Chapter 5 - The Agony of 'Love'(?)

To Meet, Perchance to Love?
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Cafeteria - a heavenly place for hungry beasts, such as these bunch of college students patiently waiting in line for their most awaited sustenance. Not only filled with delicious nourishing meals but also with these wonderful smell lurking in the air, it can make anyones' stomach growl in delight. This cafeteria is actually one of the best selling points of Seoul National University. As we all know, it is not very common in Universities to find scrumptious meals inside its campus while still being affordable. That's why SNU offered this desirable feature solely for the sake of their students' welfare which in return became a popular attraction for incoming freshmen every year. Who would say 'NO' to food anyway?

The place was engaged with soft indistinct sounds of mutterings made by different people in the cafeteria but it's not really disturbing as it looks like. Kibum, Sungmin and Ryewook chose the vacant seats near the windows. They decided to wait for Jongwoon's return before buying their own meal. For a few moments, there was an awkward silence between the three of them until Ryeowook decided to speak.

"Sooo Kibum? You like games?" It was a bit forced coming from the petite man but it's better than the uncomfortable silence he's feeling right now. He just thought of asking because he saw him holding his psp this morning.

"I do, I play everyday." Kibum replied shortly, sensing the uneasiness of the other man caused by the unnerving silence though he's not really bothered by it.

"Ohhh nice." Ryeowook formed an 'O' shape in his mouth while eying his lover, as if telling him to join their conversation.

"We actually have a friend who's a game addict. Gaming is his life aside from doing Math problems." Sungmin chuckled, he thought that Ryeowook is trying too hard to maintain their exchanging of words even using Kyuhyun as their topic , though it made things easier to speak with Kibum.

"Oh yes! His name is Kyuhyun and he will also join us here in a bit. I already sent him a text. I wonder where he is?" He was actually worried because Kyuhyun told them to wait him in the classroom but meeting the others, he and Sungmin forgot about it. Well at least he already informed him of their location. They will just face his wrath later.

"Really? I would be glad to meet him then." Kibum is not the friendliest type of person to be honest, however, he's trying to be as friendly as possible. 

"But a little reminder, he's actually a conceited person. He's too arrogant sometimes, even to us." Sungmin giggled from the thought of their egocentric friend.

"But even if he's like that, he's actually a good person and fun to hang out with. We're older than him by a year but he protects us from bullies before." Ryeowook is indeed grateful to Kyuhyun though he won't admit it. He was Kyuhyun's first bestfriend till Sungmin came in the picture. He was always bullied because he looks so timid when he was a child and Kyuhyun would always rescue him, he thought Kyuhyun was a super hero back then. Thinking back now, it became an embarrassing memory for him and he won't let it be known to anyone till his last breath.

"Sounds like he's a great person." Kibum gave his sincere smile to the other two.

"He is." Both Sungmin and Ryeowook replied at the same time causing a small laugh to escape from their lips. It's a normal thing for these lovebirds as if they have one mind shared to each other.

Kibum once again beamed his blinding smile. He can see that their relationship was built with trust and love. They have good friendship unlike him, he grew up alone and games are his only companion. He somehow felt envious but in a good way. He just wish he can also find this kind of simple happiness.

The three of them seemed to have warmed up to each other. Even if they have moments of silence, it was not awkward anymore. They were only interruped when Kibum's phone started to ring. It was a call from his 'friend' as he sees the caller ID.

"I'm sorry I need to take this call."


"No problem."

Kibum then went to a less crowded location, he can't hear properly with all those loud chatterings from the background. He made sure to have a clear conversation with his friend he haven't met yet in person. The caller is actually a friend in game who happens to be attending the same school as him. They are friends for two years now and it all started because they became teammates on this one particular occasion. In the long run, they became a stable party and in due course, they finally became friends. Long story short, he was his only 'friend' that he trust. Funny because they never really have the chance to meet in person, they never went on the topic of meeting each other only till now when his friend blurted out his excitement about his brother getting into the same college as him which is in Seoul National University. Kibum then casually told his friend that he was also going to attend the same college this coming spring and with that, they decided to see each other when school starts. He learned that his friend was actually an upperclassman of 2 years but this piece of information didn't change a thing in their friendship. The rest is history.

"Yaaaaah! What took you so long to answer, huh my servant!?"

A deafening roar can be heard through the other line of the call and it made Kibum winced in pain. It was a familiar voice that he only knew not too long ago.

"Is that how you call a friend? My ears had received a thundering blow, I thought I lost them." 

"Serves you right! How dare you make SpaceBigStar wait? You're too slow to be my friend KillerSmile."

"Haha sorry. I'm with friends though I just met them."

"Ohh and here I thought we have a date? Cheater~"

"I don't date my friends and I don't even know your real name."

"Booo no fun, I don't know yours either so fair enough."

"Lol, anyway your my sunbae right? Is it okay for me to treat you the same?"

"Yeah yeah, just call me hyung."



"Nothing.. I'm just happy I'm finally gonna meet a friend like you."

"Aww you lonely brat! Stop it, I won't fall for your tricks."

"Tsk, I thought it would work."

"Did you just click your tongue on me you damn brat?"

"Stop calling me a brat hyung, I have a name!"

"Oh really? What is it then?"




"Hahahahaha stupid brat."

"I can't believe I fell for your trap..."

"Me too haha, are you that stupid Kibummie~"

"Stop it hyung.."

"Heechul~ since I took pitty on you, I'll tell my name as well."


"Aww Kibummie is sulking, let hyung comfort you~"

"You know.. let's just meet I have this urge of hitting you."

"Oh sorry, I'm not into people younger than me~"

"Ugh why am I friends with you!"


"Tsk, where are you?"

"Yaaah! You still clicking your tongue? Manners brat!"

"Coming from you hyung."

"You! Just you wait I'm really going to hit you!"

"No thanks hyung. I'm not into people 'older' than me."

"Tsk damn brat. Meet me in the Student Council Room."

"Okay haha. See ya."

"Yeah yeah bye~"

They ended their friendly bantering just like that. Kibum felt

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I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!


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392 streak #1
Chapter 9: you're still not here? I'm sad T^T
392 streak #2
Chapter 9: still waiting, take your time, and please make sure to come back <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #3
Chapter 9: You must come back authornim, this fic is desperately waiting to be updated....your readers are too !!!
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 9: Loving this, continue......please!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Just read this all again because I forgot the story.
I love this chapter! Will you keep updating?
Chapter 9: Welcome backkk!!!!!! I swear I'm missing all this fluffy heesung so bad!!!
392 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome baaaaaaack <3333333

I'm so happy! Finally~ Heechul knew about his younger brother's relationship~

Can't wait to know what will Heechul do to Kyuhyun >___<

PS : Be safe to beib~ <3
Chapter 9: I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!
PathxX #9
This is one of the many fics that I really wish would continue T . T

Fighting, autornim! <3
392 streak #10
Chapter 8: I'm still waiting for you author-nim~