Chapter 7

Is it destiny?


Geuk Suk couldn’t sleep well through the rest of the night, because of nightmares including snakes, killing, strangulation and being eaten by a giant snake. While the sun was rising, the snake started to move to a place near the window where the sun’s rays had already reached and warmed the floor. While moving towards its destination, Lovely slightly pushed the table, making it scrape. At the same time the rocker was dreaming that he was gonna get eaten by a giant anaconda. When he woke up screaming, he jumped up from the floor looking around, scared that Lovely had opened the door, strangled him and now eating him slowly while sleeping. The young man, now sure that the snake wasn’t in the room, decided to lie on the bed, where was safe because he knew that the snake won’t hurt Sul Hwa. He lied down slowly trying not to wake the girl up. When he settled down on the bed, he somewhat felt safe and relaxed. When he was about to fall asleep, it happened what shouldn’t have happened. He was pushed... I mean kicked out of the bed by the doll-faced girl and he felt on the ground like a rock.


-Don’t you dare do that again while i’m in the bed. – said the model with threatening tone, emitting a dark aura.


-I didn’t do anything. – whinedtheyoung boy.


-You lied on the bed while I was still on it. It’s big crime. You said you’d sleep on the floor. Now sleep. – said the girl annoyed.


-YAH!! Why are you ordering me around? In MY house on top of it! Be more considerate! I’m living a nightmare with that snake in the house. – Geuk Suk pouted,still lying on the floor the way he fell.


-I don’t care. You said you’d sleep on the floor and that’s what you are gonna do. Now go to sleep... doggy. – chuckled Sul Hwa while saying the last part.


-D-d-d-do-doggy?! DOGGY?! I’M A DOG!!! – the rocker screamed, shocked that he became a slave in his own house.


Sul Hwa rolled to the end of the bed looking at the rocker , who was now standing straight next to the bed.


-Yes. – said with an innocent voice the doll faced girl , while giving the young man her cutest smile.


Seeing that smile, the rocker’s feet became as soft as rubber and was gonna fly again towards the floor, shocked from the cute smile his devilish girlfriend gave him. that’s what they call “a killing smile”... – mumbled the boy.


-What did you say? – asked the girl still smiling.


-Nothing... – said the young man lying on the floor quietly. The girls just rolled back to the other side of the bed and fall asleep for second.


It was the first time that Sul Hwa was smiling like that to Geuk Suk. He was amazed by her smile. It was the cutest smile he had ever seen in his life. He had met a lot of girls and all of them wanted to date him and tried different ways to seduce him including being cute or y, but he wasn’t interested in them. He found them funny because they looked so desperate. But there was something in Sul Hwa that was attracting him; actually he liked everything in her. Even when she was treating him like he is her slave... he still liked her. He was wondering why he would let a girl like her to boss him around. He would have never allowed something like that if it was someone else. While he was thinking about Sul Hwa, the young man fall asleep completely forgetting about Lovely and dreaming a sweet dream where he was walking down the beach, holding hands with his girlfriend and smiling lovingly to each other.


When the clock hit 12:00pm the doll girl woke up, dressed with the same cloths, unfortunately for her, and went to prepare lunch. While the girl was waiting for the dish to get ready, she called her friend.


-Hi, Eun Mi – said the model with a cheerful tone when her friend picked the phone.


-Hello, devil girl – laughed Eun Mi.


-Yah. I’m not a devil – answered the doll-faced girl pretending to be offended.


-Yeah, right. Say whatever you want, but we all know the truth.


-When are you going to come pick Lovely up? – asked the doll-like girl.


-Eh? You done already? Is he that scared? – asked Eun Mi surprised.


-He couldn’t even sleep. He was having nightmares all night and was screaming “No don’t eat me please. Someone save me... I’m too young to die” – replied the cold-hearted girl making fun of the poor man.


-Poor thing. You scared him so much. – pouted her friend. – What are you aiming for? If you continue like that, he’ll kick you out and you’ll be on the street. – continued the girl, obviously worried for her friend.


-Don’t worry about me. I know what i’m doing. He went through different tests. He won’t kick me out.


-What kind of test? What have you done again? – said the girl worriedly.


-Of his patience of course. He is REALLY patient. No matter what I say or do, he won’t yell at me or act violently. – slightly laughed the model – I’m quite sad. I did my best and still, no reaction from his side.


