
"Hey Myung, you sure you don't need help?"

For the nth time this period, Jaerin offered me her answers for the quiz. Is it that obvious that my pen ain't writing anything on the damn paper?

"No, thank you." I said as I started scribbling on my paper.

In one swift movement, she already exchanged our papers, mine full of solutions that even I don't understand.

"Ya, give me back my paper." I whispered, I don't want detention after class, that's old school.

"Your paper is on your table, now quit bugging me." She hissed. Wow she has the nerve to do that.

I gave out a loud sigh in defeat and just wrote my name on her, I mean my paper.

"Pass your papers!" 

My eyes went wide as I pass my paper to the front. What about Jae-- oh, she's already done.

"If I get an item wrong I will buy you coffee." Jaerin grinned as she pinch my cheek. "See you later!"

With that she dashed off the classroom. I can only shake my head.

As per cue, Sungyeol came running to me while holding a sandwich in hand. 

"Man, that was bloody difficult. Aish." He whined while stomping his feet. I stopped him by placing both of my hands in his shoulders. Embarrasing. 

"How was your exam, L-kun? Are you going to pass?" Sungyeol asked after he calmed down.

"I don't know, I didn't take it." I answered with a shrug.

"What?!!!?!" I wiped my face because it suddenly rained... with his saliva.

"I didn't take it, Jaerin answered the exam for me, again." I sighed.

"Woah, next time I should get her to sit next to me. You're one lucky bastard." He snarled and whacked my arm.

"Stop it. And no, I'm not lucky." I stated in as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Whatever you say." He rolled his eyes and started dragging me to the cafeteria.

I hate crowded places. Really. 

If it wasn't for food I wouldn't even step foot on this place. 

Sungyeol kept pushing me until we're at the center, looking for vacant tables.

I wasn't interested in getting one when I spotted a spacious table, though there's a occupant.

Not just a regular occupant, but that occupant. 

She's sitting alone with her earphones plugged while typing away in her netbook.

She looks so different when she's alone with her gadget, like she don't give a damn to people.

This time it was me who dragged Sungyeol to her table.

"Jaerin." I called. I usually don't call her since she's always the one who approaches me first.

"Jaerin." I said a bit louder. I cleared my throat and was about to shout when she started fixing her bag.

"You can have the ta-- oh, hi Myung!" The seriousness in her voice plus face disappeared and her crescents went back.

I only gave her a nod. "As I was saying, you can have the table." She continued fixing her things.

"Hi Jaerin! But you're not done with your lunch yet." Sungyeol said with a hint of his inexistent aegyo. Disgusting.

"Ah, don't have appetite today. I have my class anyway, I'm so gonna fail programming Myung, what to do?!??!" 

For once I felt like I saw through her, her eyes were wet and they clearly state nervousness and anxiety.

She sighed and brought her bag. "Oh well, see you around!" She was about to go when I stopped her by her shoulder.

"Hmm?" She tilted her head but I made her face me. I placed my other hand on the other side of her shoulder.

"You'll do great. I believe you." I said while looking straight into her eyes. 

She blinked a few times. We stayed like that for like an eternity, then she broke the staring contest by giggling.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the moment." She giggled some more. "Thank you for believing, Myung. Got to go!"

She held my arms and brought them down slowly and walked off to the engineering building. 

I sent her off with my eyes. That's the only way I can thank her for earlier. Words.

"I'm not lucky." Sungyeol mimicked me and I stepped on his foot. 

"You owe me lunch."


Hello my lovely subscribers... and a happy birthday to Namstar! :)

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Namstar got caked~
Yeay an update on namstar birthday !
hehe.. nice start.. She's really comfortable talking to him..
& she just allow her to be talkative like that, though he's kind of annoyed.. hehe
Owh this seems interesting :)
Second subcriber here!
Can't wait for the first chapter~
Yeonsu #6
First subscriber! this sounds interesting. update soon! :)