Living with a stranger .... great !!!

Is it destiny?


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In the Hotel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sul Hwa went to the elevator, waited a couple of seconds till it came and greeted some people that went out of it. She went in and after the door closed she pushed the button No11. After the elevator stopped and the door opened, she headed towards the apartment with No 164, unlocked it and entered the apartment. It has a big metal door as if behind that door there was a fortune to be kept, and it wasn’t far from the truth. Behind the big and thick metal door there was a luxurious apartment with one enormous living room, decorated with the latest and fashionable furniture, viewing the magnificent Seoul.

 Sul Hwa smiled at the beautiful view that uncovered in front of her after opening the door. Still smiling she headed to a door placed on the left side of the wall. The door was black, of course it was in harmony with it’ surroundings, and was leading to the master bedroom. The bedroom wasn’t as big as the living room but it still had its impressive sizes. The golden brown that was covering the master bed and part of the walls were imparting a feeling of warmness. Sul Hwa headed towards the big wardrobe, opened it and took out a small suitcase, and started pacing her things. She took only the clothes with darker shades such as dark purple, black, gray and from the make-up she took only her bb cream and black eyeliner since she didn’t like to put much make-up on.

 Already done packing, Sul Hwa headed towards the living room with satisfaction written on her face, the aura that emitted from the doll-like girl was the one of a fighter, a strong woman that won’t bend no matter what hardships she comes across. Passing through the living room, she went to the table and wrote a note which was simply saying “Bye”. On the way to the front door she saw a photo of herself and her already ex-boyfriend hugged and smiling at each other, and she just smiled at the photo and send it flying towards the ground. After locking it from the outside she glided the key beneath the door and headed over the elevator. While waiting for the elevator to reach it’s destination, Sul Hwa was thinking what kind of lie would her ex say to his friends after they find out that she had left that way and how he would explain the fact that he is dating her best friend. Smiling Sul Hwa took out her phone from the pocket of her trousers and dialed the mysterious number that had called her before she left the park.

-Hello? – said a woman’s voice.

- Hi, Eun Mi, it’s me Sul Hwa. I wanted to thank you for telling me that idiot went out of the apartment. I don’t know how long I would have stayed out in the cold wondering whether he is home or not, if it wasn’t for you. And thanks for telling me that he was kissing her, and for your concern...

- it’s ok ,Sul Hwa – said Eun Mi – I was really upset when I saw them together linking hands and acting like a couple. I was really worried about how you’d react after finding out... I know how much you sacrificed to be with him and I thought that these news will devastate you. I got surprised at your reaction.

- I know – Sul Hwa smiled sadly – I’m sorry I worried you, and I already knew since he himself called me and said that was dating that....thing ,  and that he wanted me to leave his apartment in 3 days...

- He is the biggest idiot I have ever seen in my life...saying these harsh words to you who did so many thing for him and you who gave up from everything you were and had... I’m really pissed off at that jerk.

- Thanks for your concern and for still being my friend after all that had happened in the past...

- It’s ok – said Eun Mi with warmth in her voice – that’s what real friends do, they don’t leave each other’s side even if they are treated badly. Oh I forgot to ask, are u gonna sleep at the apartment tonight?

- Of course not. I prefer sleeping on the streets than staying even one night at that place. – said Sul Hwa emphatically.

- But you can’t stay at my house tonight because my parents are here on a visit and they are goona leave after 2 days –Eun Mi with uneasiness in her voice said.

-It’s ok – smiled Sul Hwa – I already know where to stay for the night. Bye and thanks for everything.

- Wait, Sul Hwa, where are you goi... – and Sul Hwa ended the conversation. As her conversation with Eun Mi was taking part, the elevator had reached it’s destination and Sul Hwa was standing in front of the entrance door of the apartment complex, viewing a similar figure. After looking for a couple of seconds she recognized the person that was resting against the wall on the opposite side of the street – it was no other than Geuk Suk. After seeing him the doll-like girl smiled and that was when she hung up on her friend.

