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Jongin panted loudly as he had just finished his routine for the dance off. The room was silent for a minute as his classmates processed his performance, jaws on the floor – then thunderous applause broke through the room. Taemin was looking at him proudly, Yixing was standing by the door, phone in hand as he had been recording Jongin’s performance – no doubt wanting to send it in their group chat. Sehun had refused to perform earlier complaining on how ballet was just evil to him.

Sehun was clapping and whooping so loudly that the others had to quiet him down. Jongin sent his friend a bow and a wink in thanks.

“Congrats Jongin. I think there is no doubt that you are our winner, right guys.” Taemin turned to the class which just whooped louder. He walked to where his bag was and curious eyes turned to him as he returned with an envelope. He handed it to the winner who didn’t waste any time in opening it. he almost shouted in excitement as he retrieved two tickets from the envelope.

“these are tickets for the Spring ballet musical. You get to take one lucky person with you.” The dance instructor said with a smile.”

The spring musical was all most of the class was talking about. The tickets were expensive, not many people could get a hold of them.

“Wow thanks hyung just wow.” The winner said happily to Taemin then to Yixing who was  still by the door. The Chinese male only saluted him.

As the dance instructors left the room completely, the rest of the class crowded him, wanting to really see the tickets for themselves. Sehun, on the other hand, stood by at the back, watching quietly as his friend who was accepting compliments from left to right. He hoped, in his heart of hearts that Jongin would take him there even though he complained about ballet.

“Hey, earth to Sehun. Are you ok?” he didn’t even notice when the other dancer had broken free from his classmates.

“Yeah I am. Congrats by the way. Knew you would win.” He said with a smile. The other laughed and hung his arm around the maknae’s shoulder dragging him towards the exit.

“Thanks, playboy.” Jongin said with a smile making Sehun turn away.

“Why do you even call me that? People are gonna think I’m a playboy.”

Jongin only laughed. “Well when you dance, playboy is the first word that comes to my mind.”

The younger only sighed and prayed again that he was the lucky plus one. After all, who wouldn’t want their crush to choose them?

“Sehun, umm sorry I can’t come for our study date. Something came up.” Jongin broke the younger one from his thoughts.

“You know Jongin I’m getting really irritated by you bailing out on me. I’m serious.” He stopped walking and faced his friend. The older male sighed and stopped too. “I know Hunnie but i have to go.”

“If you now are dating someone why can’t you tell us?” Sehun knew he was being petty but he couldn’t help it.

Jongin looked surprised for a moment then started chuckling. “Jealous Sehun? Fortunately for you I’m not dating anyone, at least not yet. Believe me when i say that something really came up. Gotta rush, bye.” Without waiting for a reply he rushed out, leaving a confused and irritated maknae behind.


“Zitao I might end up getting a restraining order if you keep on entering and breaking my house.” Kyungsoo said he put his jacket on his couch and barely glanced at a relaxed Tao who was lounging lazily on his couch, watching TV. The younger one only laughed softly “If you really wanted to do that you wouldn’t have given me your spare keys, willingly i may add.”

The chef scoffed. “Go take a shower you stink. Can’t believe you actually had the nerve to sit on my couch in your state.” He scolded as he pulled the taller male up.

Tao complied. “I just came from wushu practise what do you expect Soo. Anyway, I have a surprise for you in your spare room.” He got up and started dragging the reluctant guy towards the spare room and when they stopped by the door, he turned to Kyungsoo. “Shh, promise not to make any sound right?” the shorter male, though confused had no option but to just nod. The taller slowly opened the door and peeped inside prompting Kyungsoo to do the same. What he saw there made his heart and insides warm all over. A little girl, about 5 lay on the bed sleeping peacefully, curled up like a fluffy puppy. Tao smiled in satisfaction at seeing the touched expression of his friend. “Tao b – but how, I missed her so bad,” Kyungsoo whispered, voice already moved by emotions.

The little girl was Tao’s little cousin, Miju. She and her family had lived close to Tao’s family and the little girl had quickly had all of Exo, especially Kyungsoo wrapped around her little finger. There was a time when the girl would cry if she spent a day without eating food from Uncle Soo Soo or without seeing him. When the family had moved away, Kyungsoo had been so heartbroken and used to ask Tao when she would visit. Now he couldn’t believe his eyes and he couldn’t ask for a better gift than this. Without thinking he hugged the taller boy tightly – almost immediately, long arms wound around him just as tight. “God, Tao thank you sooo much. This is so – oh I can’t believe this.” Without even registering it, he had rushed in Tao’s arms and hugged him so tightly. Almost immediately, long arms wrapped securely around his waist. He withdrew from the hug and planted a huge kiss on the Chinese male’s cheek but moments later, his previous action was now coming back to him and he cleared his throat, clearly embarrassed.

