Chapter 7 - The Calm Before The Storm

To Meet, Perchance to Love?
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Game Over - These two words made its appearance on a large gaming screen inside Jongwoon's room. EunHae were playing video games while Jongwoon was there sitting on his bed. 

"So... what do you think?"

There was only a deafening silence after he told his bestfriends about the matter of his first ever love encounter that ensued at their Uni not too long ago. After school they went to his room, catching up with each other. He was never hesitant to tell his bestfriends about Cho Kyuhyun, the man who stole his heart. He told them first since his older brother is still at school. He decided to tell him later, it's much better to have a one on one talk with the great Kim Heechul after all. 

"A- are you sure about this Sungie? You don't fully know him yet. WE don't know him.." Eunhyuk forgot about the contoller he was holding, causing him to lose the game he's currently playing with Donghae when he heard Jongwoon. He cannot believe his bestfriend's words. Well, there's no doubt he is happy to know that Jongwoon has finally found someone dear to him like how he have Donghae but it's too sudden. How can his bestfriend easily fell to a total stranger that fast? They were only gone by his side for a couple of hours and this already happened. This Cho Kyu-whatever, what did he do to their precious friend?

Jongwoon kept silent for a moment when Eunhyuk looked at him trying to talk some sense in him. He got nervous but he nods his head as a reply indicating that he already made his decision to start something with Kyuhyun. Then after another period of silence, Donghae suddenly stood up and without saying anything he left the room, closing the door with a loud bang, startling the other two.

"Donghae..." Jongwoon was surprised at Donghae's reaction. His bestfriend didn't even look him in the eye before leaving.

'Is he mad at me? Maybe Hyukkie as well...'

"I'm sorry Hyukkie, please don't be mad at me..." He can only apologize. He knew what he said about his love for Kyuhyun sounded so crazy considering that he just met the said man and this same day, he allowed their feelings to develop but Jongwoon wants to share this experience with his loveones, his bestfriends. It is a first for him and informing them is the first thing that comes into his mind.

"No Jongwoon.. it's not like that. Look, I'm not mad okay? I'm just... too shocked. I mean it's so sudden, him and you.. And don't mind Hae, he's just sulking, feeling the same way I do"

"But he left without saying a word... he probably hates me now"

"No, that's not even possible. Hae is too attached to you Sungie, just give him some time"

"I see.. but I'm still worried-"

"I'll support you," Eunhyuk went to Jongwoon and sat beside him.

"H- huh?"

"I mean I don't know anything about that Cho Kyu-whatever but it doesn't mean that I will get in the way. I'm your bestfriend and I trust your judgement"

"Hyukkie!" Jongwoon hugs Eunhyuk out of joy.

"I would be very happy to watch over you Yesung. I'll always be by yourside no matter what," he caresses Jongwoon's back before releasing him from their hug.

Eunhyuk chuckled at his bestfriend's cuteness, he said he won't get in their way but he was already planning to break them apart if that Kyu-whatever is not a good person who deserves his bestfriend's love and affection.

"By the way Hyuk, his name is Kyuhyun. You need to remember it okay?" Jongwoon smiled brightly at his friend and in that moment Eunhyuk felt defeated seeing that smile. He decided to postponed his schemes at least for now. He returned the smile to his dear friend.

"I will Sungie. Sooo mind telling me the details?" Though Eunhyuk was still not sure about his feelings on this matter, he can't help himself but to get curious. He deeply cares for Jongwoon's well-being.

Jongwoon excitedly told Eunhyuk the whole events that occured at their Uni including his drama. He felt embarrassed on that part but he just shrugged the thought, leaving it behind to be just a good memory of his idiot self.

"For real?? So he already made you cry that brat!"

"Noooo, it's my fault. I have assumed things wrongly, are you not listening to my story?"

"Haha I'm just kidding," Eunhyuk teases his friend. "But really, if he made you cry this time even if it's not intentional, I will be glad to give him a piece of me" Saying this with a smile on his face, it doesn't really sound like a threat but Eunhyuk is being serious.

"Thank you Hyukkie, I know you will" In return, Jongwoon flashed his blinding smile, grateful for his friend.

