Chapter 5 - What's your story Part1

Is it destiny?


   After the little “race” towards the kitchen, the new couple started preparing the “breakfast” at dinner-time after Geuk Suk was beaten in the race by his beloved demon girlfriend and being humiliated by her. When the breakfast/dinner was ready both of them sit on the table and quietly ate the food in front of them. After they finished, Sul Hwa took the plates and went to do the dishes, which took her around an hour after seeing how “clean” the dishes that were hanging on the drier were. Finishing this hard task, the doll-like girl decided to clean this ... I don’t know if there is a word that can describe such a dirty place. When the “housewife” was ready with the cleaning she went to her “husband” who had fallen asleep in the living room.


-Ah, that idiot...I’m cooking, washing his dishes, cleaning this pigpen of his and he is sleeping... you are gonna be sorry for turning me into your slave... – the model threatened the rocker.


When the young man woke with a really unpleasant surprise: a huge python had wrapped itself around the couch and the head of the reptile was placed right next to the boy’s head. The rocker froze immediately from fear that he’s gonna be eaten by an enormous snake that probably his beloved demon girlfriend had brought to the house.


-Oh, you are awake – said happily the girl grinning in satisfaction after seeing the surprised   Geuk Suk. – A friend of mine called and she asked me whether I could look after her pet for a couple of days since her parents hate the little Lovely. Poor Lovely, no one except me and Eun Mi love her.- continued the girl making sad faces.


-Is it gonna eat me? – asked scared the rocker.


-Of course not. – laughed the doll-like girl – As long as we feed her , she won’t eat us while we sleep. -  while saying the last words, the devilish girl had an evil smile on her face but the poor boy couldn’t see it, because she was walking towards the door of the living room.


The truth was that Sul Hwa never had any work in the kitchen. After she had called her friend Eun Mi to lend her “cute” pet and placing it around Geuk Suk, the doll-like girl has been sitting all day next to the door, patiently waiting for her “boyfriend” to wake up and see his reaction.  

-YAH!!! Don’t leave me alone with this thing!! – said in panic the young man.


-But you were sleeping peacefully with it for an hour and nothing happened to you. – shouted peacefully the model while walking towards the kitchen and grinning in satisfaction.


-But...but...I’m scared.... – cried the rocker trying to escape from the big snake.


When he finally managed to get out of the fortress the snake had made, by wrapping itself around the sofa, he tripped on something like a big box and fell on the ground. When he raised his head to see what had tripped him, he was a big container-like box divided into two sections. The first one contained 25 little mousses and the second, which was bigger, contained 7 little bunnies.


Now feeling like in a horror movie, the rocker screamed and started running towards the kitchen where his beloved devilish girlfriend was.


-Why are there bunnies and mousses in a something that looks like a container and an aquarium? No, wait. Don’t tell me. I don’t think I’m gonna like the answer. – said the young man feeling a little depressed. Seeing the man’s expression, the young girl decided to make it even worse for him by ignoring the last words he said and answering his first question.


-Well, the bunnies are for dinner and the mousses are for desert. – said the devilish girl smiling cutely – 3 bunnies for dinner and 4 bunnies for breakfast and the mousses....weeell Eun Mi told me to let them free. – paused the girl to see the relieved face of the rocker and then ... she continued – because Lovely likes to hunt them down. After all only Lovely knows how much mousses she can eat and after she’s done, she leaves the rest for breakfast – by saying the last words, the girl suddenly turned to face the young man, while holding a kitchen knife in her right hand.


The rocker screamed in his mind praying that this is just a bad dream.


-Why do you look so depressed? We have to feed Lovely with something, right? But if you feel so sympathetic towards the little animals, you know that you could always take their place. –smiled the girl that turned towards the kitchen top and started cutting some ingredients for the dinner that she was preparing.


After hearing this, Geuk Suk’s face became as white as a ghost’s and felt like puking because he imagined how the snake eats him alive, slowly and painfully eating him alive while he is screaming for help in Sul Hwa’s feet, screaming and pleading to save him while the girl is laughing as if watching a comedy. This thought haunted him through the whole day.


All day the rocker was nervous and was jumping from his seat, a chair placed in the far corner of the kitchen, whenever he heard the slightest sound. Sul Hwa, on the other hand, was amused by the young man’s reaction so she enjoyed creating these sounds and watching the boy’s reaction.


