When ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan...for one day!

When ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan...for one day!

Ugly duckling had been despised and looked down upon from young. Having an ugly appearance, it was born to live a different life. Park Hye In is a high school girl who lived a life of ugly duckling. She didn’t have the looks or the body. As a result, she was always ignored by other students and lead a life of a loner. She did not mind as much since it had been that case since she was young. She accepted her fate. Ugly duckling is meant to be alone.

It was just like any normal school day when Hye In went to school alone. The lessons were boring and lengthy as usual. Finally, the school bell went off and it was break time. Hye In grabbed her wallet and headed to the cafeteria with her head down. Her hair was tied up loosely in a messy way. As she walked past the corridor, as usual, she heard nasty remarks from the other students.

“Look. It is the fat girl again. Loner. Haha.” One of the said in a laughing tone. “Yea. She is eating alone again.  Don’t understand why she still goes to the cafeteria. If I were her, I would probably bring my own lunch box and hide in the classroom.” Another one of them said in a disapproving way and shook her head. Hye In lowered her head further as she quickened her steps. Tears were starting to well up in her eyes, threatening to fall any moment.

“Park Hye In, stop it. No one will pity you even if you cry. Aren’t you supposed to be used to it already? Do not cry. They will laugh at you even more if you do. ” Hye In thought to herself as she took a deep breath and held her tears back. Consciously, Hye In pulled her body hugging uniform and walked on. She still goes to the cafeteria because she hopes that someday, someone will invite her to their table and she could make friends. However, this never happened…even for once. Who would want to sit and eat with a fat girl? They were probably fearful that she will cling onto them from then on.

Holding onto her plate of food, Hye In darted her eyes around the cafeteria in an attempt to find someone she recognised. Then, someone walked and stopped before her. It was her crush- Nam Woo Hyun. He looked at her and gave her his killer smile. Woo Hyun is the kingka of the school, the dream man of every girl. He is good looking, funny, rich and smart. To sum it all up, he is almost perfect. However, Hye In never knew what he really was. He is a bad boy type.

Whenever she walked past him, she would feel her heart racing like it never did. He was the first one that gave her such feelings. A “Good Morning” from him always brightened her day and his smile would make her go crazy for weeks. She is shy and embarrassed whenever he was near her. Woo Hyun spoke. “Hey there.”

“Hell..lo Woo Hyun.. Oppa.” Hye In stuttered. It was the first time she mustered the courage to talk to Woo Hyun. She never dared to. Each time he greeted her out of courtesy, Hye In would just nod her head and run off. She knew that a girl like her did not have the rights to talk to him. Even though she liked him, she never intended to confess. She decided to keep it a secret until the day she dies. Deep down she knew the answer will be a definite rejection even if she did. After all, the fat and the popular never belonged to the same level. He is like a star in the sky, so unreachable. However, Hye In’s uneasiness whenever she was around him gave her away long ago. He knew she likes him. Suddenly, Woo Hyun leaned closer to Hye In.

She was stunned. She did not know how to react as she held onto the tray with trembling hands. She felt her palms sweating and her heart pumping at an insane rate. Her cheeks were burning as he moved closer to her face. “Is he… going to …kiss me?!” Hye In thought to herself. In movies, whenever the male lead does this to the female lead, the next scene is always followed by a kiss scene.

Hye In closed her eyes as he saw him inching closer towards her face. With every millisecond passing, Hye In thought her heart would escape from her ribcage. At the moment which she thought their lips were about to crash,  Hye In heard laughter and cheers around her. Opening her eyes, she was welcomed to the harsh reality. Woo Hyun was clutching onto his stomach and laughing hardly. “You…” Hye In questioned Woo Hyun. “Hye In-ah. Did you think I was really going to kiss those lips of yours? Haha...” He said and laughed.

