Chapter 6 - All Settled!

To Meet, Perchance to Love?
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The soundless corridors with conspicuous emptiness from the absence of the students still enjoying their lunch break are once disturbed by some unrestrained snifflings coming from a certain man. Droplets of tears are pouring down from his face, making him look like a total mess. He is running unconsciously. But in truth, he just wants to escape from his reveries. He would be glad to be swallowed by the ground if it's possible. However, the ground won't budge and it remained as still as the unmoving earth. He ended his marathon run when the surroundings had finally registered to him. The place is totally foreign. He surveys the area with his gaping eyes still full of tears. Knowing that there was no one around, he could only breathe in relief. There was a signage that caught his attention and it says 'Welcome to Math Club'. He accidentally entered this building while running off. At least, he's now aware of his location. It was only next to the building where he came from. He suddenly felt tired. His knees are exhausted from running too hard and it finally gave in, making his body shift into a crouching position. It is never his intention but his mind was sent back from his earlier thoughts, causing another set of teardrops breaking out from his now swollen eyes.

'Why am I crying? S- so stupid.. stop.. please.. why won't you stop? Why-- Why now...?'

He himself doesn't even understand. He was telling his mind clearly but his tears has a life of its own, not really following his will. He felt the strong force of gravity making its way on him, dragging him down with his heavy feelings. Unnecessary thoughts occupied his brain fighting to cause some distress. He moved his hands up to his head, holding some strands of hair as if trying to keep his sanity intact. He was so lost on what to do. He tried to bring back his reasonings but to no avail, he was there physically but his mind was flying else where.


A familiar voice came, travelling within his ears. It made his body twitched. Slowly, footsteps were getting nearer and nearer as he heard them, making his body become stiff all of a sudden. He wants to run again because he knew the voice and its owner who's definitely heading towards him but his knees didn't allow him to do so. He shut his eyes closed, not wanting to face the taller man. He kept silent.

"Finally I- wait, are you crying?! Oh my god! I knew it, I'm so sorry Jongwoon." The worried man kneels down, trying to take a good look of Jongwoon's state.

He flinched hearing those words. 'Huh? Did I hear it correctly? Why is he apologizing to me?' He just can't  seem to believe what he was hearing.

"I'm so sorry, please don't cry..." He was about to caress Jongwoon's back and wipe those tears away from that lovely face but decided not to, he doesn't want to scare him even more.

"I- I'm not crying.. Kyuhyun..." Though it was pretty obvious, Jongwoon still tried his best denying it as he wiped dry his tears using the back of his hand. He takes a great effort just to say the name of the man.

"Jongwoon.. then what do you call those watery substances flowing in your face? Don't tell me those are sweats 'coz I won't buy it." Kyuhyun firmly made his stand, bringing out the sense of logic in Jongwoon's claim. "Anyway.. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that, I'm just trying to--" He wasn't able to finish his own words when he saw Jongwoon looked at him.

Jongwoon lifted his head looking at him directly in the eye, looking confused with the words he was hearing. After a few seconds, those words finally sinked in his brain. 'Does he care about me?' He began his inquiries.

"What do you mean Kyuhyun? Why are you apologizing? I-- I should be the one.. I- I'm a horrible person..." Jongwoon once again lowered his gaze, blaming himself. 'This can't be true, you still don't even know the truth.. Kyu..'

"Hold on right there Jongwoon, I think there's a misunderstanding here? How can you be a horrible pers--" 

"I almost kiss you!" Jongwoon shouted unexpectedly as he reveal his foolish action that he almost did to Kyuhyun. 'Now I've said it..'

"W- what??!" A very surprise tone came out from Kyuhyun's voice, now he's confused as well. 

"That's why..."


'He's mad at me.. he won't even say a thing...'

The air was filled with silence. Without saying anything, Kyuhyun stood up feeling a bit numb from his kneeling position earlier.

'Oh no! He's about to leave I need to say something.'

"I'm sorry Kyuhyun.. please don't get--"

"Get up."


"Get up there, we need to talk this out."

