Chapter One:

Strength, Speed, Fierce...and Magic

                “Hey, get up! Time for school! You don’t wanna be late, do you?” I heard someone say- it was probably Tiffany.

Aish, why is she bothering me? Can’t she just leave me alone and let me be tardy? She’s not the one getting in trouble, I am…Why does she care? I thought bitterly.

“Ten more minutes…” I begged.

“No! You’re going to be late to school, and I won’t allow that. Bom’s already outside, getting her motorcycle ready…Hurry up, or we’ll leave without you!” Tiffany warned.

“Just leave without me, I don’t care. I’ll go by myself later.” I pulled my sheets over my head, but it was pulled immediately off of my body. I felt the cold morning air hit my skin, and I shivered. “Give me the blankets back, it’s cold!”

“I’m not giving it back until you get up, Yoobin.” She replied. I opened one eye, peeking at her. My eyes hurt because of the sun rays that were coming in from the open windows.

“Okay, okay, I’ll get up. Now give it back.” I said.

“Yoobin, just get up. I’ll put it back on your bed when you get up.” She said firmly.

I sighed and threw my lazy legs off the bed like I was going to get up.

“I’m getting up now, see? Put the blanket back.” I said.

“No, you’re not tricking me this time. You do this almost every morning, and I’m sick of it. If I give you the blanket, you’re just going to lie back down again.”

I groaned and got on my feet. I gave Tiffany a glare and stomped to the bathroom.

“There, you go.” Tiffany smirked.

“I’m gonna shower.” I said.

“No, you can’t shower! It’s too late, just wash your face and brush your teeth.”

“NO!!!” I exploded. I couldn’t go to school without a shower!!! What if I smelled? What if I looked dirty? No, I HAVE to shower!

“It’s your fault that you woke up late!” Tiffany said.

“No! I HAVE to shower! My hair smells like , and it feels dirty! I’m not leaving without a shower.” I threatened. I saw Tiffany take a deep, calming breath.

“Fine, whatever. I’m not going to argue with you because you’re just going to keep talking back to me, since you’re the stubborn older sister. But you have to hurry, okay? You’re going to make me tardy.” Tiffany surrendered.

“Okay, okay.” I said and hurried into the hot shower.


“What took you girls so long? We were almost tardy.” Bom said coldly.

“Sorry, I had to take a shower.” I casually said, drying my still-wet hair with my hands.

“Hurry up.” She replied.

Tiffany obeyed and jogged over to her pink motorcycle, while I casually strolled over to my white one. We all got on and started the engine.

“Yoobin, put your helmet on.” Tiffany reminded, as the worry-wart she is.

“No, I’m gonna dry my hair with the wind while riding. Genius, huh?” I smiled at my genius idea.

“Uh, no… The hair might get in your eyes and blind you. Then you’ll get into a motorcycle accident! Put your helmet on, unnie…” Tiffany said with pleading eyes.

“Wow, you actually called me unnie this time…” I said, surprised.

Hmmm… She never calls me unnie, but she finally said it this time. I thought. Oh, whatever, I’ll put on my helmet this one time.

I rolled my eyes, smiling, and put on my safety helmet. I shuddered at the weird feeling the rubber gave to my wet hair. I hate wearing helmets…

“Okay, let’s go. Dad’s gonna be mad if he finds out we’re tardy today.” Bom drove off first, and Tiffany and I trailed behind her.

The icy wind hit my face as we rode into the freeway. I could barely open my eyes. I seriously HATED living so far from our school… But because of our stupid dad, we had to live in a mansion that was sooooo freaking far away from the school.

Finally, after thirty minutes of the cold and painful ride through the freeway, we arrived at the parking lot next to the school. We parked all next to each other and hurried off to our first period.

“Run fast so you won’t get caught by the principal! You don’t want him to call Dad again.” Bom said as she bolted off in front of us. But Tiffany being the fastest ran off beating all of us in the run.

Bom was the oldest of all of us, but she was the slowest. I ran off in front of her, proud of my improvement in speed. But still, Bom got to her class the quickest since her class was the closest to the school entrance. Tiffany’s class was the farthest away, and yet she got there second. I panted and gulped in front of my classroom door, calming myself down before I went inside. I didn’t want to look like a sweating pig…

But before I can walk in, someone opened the door from the inside. I felt the metal door hit my head before I fell to the floor and groaned in pain. I clutched my hot head, an excruciating pain surging through my brains.

“Ahhhhh!” I groaned and buried my head in my knees.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry…Did it really hurt that much?” I heard a girl ask. I couldn’t answer, nor could I even look up.

Soon, I heard my sisters’ hurried footsteps near me. They were feeling the same pain as I did. As soon as my sisters reached me, they collapsed on the floor next to me and groaned along.

“I…I’m sorry…” I managed to say to my sisters.

“Dad,, please!” I heard Bom beg in pain.

“Father Zeus…it was just a door. Please, let the punishment vanish…We’ll be more careful next time…” Tiffany begged along. I, on the other hand, couldn’t say no more. I lied on the ground slowly, and felt paralyzed. I felt my limbs twitch occasionally.

“Y-Yoobin, are you okay?” Tiffany ran to my side worriedly. Tiffany and Bom’s pain were already gone now, and mine wasn’t since I was the one who got hurt in the first place.

“Daaaaaaaad!” I groaned. Then it felt like thousand knives were poking at my right eye. I groaned louder and closed my eyes.

“Yoobin, hang on, okay? All this pain will be over soon… In a few minutes, it should be done.” Bom said.

In a few MINUTES?! How was I going to survive this? But…I had to survive this. Dad won’t kill me, just make me suffer through the pain.

Then in a few moments, I heard my father’s voice.

“Yoobin, you must be careful next time. This is punishment for you because you weren’t careful enough. What if you were in war? What if someone tried to kill you? You would’ve died right now if it was a more serious and dangerous situation.” Dad said in his booming voice. “This pain will teach you to be much more careful next time. You have to think of all the situations, Yoobin, and plan ahead. I’ll be going now. Your punishment will end in five, four, three, two…one.”

And like that, he vanished. Even though I couldn’t see him, I knew that he was already gone.

“Yoobin, are you okay now?” Tiffany asked.

I groaned as I sat up. I felt a pang of pain in my head, but I knew it was over.

“Yeah.” I almost whispered. Bom handed me some tissues to wipe my tears. “I hate Dad and his stupid teaching methods. This won’t teach me anything, just hurt me and make me fear him even more. I hate being his daughter.” I said bitterly. 


A/N: Cha Seungwon is the dad. He's the guy in the picture. You might think he looks a bit young, but for your information, they're all immortals right now^^

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Chapter 1: Waaahhh, this was a fascinating first chapter! The main character was fun to read, and I'd love to see more of her and her friends.
reiixhelleyubin #2
Chapter 1: i love yoobin so much!... and pls. update soon :)
Well, this is a REALLY interesting story. O_O I've never seen such a story before and the characters I would never dream to pair up together XD. Interesting. Interesting. ;)
So even Tiffany, Yoobin, and Bom are immortals too? Is this a normal mortal school or is it Zeus' school of torture? o.o
O_O You must update soon.
(Tiffany's the eagle. I'm calling it. XD And I don't know. I think Yoobin is more fierce than Bom. But Bom doesn't seem strong to me. Too bad there's no corn option ): LOL)