It was a prank. The students gathered were commenting and laughing their heads off. Hye In felt embarrassed. She never felt this embarrassed even when she fell hard on stage during a class performance. She felt her world caving in as she saw Woo Hyun laughing till tears escaped his eyes. Everyone else was laughing too. She held onto her tray and walked fast out of the crowd. Then, she was tripped by someone’s foot. She fell hard onto the ground as her food spilled out and dirtied her uniform.

“Hahahaha~” Another round of laughter sounded. Hye In felt her tears falling as she stood up from the ground and ran away. She ignored the mess left behind and the laughter. Running for some distance, Hye In was finally alone.  She collapsed onto the bench and cried her heart out. She buried her face into her hands and cried badly. She wanted to use those tears and erase all the embarrassment, all the pain.

“Why?! Why?! I like him but what fault did I have? Why did he have to do this to me? I am fat…I am unwanted…I am a loner…” Hye In shouted at herself as she continued crying. The scene was replaying and replaying endlessly in her mind. The scene when everyone was pointing, clapping and laughing at her being disgraced. She hoped so badly that she would disappear into the thin air at that instant.

“Why did I even harbour a hope that he would kiss me?! Why was I so dumb? ” Hye In reprimanded herself as tears continued to flow down her cheeks. Suddenly, a blue gem fell through the pristine white clouds from above and landed beside Hye In. Hye In was shocked as she looked at the sparkling jewel. “Did…did this just fall from the sky?” Hye In blurted out as she reached out for it. With trembling hands, she picked it up and admired it.

It was sparkling like a diamond, clear like a crystal and cool like running water. Then, she heard a voice. “Make a wish. It will last for a day.” Hye In was frightened. She threw the jewel onto the grass and moved back a little. After a few seconds, Hye In inhaled deeply and moved closer to it. She picked it up again. Holding it in her palm, she wished.

“Please… make me pretty and slim… Even if it is for a day.” She wished with her eyes shut. A tear slipped out of her eyes and fell onto the blue jewel which shone beautifully under the bright sun. Hye In opened her eyes and found herself shrinking. Her hands turned long and skinny. She looked down at her legs which were no longer fat and big. Her tummy vanished too. She ran to the nearest window and looked at the reflection in awe.

“Is this… me?” She said in a surprised tone as she touched the reflection on the glass panel. Shocked, Hye In placed her hands onto her face and felt. It became smaller and her double chin was gone. She transformed! Hye In smiled as tears of joy flowed down her cheeks. Ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan in an instant of miracle!

“What should I do now? Should I … get back on Nam Woo Hyun, that jerk who made a fool out of me?!” Hye In thought in her mind. She decided. He must have a taste of his own medicine. Hye In went to the bookshop and bought a new set of uniform to replace her dirty one. It was the first time she bought an XS uniform as she normally wore XXXL. She went into the toilet changed out and looked into the mirror.

“Park Hye In, You are pretty. Be grateful even if it is for a day. Make Nam Woo Hyun regret for making fun of you. Nam Woo Hyun, just wait.” Hye In smirked as she threw her dirty uniform into the dustbin and let down her hair. It was after school by then. Hye In walked towards Woo Hyun’s classroom and found him flirting with one of the school’s queenka.

“So… You are a flirty jerk huh?” Hye In rolled her eyes and thought to herself. “Show time.” She mumbled. The guys on the corridor had their eyes glued on Hye In who looked really gorgeous. “Who is she? Why have I never seen this hot babe before?” One of the guys said with his mouth wide open. They were practically drooling. Hye In faked a trip towards Woo Hyun when she was close to him.

Woo Hyun caught her in his embrace in time. His eyes met her mesmerizing big eyes. He was stunned for a moment. “Nam woo Hyun, you fell for me already?” Hye In smiled and thought to herself. Standing up, Woo Hyun was still holding onto Hye In. Hye In wriggled out of his hands and spoke softly, “Thank you.” She smiled at Woo hyun and tucked her hair behind her ear.

