh and I don’t agree with what you said.”

Kyungsoo stared at him sadly. “If you were really listening you could have not confessed to me. I had hoped you understood my reasons but here you are.”

“So you are afraid I would make you too sad to cook nice food if there is a fight or I would distract you too much because I need attention. You are just afraid of love in general but here you are saying you should feel the love when you taste the food. Help me understand D.O.” Tao said a bit harshly.

“For your own information, I do feel love when I cook. Though it’s romantic love I’m able to inject that love to my food and be at peace. Do you know why my restaurant is really popular, because customers, food critics say that my food has character, you can feel the heart and love in the food “The chef hissed.

“I can’t pretend I understand that but Ge can we try. Take a risk, fall in love and accept it, I‘ll even drop my childishness. I won’t distract you, I know how much you value your restaurant and I won’t get in the way of that because I respect you and your passion. If there is an issue we will discuss it, we will fully communicate, I will not let you choose between the restaurant and me - never. Please hyung just take the plunge please, we can make it through if we try.” Tao asked desperately.

The shorter looked at the glazed eyes looking right back at him. He could imagine more domestic days like the one they had with Miju, he could imagine Tao picking him up from work with a kiss and ask about his day but then again they already do this minus the kissing part, it was safe that way. He finally reached his decision.

“Tao.” The younger looked at him with hopeful eyes “Tao I can’t I’m so sorry. I can’t risk this. I don’t think I will be able to balance you and the restaurant. I know there are people who can but people are different. I don’t know how to balance it out. I’m so sorry.”Kyungsoo felt like a monster, he could literally see Tao’s face break into total sadness. A part of him wanted to jump in his arms and never let go but situations.

Tao nodded trying to blink back tears. “I think I need some air. Don’t worry, by the time I come back you will see the old happy Tao.” He faked a smile then walked out quickly.

Kyungsoo was shaking, fighting tears. He knew Tao didn’t deserve this treatment not at all.




Kris heard muffled cries from the kitchen when he removed his headphones and his confusion grew. He reluctantly stood up from his comfy armchair and followed the direction of the sounds. What he saw made him laugh and feel pity at the same time.

The kitchen floors and part of the wall were covered in chocolate . Jia was covered in that too and she was crying.

“Jia what’s wrong? It’s not like it’s the end of the world.” She looked offended at that.

“I know it’s not the end of the world but it’s the pressure of the wedding that may be affecting me and I want to make sure everything is perfect you know. I wanted to make these chocolates especially for you for our engagement party. I remember you mentioning how much you loved homemade chocolates but I messed up, I want you to be proud of me.” She cried out.

Kris only sighed. “Why don’t we just move the wedding behind? I mean it’s taking a toll on you and I wouldn’t want to see my sweetheart sad. You don’t have to make the chocolates for me it’s okay you know that. Just be yourself.”

She gave a small smile. “You know I can’t move the wedding I can’t wait to be officially tied with you plus grandma fears she’s about to die remember and she wants to see her granddaughter finally happy. Thank you for your speech. I love you.”

Kris tensed. “Me too.” He could notice her expression dimming. Jia had said those three words first and all he ever said was me too. She always said those three words first and he still gave the same answer. He knew that fact saddened her but she always was optimistic that one day it will change. But how can he say those three words to someone who wasn’t Junmyeon? He subconsciously started thumbing the ring in his pocket. It was now becoming second nature to him.



Sehun was sure Jongin could hear him swallowing. “You – you look – wow Nini.” Sehun exclaimed as he took in his love’s friend’s appearance. He was dressed in a midnight blue tight fitting suit. What got Sehun breathless was that he had no shirt underneath the suit jacket which was almost ed. His hair styled a bit messily.

The maknae lost track of his words as he longingly stared at the tan chest to the red plump lips. He was more embarrassed when he noticed that his survey had not gone unnoticed. Those plump lips held a knowing but fond smile at his actions.

“Thank you Sehun. I better go pick Krystal up, we are late, I’ll see you.” Jongin said as he grabbed the car keys and headed towards Sehun’s apartment door. He had agreed to the maknae’s demands of showing him his outfit before going to the event.

“See you Kai. Enjoy.” Sehun said, a part of him sad to see him go.

“Thank you Hunnie, I’ll call you when I get back home ok. Make sure you eat ok.” He said the last part sternly. Sehun only laughed warmly. “Don’t worry I will. Make sure you do call. I wouldn’t want to worry. Now go shoo.”

Jongin left with a laugh. As soon as the door shut he slumped on his couch and sighed. He was so bored now. Even if I don’t really like ballet I would have loved to go there. It’s better than staying here doing nothing. Plus I would be with Jongin. He thought bitterly. He got lost for a while whilst watching project runway and was startled to hear a loud knock. With

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please tell me what you think about the story please please. i've been a silent reader here, i've decided to change that.


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Chapter 13: Omg this fic is sooo good I hope you'll update it or is it discontinued?
Im waiting anxiously of YF next steps! To man up and discard that stupid . :)
2452 streak #3
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: YIFAN IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
I'm proud he didn't fall into temptation! he did the right thing by going to his rock to stabilize himself... I feel slightly bad for Jiwon, he was a good date and well... but he never really had a real chance with Jun, it was better this way I guess... I hope he finds the one meant for him soon

tbh, when I was reading this in ao3, I only focused on the KrisHo... but to be fair, everyone in here also just wants KrisHo back together! so I don't feel so bad for just reading their parts? HAHAHAHA

anyway, back to the main point... no more excuses now for Yifan, as everything's been laid out already, all that's left is for him to do the right things... ever since he returned, it's always been Jia this, Jia that even if most of his actions would contradict such idea... the others have been screaming at him to fix things with Jun, but he just shrugged them off even if he knew it's what he wants... there's no use crying over his decision to leave before, thinking that Jun would leave him first and there's no telling what could've happened if he told Jun before too, but he's back now, and currently, he told the problem to Jun, he went to him during his moment of weakness and Jun helped him thru it, it's time to focus on the future! the future with Jun which I'm sure would make everyone happy!

Jun said it himself, that Yifan should act like he really does love Jun... and that means breaking off the engagement with Jia! that girl has put the wrong ideas in Yifan's head, telling him that they are the only ones who deserve each other since they're both broken... WTF!!! who is she to dictate someone's destiny like that??? and Yifan better not use the Jia's grandma excuse again... I'll srsly lose it
Chapter 13: OH MY GAD!! I wanna cry! thanks dear for this update. :)
Chapter 2: I like it sofar.. keep on updating pls :)
2452 streak #6
read this from ao3 and I thought this was abandoned already! but I'm hoping this crossposting means you'll be updating again soon?