"It's good that you guys decided to take it slow, after all, it's still better to know more about each other. Agreeing with that set up, I think he's a decent man"

"I think so too Hyuk. If you have seen his panic state when he saw me crying, you would understand his sincerity"

"Oh, really? I never thought I would see my Yesungie being head over heels for someone~ haha"

"Hey! I- I'm just telling the truth!"

"Cute turtle, come here I'll hug you"

"Ugh, stop monkey"

"Hey but this monkey will miss you! You won't just belong to us anymore Sungie" Eunhyuk says with an evident tone of sadness in his voice. It's still hard for him to accept but he would choose to be happy for his precious friend.

When he heard it, Jongwoon ended his struggling from his bestfriend's hug, he knew what he meant but it's not necessarily true, right? His attention might be divided but he would still be the same Jongwoon. Donghae and Eunhyuk's bestfriend, 'his' bestfriend. Their relationship will never change, he could never imagine that their frienship would cease to exist, he won't allow it.

"Lee Hyukjae... I, Kim Jongwoon, will be your bestfriend forever along with Lee Donghae so stop thinking like that, hmm?" Jongwoon declared his thoughts sincerely, his eyes filled with determination. Then he hugs Eunhyuk as tightly as he could.

Eunhyuk on the other hand, bursted out from laughter. Sometimes, his innocent friend is too adorable for his own good. 

"Yesungie, you're so cute! Hahah no wonder he instantly fell in love with you"

"Aish Hyuk, you're teasing me again!"

"Haha I'm serious though"

"I'm serious too Hyuk! What I said... I will never allow our friendship to fade away"

"Aww, I know that stupid Jongwoon~ So am I and that idiot Donghae too. You, me and Donghae, we will always be together"

They both smiled genuinely to each other. There are no more words needed to feel reassured, they have this strong bond that can never be broken by anything or anyone. This thing called true friendship, its within themselves.



"So you went home. I was actually waiting for you to come back, I mean WE are waiting for you, but turns out you hid yourself here"

"Not now Hyuk, I'm thinking.."

"Lee Donghae, you better talk to Jongwoon. He's really worried you know and he thinks that you would stop being his friend"

"What??? Impossible! That stupid Jongwoon..."

"Well, you are stupid too. Leaving like that of course he would assume you are mad at him or something like that"

"You know that is not the case Hyuk"

"Then what? Would you mind discussing this to me?"

"It's just... you know our Jongwoon.. how can you be this calm? You accepted this already?"

"Haek.. we are his bestfriends but we don't have the right to dictate what he feels"

"But I just can't accept this.. how can that stranger take our Jongwoon"

"Oh my god Lee Donghae! You're being too possessive you know. I'll remind you in case you forgot, you are a friend not his lover.."

"What?? Of course I know that"

"Then why are you acting like this? I'm also his bestfriend but I don't get you. Could it be... you really do have feelings for Jongw--"

"NO! Hyukiee... are we going to talk about this nonsense again? I only love you, Jongwoon is our bestfriend"



"I know you are afraid that he could get hurt but that's why we are here Haek and getting hurt is normal when you are in love. We can always guide him but for now he just needs us to be there and to understand his decisions. When we told him about us, he immediately accepted us and he didn't even get mad when we lied to him. I know its hard but can't we do the same for him?"

Donghae stayed silent for a moment, thinking about his lover's words. It's true, he's being

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I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!


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392 streak #1
Chapter 9: you're still not here? I'm sad T^T
392 streak #2
Chapter 9: still waiting, take your time, and please make sure to come back <3
Liza_Blessedx2 #3
Chapter 9: You must come back authornim, this fic is desperately waiting to be updated....your readers are too !!!
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 9: Loving this, continue......please!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Just read this all again because I forgot the story.
I love this chapter! Will you keep updating?
Chapter 9: Welcome backkk!!!!!! I swear I'm missing all this fluffy heesung so bad!!!
392 streak #7
Chapter 9: Welcome baaaaaaack <3333333

I'm so happy! Finally~ Heechul knew about his younger brother's relationship~

Can't wait to know what will Heechul do to Kyuhyun >___<

PS : Be safe to beib~ <3
Chapter 9: I'm sorry for being away o(╥﹏╥)o
I'm happy to read all your comments, thank you for reading this and for waiting patiently. You guys are the best!
PathxX #9
This is one of the many fics that I really wish would continue T . T

Fighting, autornim! <3
392 streak #10
Chapter 8: I'm still waiting for you author-nim~