“You… you are welcome.” Woo Hyun stuttered a little, his eyes still on her. “Are you free later?” Hye In asked and acted a little embarrassed. Obviously, Woo Hyun agreed to the offer. Hye In then held onto his arm and walked beside Woo Hyun. “Woo Hyun oppa! You said you are going with me for lunch!~” The queenka shouted from behind. “I am sorry, next time. ” Woo Hyun said with a smirk to the girl he was flirting with just a second ago.

“So… Where do you want to go?” Woo Hyun asked as he walked backwards with his hands stuck in his pockets. “Wherever you wish.” Hye In gave him a wink and said. Woo Hyun led Hye In to a secluded place in school as he moved closer towards her beautiful face. “So you are showing your true colours already? Nam Woo Hyun, you shallow jerk!” Hye In thought to herself. As he inched closer to her, Hye In felt her heart racing like before.

“Why am I behaving like this?! I am supposed to hate him but why am I reacting like this! ” Hye In thought to herself as she saw his perfect face moving closer and closer. Hye In closed her eyes and the scene from before replayed in her mind. Opening her eyes, Hye in pushed him away. “What’s wrong baby?” Woo Hyun asked. He was surprised by her actions. “I…I…” Hye In stuttered. “Why am I like this? I almost let him kiss me. Park Hye In you useless girl! Toy with him! Make him suffer and pay back for the humiliation he gave you earlier!” Hye In shouted in her mind.

“I… am not interested in you already. Sorry, I don’t feel like having fun anymore. Bye!”Hye In said with arrogance as she walked off. Woo Hyun was dumbfounded. It was his first time being rejected. Not to say his first time failing to kiss the girl he wanted to. “What are you saying? Yah! Get back here. I never fail to get what I want!” Woo Hyun shouted at Hye In and grabbed her wrist.

He pulled her and threw her towards the wall, forcing a kiss on her. Hye In struggled to get free from his hold but he was too strong for her. “Go away! Stop it. You jerk, get off me!” Hye In screamed as she tried pushing him away. “Hey! Stop it. Can’t you hear her saying she don’t want? ”A voice shouted from behind. “Who are you? Mind your own business. I am having fun with my girlfriend so screw off.” Woo Hyun said smugly to the good-looking boy who shouted at him.

“We are still in school. If you don’t want me to report this to the professor, stop it now.” He said coldly, staring at Woo Hyun. Woo Hyun didn’t want things to get out of hand so he left in anger. “I will be back.” He said to Hye In in a mad manner before stomping off. Hye In adjusted her uniform and stepped forward to the guy. Looking up, she thanked him with a weak smile.

“You okay?” He asked in a concerned way. “Yea, I guess so. He is really a bastard huh?” Hye In laughed lightly, amazed at how her crush for years turned out to be a downright jerk. “Hah. Where are you going? I can you home in case he returns.” He offered, thinking of what Woo Hyun said before he left. “Thank you. I am Park Hye In. You are?” Hye In introduced as she held out her hand. “I am Hoya.” He took her hand and shook it lightly.

Walking side by side, the two left the school. It was late in the afternoon. Walking down the streets, Hye In spotted the photo sticker shop. She had always wanted to take them but because of her looks and size, she never dared to enter it. She was afraid to be ridiculed by the others. She stopped and stared at the shop for quite some time unknowingly.

“Hye In? You alright?” Hoya asked as he stopped beside and followed her gaze. “You want to take that?” He pointed to the shop and asked. Hye In nodded her lightly and looked down a little. “Why is she so cute?” Hoya thought to himself as he saw Hye In’s cute reaction. Hye In decided that she wanted to take them as she probably won’t get a chance after today.

“Give me a moment. I will be right back.” Hye In said to Hoya and passed him her bag. She then ran into the photo sticker shop. After some time, Hye In skipped out of the shop with the photo stickers in her hand. “How was the take?” Hoya asked with a smile. “Umm.. hehes, kind of funny but I still like it.” Hye In replied awkwardly. “Let me take a look!” Hoya said and snatched the photos from Hye In.