After the dinner was ready they sat on the table and started eating while there were noises of braking, crushing into a wall, squeaking sounds and other coming from the living room. The young man wasn’t feeling really well and was only poking his food, and who could possibly eat while hearing the noise of a predator chasing its weak helpless pray to kill and eat it, well...except Sul Hwa which was eating all happily.


-Soo...when are we going to sleep? – said the rocker still feeling like puking.


-Go to sleep when you want...why are you asking me? – replied the girl which was in a good mood.


-Because I’ll have to wait for you to change into your pajamas. – answered the boy intend to sleep in MY room?!?! – asked panicked the doll-like girl.


-And YOU are gonna let me sleep in one room with this 3 meter killing machine?!?! – asked in the same panicked way the young man.


-YES!! For god’s sake Lovely just had its dinner and is now resting. Why would she want to eat a stinky skunk like you? She’d die because of your taste. Plus, if you were at least a little smart, you’d know that when a snake had killed and eaten its pray, it needs a long time till it digests everything and it doesn’t digest the fur and nails and a snake eats once a week. All the things I said were just to scare you.


-I don’t care!!!! I’m not sleeping in one room with that thing!!! – screamed the young man in despair.


-FINE!!! But you’re sleeping on the floor!!! – demanded the girl


-Everything is fine as long as I don’t sleep in that room – said happily the boy.


The girl groaned and headed towards the bedroom to prepare her bed and the floor for the “guest”. When she was ready, the doll-like girl went to tell the rocker that he could enter the room. Both of them lied on the paces intended for each of them. It had passed around an hour and both of them couldn’t sleep so they were looking at the ceiling because they had nothing to do or say to each other.


-So? What is your story? – finally Geuk Suk broke the silence.


-What story? –asked Sul Hwa uninterested.


-What happened to you? Why did you left your family? Why isn’t there a place for you to stay? Why don’t you have any friends except Eun Mi? Why ...


-Ok, ok, I get it. It’s a long story... – said the girl with a cold tone.


-I have time. – answered the young man looking up at the bed where the doll-like girl was lying.


-Well, I guess I’ll have to start from the beginning. My parents are holding the biggest IT Company in Asia. Three years ago, my parents told me that I have to marry some guy I have never seen just because they wanted to expand their business and gain more money. They wanted to sell their own daughter to a stranger just because they want more money than they already had... I got angry...At that time I had a boyfriend... we had been together for 4 years and we both loved each other....when I told him he said that we’ll run away and live together...and that’s what we did... what I did.


-So you loved him so much that you left your parents? – said the young man amazed by the strong feelings she had for THAT person.


-Yes. 14th of February was the date that we engaged. It was really romantic. Flowers and candles ... but the place never mattered – said the girl with gentle voice while remembering the time when she was living her fairytale – because all it mattered was that he was there and that he wanted to be with me, to marry me, to be together until we get old, to die together, to live one life. And I of course accepted. I loved him so much. I didn’t care that my parents told me never to return home, it’s not like they were there for me when I needed them. They were always away working and so I never had any feelings for them, I never loved them; to me they were just people in whose house I was just living....Anyway... we lived happily in the apartment, he was working in his father’s company and I was looking after the apartment. After 6 months things started to change. He started to became jealous of my friends and we were having some problems so I stopped seeing them...after that he said that when I was with my girlfriends we were meeting guys and that I was cheating on him I stopped seeing them. Some of them wanted from me to leave him and...we argued....and so a lot of my friends turned their backs on me... he disliked me wearing black clothes, girls should be wearing bright colors... and that’s what I did... but now... it’s all her fault... everything is her fault... – Sul Hwa finallly paused, with tears in her eyes.


-Who is SHE? – asked Geuk Suk who was who was absorbed in the girl’s sad story.


-My best friend... she had always liked him, she was the one telling him things that made him act this way, and now she is living in that apartment... sleeping in the bed I used to sleep...


-She is.... I don’t know what to say... you call her your best friend? – the rocker was amazed how sly  people can be when they want something.


-I used to call her like that...


-I won’t treat you like that. – said the boy with confidence.


-And you are? – laughed the doll-like girl


-The only person that can put up with the real you. – said with even bigger confidence the boy.


-And what is the real me? – asked playfully the model.


-Evil, devilish creature from Hell.


-Oh, you know your way with the ladies. I’m sure a lot of girls adore being called like that. – said the girl playfully.


-No. Actually it works only on you. – laughed the young man and the doll-faced girl joined him.

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