-What do you want to see? Why are you testing him? I don’t understand you? I guess smart people are hard to understand. – pouted again Eun Mi not understanding her friend’s aim and thoughts.


-Ah... why do I have to explain everything?!  He said he wanted me to be his girlfriend, followed me around and took me to his house to live with him... Of course I have to test if he’s really in love with me or he’s just pretending to be so that he can sleep with me. – explained the girl.


-But why are you testing him? After a day or two my parents are leaving and you’ll come live with me...or you intend to stay with him? DON’T TELL ME YOU ARE GONNA STAY WITH HIM!!! – yelled the worried friend.


-Don’t freak out. Just breath in,breath out and tell me why I can’t stay with him. –said calmly the model.



-Yah! Stop freaking out and tell me already!


-Well I don’t know!! Let’s start from the fact that he is a handsome man, living alone, who saw you and said that he wanted you to be his girlfriend, followed you to where you lived, wanted you to live with him!! God knows what he has in mind!! He acts like a freak who is obsessed with you!! And you know him for only a couple of days!! You don’t know what he really is!! Please reconsider... – while talking Eun Mi was cut off by her friend.


-Ok, mom. Just calm down. First of all, I find him amusing. Secondly, I think I know enough about him to have the confidence and say that I know him. AND no matter what you say I’ll continue living with him. It’s really funny around him and I have the feeling that I’ll have a lot of fun in the future too. And we have a lot in common... – this time Sul Hwa was the one who was cut off.


-Yah! Kim Sul Hwa!!! Don’t tell me you have fallen for him! – said the girl with a serious tone.


-No! NO! How could you think something like that!!! I can’t forget him. I have loved him too much for too many years... I can’t forget my love for a couple of days... let’s stop this conversation... Just come and pick Lovely up... soon. – said the doll-faced girl looking sad and hurt.


-I’m sorry... I’ll be there in 30 min. – replied Eun Mi sounding guilty for starting the topic about the ex-boyfriend of her best friend.


-30 minutes? Are you gonna drive with 150 km/h? Who is the irresponsible one now? – laughed Sul Hwa wanting to cheer up her friend, who was feeling guilty.


-Well ... no...just... 100 km/h – said innocently Eun Mi.




-Ok, ok!! I’m just joking. I’ll drive normally. – replied the girl laughing.


-That’s what’s worrying me. – laughed Sul Hwa. – We’ll wait. Bye.


-Wait! We?! Hello? Sul Hwa? SUL HWA!!! – Eun Mi was shouting at her phone but no use. The model had already hung up.


Sul Hwa turned off the oven and went to the bedroom. When she opened the door, she saw Geuk Suk sleeping on the floor, face turned to the bed and shivering, obviously because he was cold. The devilish girl smiled evilly and kicked the boy slightly.


-Yah!! Get up already you lazy-. We are gonna have guests. – said the girl amused that she was kicking her “boyfriend”.


-What! Guests!! – the boy immediately stood up when he heard the word “guest”.


-Are you deaf? Yeas, guests. – said the girl smiling.

-Who? – asked the boy confused and worried because of the enormous snake in the living room.


-My best friend. Eun Mi. She’s gonna come pick Lovely up and stay for a while. – replied the girl still smiling.


-Eh?! Your best friend? That’s great!! -  said the boy happily – Wait. You have friends? I thought you didn’t had any. – continued the rocker with a surprised tone.


-Yah! – replied the girl, kicking the young boy, who was still sitting on the floor – I have friends! Lots of them!!  - continued the girl trying to sound offended.


-Ok. If you say so... Wait ... YOUR BEST FRIEND IS COMMING?! – said the boy, suddenly jumping from the floor.


-Jeez, you just realized what I said? Are you that stupid? – replied the girl mockingly.


-YOUR BEST FRIEND! IS COMING HERE? HERE!?!?!? – continued to panic the young man.


-YES!! Is there a problem? – said the model now wondering why the rocker is freaking out.


-YES!! YES THERE IS A PROBLEM!!!  I have to prepare!! Buy food and drinks – said the boy to himself and started running towards the front door when he changed his mind - No, I’ll take a shower first. Ah why didn’t you woke me up earlier!!! – whined the young man, now running towards the shower.


Sul Hwa was just smiling while looking at the panicked boy. “This is going to be fun” was the only thought that went through her mind before heading towards the living room to where Lovely was so that she could clean up any mess Lovely made.

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