
I am Bae Joo-hyun and this is my story of how I became AGENT Irene the most vicious woman trained to be a killer and how I took down the biggest Assassination Organization R.E.D down for making me what I am today, with the help of my Trainer V.






Bae Joo-hyun

Later AGENT (CODENAME - Irene) - Fierce and Cold Hearted, but she wasn't always like that. She used to be outgoing, friendly and full of life, before the accident. It was a Field-trip day at Irene School, it was her Senior Trip and they were going on a cruise to a tropical island. Heading to the Island with her four best friends they thought nothing of it. However what lies ahead of them was so gruesome and terrible. As the five girls were relaxing on the ship headed to the Island, the ship was then hijacked by a group of rebellions. There were gunshots and bombs going off. Scared for their lives they ran, Joo-hyun ran as fast as she could, she looked back and saw they held her friends hostage. They were coming after her, as she contemplates her choices she then decided to jump off the boat and into the deep waters. Gunshot were coming towards her hitting the surfaces of the water. She swam and swam until she was knocked out by a huge current. As her body swept off to shore, she lies there unconscious. She slowly opens her eyes and she is unable to move, she see a silhouette of a man. She feels her body being lift off the sand as the man takes her to place where she is unable to tell. It looks like a lab of some sort.. It bright in here, they’re others . He places her body on a bed and she being tended to by what looks like doctors. As she tries to look around more they put sleeping gas making her unconscious again. What is to come of Bae Joo-hyun? Who are those people? Where is she? Who is that Mystery Man?


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