“Hey! I didn’t agree to that.” Hye In screamed and tried to snatch it back from Hoya. Hoya had an advantage of being taller so he held it up high, preventing Hye In from getting it back. After stealing a glance, Hoya returned Hye In her sticker photo. “Weird huh?” Hye In took her bag from Hoya and quickly stuffed it into her bag. “Your first time taking?” Hoya asked Hye In. He deduced from the awkward poses Hye In posed and her uneasy smile before the camera.

Hye In nodded her head in embarrassment. “I think that it is cute.” Hoya said with a smile. The smile was as good as Woo Hyun’s but it was different. Woo Hyun’s one was the type of killer smile which make girls feel their heart beating rapidly but Hoya’s one was a genuine and sweet one. Hye In felt herself blush a little as she looked down at her shoes. “Hehe, let’s go?” Hoya said as he touched the back of his neck shyly.

He then turned around and resumed walking. Hye In quickly caught up with him and walked beside him. “ Are we reaching your house already?” He asked and looked at Hye In who was kicking the small pebbles on the ground. “Oh. Umm…” Hye In looked around her surroundings. “Yea. We are reaching already. A little more down the street.” Hye In said with a cute smile.  “Anyway, I am just curious. The guy just now… Is he your boyfriend? You know, he called you his girlfriend just now.” Hoya asked and looked away. He didn’t know why the question came out of his mouth either. “Nah. He isn’t.” Hye In said with a relieved smile.

“Oh. I see.” Hoya replied as he felt an unknown sense of relief in his heart. “You want to go grab a drink at the café?” Hoya suggested as he pointed to the café ahead. Hye In nodded her head in agreement. It was her first time going to a café. She never went before with anyone because she had no friends. Entering the café, Hoya asked Hye In what she wanted.

“I want…Mango smoothie? Umm, wait. I want Caramel frappe. It’s okay, I think I will take strawberry smoothie. Or should I try the latte ?” Hye In scratched her head as she looked at the menu. Hoya was amused at the girl before him who looked like she was making a lifetime decision. “so… What do you want?” Hoya asked and chuckled. “Umm.. Okay. I think I will decide on Strawberry smoothie.” Hye In said and put away the menu.

“Okay, so we will have one strawberry smoothie and one black coffee.” Hoya said to the waitress who was looking at him intently. The waitress shook her head a little and repeated their order, “ Umm.. So you have ordered one mango smoothie and one black coffee…Am I right?” “Strawberry smoothie.” Hoya and Hye In corrected the waitress together. “Oh. Sorry, sorry. I will change it. It will be coming.” The flustered waitress corrected herself and left the table.

“Hehehes. It is your entire fault. She can’t concentrate because of you!” Hye In teased Hoya. “You can’t blame me for being too handsome I guess?” Hoya joked. Hye In rolled her eyes and laughed along. The two of them spent hours in the café, drinking, snacking and talking. They talked and joked happily with each other. It was as if they knew each other for a long time. “Hey! Let’s have a staring contest! I have never played that for a long time already!!” Hye In suggested.

“I am in. I will definitely win!” Hoya said proudly. “Let’s see how then. Ready…1,2,3 go!” Hye In announced as she opened her eyes and stared hard at Hoya. Similarly, Hoya was staring at Hye In. Unknowingly, the two of them was closing up the distance as the staring went on. When the two realized that they were moving closer to each other, Hoya broke the eye contact and coughed awkwardly.

Hye In realized too as she sat back properly in her seat. Hoya picked up his coffee and drank a sip as he looked out of the window. Hye In held her smoothie with both hands and was drinking quickly. “That was embarrassing! If we moved another inch closer, we would have… kissed!” Hye In thought to herself. “Umm, so… I won!” Hye In said to Hoya in an attempt to break the tension.

“I think I will excuse myself to the washroom first.” Hye In said to Hoya as she picked up her bag and headed to the washroom. Looking into the mirror after washing her hands, Hye In realized the reflection in the mirror was starting to blur. She seemed to see her old self in one second and the skinny her in another. The magic was fading.