"W- what??? Bu--"

Jongwoon was not able to grasp the situation. Kyuhyun didn't let him finish his sentence when the taller man took a hold of his hand and drag him to a room not too far from their location leaving the still confused Jongwoon speechless as he let the other lead the way. He's following behind him and they are holding hands, Jongwoon didn't notice but Kyuhyun is now going through a blushing moment of his life.

There's a clicking sound from the door after Kyuhyun slides the key in the doorknob. He looks at Jongwoon with their hands still connected to each other, then they went inside. From the looks of it, this is totally the Math Club Room. The design on the walls are filled with numbers and different equations that could drain anyones' brain cells by just trying to look at it especially those who are enemies of Mathematics, not to mention the signage he saw outside just a while ago. Jongwoon doesn't really hate Math but he's not that fond of the subject either. He is now observing the room still dumbstruck. He felt his hand now free from Kyuhyun's much bigger hands holding him. Then he heard the door being lock. He gulped, too many thoughts came in his mind running at the same time.

'Is this the end? Am I gonna die here? I'm sorry.. I just really love you and I don't regret feeling this way about you Kyuhyun-ah..' Jongwoon is simply amazing. His thoughts are out of this world. How can he even think of dying at this moment? 'At least I've held your hand.' 

"So.. You like me?" Kyuhyun immediately drop the bomb and it caught Jongwoon off guard. He remained silent, he didn't know how to reply. It's definitely not what he's expecting to hear. Seeing that Jongwoon won't reply, Kyuhyun continued his monologue.

"You don't?" 

"NO!---I -I --I, what I mean is..." He's surprised from Kyuhyun's second question, making him answer instantly. He didn't want to deny his love for the taller man but he just don't know how to explain. He was stuttering uncontrollably but Kyuhyun did not mind, he tried to speak instead in his place.

"What to do with you my angel? You're so cute right now I wanna hug and kiss you. I should have kiss you back there." Kyuhyun smiled genuinely at Jongwoon for the first time and yes, it's not a smirk. His eyes are filled with love and affection. Being his almighty self, he figured it out already or to be precise, he just assumed everything with his almighty confidence.

"Kyuhyun-ssi... please don't take pity on me." Jongwoon believes that there's no actual truth in Kyuhyun's words. How can there be? It's impossible. Kyuhyun likes to hug him and even more kiss him? But it's probably a joke or just a sympathy. Through the years, Jongwoon had already lost his confidence when it comes to himself.

"KIM JONGWOON! What the ?" Kyuhyun finally snapped hearing those words from Jongwoon, startling the smaller man in the process. He was not mad at him but with his words, he hated how Jongwoon has low self-esteem. His angel is being hard on himself and he couldn't take it, it hurts him.

Jongwoon is sure that this time, Kyuhyun is really angry. His voice is quite frightening, suddenly shouting like that. But his eyes, it looks hurting as if they are in pain. Maybe he's wrong? Perhaps Kyuhyun really does mean what he's saying but he needs reassurance. 

"B--but you rejected me..."


"The kiss."

"Oh.. I was restraining myself. I couldn't afford scaring away my angel."

"Will you believe me, please?" Kyuhyun gives his most endearing looks, he's voice full with gentleness, very calming and it went directly through Jongwoon's heart making the other nod for a response.

It's an automatic response, after seeing Kyuhyun like that and hearing

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I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!


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394 streak #1
Chapter 9: you're still not here? I'm sad T^T
394 streak #2
Chapter 9: still waiting, take your time, and please make sure to come back <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #3
Chapter 9: You must come back authornim, this fic is desperately waiting to be updated....your readers are too !!!
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 9: Loving this, continue......please!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Just read this all again because I forgot the story.
I love this chapter! Will you keep updating?
Chapter 9: Welcome backkk!!!!!! I swear I'm missing all this fluffy heesung so bad!!!
394 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome baaaaaaack <3333333

I'm so happy! Finally~ Heechul knew about his younger brother's relationship~

Can't wait to know what will Heechul do to Kyuhyun >___<

PS : Be safe to beib~ <3
Chapter 9: I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!
PathxX #9
This is one of the many fics that I really wish would continue T . T

Fighting, autornim! <3
394 streak #10
Chapter 8: I'm still waiting for you author-nim~