Tao’s smile was so wide and he opened his mouth. “So does this mean-”. He was quickly cut off by the murderous look on his friend’s face.

“Don’t you dare ruin the moment.” The chef said, hands gesturing over to the bed where Miju was still in her deep slumber. The shorter walked away without saying another word. With a frown on his face, Tao gently closed the door and leaned against it. “But you ruined it first Soo.” He whispered. Maybe he needed that shower now. Kyungsoo was right, he did stink.

Meanwhile, Kyungsoo couldn’t stop pacing around in his room. He was wringing his hands and he was sure he was going to get dizzy from all his pacing. You see, Kyungsoo’s love was his cooking and thus his restaurant. He couldn’t imagine a life where he wasn’t pondering on what to cook or how to modify a recipe. Cooking was his life. He had always been afraid that if he fell in love or got into serious relationships it would distract him from his restaurant dream. He wouldn’t know how to balance love and his dream. What if he gets his heart broken and it ruins his passion for cooking. He believed that if he was sad, the food he serves the customers would not be tasty at all. He was afraid that if his heart was broken he may be too sad and would end up too stressed to cook with a full heart.

On the other hand even with no break up, what if he became too lovesick and whipped to concentrate on the restaurant. What if he gets so whipped that he would forget the restaurant and would be too clingy to his lover. He had never liked to be in serious relationships but honestly Tao was tempting him and he was afraid.

“Uncle Soo Soo you are going to get dizzy.” He heard a sleepy cute voice by the open door. There she was, scratching her eyes and smiling at him. He laughed and opened his arms to her. Immediately she ran to him and he lifted her in his arms tossing her in the air. She clung on to him, laughing and squealing happily. “I missed you so so much Uncle Soo.”

Kyungsoo couldn’t even stop his lips from spreading into his heart shaped smile. “Not as much as I missed you Mimi.” She traced his smiling lips with a little finger, forming a heart. She shook her head vigorously. “No I missed you more.”

The chef laughed loudly. “No no I missed you moooooreeee.” He insisted playfully.

“I can see I’m not wanted here.” Came Tao’s playful voice from the door. He looked freshly bathed. Kyungsoo didn’t know how their eyes ended up meeting. He somehow couldn’t look away from them. He couldn’t understand what Tao’s eyes were trying to tell. Miju, being oblivious of the current situation or she just chose to ignore the short silence , piped up, “You are always wanted Uncle Tao, come here.” The tallest of the three shrugged and headed over to them.



Sehun was just preparing to head over to his dance class with Yixing and he was Jongin-less. Just as he was about to call the hot dancer, his phone rang and he saw Jongin’s name on the caller ID. Sighing, he answered.

“What? I’m still angry with you. Better make it up to me now.” He groaned. A low chuckle was heard from the other line. “Chill will you. I need to ask you something.”

Sehun almost choked on his saliva because of nervousness and excitement. Was he finally goin

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Chapter 13: Omg this fic is sooo good I hope you'll update it or is it discontinued?
Im waiting anxiously of YF next steps! To man up and discard that stupid . :)
2453 streak #3
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: YIFAN IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
I'm proud he didn't fall into temptation! he did the right thing by going to his rock to stabilize himself... I feel slightly bad for Jiwon, he was a good date and well... but he never really had a real chance with Jun, it was better this way I guess... I hope he finds the one meant for him soon

tbh, when I was reading this in ao3, I only focused on the KrisHo... but to be fair, everyone in here also just wants KrisHo back together! so I don't feel so bad for just reading their parts? HAHAHAHA

anyway, back to the main point... no more excuses now for Yifan, as everything's been laid out already, all that's left is for him to do the right things... ever since he returned, it's always been Jia this, Jia that even if most of his actions would contradict such idea... the others have been screaming at him to fix things with Jun, but he just shrugged them off even if he knew it's what he wants... there's no use crying over his decision to leave before, thinking that Jun would leave him first and there's no telling what could've happened if he told Jun before too, but he's back now, and currently, he told the problem to Jun, he went to him during his moment of weakness and Jun helped him thru it, it's time to focus on the future! the future with Jun which I'm sure would make everyone happy!

Jun said it himself, that Yifan should act like he really does love Jun... and that means breaking off the engagement with Jia! that girl has put the wrong ideas in Yifan's head, telling him that they are the only ones who deserve each other since they're both broken... WTF!!! who is she to dictate someone's destiny like that??? and Yifan better not use the Jia's grandma excuse again... I'll srsly lose it
Chapter 13: OH MY GAD!! I wanna cry! thanks dear for this update. :)
Chapter 2: I like it sofar.. keep on updating pls :)
2453 streak #6
read this from ao3 and I thought this was abandoned already! but I'm hoping this crossposting means you'll be updating again soon?