“Crap. The magic is going off. I am going to turn back into the fat me. How am I going to face Hoya?! I want to leave him with a good impression.” Hye In thought to herself. She got out of the washroom and wrote a note on the café’s serviette. She then told the waitress to pass Hoya the note before she left the café. After some time, the waitress walked up to Hoya and passed him the note. “The lady you were with told me to pass this to you.” She said politely.

Hoya took the serviette and smiled at the waitress, thanking her at the same time. The waitress blushed and stammered, “You… You are welcome.”. Hoya opened the folded serviette and read:

Dear Hoya,

Thank you for helping and accompanying me today. Tell you a secret. Today is the happiest day I had in my life! I am really happy and thankful. I hope that time would have passed more slowly today but I guess all good things still come to an end eventually? I would always remember that I spent my happiest day with you. Sorry for not bidding goodbye face to face.

Hye In

After reading, Hoya’s face changed. The smile on his face was wiped off and turned expressionless. He quickly stood up with the serviette in his hand and rushed to the counter. He paid the cashier and asked the waitress, “Where did Hye In go? Where did she head to?” The waitress pointed to the exit which Hoya dashed for in the next second. He did not want to say goodbye just like this. He did not know why he behaved like this but he just did not want this to end.

He was on the streets as he looked around the crowd of people. Hye In had turned back into her old self. She was chubby, ugly and insignificant once again. The beautiful swan reverted back to the ugly duckling which everyone detested. She had tears in her eyes as she hid behind the wall. “Goodbye, Hoya.” She whispered as she turned around and left. Hoya ruffled in his hair in frustration as he couldn’t find Hye In.

The next day…

Everything was back to normal. The blue jewel that fell from the sky vanished from Hye In’s bag. She thought everything was just a dream, until she found the photo sticker she took yesterday. Looking at the pretty girl in the photo, Hye In smiled. “It was not a dream. It was real. Everything was, including Hoya.” Hye In mumbled to herself as she hid the photo in her dairy and left for school. As usual, on her way to school everyone was pointing and whispering behind Hye In’s back.

Then, Hye In bumped into someone as she turned round the corner. “Sorry!” Hye In apologized as she looked down immediately. “It’s okay.” The person replied. “That voice…! Hoya?” Hye In looked up and stared. It was really Hoya. “You…” Hoya said as he stared into Hye In’s eyes. Those eyes were so familiar. “Do you by any chance know someone called Park Hye In?” Hoya asked. He thought Hye In might be the girl’s cousin or something.  Hye In was shocked. “Oh. I forgot he wouldn’t remember me in this form.” Hye In thought to herself as she felt sadness within her.

Hye In shook her head and hung her head down in disappointment. “Oh, it’s okay. I am Hoya. What is your name?” Hoya said as he extended his hand for a handshake. Hye In looked at his extended hand and up at his face. Hoya flashed a smile which made her heart flutter again. Timidly, Hye In took his hand and spoke, “Hello… I am…I am… Park Hye In.” Hoya stared at the girl before him as he heard the name. Releasing the handgrip, the two looked at each other once again and laughed.


Author's Note:
This is a relatively long one shot :) Hope you like it and  i didn't disappoint you readers! ^^ Comments/subscriptions/even silent readers are loved:D

Special thanks to subscribers:

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You got the joke(: Thanks for loving^^
Hey!(: Thanks for the comment and subscription^^
so aweet! #because i'm listening to mindless behaviour no. 1 girl... that's why... :D
Hey!:) Thanks for the comment<3 Glad that you liked ^^ Do rmb to check out the sequel<-- Scared you forget :D
beyond_facts #5
Like like likey ;D I'll go check out the seq some other time :'3
Great one xD
i really liked it^^
Thank you for your comment :) ! Much appreciated:D
aww, hoya is so nice x3
anyway this story ia great! i love it! :D