
Trainee Days Are Finally Over!

Shin Hee Eun dropped down onto the cold ground and took a large gulp out of her water, sweat pouring from her forehead.


She saw the other trainee’s sit down around her and smiled.


It’s almost been about a year since she’s been a trainee at JYP and it was nearly time for them to choose the girls who could form a group.


This was the last dance practice she had before the real test actually begins and for some reason, she’s not nervous.


She looked into the large mirror in front of her that was on the wall of mirrors.


Although she was sweating and her fringe was plastered on her forehead and her loose bun was beginning to fall out, she was really pretty.


She was pretty and dignified in her beauty.


“Okay everyone!”


The teacher clapped his hands a few times and then continued,


“We have 10 more minutes before class end! Let’s go through your parts individually and I’ll tell you if there’s anything wrong.”


All the trainee’s in the room got up and so did Hee Eun.


Before she was about to turn around to walk towards the back of the class room, she peered at herself again at the mirror.


She was going to get in JYP Entertainment.


It was her life long dream and she was never going to give it up.


“Hee Eun! Pali!”


I turned towards my teacher and nodded with a smile.


As I ran towards the back of the large dancing room, I said to myself quietly,






The last dance session had finally ended and it was her last singing session that was next.


She picked up her bulging Puma bag, hung it over her right shoulder and walked out of the room where she bowed down to her teacher.




“Hee Eun, I’m sure you’re going to get in! Fighting!”


She smiled and said another word of thanks before leaving the dance studio for the last time.


The next time she would be dancing would be in an auditorium with all the artists of JYP and Park Jin Young.


As she walked down the hallway and out of the chain of dance studios with her beats head phones on and her eyes set on her iPod touch, she felt herself walk into someone.


With a staggering step back, she did a deep bow and then she looked up from her iPod to see who she had bumped into.


Her eyes widened obviously as standing in front of her was the 6 members of 2PM- the person she had bumped into was Chansung who was standing in the middle.


She slid her head phones out of her ears and made another deep bow towards them.




Hee Eun didn’t dare to look up at them and see what their reactions were like.


After a minute of awkward silence, she said quietly,


“I have to go…Anneyonghigyeseyo.”


Hee Eun began to walk past them but a hand pulled her back.


She looked up and saw Chansung smile down at her.


“When’s your next session?” He asked her.


She didn’t answer.


Taecyeon took a step forward and with a big toothy grin, he asked,


“When’s your next section?”


The other four members waited for her to speak.


“In about two hours…but I need to shower and get changed and stuff…so…”


“How long do you take?” Junho asked this time.




She saw Junsu an eyebrow waiting for her to answer.


“About 45 minutes?” She said.


Chansung smiled.


“Sweet. Let’s go to coffee shop down stairs and have a chat.”


She could feel her eyes widen considerably at he’s suggestion.


“Um…I don’t think that’s a good idea…”


Wooyoung took a few steps forward and then said with a bright smile,


“Why not?”


She cringed.


Hee Eun was hoping that he wouldn’t ask that question.


“I don’t…really…”


She didn’t really want to answer the question that she was shy and didn’t really want to faint in front of her favorite idol!


“You don’t like to talk huh?” Taecyeon said with his same old toothy grin.


I smiled and said,


“Sort of…”




Chansung walked in the middle of his 2PM members, laughing.


It was the time of the day when they should be practicing for their new song I’ll Be Back seeing as they were going to be performing it at a concert sometime soon.


Suddenly, a girl with her hair plastered on her glowing skin caught the corner of his eye and he turned to look at her.


She had on a pair of tracksuit pants and was wearing a very low singlet.


She had on beats and was scrolling intently through her iPod touch.


She bumped into him and Chansung was trying not to laugh when they collided.


She took a step back and then realizing that she had just bumped into someone, she made a 90 degree bow and then looked up to see who she had bumped into.


Chansung saw her eyes widen and his heart began to race.


He didn’t even know this girl and yet his heart was racing at the sight of her widened eyes and small lips.


He tried to cover up his racing heart but he didn’t say anything to her.


He saw the girl take another deep bow and then she said to them (or more to him) in a sweet and quiet voice,






Hee Eun raced into her last singing session and when she finally reached the class room, everyone else was already there and they were just about to start rehearsing the song that they had chosen.


She bowed to the teacher who frowned upon her arrival.




She sat down on an empty seat and took out her sheets of music.


She was going to be playing the piano and singing at the same time and these lyrics were one she made on her own.


She began to warm up her voice as she recalled what had happened less than an hour ago.




Chansung dropped onto the ground floor and took off the cap on his hair.


Taecyeon passed him their large water bottle and he took a large and grateful gulp out of it.


He passed it onto Junsu who was lying flat down on the ground, unwilling to get up even to take a swig of water.


Chansung smile and just gave it to Junho instead who was literally pleading him for the water.


After passing the water dutifully to Junho, he lay down on the ground as well and with a smile, he began to recall what had happened with the girl and his friends.




“What’s your name?”


She didn’t seem to like the sight of them because she replied with her head down.


“Shin Hee Eun…” She said quietly.


Chansung began to wonder if this girl was always so quiet.


She was going to have a hard time in the entertainment industry if she was always so shy and so quiet.


“You’re a trainee huh?” Wooyoung spoke before Chansung could ask another question.


Taecyeon hit him on the back and Wooyoung screamed.


“What was that for?!”


“Does she looked like a trainee to you?”


Wooyoung cringed and nodded.


“Well, you answered your own question! Don’t ask random questions like that!”


Wooyoung stuck his tongue out at Taecyeon when he turned his back away from him and rubbed his back with a look of intense pain on his face.


He sighed and turned back towards the girl.


He saw that the girl, named Shin Hee Eun was smiling and obviously trying not to laugh out loud.


This girl was really weird, Chansung thought to himself.


Weird in a good way though, he continued with his thoughts.




He couldn’t get that smile out of his head!


He looked around at s.


Some, like Wooyoung and Junho was goofing around with energy but others like Taecyeon, Junsu, Nickhun and himself were all resting in some way.


Everyone seemed to have already forgotten that girl when they had only just parted with her less than an hour ago...




“And lastly, the last person we have chosen to be part of the new JYP Entertainment girl group is…”


Shin Hee Eun closed her eyes and crossed her fingers.


She had just done a flawless performance for everything Park Jin Young had asked for and was praying to be chosen.


“Shin Hee Eun!”


Her eyes snapped open and she began to jump up and down with her hand covering her open mouth.


JYP walked up onto the stage and shook hands with her.




She smiled and nodded while shaking his hand.


He turned towards the other unchosen trainee’s and said,


“Thank you all for coming today and I hope we’ll see you again next!”


They clapped reluctantly and walked off the stage.


She still couldn’t believe her luck!


The other four girls walked up to her and introduced themselves to her and she nodded.


Even though she had only been a trainee for less than a year, she had worked really hard to get chose her first year as a trainee because she knew that once you missed the first chance, it would be harder in the future are you grew older.


She was really happy!


She saw Chansung walk up to her.


She turned towards him with a smile and then said,


“Are you going to congratulate me?”


He laughed.


“I never thought that you would talk to me first!”


She smiled and didn’t say anything else.


“I do want to congratulate you though.”


She smiled and waited for him to say the five words but instead she got:


“Will you go out on a date with me?”


Hee Eun stared at Chansung for a moment and then she smiled brightly.





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Chocolatemushrooms #1
So cute~ I liked it ^^
i-like-food #2
it's so rare to see a chansung fanfic ^^ i liked it
wow~! i love it. it is so cute ^^