- Say what are you doing here? Were you following me? Like a stalker? – said Sul Hwa with a challenging tone.

- What if I were? –Geuk Suk raising his eyebrow and looking at her playfully. – Are you scared?

-No. – laughed Sul Hwa that was already heading towards him. 

- What are you gonna do with that suitcase? – asked the rocker.

- Somewhere...Why? Do you care? – Sul Hwa questioned the young man with a playful tone.

- I think you already know the answer of your question – answered Geuk Suk with confidence streaming from him.

- Well then let’s go. Lead the way. – sayed Sul Hwa.

- To where? – asked the rocker confused by the girl’s words.

- To where you live, of course. Where else? – the doll-like girl smiling.

- So we are gonna live together? – Geuk Suk raised his eyebrow questioning Sul Hwa’s decision.

- Yes. You said you wanted to date me, right? Well fine but I don’t have a place to stay for the night so it’s only good manners to invite your girlfriend at your house when she has no other choice than to sleep on the street. – answered the model with her angelic voice but with a note of scolding.

- Well my house isn’t as big and luxurious as yours. It’s quite small and dirty and smelly and...

-Are you going to start leading the way or are we going to stay here all night? – said Sul Hwa which was obviously losing her patience.

- Ok , ok .But don’t say I didn’t warn you. – said Geuk Suk who was reaching for the suitcase Sul Hwa was holding in her hands. – I’ll carry that. After all I can’t let my girlfriend to carry her baggage. – the rocker said with a sweet smile and his eyes meeting the ones of Sul Hwa.

- Whatever. – was the answer of the model what turned her head on the opposite direction because she wanted to hide the faint blushing.

All that Geuk Suk did was smile at her reaction and as taking her hand going down the street.

-Hope you don’t mind that we are gonna walk. I went out without my car today. – apologized Geuk Suk.

- It’s not like i’m made of porcelain and that I’ll break after some physical activities. – answered Sul Hwa as if trying to console her new boyfriend in her own way.

Geuk Suk smiled once again and thought that his girlfriend is really cute. After a while of walking in silence Geuk Suk couldn’t take the silence anymore and decided to break it with something sweet and caring that will make his new girlfriend show more of her sides.

-You look nice and cute outside but inside you are the devil. – smiled devilish the rocker as he knew that this will make the model angry.

-WHAT DID YOU SAY? – asked almost shouting the doll-like girl.

- You heard me. You look nice and caring person, a gentle flower that will crumble if you don’t hold it as gentle as possible. BUT inside, oh GOD save me from this devil in human disguise. You are taking advantage of me and you pretend you don’t know what i’m talking about. – said Geuk Suk almost crying.

- What the hell got into you, you idiot... ah I have to deal with a moron that has psychological problems. -   Sul Hwa said annoyed.

- Ah not only you are taking advantage of me, treating me like a servant but are offending me too. – continued his little game the pretty faced rocker.

- And in what way I’m taking advantage of you? When have I said something that is not true? – answered angrily the model.

- And you pretend not to know what you are doing to me. Oh my stupid heart, what have I ever done to you to make me fall in love with this devilish woman. She is taking advantage of me, saying that she likes me and that she is my girlfriend, but actually she is using me because she has no where to go; making me carry her baggage and insulting me with offensive words. Oh heart what have I done to you that you are making me suffer like that as falling in love with this devilish woman. – Geuk Suk continued playing around knowing that he’ll piss of the girl that walks beside him.

- Hmm? So what if I am? If you have a problem with that go and cry to your mommy. – said the doll-like girl sensing the ulterior intention behind the rocker’s words.

Geuk Suk looks amazed at the answer of his girlfriend because he expected her to start yelling or to get aggressive or both, but none of the reactions he expected happened. Sul Hwa saw his expression and smiled victoriously as she won the game. The rocker realized he had lost in his own game and started laughing and after a few seconds he was followed by the doll-like girl. And so they were walking towards their destination while having “conversations” like the previous one and while “arguing” with each other they both were learning a little bit about the other and were feeling some kind of easiness in their hearts while being with each other. 

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