Two of a Kind
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Sehun threw on a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, blue jean jacket and his favorite pair of white sneakers. He looked at his outfit one more time and did a turn, he sprayed cologne and rolled up his jacket sleeve a bit. He put on a black bracelet, a silver necklace and silver ring. He grabbed his black fanny pack and swung it over his shoulder. He put his phone inside, along with lip balm, gum, wallet, keys, wet tissues, band aids, and his sunglasses. Sehun walked towards the entrance of his condo and stared at his reflection in the huge mirror by the door. 

“Whose handsome? I am!” Sehun cheered.

Sehun pointed to himself and smiled, he then turned and looked at his outfit. After studying all night what he should wear to the second date and the type of environment that he wanted was, “friends but in the process of courting”. Sehun took out his phone and took a mirror selfie of his whole outfit while using the phone to cover his face. He posted it on his social media with the caption: “Second date… second outfit...”. Sehun laughed as he posted it on his social media. A few seconds later, there were many comments and he read through them.


“Oppa, wow!” 

“I love your outfit! Go get her!”

“Oppa is so my style.” 

“Boyfriend outfit.” 


“You’re the best!” 


Sehun chuckled and tucked his phone away into his fanny pack. He did a quick turn and looked at himself again. He took a deep breath and looked at himself.

“If she can do it, I can too!” Sehun yelled.

Sehun felt like he lifted off a few weight from his chest and left his condo smiling. He took the elevator down to the car parking area. He walked towards his black sports car and smiled sadly.

“Not today, you’re a bit too flashy for my outfit today.” Sehun said.

Sehun turned to look at his white work car, it was a bit more normal and that's what he wanted.

“I’m not going to work but oh well this one is more suited.” Sehun said.

Sehun got in and sat down on the brown leather seats, he turned to look around incase there was anything he didn’t want in his car. It was clean and nothing stuck out about his car or neither the inside. Sehun stepped on the breaks and pressed the button, the car started up and Sehun buckled his seat belt. He checks the side mirrors, rear view mirror and then shifted gears to drive. He drove out from the car garage area up to the main road, he waited for all the cars to pass before turning into the lane he needed to be in.

“Shall I listen to music or no?” Sehun asked.

He looked at the time and it was another 30 minutes before he was supposed to meet her. He thought it would be nice to grab lunch after their coffee. He hummed while he drove to their destination.

Sehun parked his car on the street, he clicked the button to lock his car. He walked up the street towards the cafe and opened the door, he walked inside and looked around to see where Suji was. His eyes landed on the girl who was sitting in the corner. He smirked as he saw her wearing the same outfit but she brought a black backpack instead. He felt his heart waver a bit when he saw her, it felt like forever but it’s only been two week since their first date. He walked over to her and took his seat, she looked up and her eyes widen.

“Why are you wearing the same thing as I am?” Suji asked.

“I should be asking you the same thing.” Sehun said.

“This is what I normally wear when I go out.” Suji said.

“I did a lot of research before coming to this conclusion.” Sehun said.

“I guess we do think alike then.” Suji said.

Sehun pulled out his phone and Suji rolled her eyes, she knew she had to keep her words.

“Your phone number, my love?” Sehun said.

“Ew… stop with the my love.” Suji said.

“Hey, it's been exactly two weeks since we last saw each other. You said you would give me your number.” Sehun said.

Suji turned to the server and called for her to come over. She came over and greeted them.

“Hello, what would you like to drink?” She asked.

“I want a large iced caramel macchiato.” Suji said.

Suji turned to Sehun and he nodded his head at her, Suji turned back to the server.

“He wants the same too.” Suji said.

“Alright so two large iced caramel macchiato then.” She said.

“Yes, thank you.” Suji said.

“Alright, I will be back in a few minutes with your drinks.” She said.

She turned and walked back to the counter while Suji turned to face Sehun.

“How did you know? I didn’t even say what I want.” Sehun said.

“I just know, we’re too alike.” Suji said.

Sehun laughed out loud while Suji reached out and took his phone from him. She swiped the screen but there was a lock code on it.

“What’s your password?” Suji asked.

“040120” Sehun said.

“Wow, you really giving me your code.” Suji asked.

“It’s also the code to my place, if you want to come over anytime soon?” Sehun asked.

Suji face palmed and Sehun laughed again, she swore that this man was going to kill her one of these days.

“Well no thanks.” Suji said.

Suji entered the code and the screen was still on the social media page that Sehun uploaded his photo on. Suji looked at his photo and then the comments, she let out a sigh.

“Wow, you have a lot of crazy female fans.” Suji said.

Sehun watched her as she was snooping around on his phone.

“So, they help me decide what I want to do.” Sehun said.

Suji closed the app and went to his contacts, she added her number and then her name. She took a photo and did a peace sign, she set it as her contact icon. She hands his phone back to him and Sehun looks at her.

“I should call just incase it’s the wrong number.” Sehun said.

Sehun dialed her number and waited, a few seconds later Suji’s phone rang and she pulled out her phone to show him that it was her number.

“See, why would I lie?” Suji said.

Sehun grabs her phone and Suji looks at him. Sehun noticed how she didn’t have a lock code and unlocked her phone. He quickly looked to see if she had the same social media app as he did and she did. He clicked on it and waited for the app to run, once it did he looked at her profile. She barely updated anything and it was mostly photos that she took when she went to places. Sehun looked up his page and made her follow him. He opened his phone and followed her back. Suji rested her face in her hands while she observed him. The server returned with their drinks and set it down on the table.

“That will be 12,500 won.” She said.

Suji took out her card from her wallet and handed it to her.

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kathiitha #1
Chapter 5: Sehun también es mi alma gemela
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Chapter 4: Hey! I’ve been watching tv and doing homework everyday so reading fanfics is a nice change
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Chapter 4: Maravilloso me encantó muchas gracias
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Chapter 2: You updated! Thank you ^^
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Chapter 1: So excited for the next chapter!
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Chapter 1: Por que es muy bueno el primer capitulo gracias
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Chapter 1: Their interaction is really cute hahaha can't wait to know moree